SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

        Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Information Statement

[_]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
     (as permitted by Rule 14c-5(d)(2))

[_]  Definitive Information Statement

                         NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING INC.
                (Name of Registrant As Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[_]  No Fee required

[X]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
   Common stock, par value $0.01 per share of Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
   $67.50 based on (i) the average of the closing sale price for a share of
   Northrop Grumman common stock on the New York Stock Exchange as reported in
   the Wall Street Journal over the 5-day trading period starting on
   November 20, 2001 and ending on November 27, 2001, which equals $93.84
   multiplied by (ii) 0.7193.

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5) Total fee paid:
[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[X]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:

     (2) Form, schedule or registration Statement No.:
   Registration No.333-61506, Form S-4

     (3) Filing party:
   Northrop Grumman Corporation

     (4) Date filed:
   May 23, 2001

* This amount is offset by the $340,398.04 fee previously paid in connection
with the filing of the Form S-4 by Northrop Grumman Corporation on May 23, 2001,
in connection with the first step of the transactions of which the merger that
is the subject of this information statement is a part, and as such the
Northrop Grumman Corporation will pay the remaining fee of $98,526.80.

                         NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING INC.
                             4101 Washington Avenue
                          Newport News, Virginia 23607

                        TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 16, 2002

                                                               December 17, 2001

To the Stockholders of Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.:

     We will hold a special meeting of our stockholders on Wednesday, January
16, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. (local time) at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
at 350 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071.

     As described in the enclosed Information Statement, at the special meeting
you will:

     (1)  Consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt an agreement and plan
          of merger by and among Newport News Shipbuilding Inc., Northrop
          Grumman Corporation, and Purchaser Corp. I, a wholly owned subsidiary
          of Northrop Grumman, providing for, among other things, the merger of
          Newport News with and into Purchaser Corp. I. Following the merger,
          Purchaser Corp. I will continue as the surviving corporation and the
          separate existence of Newport News will cease.

     (2)  Transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
          or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     On November 7, 2001, the Newport News board of directors approved the
merger agreement and the merger.

     The merger will constitute the second and final step of the acquisition of
Newport News by Northrop Grumman in a two-step transaction pursuant to which
Northrop Grumman, as the owner of all of the capital stock of Purchaser Corp. I,
will acquire the entire equity interest in Newport News. The first step was an
exchange offer commenced by Northrop Grumman through Purchaser Corp. I on May
23, 2001 for the right to receive either 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman
common stock, par value $1.00 per share, or $67.50 net in cash, for each
outstanding share of Newport News common stock, par value $0.01 per share
(subject to the proration procedures and limitations described in the offer).
The offer expired on November 29, 2001. Purchaser Corp. I acquired approximately
26,241,019 shares of Newport News (representing approximately 80.7% of the
shares outstanding as of November 29, 2001).

     Upon completion of the merger, each share of Newport News common stock
(other than common stock owned by Newport News, Northrop Grumman or Purchaser
Corp. I and Newport News common stock for which appraisal rights have been
exercised in accordance with Delaware law) will be converted into the right to
receive either 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock or $67.50 net in
cash (subject to the proration procedures and limitations described in the
offer), the same consideration as in the exchange offer. Northrop Grumman
currently anticipates that the merger will be completed on January 16, 2002, or
as promptly as practicable thereafter.

     Holders of record of Newport News common stock at the close of business on
December 5, 2001 will be entitled to vote at the special meeting or any
adjournment or postponement. As of the record date, Northrop Grumman and its
affiliates own an aggregate of 26,241,019 shares, representing approximately
80.7% of all shares outstanding on that date. The affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of all outstanding shares is sufficient to adopt the
merger agreement. Therefore, Northrop Grumman can cause the merger to occur
without the affirmative vote of any other stockholder.

     Please read the attached Information Statement carefully.

                        WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY

     Enclosed with this information statement is a letter of election and
transmittal for use in surrendering your share certificates. You will have until
January 16, 2002 (the effective time of the merger), upon surrender of your
certificates, to elect to receive either cash or stock in the merger. After
January 16, 2002, you will still be able to surrender your share certificates
but will not be able to elect the form of consideration that you will receive.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                        John H. Mullan
                                        Secretary and Director

Newport News, Virginia
December 17, 2001

                         NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING INC.
                             4101 Washington Avenue
                          Newport News, Virginia 23607

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT




     This Information Statement is being furnished to the holders of common
stock of Newport News Shipbuilding Inc., a Delaware corporation in connection
with the special meeting of stockholders of Newport News to be held on January
16, 2002 at 9:00 a.m., local time, at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
at 350 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071, for the following purposes:

     1.   To consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt the merger agreement,
          dated November 7, 2001, among Newport News, Northrop Grumman
          Corporation and Purchaser Corp. I, a wholly owned subsidiary of
          Northrop Grumman, as described in this Information Statement; and

     2.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     The merger is the second and final step of Northrop Grumman's two-part
acquisition of Newport News. The first step was an exchange offer commenced by
Purchaser Corp. I on May 23, 2001 for the right to receive either 0.7193 shares
of Northrop Grumman common stock, par value $1.00 per share, or $67.50 net in
cash, for each outstanding share of Newport News common stock, par value $0.01
per share (subject to the proration procedures and limitations described in the
offer). The offer expired on November 29, 2001. Purchaser Corp. I acquired
approximately 26,241,019 shares of Newport News (representing approximately
80.7% of the shares outstanding as of November 29, 2001).

     Holders of record of Newport News common stock at the close of business on
December 5, 2001 will be entitled to vote at the special meeting or any
adjournment or postponement.

     Northrop Grumman can cause the merger to occur without the affirmative vote
of any other holder of shares.

     Enclosed with this information statement is a letter of election and
transmittal for use in surrending your share cetificates. You will have until
January 16, 2002 (the effective time of the merger), upon surrender of your
certificates, to elect to receive either cash or stock in the merger. After
January 16, 2002, you will still be able to surrender your share certificates
but will not be able to elect the form of consideration that you will receive.
Please read this Information Statement carefully.


     Information Statement dated December 17, 2001, and intended to be first
mailed to stockholders on December 17, 2001.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE MERGER........................................................     1
RISK FACTORS..................................................................................     5
   DATA.......................................................................................    10
SELECTED HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA OF NEWPORT NEWS ...........................................    13
COMPARATIVE PER SHARE INFORMATION ............................................................    14
COMPARATIVE MARKET DATA.......................................................................    16
   Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements ...............................    17
   Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements (Unaudited).....................    22
THE SPECIAL MEETING...........................................................................    23
   Time, Place, Date..........................................................................    23
   Purpose of the Special Meeting ............................................................    23
   Record Date; Quorum; Outstanding Shares Entitled to Vote ..................................    23
   Vote Required .............................................................................    23
   Surrender of Certificates and Payment Procedures ..........................................    23
   The Merger Consideration...................................................................    24
APPRAISAL RIGHTS..............................................................................    26
THE MERGER....................................................................................    28
   Background of the Offer and the Merger.....................................................    28
   Northrop Grumman Reasons for the Offer and Merger..........................................    31
   Recommendation and Reasons of Newport News Board of Directors..............................    31
   Opinion of Newport News' Financial Advisor...................................................  34
   Purpose and Structure of the Merger; Reasons of Northrop Grumman for the Merger............    42
   The Merger Agreement.......................................................................    42
   Delisting of Newport News Shares Following the Merger......................................    45
   Regulatory Approvals.......................................................................    45
   Accounting Treatment.......................................................................    46
INTERESTS OF CERTAIN PERSONS IN THE MERGER ...................................................    47
MATERIAL U.S. FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES.................................................    48
SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP REPORTING COMPLIANCE.......................................    62
LEGAL MATTERS.................................................................................    62
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS..........................................................................    62
OTHER MATTERS.................................................................................    63
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION...........................................................    63
ANNEX A --Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law--Appraisal rights...............   A-1



     The merger of Newport News with and into Purchaser Corp. I, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Corporation, will constitute the second and final
step of the acquisition of Newport News by Northrop Grumman. The first step was
an exchange offer, commenced by Northrop Grumman through its subsidiary on May
23, 2001, for the right to receive either 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman
common stock or $67.50 net in cash for each outstanding share of Newport News
common stock (subject to the proration procedures and limitations described in
the offer). The offer expired on November 29, 2001. Purchaser Corp. I acquired
approximately 26,241,019 shares representing approximately 80.7% of the shares
outstanding as of November 29, 2001. The following are some questions you, as a
stockholder of Newport News, may have and the answers to those questions. We
urge you to carefully read the remainder of this information statement because
the information provided in these questions and answers is not complete and
additional important information is contained in the remainder of this
information statement. Stockholders are urged to read this information statement
in its entirety.

Q: When and where is the special meeting?

A: Newport News will hold a special meeting of stockholders on January 16,
2002, at 9:00 a.m., local time, at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson at
350 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071. See "The Special Meeting."

Q: Is my vote required to adopt the merger agreement?

A: No. The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by
the holders of all outstanding shares as of the record date will be required to
adopt the merger agreement. Northrop Grumman and Purchaser Corp. I have agreed
to vote all of the shares they own in favor of the adoption of the merger
agreement. Because Northrop Grumman and its affiliates own approximately 80.7%
of the outstanding shares on the record date, adoption of the merger agreement
is assured without the vote of any other stockholder. You are not being asked
for a proxy and you are requested not to send one. See "The Special Meeting --
Vote Required."

Q: Who are the parties to the transaction?

A: Northrop Grumman
1840 Century Park East
Los Angeles, California 90067
(310) 553-6262

Northrop Grumman is a leading global aerospace and defense company providing
products and services in defense and commercial electronics, systems
integration, information technology and non-nuclear-powered shipbuilding and
systems. As a prime contractor, principal subcontractor, partner or preferred
supplier, Northrop Grumman participates in many high-priority defense and
commercial technology programs in the United States and abroad. Northrop Grumman
is a holding company formed in connection with the acquisition of Litton
Industries, Inc. in April 2001. Northrop Grumman is aligned into five business
sectors: Integrated Systems, Electronic Systems, Information Technology, Ship
Systems and Component Technologies.

Purchaser Corp. I
c/o Northrop Grumman Corporation
1840 Century Park East
Los Angeles, California 90067
(310) 553-6262

   Purchaser Corp. I is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. Purchaser
Corp. I was organized on October 11, 2001 for the purpose of acquiring the
Newport News shares tendered in response to the offer and merging with Newport
News in the merger. It has not carried on any activities other than in
connection with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.


Newport News
4101 Washington Avenue
Newport News, Virginia 23607
(757) 380-2000

   Newport News' primary business is the design, construction, repair,
maintenance, overhaul and refueling of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and
submarines for the U.S. Navy.

     As a result of the first step, Newport News is approximately 80.7% owned by
Purchaser Corp. I, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northrop Grumman.

Q: What will I be entitled to receive in exchange for my shares of Newport News?

A: Upon completion of the merger, each share of Newport News common stock (other
than shares owned by Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I, or Newport News and
shares for which appraisal rights have been exercised in accordance with
Delaware law) will be converted into the right to receive either 0.7193 shares
of Northrop Grumman common stock or $67.50 net in cash (subject to the proration
procedures and limitations described in the offer), the same consideration paid
in the offer. See "The Special Meeting -- The Merger Consideration."

Q: Is there an agreement governing the merger?

A: Yes. Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and Newport News entered into an
agreement and plan of merger dated as of November 7, 2001. The merger agreement
provides, among other things, for the terms and conditions of the offer and the
merger of Newport News into Purchaser Corp. I following the offer. See "The
Merger -- Purpose and Structure of the Merger; Reasons of Northrop Grumman for
the Merger."

Q: Does Newport News support the merger?

A: Yes. Newport News' board of directors has determined that the merger
agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby, including the offer and the
merger, taken together, are advisable and fair to, and in the best interests of,
Newport News stockholders and unanimously recommends that Newport News
stockholders adopt the merger agreement. Newport News' board of directors has
approved the merger agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.
Information about the recommendation of Newport News' board of directors is more
fully described in Newport News' amended Solicitation/Recommendation Statement
on Schedule 14D-9/A, which was previously mailed to Newport News stockholders
together with the prospectus dated November 13, 2001.

Q: Did the Newport News board of directors receive an opinion from its financial

A: Yes. In connection with the offer and merger, Newport News' board of
   directors received the opinion of its financial advisor, Credit Suisse
   First Boston Corporation, regarding the fairness, from a financial point of
   view, of the aggregate consideration to be received in the offer and merger
   by the holders of Newport News common stock (other than Northrop Grumman
   and its affiliates). A copy of the opinion is included in Newport News
   Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9/A, which was
   previously mailed to Newport News stockholders. See "The Merger -- Opinion
   of Newport News' Financial Advisor."

Q: When do the companies expect to complete the merger?

A: Northrop Grumman expects to complete the merger on January 16, 2002, or as
soon as practicable thereafter. The merger will become effective upon filing the
certificate of merger with the Secretary of the State of Delaware or such later
time as is agreed by Newport News and Northrop Grumman and specified in the
certificate of merger. See "The Merger."


Q: Can the merger agreement be terminated?

A: The merger agreement may be terminated by either Northrop Grumman, Purchaser
Corp. I or Newport News under certain circumstances. See "The Merger -- Merger

Q: Is Northrop Grumman's financial condition relevant?

A: Yes. Since shares of Newport News common stock issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the effective time (other than shares owned by Northrop
Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I or Newport News or shares for which appraisal rights
have been exercised in accordance with Delaware law) will be converted into a
right to receive 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock or $67.50 net in
cash (subject to the proration procedures and limitations described in the
offer), Newport News stockholders should consider Northrop Grumman's financial
condition and particularly, the section entitled "Risk Factors" before deciding
whether to elect to become one of Northrop Grumman's stockholders pursuant to
the merger. In considering Northrop Grumman's financial condition, you should
review carefully the information in this information statement, the prospectus
dated November 13, 2001 and the documents incorporated by reference in this
information statement because they contain detailed business, financial and
other information about Northrop Grumman.

Q: What will happen to Newport News after the merger is completed?

A: After completion of the merger, Purchaser Corp. I will continue as the
surviving corporation and Newport News' separate corporate existence will cease.
The former holders of Newport News shares will no longer possess any direct
interest in Newport News. Promptly upon completion of the merger, Newport News
will terminate the registration of its shares under Section 12 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). In addition, upon
termination of the registration of the shares under the Exchange Act, the shares
will no longer be eligible for inclusion on the New York Stock Exchange and on
the Chicago Stock Exchange. See "The Merger -- Delisting of Newport News Shares
Following the Merger." In the merger, Purchaser Corp. I will change its name to
Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.

Q: What is the accounting treatment for the merger?

A: The acquisition of Newport News by Northrop Grumman's wholly owned
subsidiary, Purchaser Corp. I, would be accounted for under the purchase method
of accounting under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, which means
that Newport News' results of operations will be included with Northrop
Grumman's from the closing date and Newport News' consolidated assets and
liabilities will be recorded at their fair values at the same date.

Q: Do any existing or former members of Newport News' management or board of
directors have interests in the merger other than as stockholders of Newport

A: Yes. Certain existing and former members of Newport News' management and
board of directors (as well as employees of Newport News) have interests in the
merger other than as stockholders relating to, among other things, (i) the terms
of employment and non-competition agreements and change of control severance
agreements between Newport News and certain members of management, providing for
cash payments and other benefits; and (ii) the acceleration of unvested stock
options for certain members of management. See "Interests of Certain Persons in
the Merger."

Q: Should I send in my stock certificates now?

A: Yes. A letter of election and transmittal for use in surrendering share
certificates is enclosed with this information statement. See "The Merger."
Certificates representing Newport News shares should be sent in once
stockholders receive the enclosed letter of election and transmittal and
accompanying instructions, and then should be surrendered only in accordance
with such instructions. Stockholders will have until January 16, 2002 (the
effective time of the merger), upon surrender of their certificates, to elect
the right to receive either cash or stock in the merger. You may make an
election by completing the enclosed letter of election and transmittal without
surrendering your Newport News stock certificates; however, if you surrender
your Newport News stock certificates when returning the letter of election and
transmittal, you will lose your appraisal rights, if any. After January 16,
2002, stockholders will still be able to exchange their shares


but will not be able to elect the form of consideration that they will receive.
Rather, you will receive the underelected form of consideration (or a
proportionate share of each form of consideration if neither is oversubscribed).
See "The Special Meeting -- The Merger Consideration."

Q: Will I be taxed on the Northrop Grumman shares and cash that I receive?

A: In general, if you receive only Northrop Grumman shares in the offer and
merger you will not be taxed on the receipt of those shares. If you receive a
combination of Northrop Grumman shares and cash or solely cash you will be taxed
on the cash received up to the amount of gain, if any, you realize on the
exchange (that is the excess, if any, of value of the consideration you receive
over the tax basis of the Newport News shares you exchange for that
consideration). If you receive a combination of Northrop Grumman shares and cash
or solely Northrop Grumman shares and you realize a loss on the Newport News
shares you exchange, you will not be able to recognize that loss. Special rules
apply with respect to cash received in lieu of fractional shares. This treatment
assumes that the merger will be treated as a "reorganization" for federal income
tax purposes. Northrop Grumman's counsel, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Jacobson, has provided an opinion to that effect, based on certain assumptions
and representations. At the time of the merger Northrop Grumman will seek to
have Fried, Frank, Harris Shriver & Jacobson confirm its opinion based on the
facts existing at that time. If that opinion cannot be obtained, the merger will
be restructured as a merger of Purchaser Corp. I into Newport News. If the
merger is restructured, your exchange of Newport News shares for Northrop
Grumman shares and/or cash pursuant to the merger will be a fully taxable
transaction. For more information, see "Material U.S. Federal Income Tax
Consequences of the Merger."

Q: Are any regulatory approvals required?

A: No. On October 23, 2001 Northrop Grumman received clearance from the
Department of Defense and the Department of Justice with respect to
Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. See "The Merger --
Regulatory Approvals."

   Newport News and Northrop Grumman believe that there are no other material
regulatory or governmental approvals required in order for the merger to be

Q: Can I exercise appraisal rights?

A: Under Delaware law, stockholders who do not vote to approve the merger, who
are stockholders of record as of the time they demand appraisal rights, who
continuously own the shares through the effective time of the merger and who
otherwise strictly comply with applicable requirements of the Delaware General
Corporation Law may be able to demand payment in cash from Newport News for the
fair value of their shares. See "Appraisal Rights."


                                  RISK FACTORS

     In deciding whether to vote upon a proposal to adopt the merger agreement
and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
any adjournment or postponement thereof, you should read carefully this
information statement and the documents to which we refer you. You should also
carefully consider the following factors:


     If the proposed acquisition is completed, Northrop Grumman expects that
Newport News initially will continue to operate as a separate business from that
of Northrop Grumman. However, there will be inherent challenges in transferring
ownership of Newport News to Northrop Grumman. These challenges may result in
significant diversions of management time and attention. Northrop Grumman's
current efforts to integrate the Litton acquisition may also contribute to the
diversion of management time and attention. In addition, the acquisition of
Newport News could result in business or operational difficulties not currently
anticipated by Northrop Grumman. As a result, Northrop Grumman may not realize
the benefits it anticipates from the ownership of Newport News and so Northrop
Grumman's business could be adversely affected.


     The market price of the shares of Northrop Grumman common stock to be
issued in the merger in exchange for Newport News common stock may change as a
result of change in Northrop Grumman's business, operations or prospects, market
assessments of the impact of the merger or general market conditions. Northrop
Grumman's results of operations, as well as the market price of Northrop
Grumman's common stock, may be affected by factors different from those
affecting Newport News' results of operations and the market price of Newport
News' common stock. Because the market price of Northrop Grumman's common stock
fluctuates, the value of the Northrop Grumman shares to be received by Newport
News stockholders in the merger will depend upon the market price of such shares
at the time they are received pursuant to the merger. There can be no assurance
as to this value. In addition, because the fraction of a Northrop Grumman share
to be exchanged for each Newport News share is fixed, the amount by which the
value of the consideration actually received by you in the merger could decline.


     Northrop Grumman is offering to exchange each share of Newport News common
stock for the right to receive 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock or
$67.50 net in cash (subject to the election and proration procedures and
limitations described in the offer). Although you may benefit from possible
increases in value in Northrop Grumman common stock, you may incur losses from
possible decreases in value in Northrop Grumman common stock.


     At the time you make your election, you will not know exactly what
combination of stock and/or cash you will receive because it will also depend
upon the elections made by other stockholders. You can tell Northrop Grumman
your preference to receive either 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock
or $67.50 in cash for each of your Newport News common shares, and you will
receive either cash, Northrop Grumman common stock, or a combination of cash and
Northrop Grumman common stock, based upon your stated preference and the
preferences of other stockholders. To the extent the demand for either the cash
or the stock component of the merger exceeds the aggregate amount of cash or
stock in the merger, Northrop Grumman will prorate the total cash or stock, as
the case may be, proportionally among the stockholders who elect that component.
Stockholders who do not make an election will be allocated whatever component is
remaining (or a proportionate


share of each component if neither is oversubscribed), after taking into account
the preferences of the tendering stockholders who make elections. See "The
Special Meeting -- The Merger Consideration."


     Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson has provided an opinion, based on
certain assumptions and representations, that the offer and the merger will be
treated as a single integrated transaction that constitutes a reorganization for
federal income tax purposes. At the time of the merger Northrop Grumman will
seek to have Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson confirm its opinion based
on the facts existing at that time. If that opinion cannot be obtained, the
merger will be restructured as a merger of Purchaser Corp. I into Newport News.
If the merger is restructured or if the merger otherwise is not treated as a
reorganization for federal income tax purposes, your exchange of Newport News
shares for Northrop Grumman shares and/or cash pursuant to the merger will be a
fully taxable transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

     For more information, see "Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences."



     Upon completion of the merger, some holders of Newport News common stock
will be entitled to become holders of Northrop Grumman common stock. Northrop
Grumman's business differs from that of Newport News, and Northrop Grumman's
results of operations, as well as the trading price of Northrop Grumman common
stock, may be affected by factors different from those affecting Newport News'
results of operations and the price of Newport News common stock.


     If the merger is not completed for any reason, Newport News may be subject
to a number of material risks, including the following:

     .    the price of Newport News common stock may decline to the extent that
          the current market price of Newport News common stock reflects a
          market assumption that a merger will be completed; and

     .    costs incurred by Newport News related to the merger, including legal
          and accounting fees as well as a portion of the financial advisor fees
          that would be payable upon completion of the merger, must be paid by
          Newport News even if the merger is not completed.



     The indebtedness of Northrop Grumman as of September 30, 2001 was
approximately $5.319 billion. Northrop Grumman's pro forma indebtedness as of
September 30, 2001 giving effect to the offer and the merger (as described in
"Northrop Grumman Selected Historical and Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined
Financial Data") is approximately $6.455 billion. As a result of the increase in
debt, demands on the cash resources of Northrop Grumman will increase after the
merger, which could have important effects on an investment in the common stock.
For example, the increased levels of indebtedness could:

     .    reduce funds available for investment in research and development and
          capital expenditures; or

     .    create competitive disadvantages compared to other companies with
          lower debt levels.


     Integrating and coordinating the operations and personnel of Northrop
Grumman and Newport News will involve complex technological, operational and
personnel-related challenges. This process will be time-consuming and expensive,
and may disrupt the business of the companies. In addition, integration of the
Litton acquisition is expected to require significant management time and
attention. The integration of the companies may not result in the benefits
expected by Northrop Grumman. The difficulties, costs and delays that could be
encountered may include:

     .    anticipated issues in integrating the information, communications and
          other systems;

     .    performance degradation if expectations are not met;

     .    changes in customer needs and plans;

     .    unanticipated incompatibility of systems, procedures and operating

     .    unanticipated costs relating to facilities and operations; and

     .    the effect of complying with any government imposed organizational
          conflict-of-interest rules.


     The success of Northrop Grumman's operations is dependent, among other
things, on its ability to attract and retain highly qualified professional
personnel. Competition for key personnel in the various localities and business
segments in which Northrop Grumman operates is intense. Northrop Grumman's
ability to attract and retain key personnel, including senior officers and
experienced engineers, is dependent on a number of factors, including prevailing
market conditions and compensation packages offered by companies competing for
the same talent, who may offer different employment packages. These same
pressures and concerns also apply to Newport News' business.


     Results of operations of Northrop Grumman will be subject to numerous risks
affecting the businesses of Northrop Grumman Newport News, many of which are
beyond the companies' control. Many of the risks affecting Northrop Grumman are
identified below under "Forward-Looking Statements" may prove inaccurate.



     Newport News stockholders should be aware of potential conflicts of
interest and the benefits available to Newport News directors when considering
Newport News' board of directors' recommendation to approve the transaction.
Newport News officers and directors have or had stock options, employment
agreements and/or benefit plans that provide them with interests in the
transaction that are different from, or in addition to, interests of Newport
News stockholders. See "Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger."


     Some of the information included in this information statement and in the
documents incorporated by reference are forward-looking statements within the
meaning of the securities laws. These include statements and assumptions with
respect to expected future revenues, margins, program performance, earnings and
cash flows, acquisitions of new contracts, the outcome of competitions for new
programs, the outcome of contingencies including litigation and environmental
remediation, the effect of completed and planned acquisitions and divestitures
of businesses or business assets, the anticipated costs of capital investments,
and anticipated industry trends. Actual results and trends may differ materially
from the information, statements and assumptions as described, and actual
results could be materially less than planned. Important factors that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the
forward-looking statements include:

     .    dependence on sales to the United States Government;

     .    successful performance of internal plans;

     .    government customers' budgetary restraints;

     .    customer changes in short-range and long-range plans;

     .    domestic and international competition in both the defense and
          commercial areas;

     .    product performance;

     .    continued development and acceptance of new products;

     .    performance issues with key suppliers and subcontractors;

     .    government import and export policies;

     .    termination of government contracts, which may include termination for
          the convenience of the government;

     .    the outcome of political and legal processes;

     .    Northrop Grumman maintaining satisfactory relations with labor unions
          that represent certain of Northrop Grumman employees;

     .    legal, financial and governmental risks related to international
          transactions and global needs for military and commercial aircraft,
          electronic systems and support, information technologies and ships;

     .    other economic, political and technological risks and uncertainties.

     See also "Risk Factors," and the risk factors disclosed in Northrop
Grumman's Annual Report on Form 10-K/A, for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2000 and Northrop Grumman Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, for the


periods ended March 31, 2001, June 30, 2001 and September 30, 2001, which are
incorporated herein by reference. For additional factors that might affect the
forward-looking statements with respect to Newport News, see Newport News'
Annual Report on Form 10-K, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 and
Newport News' Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, for the periods ended March 18,
2001, June 17, 2001 and September 16, 2001, which are incorporated in this
information statement by reference. See "Where You Can Find More Information."
Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
Northrop Grumman disclaims any intent or obligation to update these
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.


                             COMBINED FINANCIAL DATA

     The following table sets forth selected consolidated financial data for
Northrop Systems (formerly Northrop Grumman Corporation) for each of the years
in the five-year period ended December 31, 2000 and for the nine months ended
September 30, 2000 and for Northrop Grumman for the nine months ended September
30, 2001, and selected unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial data of
Northrop Grumman, Litton Industries, Inc. and Newport News for the year ended
December 31, 2000 and the nine months ended September 30, 2001. Consolidated
financial data for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999, 1998 and 1997 have
been derived from, and are qualified by reference to, the audited consolidated
financial statements and notes thereto filed by Northrop Grumman with the SEC.
Consolidated financial data for the year ended December 31, 1996 and for the
nine months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 have been derived from unaudited
consolidated financial statements and notes thereto of Northrop Systems and
Northrop Grumman. The selected historical financial data for each of the years
in the five-year period ending December 31, 2000 do not give effect to the
Litton acquisition or the resulting debt. The historical operating data for the
nine months ended September 30, 2001 include six months of Litton's operating
results subsequent to the acquisition by Northrop Grumman on April 3, 2001.

     The operating results for the nine months ended September 30, 2001 are not
necessarily indicative of results for the full fiscal year ending December 31,
2001. Newport News stockholders should read this summary together with the
financial statements referred to below and incorporated by reference and their
accompanying notes and in conjunction with management's discussion and analysis
of operations and financial conditions of Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport
News contained in such reports. Earnings per share is calculated by dividing
income from continuing operations available for the holders of common stock by
the weighted average number of shares outstanding.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data were obtained
from the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements. The pro
forma financial statements are based upon the historical financial statements of
Northrop Systems, Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport News adjusted to give
effect to the Litton and Newport News acquisitions. The pro forma adjustments
are described in the accompanying notes. The pro forma financial statements have
been developed from (a) the audited consolidated financial statements of
Northrop Systems contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for the year
ended December 31, 2000 and the unaudited consolidated financial statements of
Northrop Grumman contained in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the nine
months ended September 30, 2001, which are incorporated by reference in this
information statement, (b) the audited consolidated financial statements of
Litton contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
July 31, 2000 and the unaudited consolidated financial statements of Litton
contained in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended January 31,
2001, which are incorporated by reference in this information statement, and (c)
the audited consolidated financial statements of Newport News contained in its
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and the
unaudited consolidated financial statements of Newport News contained in its
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 16, 2001, which
are incorporated by reference in this information statement. In addition, the
audited consolidated financial statements contained in Litton's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2000 and the unaudited consolidated
financial statements of Litton contained in Litton's Quarterly Report on Form
10-Q for the period ended January 31, 2001 have been used to bring the financial
reporting periods of Litton to within 90 days of those of Northrop Systems and
Northrop Grumman.

     The final determination and allocation of the purchase price paid for the
Litton and Newport News acquisitions may differ from the amounts assumed in this
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data.

     The acquisition of Litton, which is valued at approximately $5.2 billion,
including the assumption of Litton's net debt of $1.3 billion, is accounted for
using the purchase method of accounting. Under the purchase method of
accounting, the purchase price is allocated to the underlying tangible and
intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their respective
fair market values, with the excess recorded as goodwill. The Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data reflects preliminary estimates of the
fair market value of the Litton


assets acquired and liabilities assumed and the related allocations of purchase
price, and preliminary estimates of adjustments necessary to conform Litton data
to Northrop Grumman's accounting policies. The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed
Combined Financial Data do not include the recognition of liabilities associated
with certain potential restructuring activities. Northrop Grumman is currently
reviewing the preliminary estimates of the fair market value of the Litton
assets acquired and liabilities assumed, including valuations associated with
certain contracts and preliminary valuation study results for intangible assets,
property, plant and equipment, and retiree benefits assets and liabilities.
Northrop Grumman also is evaluating several possible restructuring activities of
Litton operations. The final determination of the fair market value of assets
acquired and liabilities assumed and final allocation of the purchase price may
differ from the amounts assumed in the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined
Financial Data. Adjustments to the purchase price allocations are expected to be
finalized by December 31, 2001, and will be reflected in future Northrop
Grumman filings. There can be no assurance that such adjustments will not be

     As of the date of this information statement, Northrop Grumman has not
completed the valuation studies necessary to arrive at the required estimates of
the fair market value of the Newport News assets to be acquired in the merger
and the Newport News liabilities to be assumed and the related allocations of
purchase price, nor has it identified the adjustments necessary, if any, to
conform Newport News data to Northrop Grumman's accounting policies.
Accordingly, Northrop Grumman has used the historical book values of the assets
and liabilities of Newport News and has used the historical revenue recognition
policies of Newport News to prepare the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined
Financial Statements, with the excess of the purchase price over the historical
net assets of Newport News recorded as goodwill and other purchased intangibles.
Once Northrop Grumman has completed the valuation studies necessary to finalize
the required purchase price allocations and identified any necessary conforming
changes, such pro forma financial statements will be subject to adjustment. Such
adjustments will likely result in changes to the pro forma statement of
financial position to reflect the final allocations of purchase price and the
pro forma statements of income, and there can be no assurance that such
adjustments will not be material.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data is provided for
illustrative purposes only and does not purport to represent what the actual
consolidated results of operations or the consolidated financial position of
Northrop Grumman would have been had the offer and the Litton and Newport News
acquisitions occurred on the dates assumed, nor is it necessarily indicative of
future consolidated results of operations or financial position.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data does not include
the realization of cost savings from operating efficiencies, synergies or other
restructurings resulting from the Litton and Newport News acquisitions, except
for preliminary estimates of costs to consolidate the Litton and Northrop
Grumman corporate offices.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Data should be read in
conjunction with the separate historical consolidated financial statements and
accompanying notes of Northrop Systems, Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport
News that are incorporated by reference in this information statement and the
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements.



                             NORTHROP                         NORTHROP
                             GRUMMAN/                         GRUMMAN/
                             LITTON/                          LITTON/
                             NEWPORT                          NEWPORT
                               NEWS     NORTHROP GRUMMAN        NEWS                  NORTHROP GRUMMAN

                            PRO FORMA    HISTORICAL DATA     PRO FORMA                 HISTORICAL DATA
                           ------------ -------------------  ------------  --------------------------------------------
                                                             YEAR ENDED
                           NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,   DECEMBER 31,           YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                           --------------------------------                --------------------------------------------
                               2001       2001      2000         2000       2000     1999    1998      1997      1996
                           ----------   --------  ---------  ------------  -------  ------- -------  --------  --------
OPERATING DATA:                                      (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

Net sales................   $12,220    $ 9,254     $5,389       $15,255     $7,618   $7,616  $7,367   $7,798    $7,667
Income from continuing
   operations, net of
   tax...................       338        296        481           702        625      474     193      318       330
Basic earnings per
   share, from
   operations............      3.14       3.53       6.86          6.76       8.86     6.84    2.82     4.76      5.27
Diluted earnings per
   share, from
   operations............      3.11       3.50       6.84          6.73       8.82     6.80    2.78     4.67      5.18
Cash dividends per
   common share..........      1.20       1.20       1.20          1.60       1.60     1.60    1.60     1.60      1.60

Total assets.............   $20,767    $17,214     $9,354           N/A     $9,622   $9,285  $9,536   $9,677    $9,645
Total long-term
   obligations...........     9,011      7,636      3,111           N/A      3,015    3,564   4,319    4,339     4,694
Redeemable preferred
   stock.................       350        350          -           N/A          -        -       -        -         -





     The following is a summary of selected consolidated financial data of
Newport News for each of the years in the five-year period ended December 31,
2000 and the nine months ended September 16, 2001 and September 17, 2000. The
operating results for the nine months ended September 16, 2001 are not
necessarily indicative of results for the full fiscal year ended December 31,
2001. This information is derived from the audited consolidated financial
statements of Newport News contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, the unaudited consolidated financial
statements of Newport News contained in its Quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for
the periods ended September 16, 2001 and September 17, 2000, and is qualified in
its entirety by such documents. See "Where You Can Find More Information". You
should read this summary together with the financial statements which are
incorporated by reference in this information statement and their accompanying
notes and in conjunction with managements' discussion and analysis of operations
and financial conditions of Newport News contained in such reports.

                                          NINE MONTHS ENDED                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                              -------------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------------
                               SEPTEMBER 16, 2001  SEPTEMBER 17, 2000          2000      1999       1998      1997       1996

                                                       (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
     Revenues..............         $1,639             $1,494                $2,072     $1,863    $1,862     $1,707    $1,870
     Net earnings (loss)...             72                 66                    90         97        66        (48)       55
     Net earnings (loss)
       per common share,
       basic...............           2.43               2.12                  2.91       2.83      1.91      (1.39)     1.60
     Net earnings (loss)
       per common share,
       diluted.............           2.29               2.03                  2.77       2.72      1.85      (1.39)     1.60
     Cash dividends
       declared per
       share (a)...........            .12                .12                   .16        .16       .16        .16       N/A
     Total assets..........         $1,638             $1,506                $1,476     $1,512    $1,600     $1,515    $1,535
       obligations.........            432                508                   498        525       591        548       596

(a)  Cash dividends declared per common share were four cents per share for each
     quarter in 2000, 1999, 1998, and 1997. Since Newport News was a wholly
     owned subsidiary prior to December 12, 1996, there are no comparable
     results for prior periods.





     The following table summarizes unaudited per share information for Northrop
Systems, Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport News on a historical, pro forma
combined and equivalent pro forma combined basis. The following information
should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements
of Northrop Systems, Litton and Newport News, the unaudited interim consolidated
financial statements of Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport News, and the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information included elsewhere
or incorporated by reference in this information statement. The pro forma
information is presented for illustrative purposes only and is not necessarily
indicative of the operating results or financial position that would have
occurred if the offer, the Newport News merger and the Litton acquisition had
been completed as of the beginning of the respective periods presented, nor is
it necessarily indicative of the future operating results or financial position
of the combined companies. The historical book value per share is computed by
dividing total stockholders' equity by the number of common shares outstanding
at the end of the period. The pro forma per share earnings from continuing
operations is computed by dividing the pro forma income from continuing
operations available to holders of common stock by the pro forma weighted
average number of shares outstanding. The pro forma combined book value per
share is computed by dividing total pro forma stockholders' equity by the pro
forma number of common shares outstanding at the end of the period. Newport News
equivalent pro forma combined per share amounts are calculated by multiplying
Northrop Grumman pro forma combined per share amounts by 0.7193, the percentage
of a share of Northrop Grumman common stock that will be exchanged for each
share of Newport News common stock. The historical per share information of
Litton and Newport News was derived from their respective historical annual and
quarterly financial statements and was adjusted as necessary to bring the
information to within 90 days of the dates listed below.

                                                                                     NINE MONTHS             YEAR
                                                                                        ENDED                ENDED
                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 30, 2001   DECEMBER 31, 2000
                                                                                 ------------------   -----------------
     Historical per common share:
         Income per basic share ..............................................    $    3.53              $    8.86
         Income per diluted share ............................................         3.50                   8.82
         Dividends declared-Common ...........................................         1.20                   1.60
         Dividends declared-Preferred ........................................         3.44                     --
         Book value per share ................................................        61.57                  54.38
     Historical per common share:
         Income per basic share ..............................................    $     N/A              $    4.95
         Income per diluted share ............................................          N/A                   4.90
         Dividends declared-Common ...........................................          N/A                     --
         Dividends declared-Preferred ........................................          N/A                   2.00
         Book value per share ................................................          N/A                  35.24
     Historical per common share:
         Income per basic share ..............................................    $    2.43              $    2.91
         Income per diluted share ............................................         2.29                   2.77
         Dividends declared-Common ...........................................         0.12                   0.16
         Dividends declared-Preferred ........................................           --                     --
         Book value per share ................................................        10.29                   8.69
     Unaudited pro forma per share of Northrop Grumman common shares:
         Income per basic share ..............................................    $    3.14              $    6.76
         Income per diluted share ............................................         3.11                   6.73
         Dividends declared-Common ...........................................         1.20                   1.60
         Dividends declared-Preferred ........................................         5.25                   7.00
         Book value per share ................................................        66.82                    N/A





     Unaudited pro forma per share of Newport News common shares:
         Income per basic share ................................... $ 2.26 $4.86
         Income per diluted share .................................   2.24  4.84
         Dividends declared-Common ................................   0.86  1.15
         Dividends declared-Preferred .............................   3.78  5.04
         Book value per share .....................................  48.06   N/A

* Nine month data for Newport News is for the nine-month period ended September
16, 2001.




                             COMPARATIVE MARKET DATA

     Northrop Grumman's common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange and
on the Pacific Stock Exchange under the symbol "NOC" and Newport News' common
stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange and on the Chicago Stock Exchange
under the symbol "NNS." The following table presents trading information for
Northrop Grumman and Newport News common stock on May 8, 2001 and December 14,
2001. May 8, 2001 was the last trading day before the announcement of Northrop
Grumman's intention to make an offer for Newport News shares and December 14,
2001 was the last practicable trading day prior to the filing date of this
information statement. Newport News equivalent per share amounts are calculated
by multiplying Northrop Grumman per share amounts by .7193, the exchange ratio
of Northrop Grumman shares for each Newport News share, by $93.84, which
represents the average of the closing sale prices for a share of Northrop
Grumman common stock on the New York Stock Exchange as reported in The Wall
Street Journal over the 5-day trading period beginning on November 20, 2001 and
ending on November 27, 2001. The actual value of the shares of Northrop Grumman
common stock a stockholder will be entitled to receive following the merger may
be higher or lower than the prices set forth below. You should read the
information presented below in conjunction with "Comparative Per Share Market
Price and Dividend Information".

                                     NORTHROP GRUMMAN               NEWPORT NEWS                 NEWPORT NEWS
                                       COMMON STOCK                 COMMON STOCK             EQUIVALENT PER SHARE
                               ---------------------------- ----------------------------  ---------------------------
                                 HIGH      LOW     CLOSING    HIGH      LOW     CLOSING     HIGH      LOW    CLOSING
                               --------  --------  -------  --------  -------- ---------  -------- -------- ---------
May 8, 2001..................   $92.46    $90.74    $91.50   $65.20    $64.93    $65.00    $66.51   $65.27    $65.82
December 14, 2001............




     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements presented
below are derived from the historical consolidated financial statements of each
of Northrop Systems, Northrop Grumman, Litton and Newport News. The Unaudited
Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements are prepared using the
purchase method of accounting, with Northrop Grumman treated as the acquiror and
as if the Newport News and Litton acquisitions had been completed as of the
beginning of the periods presented for statements of operations purposes and as
if the Newport News acquisition had been completed on September 30, 2001 for
balance sheet purposes.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements are based
upon the historical financial statements of Northrop Systems, North Grumman,
Litton and Newport News adjusted to give effect to the Litton acquisition and
the Newport News acquisition. The pro forma adjustments are described in the
accompanying notes presented on the following pages. The pro forma financial
statements have been developed from (a) the audited consolidated financial
statements of Northrop Systems contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for
the year ended December 31, 2000 and the unaudited consolidated financial
statements of Northrop Grumman contained in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
for the nine months ended September 30, 2001, which are incorporated by
reference in this information statement, (b) the audited consolidated financial
statements of Litton contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended July 31, 2000 and the unaudited consolidated financial statements of
Litton contained in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended
January 31, 2001, which are incorporated by reference in this information
statement, and (c) the audited consolidated financial statements of Newport News
contained in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000
and the unaudited consolidated financial statements of Newport News contained in
its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 16, 2001,
which are incorporated by reference in this information statement. In addition,
the audited consolidated financial statements of Litton contained in its Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2000 and the unaudited
consolidated financial statements of Litton contained in its Quarterly Report on
Form 10-Q for the period ended January 31, 2001 have been used to bring the
financial reporting periods of Litton to within 90 days of those of Northrop
Systems and Northrop Grumman.

     The final determination and allocation of the purchase price paid for the
Litton and Newport News acquisitions may differ from the amounts assumed in
these Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements.

     The acquisition of Litton, which is valued at approximately $5.2 billion,
including the assumption of Litton's net debt of $1.3 billion, is accounted for
using the purchase method of accounting. Under the purchase method of
accounting, the purchase price is allocated to the underlying tangible and
intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their respective
fair market values, with the excess recorded as goodwill. The Unaudited Pro
Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements reflect preliminary estimates of
the fair market value of the Litton assets acquired and liabilities assumed and
the related allocations of purchase price, and preliminary estimates of
adjustments necessary to conform Litton data to Northrop Grumman's accounting
policies. The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements do not
include the recognition of liabilities associated with certain potential
restructuring activities. Northrop Grumman is currently reviewing the
preliminary estimates of the fair market value of the Litton assets acquired and
liabilities assumed, including valuations associated with certain contracts and
preliminary valuation study results for intangible assets, property, plant and
equipment, and retiree benefits assets and liabilities. Northrop Grumman also is
evaluating several possible restructuring activities of Litton operations. The
final determination of the fair market value of assets acquired and liabilities
assumed and final allocation of the purchase price may differ from the amounts
assumed in these Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements.
Adjustments to the purchase price allocations are expected to be finalized by
December 31, 2001, and will be reflected in future Northrop Grumman filings.
There can be no assurance that such adjustments will not be material.

     As of the date of this information statement, Northrop Grumman has not
completed the valuation studies necessary to arrive at the required estimates of
the fair market value of the Newport News assets to be assumed in the merger and
the Newport News liabilities to be assumed in the merger and the related
allocations of purchase price, nor has it identified the adjustments necessary,
if any, to conform Newport News data to Northrop Grumman's accounting policies.
Accordingly, Northrop Grumman has used the historical book values of the assets
and liabilities of Newport News and has used the historical revenue recognition
policies of Newport News to prepare the Unaudited Pro Forma


Condensed Combined Financial Statements set forth herein, with the excess of the
Purchase price over the historical net assets of Newport News recorded as
goodwill and other purchased intangibles. Once Northrop Grumman has completed
the valuation studies necessary to finalize the required purchase price
allocations and identified any necessary conforming changes, such pro forma
financial statements will be subject to adjustment. Such adjustments will likely
result in changes to the pro forma statement of financial position to reflect
the final allocations of purchase price and the pro forma statements of income,
and there can be no assurance that such adjustments will not be material.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements are
provided for illustrative purposes only and do not purport to represent what the
actual consolidated results of operations or the consolidated financial position
of Northrop Grumman would have been had the offer and the Litton and Newport
News acquisitions occurred on the dates assumed, nor is it necessarily
indicative of future consolidated results of operations or financial position.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements do not
include the realization of cost savings from operating efficiencies, synergies
or other restructurings resulting from the Litton and Newport News acquisitions,
except for preliminary estimates of costs to consolidate the Litton and Northrop
Grumman corporate offices.

     The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements should be
read in conjunction with the separate historical consolidated financial
statements and accompanying notes of Northrop Systems, Northrop Grumman, Litton
and Newport News that are incorporated by reference in this information


September 30, 2001
($ in millions)

                                                                                                 PRO FORMA
                                                                     NORTHROP     NEWPORT  -----------------------
                                                                      GRUMMAN       NEWS   ADJUSTMENTS    COMBINED
                                                                     --------     -------  -----------   ---------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents .....................................   $    310    $     66    $     --     $    376
   Accounts receivable ...........................................      2,297         131          --        2,428
   Inventoried costs .............................................      1,222         409          --        1,631
   Deferred income taxes .........................................         35         110          --          145
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets .....................        140          19          --          159
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
   Total current assets ..........................................      4,004         735          --        4,739
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------

Property, plant and equipment ....................................      3,297       1,616          --        4,913
Accumulated depreciation .........................................     (1,211)       (950)         --       (2,161)
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
Property, plant and equipment, net ...............................      2,086         666          --        2,752
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------

Other assets
   Goodwill and other purchased intangibles, net .................      7,956          --       1,915 (a)    9,871
   Prepaid retiree benefits costs and intangible pension asset ...      2,773          --          --        2,773
   Other assets ..................................................        395         237          --          632
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
                                                                       11,124         237       1,915       13,276
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
                                                                     $ 17,214    $  1,638    $  1,915     $ 20,767
                                                                     ========    ========    ========     ========

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity:
Current liabilities
Notes payable and current portion of long-term debt ..............   $    134    $     46    $     --     $    180
   Accounts payable ..............................................        757          87          --          844
   Accrued employees' compensation ...............................        629          --          --          629
   Advances on contracts .........................................        837          --          --          837
   Income taxes ..................................................        373          --          --          373
   Other current liabilities .....................................      1,223         484          --        1,707
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
   Total current liabilities .....................................      3,953         617          --        4,570
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------

Long-term debt ...................................................      5,185         432         658 (a)    6,275
Accrued retiree benefits .........................................      1,478          --          --        1,478
Deferred tax and other long-term liabilities .....................        973         285          --        1,258

Redeemable preferred stock .......................................        350          --          --          350

Shareholders' equity
   Paid in capital and unearned compensation .....................      2,366         452       1,109 (a)    3,927
   Retained earnings .............................................      2,928         236        (236)(a)    2,928
   Accumulated other comprehensive  loss .........................        (19)         --          --          (19)
   Stock Employee Compensation Trust .............................         --        (384)        384 (a)       --
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
                                                                        5,275         304       1,257        6,836
                                                                     --------    --------    --------     --------
                                                                     $ 17,214    $  1,638    $  1,915     $ 20,767
                                                                     ========    ========    ========     ========


Year Ended December 31, 2000
($ in millions, except per share)

                                                                       PRO FORMA                                PRO FORMA
                                 NORTHROP                ---------------------------------  NEWPORT    -----------------------------
                                  GRUMMAN     LITTON        ADJUSTMENTS         COMBINED      NEWS       ADJUSTMENTS      COMBINED
                                ----------  ----------   -----------------    ------------ ---------   --------------   ------------
Sales and service revenues ....  $  7,618    $  5,626      $    (61)(b)         $ 13,183    $  2,072    $     --          $ 15,255
Cost of sales
   Operating costs ............     5,446       4,669            88(b)(c)(d)      10,203       1,870        (252)(h)(j)     11,821
   Administrative and
     general expenses .........     1,074         491            --                1,565          --         271(j)          1,836
                                 --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------          --------
Operating margin ..............     1,098         466          (149)               1,415         202         (19)            1,598
Interest expense ..............      (175)       (105)         (191)(e)             (471)        (53)        (22)(i)          (546)
Other, net ....................        52          16            --                   68           4          --                72
                                 --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------          --------
Income from continuing
   operations before income
   taxes ......................       975         377          (340)               1,012         153         (41)            1,124
Federal and foreign income
   taxes ......................       350         151          (119)(f)              382          63         (23)(f)(j)        422
                                 --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------          --------
Income from continuing
   operations .................  $    625    $    226      $   (221)            $    630    $     90    $    (18)         $    702
                                 ========    ========      ========             ========    ========    ========          ========
Less, dividends paid to .......        --          --           (25)(g)              (25)         --          --               (25)
   preferred shareholders
                                 --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------          --------
Income available to common
   shareholders ...............  $    625    $    226      $   (246)            $    605    $     90    $    (18)         $    677
                                 ========    ========      ========             ========    ========    ========          ========
Average shares basic ..........     70.58                                          83.58                                    100.22
Average shares diluted ........     70.88                                          84.00                                    100.64
Basic earnings per share:
     Continuing operations ....  $   8.86                                       $   7.24                                  $   6.76
Diluted earnings per share:
     Continuing operations ....  $   8.82                                       $   7.20**                                $   6.73**

**   Calculated by dividing income available to common stockholders by average
     shares diluted, which is calculated assuming preferred shares are not
     converted to common shares, resulting in the most dilutive effect.


Nine Months Ended September 30, 2001
($ in millions, except per share)

                                                                  PRO FORMA                                 PRO FORMA
                               NORTHROP                 -----------------------------    NEWPORT      -----------------------
                               GRUMMAN     LITTON        ADJUSTMENTS         COMBINED      NEWS       ADJUSTMENTS     COMBINED
                               -------     ------       --------------       --------      ----       -----------     --------
Sales and service revenues... $  9,254    $  1,345      $    (18)(b)         $ 10,581    $  1,639    $     --         $ 12,220
Cost of sales
   Operating costs ..........    7,656       1,120            19(b)(c)(d)       8,795       1,481        (140)(h)(j)    10,136
   Administrative and
     general expenses .......      908         121            --                1,029          --         153(j)         1,182
                              --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------         --------

Operating margin ............      690         104           (37)                 757         158         (13)             902
Interest expense ............     (269)        (27)          (64)(e)             (360)        (37)        (17)(i)         (414)
Other, net ..................       64           3            --                   67          (1)         --               66
                              --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------         --------
Income from continuing
   operations before income
   taxes ....................      485          80          (101)                 464         120         (30)             554
Federal and foreign income
   taxes ....................      189          30           (35)(f)              184          48         (16)(f)(j)       216
                              --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------         --------
Income from continuing
   operations ............... $    296    $     50      $    (66)            $    280    $     72    $    (14)        $    338
                              ========    ========      ========             ========    ========    ========         ========
Less, dividends paid to
   preferred shareholders....      (12)         --            (6)(g)              (18)         --          --              (18)
                              --------    --------      --------             --------    --------    --------         --------
Income available to common
   shareholders ............. $    284    $     50      $    (72)            $    262    $     72    $    (14)        $    320
                              ========    ========      ========             ========    ========    ========         ========
Average shares basic ........    80.34                                          85.32                                   101.96
Average shares diluted ......    81.03                                          86.11                                   102.75

Basic earnings per share:
     Continuing operations... $   3.53                                       $   3.07                                 $   3.14
Diluted earnings per share:
     Continuing operations... $   3.50**                                     $   3.04**                               $   3.11**

**   Calculated by dividing income available to common stockholders by average
     shares diluted, which is calculated assuming preferred shares are not
     converted to common shares, resulting in the most dilutive effect.



(a)  Adjustments to (i) eliminate the equity of Newport News, (ii) record
     issuance of common stock, (iii) record debt financing for the Newport News
     acquisition along with additional acquisition related costs, (iv) record
     the repayment of the Stock Employee Compensation Trust's indebtedness to
     Newport News and (v) record goodwill and other purchased intangibles.

     The amount of the purchase price allocated to goodwill and other purchased
     intangibles is subject to change and is calculated based on the following

          (i)   The Parent Stock value (as defined in the Merger Agreement) is

          (ii)  The exchange ratio is .7193; and

          (iii) All of the 16,636,885 Parent Available Shares will be issued in
                our offer and merger.

(b)  Adjustment to eliminate intercompany sales and cost of sales transactions
     between Northrop Grumman and Litton.

(c)  Adjustment to amortize the preliminary estimate of goodwill and other
     purchased intangible assets arising out of the acquisition of Litton over
     an estimated weighted average life of 26 years on a straight line basis.

(d)  Adjustment to record preliminary depreciation of property, plant and
     equipment and amortization of capitalized software arising out of the
     acquisition of Litton.

(e)  Adjustment to record interest expense and the amortization of debt issuance
     costs on new financing for the acquisition of Litton at a weighted average
     rate of 6.8 and 7.5 percent for the nine months ended September 30, 2001
     and the year ended December 31, 2000, respectively.

(f)  Adjustment to record income tax effects on pre-tax pro forma adjustments,
     using a statutory tax rate of thirty-five percent.

(g)  Adjusted, pro rata, for dividends to preferred stockholders using a $7 per
     share dividend rate for redeemable preferred stock issued in the
     acquisition of Litton.

(h)  Adjustment to amortize purchased intangible assets arising out of the
     Newport News acquisition over an estimated life of 30 years on a straight
     line basis.

(i)  Adjustment to record interest on debt financing for the Newport News
     acquisition at the current rate of 3.4 percent as of October 26, 2001.

(j)  Adjustment to conform Newport News data to classifications utilized by
     Northrop Grumman.


                               THE SPECIAL MEETING

     Time, Place, Date

     This information statement is being furnished to the holders of outstanding
shares of Newport News common stock in connection with the special meeting to be
held on January 16, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., local time, at Fried, Frank, Harris,
Shriver & Jacobson at 350 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071, including
any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         Purpose of the Special Meeting

     At the special meeting, stockholders of Newport News will consider and vote
upon a proposal to adopt the merger agreement, dated as of November 7, 2001,
among Newport News, Northrop Grumman and Purchaser Corp. I pursuant to which
Newport News will be merged with and into Purchaser Corp. I with Purchaser Corp.
I as the surviving corporation at and after the effective time of the merger.
The merger agreement is incorporated by reference to Northrop Grumman's
Registration Statement on Form S-4. Stockholders will also consider such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.

         Record Date; Quorum; Outstanding Shares Entitled to Vote

     The record date for the special meeting has been fixed as the close of
business on December 5, 2001. Only holders of record of shares on the record
date are entitled to vote at the special meeting. Holders of shares on the
record date are entitled to one vote on matters properly presented at the
special meeting for each share held.

     On the record date, there were 32,522,528 shares outstanding. The
outstanding shares were held of record by approximately [ ] registered holders.
The presence in person of holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the special meeting.
Because the shares owned by Northrop Grumman and its affiliates will be
represented at the special meeting, a quorum will be present, even if no other
stockholders are present.

         Vote Required

     Pursuant to Delaware law, the merger agreement must be adopted by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the total number of outstanding
shares. Abstentions of shares that are present at the special meeting and broker
non-votes will each have the same effect as a vote against adoption of the
merger agreement. Pursuant to the merger agreement, Northrop Grumman and its
affiliates are required to vote their shares for adoption of the merger
agreement. As of the record date, Northrop Grumman and its affiliates
beneficially owned 26,469,448 shares (approximately 80.7% of all outstanding
shares). Because the approval of the holders of a majority of all outstanding
shares is sufficient to approve and adopt the merger agreement, Northrop Grumman
can cause the merger to occur without the affirmative vote of any other
stockholder. You are not being asked for a proxy and you are requested not to
send one. If you wish to vote your shares, you may do so only by attending the
special meeting in person.

     Newport News stockholders may be able to exercise appraisal rights in
connection with the merger. See "Appraisal Rights."

         Surrender of Certificates and Payment Procedures

     A letter of election and transmittal and instructions for effecting the
surrender of your Newport News stock certificates is enclosed with this
information statement. Upon surrender to Mellon Investor Services, the exchange
agent of a certificate representing a share of Newport News common stock,
together with a duly completed and validly executed letter of election and
transmittal and such other documents as may reasonably be required by the
exchange agent, the holder of such certificate shall be entitled to receive in
exchange therefore certificates representing the number of whole shares of
Northrop Grumman common stock or $67.50 per share net in cash into which their


shares of Newport News common stock were converted into the right to receive,
pursuant to the merger agreement, and the certificates so surrendered will be

     No dividends or other distributions declared after the effective time of
the merger on Northrop Grumman common stock will be paid in respect of any
Newport News common stock formerly represented by a certificate until such
certificate is surrendered for exchange. Following surrender of any such
certificate, the holder of the certificates representing whole Northrop Grumman
common stock issued in exchange will be paid, without interest, (1) at the time
of the surrender, the amount of dividends or other distributions with a record
date after the effective time of the merger, payable with respect to the whole
Northrop Grumman common stock and not paid, less the amount of any withholding
taxes which may be required, and (2) at the appropriate payment date, the amount
of dividends or other distributions with a record date after the effective time
of the merger but prior to surrender and a payment date subsequent to surrender
payable with respect to such whole Northrop Grumman common stock, less the
amount of any withholding taxes which may be required.

     You should send your share certificates and the enclosed letter of election
and transmittal to the exchange agent now. Share certificates should be sent to
the exchange agent only pursuant to instructions set forth in the enclosed
letter of election and transmittal which is included with this information
statement. In all cases, the merger consideration will be provided only in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this information statement, the
merger agreement and the letter of election and transmittal. Stockholders will
have until January 16, 2002 (the effective time of the merger), upon surrender
of their certificates, to elect the right to receive either cash or stock in the
merger. After January 16, 2002, stockholders will still be able to exchange
their shares but will not be able to elect the form of consideration that they
will receive. Rather, you will receive the underelected form of consideration
(or a proportionate share of each form of consideration if neither is
oversubscribed). See "The Merger Consideration" below.

     Each share of Newport News common stock which has not been exchanged or
accepted for exchange in the offer will be converted in the merger into the
right to receive the same consideration as was paid in the offer.

     Any questions concerning the exchange procedures and requests for letters
of election and transmittal may be addressed to the information agent, D.F. King
& Co., Inc., at 1-800-758-5378 (toll free).

The Merger Consideration

     Under the terms of the merger agreement, Northrop Grumman will exchange a
combination of cash and newly issued Northrop Grumman common stock for all
Newport News shares outstanding at the time the merger is complete.

     Election Right. Each Newport News stockholder may elect for Newport News
shares exchanged by him or her, either $67.50 in cash, without interest, or
0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock (subject, in each case, to the
election and proration procedures and limitations described below). The exchange
ratio for the merger is the same as it was for the offer, regardless of the
Northrop Grumman stock price at the time of completion of the merger.

     Northrop Grumman will (a) issue the remaining available shares and (b)
distribute the remaining available cash, subject to increase for fractional

     The offer expired on November 29, 2001. Prior to the expiration of the
offer, Northrop Grumman stated that, pursuant to the merger agreement, it would
issue 16,636,885 shares of its common stock in the offer and merger. Northrop
Grumman issued 13,358,229 shares in the offer, which leaves 3,278,656 shares
remaining to be issued pursuant to the merger. Prior to the expiration of the
offer, Northrop Grumman stated that it would pay $633,452,178 in cash for
Newport News shares in the offer and the merger. Northrop Grumman paid out
$511,440,945 in the offer and with the adjustments, now has $122,011,233
remaining to pay out pursuant to the merger.

     Consequences of Over- and Under-Election. If Newport News stockholders
elect to receive cash in excess of the amount of cash available to be paid in
the merger, the amount of cash that Newport News stockholders will receive for
each Newport News share for which they made a cash election will be reduced pro


so the total amount of cash that Northrop Grumman will pay to all Newport News
stockholders in the merger will equal the amount of remaining cash available. If
this reduction occurs, in addition to the reduced amount of cash, Northrop
Grumman will issue, in respect of each Newport News share for which a cash
election was made, shares of Northrop Grumman common stock in lieu of the cash
the Newport News stockholder would have otherwise received. The number of shares
of Northrop Grumman common stock Northrop Grumman will issue for each Newport
News share subject to a cash election in this situation will be calculated by
multiplying 0.7193 by the percentage reduction in the cash consideration paid to
Newport News stockholders making cash elections. If Newport News stockholders
elect to receive pursuant to the merger shares of Northrop Grumman common stock
in excess of the amount of remaining shares available, the number of shares of
Northrop Grumman common stock Newport News stockholders will receive for each
Newport News share for which they made a share election will be reduced pro rata
so that the total number of shares that Northrop Grumman will issue to all
Newport News stockholders in the merger will equal the amount of remaining
shares available. If this reduction occurs, in addition to the reduced number of
Northrop Grumman shares, Northrop Grumman will pay, in respect of each Newport
News share for which a share election was made, cash in lieu of the Northrop
Grumman shares that the Newport News stockholder would have otherwise received.
The amount of cash to be paid for each Newport News share subject to a share
election in this situation will be calculated by multiplying $67.50 by the
percentage reduction in Northrop Grumman shares issued to Newport News
stockholders making share elections. In the case of an over-election for either
cash or Northrop Grumman shares, those Newport News stockholders who fail to
make a valid election with respect to their shares will receive the
under-elected form of consideration for those shares. Therefore, you are
encouraged to make a valid election with respect to all of your shares. If all
Newport News stockholders together make valid cash elections for less than the
amount of remaining cash available and valid share elections for fewer than all
the amount of remaining shares available, all of the remaining cash and Northrop
Grumman shares that will be paid and issued in the merger will be allocated pro
rata among the holders of non-electing shares. This means that, under these
circumstances, non-electing stockholders would receive both cash and Northrop
Grumman shares for their Newport News shares.


                                APPRAISAL RIGHTS

     Stockholders of Newport News may be entitled to appraisal rights under
Section 262 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware as to shares
owned by them. Newport News stockholders will not be entitled to demand
appraisal of their shares in connection with the merger unless (x) any Newport
News stockholder elects to receive shares of Northrop Grumman common stock
pursuant to the merger and receive, in whole or in part, cash (other than cash
in lieu of fractional shares) or (y) any Newport News stockholder does not make
an election as to the form of consideration to be received and receive, in whole
or in part, cash (other than cash in lieu of fractional shares). Set forth below
is a summary description of Section 262. Section 262 is reprinted in its
entirety as Annex A to this information statement. All references in Section 262
and in this summary to a "stockholder" are to the record holder of the Newport
shares as to which appraisal rights, if any, are asserted. A person having a
beneficial interest in Newport News shares that are held of record in the name
of another person, such as a broker or nominee, must act promptly to cause the
record holder to follow the steps summarized below properly and in a timely
manner to perfect whatever appraisal rights, if any, the beneficial owner may


     In accordance with Section 262, any stockholder may, before the vote at the
special meeting upon the proposal to adopt the merger agreement, demand in
writing from Newport News the appraisal of the fair value of the stockholder's
shares. The demand must reasonably inform Newport News of the identity of the
stockholder and that the stockholder intends thereby to demand the appraisal of
the stockholder's shares. A stockholder will lose appraisal rights, if any, if
among other things,

         .   the written demand for appraisal of shares is not executed by the
             record owner on the date of the demand of the shares for which
             appraisal is sought (or a duly authorized agent of such record

         .   the record owner fails to hold the shares continuously through the
             effective time of the merger;

         .   the record owner surrenders his or her Newport News stock
             certificates when making an election pursuant to the letter of
             election and transmittal;

         .   the record owner does not properly demand an appraisal as
             summarized in this paragraph and the following paragraphs (and more
             fully in Section 262);

         .   the shares for which appraisal is sought are voted in favor of the
             proposal to adopt the merger agreement; or

         .   no petition for appraisal is filed with the Delaware Court of
             Chancery within 120 days after the effective time of the merger.

     A stockholder who elects to exercise appraisal rights, if any, must mail or
deliver such stockholder's written demand to Newport News at 4101 Washington
Avenue, Newport News, Virginia 23607, Attention: Charles Ream, Chief Financial
Officer. A demand for appraisal will not be effective if it is not actually
received by Newport News before the vote at the special meeting upon the
proposal to adopt the merger agreement. A vote against the merger agreement or a
failure to vote for the merger agreement would not by itself constitute
sufficient notice of a stockholder's election to exercise appraisal rights
agreement, if any.

     Only a stockholder of record on the date a demand for appraisal is made is
entitled to assert appraisal rights, if any, for shares registered in the name
of the stockholder. A demand for appraisal must be executed by or for the
stockholder of record, fully and correctly, as the stockholder's name appears on
the certificate or certificates representing his or her shares. If the shares
are owned of record in a fiduciary capacity, such as by a trustee, guardian, or
custodian, demand must be executed by the fiduciary. If the shares are owned of
record by more than one person, as in a joint tenancy or tenancy in common, the
demand must be executed by all joint owners. An authorized agent, including an
agent for two or more joint owners, may execute the demand for appraisal for a
stockholder of record; however, the agent must identify the record owner and
expressly disclose the fact that, in exercising the demand, that person is
acting as agent for the record owner.

     If a person holds shares through a broker who in turn holds the shares
through a central depositary nominee, such as Cede & Co., a demand for appraisal
of the shares must be made by or on behalf of the depositary nominee and must
identify the depositary nominee as the holder of record.


     A stockholder, such as a broker, a central depositary nominee, or other
stockholder who holds shares as a nominee for the benefit of others, may
exercise appraisal rights, if any, with respect to the shares held for all or
less than all beneficial owners of shares as to which the person is the record
owner. In this case, the written demand must set forth the number of shares
covered by the demand. Where the number of shares is not expressly stated, the
demand will be presumed to cover all shares outstanding in the name of the
record owner. Beneficial owners who are not record owners and who intend to
exercise appraisal rights, if any, should instruct the record owner to comply
strictly with the statutory requirements with respect to the exercise of
appraisal rights.

     Within 120 days after the effective time of the merger, if appraisal rights
are available in connection with the merger, either the surviving corporation or
any stockholder of record who has complied with the required conditions of
Section 262 may file a petition in the Delaware Chancery Court demanding a
determination of the fair value of the Newport News shares of the dissenting
stockholders. If appraisal rights are available in connection with the merger, a
petition for an appraisal is timely filed and a copy thereof is served upon the
surviving corporation, the surviving corporation will then be obligated within
20 days to file with the Delaware Register in Chancery a duly verified list
containing the names and addresses of all stockholders who have demanded an
appraisal of their shares and with whom agreements as to the value of their
shares have not been reached. After notice to such stockholders as required by
the Court, the Delaware Court of Chancery is empowered to conduct a hearing on
such petition to determine those stockholders who have complied with Section 262
and who have become entitled to appraisal rights thereunder. The Delaware Court
of Chancery may require the stockholders who demanded payment for their shares
to submit their stock certificates to the Register in Chancery for notation
thereon of the pendency of the appraisal proceeding; and if any stockholder
fails to comply with such direction, the Court of Chancery may dismiss the
proceedings as to such stockholder.

     After determining the stockholders entitled to appraisal, the Delaware
Court of Chancery will appraise the Newport News shares formerly owned by those
stockholders, determining the fair value of the shares, exclusive of any element
of value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the merger, together
with a fair rate of interest, if any, to be paid upon the amount determined to
be the fair value. In determining the fair value, the Delaware Chancery Court is
to take into account all relevant factors.

     Stockholders considering seeking appraisal should note that the "fair
value" of their shares determined under Section 262 could be more than, the same
as or less than the merger consideration, and that opinions of investment
banking firms as to fairness, from a financial point of view, are not opinions
as to fair value under Section 262. The cost of the appraisal proceeding may be
determined by the Delaware Chancery Court and taxed against the parties as the
Delaware Chancery Court deems equitable in the circumstances. Upon application
of a dissenting stockholder, the Delaware Chancery Court may order that all or a
portion of the expenses incurred by any dissenting stockholder in connection
with the appraisal proceeding, including without limitation, reasonable
attorneys' fees and the fees and expenses of experts, be charged pro rata
against the value of all Newport News shares entitled to appraisal.

     From and after the effective time of the merger, if appraisal rights are
available in connection with the merger, no stockholder who has duly demanded
appraisal in compliance with Section 262 will be entitled to vote for any
purpose the Newport News shares subject to that demand or to receive payment of
dividends or other distributions on the shares, except for dividends or
distributions payable to stockholders of record at a date prior to the effective
time of the merger.

     At any time within 60 days after the effective time of the merger, any
stockholder shall have the right to withdraw their demand for appraisal and to
accept the terms offered in the merger agreement; after this period, a
stockholder may withdraw their demand for appraisal only with the consent of the
surviving corporation. If no petition for appraisal is filed with the Delaware
Chancery Court within 120 days after the effective time of the merger,
stockholders' rights to appraisal, if any, shall cease, and all stockholders who
had previously demanded appraisal shall thereafter be entitled to receive the
merger consideration, without interest thereon, upon valid surrender of the
certificates that formerly represented their shares. Inasmuch as Newport News
has no obligation to file a petition, and has no present intention to do so, any
stockholder who desires a petition to be filed is advised to file it on a timely
basis. No petition timely filed in the Delaware Chancery Court demanding
appraisal shall be dismissed as to any stockholder without the approval of the
Delaware Chancery Court, and that approval may be conditioned upon terms as the
Delaware Chancery Court deems just.


                                   THE MERGER

Background of the Offer and the Merger

     On May 6, 1999, Litton proposed to acquire Newport News in a
stock-for-stock merger valued at $35.61 per Newport News share of common stock
based on the May 6, 1999 closing price of $64.75 for Litton Industries common
stock. Newport News was unwilling to accept the Litton proposal and in July,
1999, Litton withdrew its proposal.

     On March 9, 2001, Ken Kresa, Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Northrop Grumman, called William Fricks, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Newport News. Mr. Kresa advised Mr. Fricks that Northrop Grumman was
in the process of completing the Litton acquisition, and was looking forward to
working with Newport News in the shipbuilding industry. Mr. Kresa referred to
the fact that, in the past, Litton had been interested in, and had in fact
proposed, a possible acquisition of Newport News. Mr. Kresa noted that while
this was not the time to discuss a possible transaction with Newport News, he
looked forward to the possibility of having such discussions on this topic in
the future. Mr. Fricks acknowledged Mr. Kresa's comments and stated that nothing
in this regard was currently being considered.

     On April 24, 2001, General Dynamics and Newport News announced that they
had entered into a merger agreement providing for an offer by General Dynamics
to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Newport News common stock
for $67.50 in cash per share. The General Dynamics offer was subject to various
conditions including approval under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements
Act of 1976.

     On May 4, 2001, General Dynamics commenced a cash tender offer pursuant to
the merger agreement for all of the shares of Newport News common stock and
mailed its offer to purchase and other tender offer materials to Newport News

     On May 8, 2001, Mr. Kresa called Mr. Fricks and told him that Northrop
Grumman was disappointed to read about the proposed General Dynamics transaction
before having had a chance to discuss a possible Northrop Grumman-Newport News
transaction, and that Northrop Grumman would now be sending Mr. Fricks a letter
offering to acquire Newport News. Mr. Fricks indicated that he would review the
letter when it arrived.

     On May 8, 2001, Northrop Grumman sent a letter to Newport News, setting
forth an offer by Northrop Grumman to acquire all outstanding shares of Newport
News common stock for common stock of Northrop Grumman and cash, valued at
$67.50 per Newport News share, requesting that the board of directors enter into
discussions with Northrop Grumman about its offer and stating that Northrop
Grumman expected to commence an exchange offer. On May 9, 2001, Northrop Grumman
issued a press release which attached a copy of the letter.

     On May 9, 2001, Newport News issued a press release stating that it had
received the Northrop Grumman letter and that the "Newport News Board of
Directors will meet in due course to consider Northrop Grumman's proposed
exchange offer once the definitive terms of the offer have been made available."

     On May 18, 2001, Northrop Grumman filed notification with the U.S.
Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission of its intention to
acquire Newport News, in compliance with the Premerger Notification requirements
of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976.

     On May 23, 2001, Northrop Grumman commenced its offer.

     On May 25, 2001, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics received a request
from the Department of Justice for additional information under the
Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 with respect to each
company's proposed acquisition of Newport News.

     On June 5, 2001, Newport News' board of directors met and determined that
it was unable to take a position with respect to the Northrop Grumman offer
until Newport News further investigated the position of the U.S.


government. Newport News' board of directors also unanimously reaffirmed its
recommendation of the General Dynamics offer and advised Newport News
stockholders to tender their shares as part of the General Dynamics offer.

     On June 15, 2001, Mr. Kresa sent a letter to Mr. Fricks, stating that
Northrop Grumman was disappointed to learn that the Newport News board of
directors decided not to take a position with regard to Northrop Grumman's
offer. Mr. Kresa requested access to the same information that Newport News
provided General Dynamics during the governmental review process. Mr. Kresa
reiterated his belief that there were substantial antitrust issues facing the
General Dynamics merger. This letter was filed as Exhibit (a)(5)(E) to Northrop
Grumman's amended Schedule TO, filed with the SEC on June 15, 2001. See "Where
You Can Find More Information."

     On June 18, 2001, Northrop Grumman received a request from the Department
of Justice for additional information under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976 regarding its proposed acquisition of Newport News.

     General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman announced, on August 9, 2001 and on
August 10, 2001, respectively, that they had entered into an agreement with the
Department of Defense and the Department of Justice providing that both General
Dynamics and Northrop Grumman comply with a Department of Justice request not to
issue their intent to complete its proposed acquisition of Newport News before
August 20, 2001. The agreement provided that the Department of Justice and the
Department of Defense would inform General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman of
their enforcement intentions regarding the proposed transactions after receiving
notification of General Dynamics' or Northrop Grumman's intent to close their
proposed acquisition of Newport News.

     On October 4, 2001, Mr. Kresa sent a letter to Mr. Fricks, reaffirming
Northrop Grumman's view that its proposal was a superior proposal to that of
General Dynamics. In addition, Mr. Kresa expressed a willingness to have
Northrop Grumman enter into a confidentiality agreement in order to facilitate
discussions with Newport News. The letter was filed as Exhibit (a)(5)(T) to
Northrop Grumman's amended Schedule TO filed with the SEC on October 9, 2001.

     On October 4, 2001, Newport News issued a press release announcing that its
board of directors would meet on Friday, October 5, 2001 to review the General
Dynamics and the Northrop Grumman offers in light of the increase of the
Northrop Grumman stock price.

     On October 5, 2001, Mr. Fricks called Mr. Kresa to invite Northrop Grumman
to visit the Newport News offices and begin due diligence as soon as possible.

     On October 5, 2001, Newport News announced that its board of directors had
determined that discussions with Northrop Grumman could result in Northrop
Grumman making an offer to acquire Newport News that was superior to General
Dynamics' existing offer and determined to initiate discussions with Northrop
Grumman concerning a possible acquisition of Newport News. Newport News' board
of directors also reaffirmed its recommendation of the General Dynamics offer.

     On October 5, 2001, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, outside legal counsel to
Newport News, sent a draft merger agreement to Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Jacobson, outside legal counsel to Northrop Grumman.

     On October 6, 2001, Northrop Grumman and Newport News entered into a
confidentiality agreement concerning the exchange of information between the two
companies during discussions concerning Northrop Grumman's proposed acquisition
of Newport News.

     On October 23, 2001, the Department of Defense announced that it had
completed its review of the proposals by General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman
to acquire Newport News. The announcement stated that the Department of Defense
had concluded that the proposal by General Dynamics would eliminate competition
for nuclear submarines, resulting in a monopoly and would harm competition for
surface combatants and for the


development of emerging technologies for both nuclear submarines and surface
ships. The announcement also stated that the Department of Defense had also
determined that while the benefits and savings offered by each transaction were
comparable, the Northrop Grumman transaction had the additional benefit of
preserving competition. Also on October 23, 2001, the Department of Justice
announced that it had filed an antitrust lawsuit to block General Dynamics'
proposed acquisition of Newport News.

     On October 24, Mr. Kresa called Mr. Fricks to assure him that Northrop
Grumman remained committed to moving forward with a Newport News transaction,
subject to completion of due diligence and negotiation of a mutually
satisfactory merger agreement.

     On October 25, 2001, Northrop Grumman issued a press release extending the
offer and stating that it had not completed its due diligence regarding Newport
News nor the negotiation of a possible merger agreement and that it may modify
its offer and reserved the right to do so.

     On October 26, 2001, General Dynamics and Newport News announced that they
had terminated their merger agreement.

     Between October 26, 2001 and November 7, 2001, Northrop Grumman completed
its due diligence review and Northrop Grumman and Newport News negotiated the
terms of a proposed merger agreement.

     On November 5, 2001, the Northrop Grumman board of directors unanimously
approved the transaction and authorized proceeding with the completion of the

     On November 6, 2001, Newport News announced that it had received a revised
proposal from Northrop Grumman in which the "collar" used in determining the
amount of Northrop Grumman common stock and cash to be received by Newport News
stockholders would be adjusted so that Newport News stockholders would receive a
value of $67.50 per share if the market value of Northrop Grumman common stock
does not exceed $100.00 per share and is not less than $80.00 per share.

     On November 7, 2001, the Newport News board of directors unanimously
approved the proposed transaction, determined it to be fair to and in the best
interests of the stockholders of Newport News, and agreed to recommend it to its

     On November 7, 2001, the merger agreement was executed by Northrop Grumman,
Purchaser Corp. I and Newport News.

     On November 8, 2001, Northrop Grumman and Newport News issued a joint press
release announcing the transaction.

     On November 21, 2001, Northrop Grumman announced that the Registration
Statement on Form S-4 had been declared effective by the SEC.

     On November 27, 2001, Northrop Grumman announced the exchange ratio for the
offer to be fixed at 0.7193. Northrop Grumman also announced that pursuant to
the merger agreement the Parent Stock Value (as defined in the merger agreement)
was approximately $93.84 and the Adjusted Cash Basis (as defined in the merger
agreement) was $633,452,178. It was also announced that the New York Stock
Exchange approved for listing the 16,636,885 shares of Northrop Grumman common
stock to be issued in the offer and merger.

     On November 30, 2001, Northrop Grumman announced it had completed the
tender offer for Newport News on November 29, 2001. A total of approximately
26,241,019 shares were tendered in the offer and accepted, including
approximately 14,274,961 delivered through notice of guaranteed delivery,
representing approximately 80.7% of the outstanding Newport News common stock.
In addition, the resignations of all members of the Newport News board of
directors except for Hon. Gerald L. Baliles and Hon. Charles A. Bowsher were
accepted, and Messrs. W. Burks Terry, John H. Mullan and Albert F. Myers were
appointed to serve on the Newport News


board of directors. Thomas C. Schievelbein, previously executive vice president
of Newport News, was named a Northrop Grumman corporate vice president and
president of the new Newport News sector.

     During the pendency of the offer and the merger, Northrop Grumman and
Purchaser Corp. I intend to have ongoing contacts with Newport News and its
directors, officers and stockholders.

Northrop Grumman Reasons for the Offer and Merger

     Northrop Grumman believes that the proposed acquisition of Newport News
represents a compelling opportunity to enhance value for both Newport News
stockholders and Northrop Grumman stockholders for reasons that include the

          .    a combination of Northrop Grumman (which recently completed its
               purchase of Litton) and Newport News would offer a variety of
               strategic benefits, including making Northrop Grumman a complete
               full-line shipbuilding competitor;

          .    the acquisition would provide an opportunity for significant cost
               savings to the U.S. Navy and the opportunity for Newport News to
               realize efficiencies available as part of a larger, more
               diversified company;

          .    the combination of Northrop Grumman and Newport News will
               strengthen Northrop Grumman's position in the defense industry
               marketplace. Acquisition of Newport News' nuclear-powered
               aircraft carrier and submarine capabilities would broaden
               Northrop Grumman's base, enabling it to respond to the U.S.
               Government's demand by providing products complementary to
               Northrop Grumman's existing businesses; and

          .    Newport News' strength in the design, construction, repair,
               maintenance, overhaul and refueling of nuclear-powered aircraft
               carriers and submarines should provide an opportunity for
               Northrop Grumman to expand its presence into those markets.

     Achieving these objectives depends on successfully integrating companies
that have previously operated independently and on other uncertainties described
under "Risk Factors."

Recommendation and Reasons of Newport News Board of Directors

     On November 7, 2001, Newport News' board of directors determined by
unanimous vote that the merger agreement and transactions contemplated by the
merger agreement, including the offer and the merger, taken together, are
advisable and fair to and in the best interests of Newport News stockholders,
and recommended that Newport News stockholders accept the offer and tender their
shares into the offer. Newport News' board of directors determined by
unanimous vote to approve the merger agreement.

     In reaching its decision to approve the merger agreement and recommend that
the holders of Newport News shares adopt the merger agreement, the Newport News
board of directors considered a number of factors. The material favorable
factors were the following:

          .    The recommendation of the Newport News' management that the
               merger agreement, including the offer and the merger, be approved
               by the Newport News board of directors.

          .    The price to be paid pursuant to the offer and the merger
               (assuming a value of $67.50 per share), represented a 20% premium
               over the closing price of the shares on April 20, 2001 (a date
               shortly prior to the announcement of the General Dynamics
               transaction), a 31% premium over the average closing price of the
               shares for the four-week period preceding April 20, 2001 and a
               32% premium over the average closing price of the shares for the
               six-month period preceding April 20, 2001. The Newport


          News board of directors was aware, however, that the market prices of
          stocks of many other defense contractors have risen since the
          terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

     .    Under the terms of the offer, the holders of Newport News shares will
          be able to elect to receive either $67.50 per Newport News share in
          cash or a number of Northrop Grumman shares, subject, in each case, to
          the election and proration procedures and limitations on the number of
          Northrop Grumman shares and amount of cash to be exchanged for Newport
          News shares pursuant to the offer. The exact exchange ratio of
          Northrop Grumman shares to be exchanged for Newport News shares will
          be determined by dividing $67.50 by the average of the closing sale
          prices for a Northrop Grumman share on the NYSE as reported in The
          Wall Street Journal over the five-day trading period ending on the
          trading day immediately preceding the second full trading day before
          the expiration of the offer, provided that the exchange ratio per
          Newport News shares will not be more than .84375 ($67.50/$80) or less
          than .675 ($67.50/$100) per share. The holders of Newport News shares
          who receive Northrop Grumman shares in exchange for their shares will
          receive less than $67.50 per share of value if the price of the
          Northrop Grumman shares, as determined pursuant to the offer, is less
          than $80 and will receive more than $67.50 per share of value if such
          price of Northrop Grumman shares is more than $100. On May 24, 2001,
          the first trading day after Northrop Grumman publicly disclosed the
          definitive terms of the offer (which terms at such time provided for a
          "collar" in which holders of Newport News shares would receive less
          than $67.50 per share of value if the price of Northrop Grumman shares
          was less than $85 and would receive more than $67.50 per Newport News
          share of value if the price of Northrop Grumman shares was more than
          $95),the closing price of the Northrop Grumman shares, as reported on
          the NYSE Consolidated Tape, was $86.60 per Northrop Grumman share.
          Since that date, the closing price of the Northrop Grumman shares, as
          reported on the NYSE Consolidated Tape, has ranged from a high of
          $110.56 to a low of $76.41. On November 9, 2001, the closing price of
          the Northrop Grumman shares, as reported on the NYSE Consolidated
          Tape, was $97.60. Accordingly, at recent market prices of the Northrop
          Grumman shares, the collar for determining the exchange ratio of
          Northrop Grumman shares per Newport News share provides greater
          protection against a decline in the market price of the Northrop
          Grumman shares than the limitation on the value above $67.50 per
          Newport News share that will be received by holders of Newport News
          shares who elect to receive Northrop Grumman shares in the offer.

     .    The opinion of Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation as to the
          fairness, from a financial point of view, of the aggregate
          consideration to be received in the offer and the merger by the
          holders of Newport News common stock (other than Northrop Grumman
          and its affiliates), as described more fully below in "The Merger--
          Opinion of Newport News' Financial Advisor."

     .    The fact that the offer and the merger had already been approved by
          the Department of Defense and cleared the Department of Justice.

     .    The continuing trend towards consolidation among defense contractors,
          the implications of that consolidation for Newport News as a stand-
          alone company and management's and the Newport News


          board of directors' belief that a combination with Northrop Grumman
          would make Newport News a stronger participant in the defense

     .    Constraints on defense spending by the U.S. government, the
          implications for those constraints for the demand for Newport News'
          aircraft carriers and submarines, the potential for significant cost
          savings through a combination of Newport News and Northrop Grumman.

     .    The offer is intended to be structured so that Newport News
          stockholders' shares will not incur tax on the exchange of shares for
          Northrop Grumman shares for U.S. federal income tax purposes. However,
          any resale of Northrop Grumman shares will be a taxable event for U.S.
          federal income tax purposes.

     .    Since the announcement of the General Dynamics transaction, over six
          months ago, Northrop Grumman has been the only other potential merger
          partner to make a proposal to acquire Newport News, and a transaction
          with General Dynamics cannot be completed for regulatory reasons.

The Newport News board of directors weighed the foregoing factors against the
following negative considerations.

     .    The Newport News board of directors noted that approximately 56% to
          70% of Newport News shares in the offer, if completed, would be
          exchanged for Northrop Grumman shares if the market price of Northrop
          Grumman shares used in determining the exchange ratio of Northrop
          Grumman shares for each share is between $80 and $100 per share. The
          Newport News board of directors was aware that the value of the
          Northrop Grumman shares would be subject to fluctuation, both before
          and after completion of the offer, based on a number of factors,
          including changes in market conditions, the future financial
          performance of Northrop Grumman and the market's assessment of whether
          the offer will be completed. If the market price of Northrop Grumman
          shares used in determining the exchange ratio of Northrop Grumman
          shares for each share is less than $80 per Northrop Grumman share, the
          holders of shares may receive consideration of less than $67.50 per
          share in the offer. In addition, even if the price of Northrop Grumman
          shares, as determined during the valuation period provided in the
          offer, equals or exceeds $80 per Northrop Grumman share, there is no
          assurance that the actual market value of the Northrop Grumman shares
          to be issued per share pursuant the offer, when issued, would equal or
          exceed $67.50 per share.

     .    The Newport News board of directors also was aware that Northrop
          Grumman had recently completed the acquisition of Litton and that the
          value of Northrop Grumman shares is subject to risk in successfully
          integrating the business of Litton with that of Northrop Grumman.

     .    The Northrop Grumman board of directors also believes that the value
          of Northrop Grumman shares will be dependent upon the successful
          integration of the business of Newport News if Newport News is
          acquired by Northrop Grumman.

     .    Credit Suisse First Boston discussed with the Newport News board of
          directors the potential adverse impact of a redistribution of the
          Northrop Grumman shares (to be received by Newport News' stockholders
          under the offer and merger) on the market price of the Northrop
          Grumman shares.

     .    The provisions of the merger agreement that restrict Newport News'
          ability to entertain other acquisition proposals or to terminate the
          merger agreement to pursue another acquisition proposal.

     .    The provision in the merger agreement requiring Newport News to pay a
          $50 million termination fee if the merger agreement is terminated
          under certain circumstances.


     .    The covenants in the merger agreement restricting the conduct of
          Newport News' business prior to the completion of the merger only to
          conduct which is in the ordinary course consistent with past practice,
          as well as various other operational restrictions on Newport News
          prior to the completion of the merger.

     .    The Newport News board of directors also noted the other risks to the
          holders of shares as disclosed under "Risk Factors."

     .    The Newport News board of directors also considered the following:

         .  The right of Newport News to terminate the merger agreement if the
            offer is not completed by January 31, 2002, which date may be
            extended at Newport News' election until April 30, 2002.

         .  The other terms and conditions of the offer, the merger and the
            merger agreement.

         .  Possible strategic alternatives to the offer and the merger,
            including continuing to operate as an independent company or a
            business combination with another company.

         .  The commitment of Northrop Grumman to provide compensation and
            employee benefits to employees of Newport News for two years
            following the effective time of the merger that are, in the
            aggregate, no less favorable than current compensation and employee
            benefits and to accord certain rights to Newport News' employees
            under employee benefit plans of Northrop Grumman that may be made
            available to them. See "Merger Agreement -- Employee Benefits."

         .  The directors' knowledge of Newport News' business, financial
            condition, results of operations and current business strategy.

     In addition, the Newport News board of directors considered the interest of
Newport News' directors and executive officers that are different from, or in
addition to, the interests of Newport News' stockholders. The Newport News board
of directors did not believe that these interests should affect its decision to
approve the merger agreement in light of the fact that such interests are
primarily based on contractual arrangements which were in place prior to the
negotiation of the merger agreement and the Newport News board of directors'
assessment that the judgment and performance of the directors and executive
officers would not be impaired by such interests. See "Interests of Certain
Persons in the Merger."

     The foregoing discussion of the material facts considered by the Newport
News board of directors is not intended to be exhaustive. In view of the variety
of factors considered in connection with its evaluation of the merger agreement,
the offer and the merger, the Newport News board of directors did not find it
practicable to, and did not, quantify or otherwise assign relative weights to
the factors summarized above in reaching its recommendation. In addition,
individual members of the Newport News board of directors may have assigned
different weights to different factors.

Opinion of Newport News' Financial Advisor

        Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation has acted as financial advisor to
Newport News in connection with the offer and the merger. Newport News selected
Credit Suisse First Boston based on Credit Suisse First Boston's experience,
expertise and reputation, and its familiarity with Newport News and its
business. Credit Suisse First Boston is an internationally recognized investment
banking firm and is regularly engaged in the valuation of businesses and
securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts,
negotiated underwritings, competitive biddings, secondary distributions of
listed and unlisted securities, private placements and valuations for corporate
and other purposes.


         In connection with Credit Suisse First Boston's engagement, Newport
News requested that Credit Suisse First Boston evaluate the fairness, from a
financial point of view, to the holders of Newport News common stock, other than
Northrop Grumman and its affiliates, of the aggregate consideration to be
received by holders of Newport News common stock in the offer and the merger. On
November 7, 2001, at a meeting of the board of directors of Newport News held to
evaluate the proposed offer and the merger, Credit Suisse First Boston rendered
to the Newport News board an oral opinion, which opinion was confirmed by
delivery of a written opinion dated November 7, 2001, the date of the merger
agreement, to the effect that, as of the date of the opinion and based on and
subject to the matters described in its opinion, the aggregate consideration to
be received by holders of Newport News common stock in the offer and the merger
was fair, from a financial point of view, to holders of Newport News common
stock other than Northrop Grumman and its affiliates.


         In arriving at its opinion, Credit Suisse First Boston reviewed the
merger agreement and publicly available business and financial information
relating to Newport News and Northrop Grumman. Credit Suisse First Boston also
reviewed other information relating to Newport News and Northrop Grumman,
including financial forecasts, provided to or discussed with Credit Suisse First
Boston by Newport News and Northrop Grumman, and met with the managements of
Newport News and Northrop Grumman to discuss the businesses and prospects of
Newport News and Northrop Grumman. Credit Suisse First Boston also considered
financial and stock market data of Newport News and Northrop Grumman, and
compared those data with similar data for publicly held companies in businesses
that Credit Suisse First Boston deemed similar to Newport News and Northrop
Grumman, and considered, to the extent publicly available, the financial terms
of other business combinations and other transactions which have been effected
or announced. Credit Suisse First Boston also considered other information,
financial studies, analyses and investigations and financial, economic and
market criteria that Credit Suisse First Boston deemed relevant.

         In connection with its review, Credit Suisse First Boston did not
assume any responsibility for independent verification of any of the information
provided to or otherwise reviewed by it and relied on


that information being complete and accurate in all material respects. Credit
Suisse First Boston was advised, and assumed, that the financial forecasts for
Newport News and Northrop Grumman were reasonably prepared on bases reflecting
the best currently available estimates and judgments of the managements of
Newport News and Northrop Grumman as to the future financial performance of
Newport News and Northrop Grumman. Credit Suisse First Boston also assumed, with
Newport News' consent, that the merger would be treated as a tax free
reorganization for federal income tax purposes. Credit Suisse First Boston was
not requested to, and did not, make an independent evaluation or appraisal of
the assets or liabilities, contingent or otherwise, of Newport News and Northrop
Grumman, and was not furnished with any independent evaluations or appraisals.

         Credit Suisse First Boston's opinion was necessarily based on
information available to it, and financial, economic, market and other
conditions as they existed and could be evaluated, on the date of Credit Suisse
First Boston's opinion. Although Credit Suisse First Boston evaluated the
aggregate consideration provided for in the offer and the merger from a
financial point of view, Credit Suisse First Boston was not requested to, and
did not, recommend the specific consideration to be received in the offer and
the merger, which consideration was determined between Newport News and Northrop
Grumman. Credit Suisse First Boston's opinion was limited to the fairness, from
a financial point of view, to the holders of Newport News common stock, other
than Northrop Grumman and its affiliates, of the aggregate consideration to be
received by holders of Newport News common stock in the offer and the merger and
did not address the consideration to be received by any particular stockholder,
which may vary as a consequence of, among other things, the forms of
consideration to be elected by the stockholder and other stockholders of Newport
News common stock. Credit Suisse First Boston's opinion did not express any
opinion as to what the value of Northrop Grumman common stock actually will be
when issued pursuant to the offer and the merger or the prices at which Northrop
Grumman common stock will trade at any time. Credit Suisse First Boston's
opinion also did not address the relative merits of the offer and the merger as
compared to other business strategies that might be available to Newport News,
nor did it address the underlying business decision of Newport News to proceed
with the offer and the merger. No other limitations were imposed on Credit
Suisse First Boston with respect to the investigations made or procedures
followed by Credit Suisse First Boston in rendering its opinion.

         In preparing its opinion to the board of directors of Newport News,
Credit Suisse First Boston performed a variety of financial and comparative
analyses, including those described below. The summary of Credit Suisse First
Boston's analyses described below is not a complete description of the analyses
underlying its opinion. The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex
process involving various determinations as to the most appropriate and relevant
methods of financial analysis and the application of those methods to the
particular circumstances and, therefore, a fairness opinion is not readily
susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. In arriving at its
opinion, Credit Suisse First Boston made qualitative judgments as to the
significance and relevance of each analysis and factor that it considered.
Accordingly, Credit Suisse First Boston believes that its analyses must be
considered as a whole and that selecting portions of its analyses and factors or
focusing on information presented in tabular format, without considering all
analyses and factors or the narrative description of the analyses, could create
a misleading or incomplete view of the processes underlying its analyses and

         In its analyses, Credit Suisse First Boston considered industry
performance, regulatory, general business, economic, market and financial
conditions and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of Newport
News and Northrop Grumman. No company, transaction or business used in Credit
Suisse First Boston's analyses as a comparison is identical to Newport News,
Northrop Grumman or the proposed offer and the merger, and an evaluation of the
results of those analyses is not entirely mathematical. Rather, the analyses
involve complex considerations and judgments concerning financial and operating
characteristics and other factors that could affect the acquisition, public
trading or other values of the companies, business segments or transactions
analyzed. The estimates contained in Credit Suisse First Boston's analyses and
the ranges of valuations resulting from any particular analysis are not
necessarily indicative of actual values or predictive of future results or
values, which may be significantly more or less favorable than those suggested
by the analyses. In addition, analyses relating to the value of businesses or
securities do not purport to be appraisals or to reflect the prices at which
businesses or


securities actually may be sold. Accordingly, Credit Suisse First Boston's
analyses and estimates are inherently subject to substantial uncertainty.

         Credit Suisse First Boston's opinion and financial analyses were only
one of many factors considered by the board of directors of Newport News in its
evaluation of the proposed offer and the merger and should not be viewed as
determinative of the views of Newport News' board of directors or management
with respect to the offer and the merger or the aggregate consideration to be
received by holder of Newport News common stock in the offer and the merger.

         The following is a summary of the material analyses underlying Credit
Suisse First Boston's opinion dated November 7, 2001 delivered to the board of
directors of Newport News in connection with the offer and the merger. The
financial analyses summarized below include information presented in tabular
format. In order to fully understand Credit Suisse First Boston's financial
analyses, the tables must be read together with the text of each summary. The
tables alone do not constitute a complete description of the financial analyses.
Considering the data in the tables below without considering the full narrative
description of the financial analyses, including the methodologies and
assumptions underlying the analyses, could create a misleading or incomplete
view of Credit Suisse First Boston's financial analyses.

         Newport News.

         Credit Suisse First Boston performed a "Discounted Cash Flow Analysis,"
"Selected Companies Analysis" and "Selected Transactions Analysis" for Newport
News as described below. Based on these valuation methodologies, Credit Suisse
First Boston derived the following implied per share equity reference range for
Newport News common stock after adjustment for net debt, option proceeds and
certain obligations related to the Amended and Restated Stock Employee
Compensation Trust Agreement, dated as of August 1, 2000, between Newport News
and Wachovia Bank, N.A., as amended, referred to below as the SECT, and the
change in control in the offer and the merger, as compared to the consideration
in the offer and the merger:

                                      Implied Per Share
                                      Equity               Consideration In The
                                      Reference Range      Offer And The Merger
                                      ---------------      --------------------
         Newport News Common Stock    $63.38 - $72.40      $67.50

         Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. Credit Suisse First Boston estimated the
present value of the stand-alone, unlevered, after-tax free cash flows that
Newport News could generate for the fiscal years 2002 to 2010, based on internal
estimates of Newport News' management. Credit Suisse First Boston then
calculated two ranges of estimated terminal values by applying selected
multiples ranging from 8.0x to 9.0x to Newport News' projected fiscal year 2010
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, commonly
referred to as EBITDA, and by applying a selected perpetuity growth rate ranging
from 2.0% to 3.0% to the estimated stand-alone, unlevered, after-tax free cash
flows that Newport News could generate for the fiscal year 2011. The present
value of the resulting range of cash flows and the resulting ranges of terminal
values were then calculated using selected discount rates ranging from 9.5% to

         This analysis indicated an aggregate implied equity reference range for
Newport News of approximately $2,514 million to $2,741 million after adjustment
for net debt, option proceeds and certain obligations related to the SECT and
the change in control in the offer and the merger. Using this aggregate equity
reference range, Credit Suisse First Boston then derived an implied per share
equity reference range for Newport News common stock. This analysis indicated
the following implied per share equity reference range:

                                      Implied Per Share Equity
                                      Reference Range
         Newport News Common Stock    $66.39 - $72.40


         Selected Transactions Analysis. Credit Suisse First Boston reviewed the
implied transaction multiples in the following eight selected merger and
acquisition transactions in the shipbuilding industry in particular and fourteen
selected merger and acquisition transactions in the defense industry generally:

         Shipbuilding Industry.

       Acquiror                                  Target
       --------                                  ------

 .      General Dynamics Corporation              Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.
 .      Northrop Grumman Corporation              Litton Industries, Inc.
 .      Litton Industries, Inc.                   Avondale Industries, Inc.
 .      Litton Industries, Inc.                   Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.
 .      General Dynamics Corporation              Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.
 .      Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.            Avondale Industries, Inc.
 .      General Dynamics Corporation              National Steel And Ship
                                                 Building Company
 .      General Dynamics Corporation              Bath Iron Works

       Defense Industry.

       Acquiror                                 Target
       --------                                 ------

 .      BAE Systems, Inc.                        Lockheed Martin-Sanders, Inc.
 .      Alcoa Inc.                               Cordant Technologies Inc.
 .      General Dynamics Corporation             GTE Government Systems
 .      United Technologies Corporation          Sundstrand Corporation
 .      Carlyle Group                            United Defense Industries, Inc.
 .      The General Electric Company p.l.c.      Tracor, Inc.
 .      Raytheon Company                         Texas Instruments Defense
 .      Raytheon Company                         Hughes Electronics Corporation
 .      The Boeing Company                       McDonnell Douglas Corporation
 .      The Boeing Company                       Rockwell A&D
 .      Northrop Corporation                     Westinghouse Electric -- Defense
 .      Raytheon Company                         E-Systems, Inc.
 .      Martin Marietta Corporation              Lockheed Corporation
 .      Northrop Corporation                     Grumman Corporation

         Credit Suisse First Boston compared enterprise values, calculated as
equity value, plus debt and preferred stock, less cash, in the selected
transactions as multiples of latest 12 months revenue, EBITDA and earnings
before interest and taxes, commonly referred to as EBIT. Credit Suisse First
Boston also compared equity values in the selected transactions as multiples of
latest 12 months earnings. All multiples for the selected transactions were
based on publicly available information at the time of announcement of the
relevant transaction. Financial data for Newport News were based on actual
results provided by Newport News' management. This analysis indicated the
following low, mean, median and high implied multiples for each group of the
selected transactions, as compared to the multiples implied for Newport News
based on the consideration in the offer and the merger of $67.50 per share:

                                   Shipbuilding Industry
Enterprise Value          ----------------------------------------- Implied
as Multiple of:           Low       Mean      Median     High       Newport News
---------------           ---       ----      ------     ----       ------------
Latest 12 Months
 Revenue ..............   0.4x      0.9x      0.9x       1.3x       1.2x
 EBITDA ...............   7.8x      8.8x      8.6x       10.5x      9.4x
 EBIT .................   8.3x      10.9x     10.9x      13.4x      11.7x

Equity Value
as Multiple of:

 Latest 12 months
   earnings ...........  12.2x     18.4x     19.4x      24.4x      20.6x


                                     Defense Industry
Enterprise Value          ----------------------------------------- Implied
as Multiple of:           Low       Mean      Median     High       Newport News
---------------           ---       ----      ------     ----       ------------
Latest 12 Months
 Revenue ..............   0.5x      1.2x      1.1x       2.1x       1.2x
 EBITDA ...............   4.9x      9.1x      9.3x       13.7x      9.4x
 EBIT .................   6.1x      11.7x     11.1x      16.6x      11.7x

Equity Value
as Multiple of:
 Latest 12 months
   earnings ...........  10.0x     17.7x     18.1x      27.1x      20.6x

         Credit Suisse First Boston then applied a range of selected multiples
derived from the selected transactions of latest 12 months revenue, EBITDA, EBIT
and earnings to corresponding financial data of Newport News. This analysis
indicated an aggregate implied equity reference range for Newport News of
approximately $2,286 million to $2,741 million after adjustment for net debt,
option proceeds and certain obligations related to the SECT and the change in
control in the offer and the merger. Using this aggregate equity reference
range, Credit Suisse First Boston then derived an implied per share equity
reference range for Newport News common stock. This analysis indicated the
following implied per share equity reference range:

                                             Implied Per Share Equity
                                             Reference Range
             Newport News Common Stock       $60.38 - $72.40

         Selected Companies Analysis. Credit Suisse First Boston compared
financial, operating and stock market data of Newport News to corresponding data
for the following four publicly traded companies in the defense industry:

            .    Lockheed Martin Corporation
            .    General Dynamics Corporation
            .    Raytheon Company
            .    Northrop Grumman Corporation

Credit Suisse First Boston reviewed enterprise values as multiples of estimated
calendar years 2002 and 2003 revenue, EBITDA and EBIT. Credit Suisse First
Boston also reviewed equity values as multiples of estimated calendar years 2002
and 2003 earnings. All multiples for the selected companies were based on
closing stock prices on November 6, 2001. Estimated financial data for Newport
News and the selected companies were based on publicly available research
analysts' estimates and, except for General Dynamics, excluded pension income.
This analysis indicated the following low, mean, median and high multiples for
the selected companies, as compared to the multiples for Newport News on April
20, 2001, five days prior to the announcement of General Dynamics' offer for
Newport News:

                                     Defense Industry
Enterprise Value          ----------------------------------------- Implied
as Multiple of:           Low       Mean      Median     High       Newport News
---------------           ---       ----      ------     ----       ------------
Estimated Calendar Year
   2002 Revenue ........  0.9x      1.1x      1.2x       1.3x       1.0x
   2002 EBITDA .........  9.0x      9.6x      9.3x       10.9x      7.8x
   2002 EBIT ...........  10.4x     14.2x     15.0x      16.3x      9.8x

Estimated Calendar Year
   2003 Revenue ........  0.8x      1.0x      1.0x       1.2x        NA
   2003 EBITDA .........  7.8x      8.4x      8.0x       9.8x        NA
   2003 EBIT ...........  9.0x      11.7x     12.1x      13.7x       NA


     Equity Value
     as Multiple of:
        Estimated Calendar Year
        2002 Earnings ............  16.5x   24.5x      24.5x     32.4x    16.5x
        2003 Earnings ............  14.1x   19.4x      18.8x     25.9x    NA

         Credit Suisse First Boston then applied a range of selected multiples
derived from the selected companies of estimated calendar years 2002 and 2003
revenue, EBITDA, EBIT and earnings to corresponding financial data of Newport
News. Estimated financial data for Newport News were based on internal estimates
of Newport News' management. This analysis indicated an aggregate implied equity
reference range for Newport News of approximately $2,168 million to $2,509
million after adjustment for net debt, option proceeds and certain obligations
related to the SECT and the change in control in the offer and the merger. Using
this aggregate equity reference range, Credit Suisse First Boston then derived
an implied per share equity reference range for Newport News common stock. This
analysis indicated the following implied per share equity reference range:

                                                  Implied Per Share Equity
                                                  Reference Range
              Newport News Common Stock           $57.26 - $66.25

         Northrop Grumman.

         Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. Credit Suisse First Boston estimated the
present value of the stand-alone, unlevered, after-tax free cash flows that
Northrop Grumman could generate for the fiscal years 2002 to 2010, based on
internal estimates of Northrop Grumman's management. Credit Suisse First Boston
then calculated two ranges of estimated terminal values by applying selected
multiples ranging from 8.0x to 9.0x to Northrop Grumman's projected fiscal year
2010 EBITDA and by applying a selected perpetuity growth rate ranging from 3.0%
to 4.0% to the estimated stand-alone, unlevered, after-tax free cash flows that
Northrop Grumman could generate for the fiscal year 2011. The present value of
the resulting range of cash flows and the resulting ranges of terminal values
were then calculated using selected discount rates ranging from 9.5% to 10.0%.

         This analysis indicated an aggregate implied equity reference range for
Northrop Grumman of approximately $11,007 million to $13,507 million after
adjustment for net debt and option proceeds. Using this aggregate equity
reference range, Credit Suisse First Boston then derived an implied per share
equity reference range for Northrop Grumman common stock. This analysis
indicated the following implied per share equity reference range, as compared to
the closing price for Northrop Grumman common stock on November 6, 2001 of

                                                  Implied Per Share Equity
                                                  Reference Range
              Northrop Grumman Common Stock       $122.23 - $149.99

         Pro Forma Analysis.

         Credit Suisse First Boston analyzed the potential pro forma effect of
the merger on Northrop Grumman's estimated earnings per share, assuming no
synergies or one-time charges relating to the merger or amortization of goodwill
and excluding pension income, for calendar years 2002 and 2003, based on
internal estimates of the managements of Newport News and Northrop Grumman.
Based on the consideration in the offer and the merger of $67.50 and assuming
31% of the consideration consists of cash and 69% consists of stock, this
analysis indicated that the merger could be dilutive to Northrop Grumman's
estimated earnings per share for calendar years 2002 and 2003. The actual
results achieved by the combined company may vary from projected results and the
variations may be material.

         Other Factors.  In the course of preparing its opinion, Credit Suisse
First Boston also reviewed and considered other information and data, including:


      .       the equity values as a multiple of earnings, excluding pension
              income, and the enterprise values as a multiple of EBITDA,
              excluding pension income, for estimated calendar years 2002 and
              2003 of selected companies in the defense industry as compared to
              the corresponding multiples for Northrop Grumman;

      .       research analysts' reports for Northrop Grumman common stock; and

      .       historical price performance and trading characteristics of
              Northrop Grumman common stock and the relationship between
              movements in Northrop Grumman common stock and movements in
              selected stock indices of related industries.

         Miscellaneous. Newport News has agreed to pay Credit Suisse First
Boston for its financial advisory services upon consummation of the offer and
the merger an aggregate fee equal to 0.45% of the total fair market value of the
consideration, including liabilities assumed, to be paid by Northrop Grumman in
the offer and the merger. Newport News also has agreed to reimburse Credit
Suisse First Boston for all out-of-pocket expenses, including fees and expenses
of legal counsel and any other advisor retained by Credit Suisse First Boston,
and to indemnify Credit Suisse First Boston and related parties against
liabilities, including liabilities under the federal securities laws, arising
out of its engagement.

         Credit Suisse First Boston and its affiliates have in the past provided
investment banking and financial services to Newport News, Northrop Grumman and
certain of their affiliates, for which services Credit Suisse First Boston and
its affiliates have received, and expect to receive, compensation. In the
ordinary course of business, Credit Suisse First Boston and its affiliates may
actively trade the securities of Newport News and Northrop Grumman and their
affiliates for their own and their affiliates' accounts and for the accounts of
customers and, accordingly, may at any time hold long or short positions in
those securities.


Purpose and Structure of the Merger; Reasons of Northrop Grumman for the Merger

     The purpose of the merger is for Northrop Grumman to acquire all Newport
News shares not tendered and exchanged pursuant to the offer. In the merger,
each then outstanding Newport News share (other than shares owned by Northrop
Grumman, Newport News or Purchaser Corp. I and shares for which appraisal rights
are perfected) would be converted into the right to receive the same number of
Northrop Grumman shares or the same amount of cash as was paid in the offer.

     Under Delaware law, the approval of the Newport News board of directors and
the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the
holders of all the outstanding shares as of the record date are required to
approve and adopt the merger agreement. The Newport News board of directors has
approved the merger agreement and the only remaining required corporate action
of Newport News is the adoption of the merger agreement by the affirmative vote
of a majority of the outstanding Newport News shares. Because Northrop Grumman
and its affiliates own approximately 80.7% of the outstanding shares as of the
record date, the approval and adoption of the merger agreement is assured
without the vote of any other stockholder.

     Newport News stockholders may have appraisal rights in connection with the
merger. See "Appraisal Rights."

The Merger Agreement

     The following is a summary of the provisions of the merger agreement which
relate to the merger. This summary does not purport to be a complete description
of the terms and conditions of the merger agreement and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the merger agreement, a copy of which is filed as an
exhibit to Northrop Grumman's Amendment No. 24 to Schedule TO, filed on November
8, 2001 and incorporated in this information statement by reference and is
attached to the prospectus dated November 13, 2001 as Annex C. We urge you to
read it carefully.

     The Merger. The merger agreement provides that following the completion of
the offer and subject to the conditions set forth in the merger agreement,
Newport News will be merged with and into Purchaser Corp. I. Following the
merger, Purchaser Corp. I will continue as the surviving corporation and the
separate corporate existence of Newport News will cease. However, in the event
that a tax opinion of Northrop Grumman's legal counsel is not delivered, as
provided for in the merger agreement, on the closing date of the merger, then at
the effective time of the merger Purchaser Corp. I will be merged with and into
Newport News in accordance with Delaware law. In that case, following the
merger, Newport News will continue as the surviving corporation and the separate
corporate existence of Purchaser Corp. I will cease.

     Effective Time of the Merger. The merger will become effective upon the
filing of a certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of
Delaware or at a later date as agreed by Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and
Newport News.

     Certificate of Incorporation; Bylaws; Directors and Officers. The merger
agreement provides that at the effective time of the merger and without any
further action on the part of Newport News or Purchaser Corp. I, the certificate
of incorporation and bylaws attached as Annex IV to the merger agreement will be
the certificate of incorporation and bylaws of the surviving corporation. The
merger agreement also provides that the directors of Purchaser Corp. I and the
officers of Newport News, immediately prior to the effective time, will be the
initial directors and officers of the surviving corporation, each to hold office
in accordance with the applicable provisions of the certificate of incorporation
and bylaws of Purchaser Corp. I, until their successors are duly elected or
appointed and qualified.


     Appointment of Newport News Directors by Northrop Grumman. Shortly after
Purchaser Corp. I had purchased shares in the offer, which comprised
approximately 80.7% of all outstanding shares, all member of the Newport News
board of directors except for Hon. Gerald L. Baliles and Hon. Charles A. Bowsher
resigned. W. Burks Terry, John H. Mullan and Albert F. Myers were appointed by
Northrop Grumman to serve on the Newport News board of directors.

     Conversion of Shares. The merger agreement provides that each share of
Newport News common stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the
effective time of the merger (other than Newport News common stock owned by
Newport News, Purchaser Corp. I or Northrop Grumman and Newport News common
stock for which appraisal rights have been exercised in accordance with Delaware
law) will be converted pursuant to the merger into the right to receive, upon
the surrender of the certificate formerly representing the shares of Newport
News common stock either 0.7193 shares of Northrop Grumman common stock or
$67.50 net in cash (subject to the proration procedures and limitations
described above), the same per share consideration paid to the holders of
Newport News who tendered in the offer. The merger agreement further provides
that, immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, all Newport News
common stock owned by Newport News, Purchaser Corp. I or Northrop Grumman will
be canceled and will cease to exist.

     Treatment of Dissenting Shares. The merger agreement provides that shares
of Newport News common stock outstanding immediately prior to the effective time
of the merger that are held by persons who are entitled to appraisal rights and
who have complied in all respects with the provisions of Section 262 of the
Delaware General Corporation Law will not be converted into the right to receive
the merger consideration but instead the holders of those dissenting shares will
be entitled to payment of the fair value of such dissenting shares in accordance
with the provisions of Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law. The
merger agreement further provides, however, that dissenting shares held by any
person who waives, withdraws, fails to perfect or otherwise loses the right to
payment of the fair value of the shares pursuant to Section 262 of the Delaware
General Corporation Law will be treated as if those shares had been converted
into the right to receive the merger consideration as of the effective time of
the merger. See "Appraisal Rights."

     Treatment of Stock Options, Performance Shares and Restricted Stock.
Pursuant to the merger agreement, Newport News is required to cancel each
outstanding and unexercised option to purchase shares of Newport News common
stock granted under any stock option plan, program, agreement or arrangement of
Newport News or any of its subsidiaries (not including Newport News' Deferred
Compensation Plan or Deferred Compensation Plan for Nonemployee Directors) which
is outstanding and unexercised immediately prior to completion of the offer. In
consideration of the cancellation, the holder of each option is entitled to
receive a payment in cash from Newport News in an amount equal to the product of
(x) the excess, if any, of the per share value of the offer consideration over
the exercise price per share of Newport News common stock subject to the option
and (y) the number of shares of Newport News common stock subject to the option.

     Pursuant to the merger agreement, Newport News is required to cancel each
right of any kind, whether vested or unvested, contingent or accrued, to receive
shares of Newport News common stock or benefits measured by the value of a
number of shares of Newport News common stock which is outstanding immediately
prior to completion of the offer. In consideration of the cancellation, the
holder of each stock-based award is entitled to receive a payment in cash from
Newport News in an amount equal to the product of (x) the per share value of the
offer consideration and (y) the number of shares of Newport News common stock
subject to the stock-based award, provided, however that holders who have
elected to defer payment to a deferred compensation plan are credited with a
fully vested amount of cash equal to the payment.

     Pursuant to the merger agreement, each award of any kind, whether vested or
unvested, consisting of shares of Newport News common stock issued under a stock
plan, which is outstanding immediately prior to completion of the offer, which
is then not vested, will fully vest and each holder is allowed to tender the
Newport News stock-based award pursuant to the offer on a guaranteed delivery of
shares basis with all of the same rights and limitations as any other tendering

     Any cash payments required to be made pursuant to the above were made by
Newport News as promptly as practicable following completion of the offer.


     No additional stock options, stock-based awards and Newport News
stock-based awards or other equity-based awards or rights to acquire Newport
News common stock is permitted to be granted after the signing of the merger

     Representations and Warranties. The merger agreement contains a number of
customary representations and warranties relating to each of the parties and
their ability to complete the merger. All representations and warranties
contained in the merger agreement will not survive the merger or the termination
of the merger agreement.

     Covenants. The merger agreement contains various customary covenants of the
parties. Certain of these covenants ceased to be applicable following the date
that Northrop Grumman appointed Albert F. Myers, John H. Mullan, and W. Burks
Terry to serve on the Newport News board of directors. A description of certain
of these covenants which continue to be applicable follows:

     Reasonable Efforts. The merger agreement provides that each of Northrop
Grumman and Newport News will use best efforts to complete and make effective
the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.

     Tax Opinion. The merger agreement requires Northrop Grumman and Newport
News to use reasonable efforts to obtain from Northrop Grumman's legal counsel
on the closing date, an opinion to the effect that (i) the offer and the merger
will qualify for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a reorganization within the
meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and (ii) Northrop
Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and Newport News will each be a party to a
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Internal Revenue

     Directors and Officers Indemnification and Insurance. The merger agreement
requires Northrop Grumman to cause the surviving corporation to indemnify,
defend and hold harmless the present and former directors and executive officers
of Newport News and its subsidiaries from and against all losses, claims,
damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) arising
out of or relating to actions or omissions, or alleged actions or omissions,
occurring at or prior to the completion of the merger to the fullest extent
permitted by law. The merger agreement also provides that for a period of six
years after the date of the completion of the merger, Northrop Grumman will
cause to be maintained in effect the policies of directors' and officers'
liability insurance currently maintained by Newport News with respect to claims
arising from or relating to actions or omissions, or alleged actions or
omissions, occurring on or prior to that date. Northrop Grumman may at its
discretion substitute for such policies currently maintained by Newport News
directors and officers liability insurance policies with reputable and
financially sound carriers providing for no less favorable coverage. After the
merger, Northrop Grumman will indemnify the directors and officers of Newport
News with respect to matters relating to the merger agreement.

     Stockholders Meeting. The merger agreement provides that to the extent
necessary to complete the merger, Newport News is required to convene and hold a
meeting of its stockholders for the purpose of adopting the merger agreement and
to file with the SEC and mail to Newport News' stockholders a proxy or
information statement and related materials with respect to the stockholders
meeting. Subject to fiduciary duties of the Newport News board of directors and
the provisions of the merger agreement, the Newport News board of directors is
required to recommend in the proxy or information statement that the holders of
the Newport News common stock vote in favor of adopting the merger agreement,
and Newport News is required to use its reasonable efforts to solicit that
approval. At the stockholders meeting, Northrop Grumman is required to cause
Purchaser Corp. I to vote all Newport News common stock then owned by it in
favor of the adoption of the merger agreement.


     Employee Benefit Matters. For not less than two years following the
completion of the offer, Northrop Grumman will provide to current and former
employees of Newport News and its subsidiaries comparable compensation and
employee benefits that are in the aggregate not less favorable then the
compensation and employee benefits provided to them prior to the completion of
the offer, excluding, however, stock-based plans and equity-based compensation
arrangements. Northrop Grumman and its subsidiaries (including Purchaser Corp.
I) will credit the Newport News employees with all years of service for which
they received credit under any comparable Newport News plan, except to the
extent that such service credits would result in a duplication of benefits, and,
under medical plans, will waive pre-existing condition limitations and provide
credit for co-payments and deductibles incurred prior to the effective time.
Newport News has also agreed to terminate its Employee Stock Purchase and
Accumulation Plan at the effective time of the merger.

     Conditions to the Merger. Under the merger agreement, the respective
obligations of Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and Newport News to complete
the merger are subject to the satisfaction of the conditions that (1) the merger
agreement has been adopted by the requisite vote of Newport News' stockholders,
(2) completion of the offer has occurred and (3) no party is subject to any
order or injunction of a court of competent jurisdiction which prohibits the

     Termination Events. The merger agreement contains various termination
events, some of which ceased to be applicable upon completion of the offer. A
description of certain termination events which continue to be applicable

     .    by mutual written consent of Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and
          Newport News;

     .    by either Northrop Grumman or Newport News if any court of competent
          jurisdiction in the United States issues a final order, decree or
          ruling or takes any other final action permanently enjoining,
          restraining or otherwise prohibiting the offer or the merger; or

     .    by either Northrop Grumman or Newport News if the approval of Newport
          News' stockholders is not obtained, if such stockholder approval is
          necessary unless the failure to obtain the stockholder approval is the
          result of a material breach by the party seeking to terminate the

     Amendment. Except as otherwise expressly provided for in the merger
agreement, the merger agreement may be amended by the execution and delivery of
a written instrument by or on behalf of Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and
Newport News at any time before or after approval by Newport News' stockholders,
provided that after approval by Newport News' stockholders, no amendment to the
merger agreement will be made without approval of Newport News' stockholders to
the extent such approval is required under the Delaware General Corporation Law.

Delisting of Newport News Shares Following the Merger

     Because the shares of Newport News common stock will be canceled as a
result of the merger, the shares will be delisted from the New York Stock
Exchange and the Chicago Stock Exchange. The shares are currently registered
under the Exchange Act. Registration of the shares under the Exchange Act will
be terminated and Newport News will be relieved of the obligation to comply with
the public reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, including the obligation
to comply with the proxy rules under the Exchange Act.

Regulatory Approvals

     The notifications required under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976 and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice
have been filed and Northrop Grumman and Newport News received clearance on
October 23, 2001.


     Northrop Grumman believes that there are no other material regulatory or
governmental approvals required in order for the merger to be completed.

Accounting Treatment

     The acquisition of Newport News by Northrop Grumman's wholly owned
subsidiary, Purchaser Corp. I, will be accounted for under the purchase method
of accounting under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, which means
that Newport News' results of operations will be included with Northrop
Grumman's from the closing date and its consolidated assets and liabilities will
be recorded at their fair values at the same date.



     Certain members of Newport News management and the board of directors (as
well as other employees of Newport News) have certain interests in the merger
that are described below that are in addition to their interests as stockholders
generally. The board of directors took these interests into account in approving
the merger agreement.

     Change in Control. The completion of the offer constituted a "change in
control" for all purposes under Newport News' employee benefit plans and

     Treatment of Stock Options, Performance Shares and Restricted Stock.
Pursuant to the merger agreement, at the completion of the offer, Newport News
cancelled each outstanding and unexercised option to purchase shares of Newport
News common stock granted under any stock option plan, program, agreement or
arrangement of Newport News or any of its subsidiaries (not including Newport
News' Deferred Compensation Plan or Deferred Compensation Plan for Nonemployee
Directors) which was outstanding and unexercised immediately prior to completion
of the offer. In consideration of the cancellation, the holder of each option
became entitled to receive a payment in cash from Newport News in an amount
equal to the product of (x) the excess, if any, of the per share value of the
offer consideration ($67.50) over the exercise price per share of Newport News
common stock subject to the option and (y) the number of shares of Newport News
common stock. The amounts that became payable in respect of this cancellation
(net of the applicable exercise prices) at the completion of the offer to
Messrs. Fricks, Schievelbein, Little, Clarkson, Ream, all other executive
officers of Newport News as a group, and all directors of Newport News
(including Mr. Fricks) as a group were $19,073,318, $8,557,741, $2,815,348,
$4,073,021, $212,817, $11,860,857 and $20,694,223, respectively.

     In addition, pursuant to the merger agreement, at the completion of the
offer, Newport News cancelled each right of any kind to receive shares of
Newport News common stock or benefits measured by the value of a number of
shares of Newport News common stock which was outstanding immediately prior to
completion of the offer. In consideration of the cancellation, the holder of
each stock-based award became entitled to receive a payment in cash from Newport
News in an amount equal to the product of (x) the per share value of the offer
consideration ($67.50) and (y) the number of shares of Newport News common stock
subject to the stock-based award. Each of these holders elected to defer payment
to a deferred compensation plan were credited with a fully vested amount of cash
equal to the payment.

     Pursuant to the merger agreement, at the completion of the offer, each
award of any kind consisting of shares of Newport News common stock issued under
a stock plan which was outstanding immediately prior to completion of the offer
but was then not vested became fully vested, and each holder was allowed to
tender the Newport News stock-based award pursuant to the offer on a guaranteed
delivery of shares basis with all of the same rights and limitations as any
other tendering stockholder. The number of shares of Newport News common stock
that became vested at the completion of the offer held by Messrs. Fricks,
Schievelbein, Little, Clarkson, Ream, all other executive officers of Newport
News as a group, and all directors of Newport News (including Mr. Fricks) as a
group are 0, 0, 0, 0, 7,500, 0 and 11,186, respectively.

     Deferred Compensation Plans. In connection with the offer and the merger,
Newport News amended its Deferred Compensation Plan and Deferred Compensation
Plan for Nonemployee Directors to provide that the account balances for all
participants will be valued and paid out ninety days following the completion of
the offer. The value of the deferred compensation that became vested and payable
at the completion of the offer as of September 30, 2001, plus the amounts that
were deferred in respect of stock-based awards at the completion of the offer
(as described above), to Messrs. Fricks, Schievelbein, Little, Clarkson, Ream,
all other executive officers of Newport News as a group, and all directors of
Newport News (including Mr. Fricks) as a group are $17,044,055, $8,704,253,
$3,833,666, $4,000,862, $563,400, $15,047,554 and $17,283,667, respectively.

     Annual Incentive Plan. In connection with the offer and the merger, Newport
News amended its Annual Incentive Plan to provide that:

     (1)  at the completion of the offer, Messrs. Fricks, Schievelbein, Little,
          Clarkson and Ream became entitled to be paid full-year (not pro rated)
          annual bonuses assuming performance was achieved at the maximum level
          (the amounts that became payable to Messrs. Fricks, Schievelbein,
          Little, Clarkson and Ream are $1,430,000, $652,500, $275,000,
          $261,000 and $372,000, respectively);

     (2)  with respect to participants who are not described in clause (1)
          above, upon termination of employment on or before December 31, 2001,
          either by Newport News other than for cause or, in the case of
          participants in the Change in Control Severance Plan (as defined
          below), by such participant due to constructive termination under the
          Change in Control Severance Plan, the participant will be paid a pro
          rata annual bonus based on the higher of target or actual Company
          performance through termination of employment; and

     (3)  with respect to participants who are not described in clause (1) above
          and remain employed through December 31, 2001, an annual bonus based
          on actual Company performance for the 2001 plan year.

     Restoration Plan. In connection with the offer and the merger, Newport News
amended its Retirement Benefit Restoration Plan to clarify that any employees in
a position designated as ECP Level 5 or above are eligible to participate in
such plan, and to clarify that any amounts paid under the Annual Incentive Plan
for 2001 will be taken into account for purposes of determining benefits payable
under the Retirement Benefit Restoration Plan.

     SERP. In connection with the offer and the merger, Newport News amended its
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan to clarify that any amounts paid under
the Annual Incentive Plan for 2001 will be taken into account for purposes of
determining benefits payable under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan.

     Change in Control Severance Plan. In connection with the offer and the
merger, Newport News amended its Change in Control Severance Benefit Plan for
Key Executives (referred to herein as the "Change in Control Severance Plan") to
require that the obligations accrued under the Change in Control Severance Plan
be funded in the rabbi trust (which is described below), to clarify that any
amounts paid under the Annual Incentive Plan for 2001 will be taken into account
for purposes of determining benefits payable under the Change in Control
Severance Plan, and to clarify that certain executives may voluntarily terminate
their employment for any reason or no reason within the 30 day period following
the first anniversary of the change in control and receive severance payments
and benefits under the Change in Control Severance Plan. If, immediately
following the completion of the merger, the employment of each executive officer
were involuntarily terminated (including as a result of a termination without
cause or due to constructive termination under the Change in Control Severance
Plan), the estimated amounts of cash payments (including severance payments and
any additional change in control benefits under the Retirement Benefit
Restoration Plan and Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan) that could become
payable to Messrs. Fricks, Little, Clarkson, Ream and all other executive
officers of Newport News as a group (excluding Mr. Schievelbein) as a result of
the offer and the merger are $6,193,487, $3,585,600, $2,502,902, $1,488,000, and
$5,066,069, respectively. The foregoing amounts exclude any payments that may be
required to be made in respect of any excise tax imposed under Section 4999 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     Rabbi Trust. At the completion of the offer, Newport News became obligated
to fund the rabbi trust within 30 days of that event. The rabbi trust is an
irrevocable trust, the assets of which may be used only to pay amounts under
certain specified benefit plans to which the rabbi trust applies, unless Newport
News becomes insolvent, in which case the assets in the trust will be available
to satisfy the claims of creditors. In connection with the offer and the merger,
Newport News amended the rabbi trust to provide that the amounts to be funded
pursuant to the underlying trust agreement will include the estimated amount of
severance or other benefits that may become payable to participants of the
specified benefit plans, assuming for such purpose that such participants were
terminated immediately following the completion of the offer under circumstances
that would give rise to their entitlement to such benefits. The plans and
agreements to which the rabbi trust applies are the Change in Control Severance
Plan, the Deferred Compensation Plan, the Retirement Benefit Restoration Plan,
the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan and the employment agreements with
Messrs. Fricks and Schievelbein. The amount of Newport News' funding obligation
with respect to the rabbi trust is approximately $210,000,000.

     Agreement with Mr. Schievelbein. Northrop Grumman has entered into a
retention bonus agreement with Mr. Schievelbein for a two-year period beginning
at the completion of the offer. The retention bonus agreement became effective
upon completion of the offer and replaced his prior employment agreement at that
time. During each year of the two-year period, Northrop Grumman will pay him at
least $435,000 in base salary and a bonus of at least $400,000. Northrop Grumman
will also grant him stock options to purchase 15,000 shares of Northrop Grumman
common stock with a four-year vesting schedule and 8,000 shares of restricted
stock with a three-year performance period. Northrop Grumman will also pay him
retention bonus payments of $2,787,500 no later than January 31, 2003 and
$1,087,500 thirty days following the second anniversary of the completion of the
offer, so long as he has remained continuously employed with Northrop Grumman
through such dates. Mr. Schievelbein will also receive each of the retention
bonus payments if Northrop Grumman terminates his employment other than for
cause, or if he terminates his employment following certain adverse job-related
actions by Northrop Grumman (for example, a reduction in his compensation or
relocation to which he does not consent), or if he dies or becomes permanently
disabled. If his termination is for any other reason, he will forfeit any unpaid
benefits under the retention bonus agreement. Northrop Grumman will also provide
Mr. Schievelbein with an enhanced supplemental retirement benefit by adding
three years to both his years of service and years of participation under the
plan and five years to his age under the plan.

     By entering into the retention bonus agreement, Mr. Schievelbein waived his
right to terminate his employment during the two-year period following the
completion of the offer and receive severance pay under Newport News' Change in
Control Severance Benefit Plan for Key Employees; provided, however, that
Northrop Grumman acknowledges and agrees that a termination of employment by Mr.
Schievelbein following certain adverse job-related actions by Northrop Grumman
shall be deemed for purposes of the Change in Control Severance Plan to be a
termination of employment due to a "constructive termination;" provided,
further, that in such event the severance benefits that he would be entitled to
receive under the Change in Control Severance Plan will be offset (other than
any required continuation of welfare benefits) by any cash payments or benefit
credits provided to him pursuant to the bonus retention agreement. Except as
modified by the bonus retention agreement, Mr. Schievelbein will continue to
retain all of his rights under the Change in Control Severance Plan (including,
without limitation, rights relating to the gross-up payment for any so-called
"golden parachute" excise taxes and related taxes). In addition, any cash
payments and benefit credits provided to him pursuant to the bonus retention
agreement, when paid, will reduce the severance benefits payable to Mr.
Schievelbein under that plan.

     Agreement with Mr. Fricks. In connection with the offer and the merger,
Newport News has amended its employment agreement with Mr. Fricks to provide
corporate aircraft service for up to 30 hours of airtime per year until his
normal retirement date at age 65, grossed-up for federal and state income tax



     The discussion below reflects the opinion of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver
& Jacobson, outside counsel to Northrop Grumman, as to the material U.S. federal
income tax consequences of the offer and the merger to Newport News, and the
holders of Newport News common stock who are citizens or residents of the United
States or that are domestic corporations. The discussion below:

          .  is based upon current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code,
             currently applicable Treasury regulations promulgated under the
             Internal Revenue Code, and judicial and administrative decisions,
             all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive

          .  does not purport to address all aspects of U.S. federal income
             taxation that may affect particular stockholders in light of their
             particular circumstances, that are generally assumed to be known by
             investors or that may affect stockholders to which special
             provisions of the U.S. federal income tax laws may apply based on
             their particular circumstances or status (see "-- Qualifications"

          .  assumes that the shares of Newport News common stock are held as
             capital assets;

          .  assumes that the offer and the merger and related transactions will
             take place in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of
             the merger agreement without the waiver or modification of any of
             those terms or conditions; and

          .  does not address possible tax consequences of the offer or the
             merger under foreign, state or local laws.

     Neither Northrop Grumman nor Newport News has requested a ruling from the
Internal Revenue Service with regard to any of the U.S. federal income tax
consequences of the offer or the merger. The opinions of counsel will not be
binding on the Internal Revenue Service and there can be no assurance that the
Internal Revenue Service will not challenge the conclusions reflected in Fried,
Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson's opinions and that a court would not sustain
a challenge of that type.

     General Considerations--Tax Opinion--Direction of the Merger.

     Under the merger agreement, the merger will be effected by merging Newport
News with and into Purchaser Corp. I, with Purchaser Corp. I surviving. Fried,
Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson has provided an opinion, based on certain
assumptions and representations of Northrop Grumman and Newport News that if the
merger is effected in this manner, the offer and the merger will be treated for
federal income tax purposes as a single integrated transaction that constitutes
a "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue
Code. Under the terms of the merger agreement, Northrop Grumman and Newport News
will seek to have Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson confirm its opinion
at the time of the merger, based on the actual facts existing at the time.

     In the event the confirming opinion referred to above cannot be obtained,
the merger will be restructured as a merger of Purchaser Corp. I into Newport
News. If the merger is restructured, the offer and the merger will not qualify
as a reorganization and the exchange of Newport News shares for Northrop Grumman
shares and/or cash pursuant to the offer or merger will be a fully taxable
transaction to the Newport News stockholders. See "Tax Consequences if the Offer
and the Merger Are Not Treated as a Reorganization" below.

     The principal assumptions underlying the opinion of Fried, Frank, Harris,
Shriver & Jacobson are that:

          .  Representations, in all material respects the same as those
             provided by Northrop Grumman, Purchaser Corp. I and Newport News at
             the time of the initial opinion can and will be provided at the
             time of the merger based on the actual facts existing at that time.


         .   The offer, the merger and related transactions will take place in
             accordance with all of the terms and conditions of the offer and
             the merger agreement without the waiver or modification of any of
             those terms or conditions.

         .   The value of the Northrop Grumman stock issued to Newport News
             stockholders pursuant to the offer and the merger will represent a
             sufficient percentage of the value of all consideration furnished
             to the Newport News stockholders in the offer and the merger to
             satisfy the continuity of shareholder interest requirement of
             Treas. Reg. 1.368- 1(e). The initial opinion assumes that at least
             a 45% level of continuity would be achieved. For this purpose,
             consideration paid in the offer or the merger to Newport News or
             its Stock Employee Compensation Trust would not be taken into
             account. In addition, consideration paid in the offer for any
             Newport News common stock issued after the date of the merger
             agreement pursuant to the exercise of stock options, for
             "restricted stock" or for Newport News common stock held at the
             date of the merger agreement by the Stock Employee Compensation
             Trust that is sold to third parties in accordance with the merger
             agreement before the offer closes, will or will not be taken into
             account, depending on which treatment produces the lowest level of
             continuity. For purposes of determining continuity, the value of
             Northrop Grumman stock issued in the offer will be the lesser of
             the value of such stock on the date the offer closes or the date
             the merger occurs.

Tax Consequences of the Offer and the Merger if They Are Treated as a

     Assuming the offer and the merger are treated together as a reorganization
within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, the material
federal income tax consequences to Newport News and Newport News stockholders of
the offer and the merger are as set forth below. For a discussion of the tax
consequences if the offer and the merger are not treated as a reorganization see
"Tax Consequences if the Offer and the Merger Are Not Treated as a
Reorganization" below.

Consequences to Newport News Stockholders

     Only Shares of Northrop Grumman Common Stock Received. Except as discussed
below with respect to cash received in lieu of a fractional share of Northrop
Grumman common stock, a Newport News stockholder who receives solely shares of
Northrop Grumman common stock in exchange for the holder's shares of Newport
News common stock will not recognize gain or loss. The tax basis of the shares
of Northrop Grumman common stock will be the same as the tax basis of the shares
of Newport News common stock exchanged. The holding period of the shares of
Northrop Grumman common stock received will include the holding period of the
shares of Newport News common stock exchanged.

     Only Cash Received. A Newport News stockholder who receives solely cash in
the offer and the merger in exchange for the stockholder's shares of Newport
News common stock generally will recognize capital gain or loss measured by the
difference between the amount of cash received and the tax basis of the
exchanged shares of Newport News common stock. This capital gain or loss will be
long-term capital gain or loss if the stockholder's holding period with respect
to his or her Newport News common stock exceeds one year as of the effective
time of the exchange pursuant to the offer or the merger, as the case may be.
If, however, a stockholder who receives solely cash in the offer and the merger
constructively owns shares of Newport News common stock for which consideration
other than cash will be received, or actually or constructively owns shares of
Northrop Grumman common stock after the offer and the merger, the consequences
to the stockholder may be similar to those discussed below under " -- Shares of
Northrop Grumman Common Stock and Cash Received -- Treatment of Gain
Recognized," except that the amount of consideration treated as a dividend might
not be limited to the amount of the stockholder's gain realized in the
transaction. See also "-- Shares of Northrop Grumman Common Stock and Cash
Received -- Effect of Overlapping or Constructive Ownership" for a general
discussion of the effect of a stockholder's overlapping or constructive
ownership on the dividend/capital gain issue.


Shares of Northrop Grumman Common Stock and Cash Received

     General. Except as discussed below with respect to cash received in lieu of
a fractional share of Northrop Grumman common stock, a Newport News stockholder
who receives both shares of Northrop Grumman common stock and cash in exchange
for shares of Newport News common stock will recognize gain equal to the lesser

         .   the amount, if any, by which the sum of the amount of cash and fair
             market value, as of the effective time of the exchange pursuant to
             the offer or the merger as the case may be, of Northrop Grumman
             common stock received with respect to the stockholder's Newport
             News stock exceeds the stockholder's tax basis in the Newport News
             common stock exchanged; and

         .   the amount of cash received in the exchange.

     No loss will be recognized in the exchange. For this purpose gain or loss
must be calculated separately for each identifiable block of shares surrendered
in the exchange, and a loss realized on one block of shares cannot be used to
offset a gain realized on another block of shares. Any recognized capital gain
will be long-term capital gain if the stockholder's holding period with respect
to its Newport News common stock exceeds one year as of the effective time of
the exchange pursuant to the offer or the merger, as the case may be.

     Treatment of Gain Recognized. Any gain recognized will be treated as gain
from the sale or exchange of stock, except in the circumstances described in
this paragraph. These circumstances primarily include cases where there is
overlapping or constructive ownership or where the stock election is
oversubscribed. A Newport News stockholder will be required to treat any gain
recognized as a dividend, to the extent of the stockholders' ratable share of
earnings and profits, if, as a result of the deemed redemption described in step
(2) below, the stockholders' interest in Northrop Grumman was not reduced
sufficiently to cause the cash received to be not "essentially equivalent to a
dividend" under Section 302 of the Internal Revenue Code. Whether a
stockholder's interest was reduced sufficiently to cause the cash received to be
not "essentially equivalent to a dividend" requires a determination based on a
stockholder's particular facts and circumstances. However, the Internal Revenue
Service has indicated in published rulings that a distribution that results in
any reduction in interest of a small, minority stockholder in a publicly held
corporation will sufficiently reduce the stockholder's interest in the
corporation if the stockholder exercises no control with respect to corporate
affairs. In addition, if the deemed redemption described in step (2) below is
"substantially disproportionate" with respect to the stockholder, the gain
recognized will be taxed as capital gain. The deemed redemption generally will
be substantially disproportionate if the percentage of Northrop Grumman common
stock owned after the deemed redemption described in step (2) below is less than
80 percent of the percentage of Northrop Grumman common stock owned after step
(1) below.

     For purposes of determining whether a stockholder's interest has been
reduced, a Newport News stockholder will be treated as if the stockholder had
engaged in a hypothetical transaction in which the stockholder and all other
Newport News stockholders (though it is unclear whether Newport News
stockholders who receive solely cash in the offer and the merger are counted for
this purpose) (1) received solely shares of Northrop Grumman common stock in
exchange for all of their shares of Newport News common stock, and (2)
thereafter had a portion of those shares of Northrop Grumman common stock
redeemed for the cash portion of the consideration in the merger. A Newport News
stockholder's hypothetical interest in Northrop Grumman after step (1) is
compared to the stockholder's interest in Northrop Grumman subsequent to the
deemed redemption in step (2). In each case, subject to limited exceptions,
shares of Northrop Grumman common stock actually or constructively owned, under
the constructive ownership rules described in "-- Effect of Overlapping or
Constructive Ownership" below, by a stockholder will be considered owned for
purposes of applying these tests.

     Effect of Overlapping or Constructive Ownership. Under the applicable
constructive ownership rules of Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, a
stockholder will, in general, be treated as owning shares owned by some family
members and other related entities, or that are subject to options owned or
deemed owned by that person. The actual or constructive ownership of shares of
Northrop Grumman or Newport News common stock may have the effect of causing a
Newport News stockholder who would otherwise qualify for capital gain treatment
to fail to so qualify and


subject the stockholder to dividend treatment on the cash portion of the offer
or the merger consideration to the extent of the stockholder's ratable share of
earnings and profits, even if the stockholder receives solely cash in the offer
and the merger. Therefore, Newport News stockholders who:

         .   constructively own shares of Newport News common stock; or

         .   actually or constructively own shares of Northrop Grumman common

should consult their tax advisors as to the tax consequences of receiving cash,
whether or not the stockholder intends to make a stock election.

     Tax Basis and Holding Period of Shares of Northrop Grumman Common Stock
Received in the Offer and the Merger. The tax basis of the shares of Northrop
Grumman common stock received in the offer and the merger will be the same as
the tax basis of the exchanged shares of Newport News common stock, increased by
the amount of gain recognized on the exchange with respect to those shares of
Newport News common stock, decreased by the tax basis of any portion of those
shares of Newport News common stock that are converted into cash in lieu of
receipt of a fractional share of Northrop Grumman common stock, and further
decreased by the amount of cash received with respect to those shares of Newport
News common stock, other than cash received in lieu of a fractional share
interest. The holding period of the shares of Northrop Grumman common stock
received will include the holding period of the exchanged shares of Newport News
common stock.

     Fractional Shares

     A Newport News stockholder who receives cash in lieu of a fractional share
of Northrop Grumman common stock should be treated as having received the
fractional share of Northrop Grumman common stock and then having exchanged the
fractional share for cash in a redemption by Northrop Grumman. Gain or loss
recognized as a result of that exchange would generally be equal to the cash
amount received for the fractional share of Northrop Grumman common stock less
the proportion of the stockholder's tax basis in shares of Newport News common
stock exchanged and allocable to the fractional share of Northrop Grumman common
stock. It is possible, however, that the cash received in lieu of a fractional
share of Northrop Grumman common stock would instead be treated in the same
manner as other cash received in the offer and the merger. See "-- Shares of
Northrop Grumman Common Stock and Cash Received."

     Consequences to Northrop Grumman and Newport News

     Neither Northrop Grumman nor Newport News will recognize gain or loss as a
result of the offer and the merger.

Tax Consequences if the Offer and the Merger Are Not Treated as a

     Consequences to the Newport News Stockholders. If the offer and the merger
are not treated as a reorganization, because of a restructuring of the merger or
otherwise, a sale or exchange of Newport News common stock pursuant to the offer
or the merger will generally constitute a fully taxable transaction to an
exchanging Newport News stockholder, including a Newport News stockholder who
receives only Northrop Grumman stock pursuant to the offer or the merger.
Accordingly, a Newport News stockholder will generally recognize capital gain or
loss equal to the difference between the amount of cash plus the fair market
value of any Northrop Grumman stock received and the tax basis of the shares of
Newport News common stock exchanged therefor. This capital gain or loss will be
long-term capital gain or loss if the stockholder's holding period with respect
to his or her Newport News common stock exchanged exceeds one year as of closing
of the offer, in the case of shares exchanged in the offer, and one year as of
the closing of the merger, in the case of shares exchanged in the merger. In
that case, the basis of any Northrop Grumman stock received in the offer will be
the fair market value of such stock at the time the offer closes, in the case of
shares exchanged in the offer, and the fair market value of such stock the time
the merger closes, in the case of shares exchanged in the merger. The holding
period of any Northrop Grumman stock received


in or offer or the merger, will begin on the day after the offer closes, in the
case of Northrop Grumman stock received in the offer and on the date after the
merger closes in the case of Northrop Grumman stock received in the merger.

     Consequences to Northrop Grumman and Newport News. If the offer and the
merger fail to qualify as a reorganization because the merger is restructured,
neither Northrop Grumman nor Newport News will recognize gain or loss as a
result of the offer and the merger. If the merger fails to qualify as a
reorganization for some other reason, Newport News could, under some
circumstances, be required to recognize gain equal to the excess of the fair
market value of its assets over their tax basis.

     Backup Withholding. For a discussion of potential backup withholding with
respect to consideration received by Newport News stockholders, see the
prospectus, dated November 13, 2001 which was previously mailed to stockholders.

     Qualifications. As noted above, the foregoing discussion does not address
aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be relevant to Newport News
stockholders to which special provisions of the U.S. federal income tax law may
apply based on their particular circumstances or status. For example, the
discussion does not address aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be
relevant to:

          .    dealers in securities or currencies;

          .    traders in securities;

          .    financial institutions;

          .    tax-exempt organizations;

          .    insurance companies;

          .    persons holding shares of Newport News common stock as part of a
               hedging, "straddle," conversion or other integrated transaction;

          .    non-United States persons;

          .    persons whose functional currency is not the United States

          .    persons who acquired their shares of common stock through the
               exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation;

          .    stockholders who exercise appraisal rights.




     Northrop Grumman common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and
the Pacific Exchange under the symbol "NOC." Newport News common stock is listed
on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "NNS." The table below sets
forth, for the calendar quarters indicated, the high and low sales prices per
share reported on the New York Stock Exchange and the dividends declared on
Northrop Grumman common stock and on Newport News common stock.

                                              NORTHROP GRUMMAN                             NEWPORT NEWS
                                                COMMON STOCK                               COMMON STOCK
                                     -------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------
                                      HIGH          LOW         DIVIDENDS        HIGH          LOW         DIVIDENDS
                                     --------    ----------   ------------   ------------  ------------  -------------
     First Quarter.............      $  75.63   $  56.63      $  0.40        $  34.00      $   27.00      $   0.04
     Second Quarter............         73.88      57.31         0.40           34.25          25.69          0.04
     Third Quarter.............         75.94      59.56         0.40           32.94          29.75          0.04
     Fourth Quarter............         63.31      47.00         0.40           33.00          24.75          0.04
     First Quarter.............         55.63      42.63         0.40           30.75          24.94          0.04
     Second Quarter............         81.38      51.19         0.40           37.75          27.38          0.04
     Third Quarter.............         93.25      64.38         0.40           45.56          36.50          0.04
     Fourth Quarter............         93.88      74.00         0.40           57.69          41.88          0.04
     First Quarter.............         99.09      79.13         0.40           57.75          45.19          0.04
     Second Quarter............         97.06      76.41         0.40           65.69          47.94          0.04
     Third Quarter.............        104.50      76.41         0.40           67.50          60.94          0.04
     Fourth Quarter
     (through December 14, 2001)                                 0.40                                         0.04

(a)  For comparability, quarterly dividend amounts for Newport News are based on
     the Newport News quarterly financial statement periods instead of the
     calendar quarterly periods.

     As of November 29, 2001, Newport News had 32,512,951 shares issued and
outstanding with the shares being Newport News' only class of voting securities
that would be entitled to vote for directors at a stockholders meeting if one
were to be held, each share being entitled to one vote of these shares, with
26,241,019 or 80.7% held by Northrop Grumman. On May 8, 2001, the last full
trading day prior to the public announcement of the offer and the merger, the
last sale price per Northrop Grumman common share on the New York Stock Exchange
was $91.50 and the last sale price per Newport News common share was $65.00. On
December 14, 2001, the most recent practicable date prior to the filing of this
information statement, the last sale price of Newport News' common stock was [ ]
and the last sale price of Northrop Grumman was [ ].


                                  NEWS SHARES

     Upon completion of the merger, stockholders of Newport News will be
entitled to become stockholders of Northrop Grumman, rather than stockholders of
Newport News. As Northrop Grumman stockholders, the rights of former Newport
News stockholders will be governed by Northrop Grumman's charter and bylaws,
which differ in material respects from Newport News' charter and bylaws.
Delaware is the jurisdiction of incorporation of Northrop Grumman and Newport
News and as such stockholders will continue to be governed by the Delaware
General Corporation Law.

     The following is a comparison of:

     .    the current rights of Newport News stockholders under the Delaware
          General Corporation Law and the Newport News charter and bylaws; and

     .    the rights Newport News stockholders would have as Northrop Grumman
          stockholders under the Delaware General Corporation Law and the
          Northrop Grumman charter and bylaws upon the completion of the offer
          and the merger.

     The following summary is not intended to be complete and is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the Delaware General Corporation Law, the Newport
News charter and bylaws, and the Northrop Grumman charter and bylaws, as
appropriate. Copies of the Newport News charter and bylaws and the Northrop
Grumman charter and bylaws are incorporated by reference herein and will be sent
to Newport News stockholders, upon request. See "Where You Can Find More


                          NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                       NEWPORT NEWS

                                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                  Classified Boards
Delaware law permits a certificate of incorporation to        The Newport News charter provides that the board of
provide that a board of directors be divided into classes,    directors is to be divided into three classes of directors,
with each class having a term of office longer than one       each as nearly equal in number as possible, with each
year but no longer than three years.                          director elected for a term expiring at the third
                                                              succeeding annual meeting of stockholders after his or
The Northrop Grumman charter provides that the board of       her election.
directors is to be divided into three classes of directors,
each as nearly equal in number as possible, with each
director elected for a term expiring at the third
succeeding annual meeting of stockholders after his or her



                 NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                                NEWPORT NEWS

                                                Removal of Directors
The Northrop Grumman charter provides that directors         The Newport News charter and bylaws are silent as to
may be removed only for cause and only by the                removal of directors. As such Delaware law governs and
affirmative vote of the holders of not less than 80% of      provides for removal of directors only for cause by a
affirmative vote all outstanding shares of capital           vote of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding
stock of Northrop Grumman having general voting              shares entitled to vote.
power entitled to vote in connection with the election of
a director, regardless of class and voting together as a
single voting class; provided, however, that where the
removal is approved by a majority of Continuing
Directors (as defined in the Northrop Grumman charter),
the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting power of
all outstanding shares of Voting Stock entitled to vote in
connection with the election of that director, regardless
of class and voting together as a single voting class, is
required for approval of removal.

                                             Filling of Board Vacancies

In accordance with the Delaware General Corporation Law,     The Newport News charter provides that any vacancy on
under the Northrop Grumman charter vacancies and newly       the board of directors that results in an increase in
created directorships may be filled solely by a majority     the number of directors may be filled by a majority of
of the directors then in office or a sole remaining          the board of directors then in office, provided that a
director (even though less than a quorum). However, the      quorum is present. Any other vacancy occurring in the
Delaware General Corporation Law also provides that if the   board of directors may be filled by a majority of the
directors then in office constitute less than a majority     directors then in office, even if less than a quorum,
of the corporation's board of directors, then, upon          or by a sole remaining director.
application by stockholders representing at least 10% of
outstanding shares entitled to vote for those directors,
the Court of Chancery may order a stockholder election of
directors to be held.


                                                    Size of Board

The Northrop Grumman bylaws provide that the number          The Newport News charter and bylaws provide that the
of directors shall be fixed form time to time by             number of directors shall consist of not less than 3 nor
resolution of the board of directors but shall not be less   more than 16 directors, with the exact number of
than 3. As of November 8, 2001, the board of directors       directors to be determined from time to time by the
shall consist of 10 directors until changed as provided in   board of directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the bylaws.                                                  the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire board of


The Northrop Grumman bylaws provide for a quorum of a        A majority of the directors then in office (but not
majority of the board of directors, except that when the     less than one-third of the total number of directors
board of directors consists of one director, then the one    constituting the entire board of directors) shall
director shall constitute a quorum.                          constitute a quorum.

                                                STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGS

                                                   Annual Meeting

Held between May 1 and July 1 of each year on such           Held on date fixed by board of directors.
date as fixed by the board of directors.


                    NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                              NEWPORT NEWS

                                              Calling a Special Meeting

Under the Northrop Grumman charter and bylaws, special       Subject to the rights of the holders of any series of
stockholder meetings may be called at any time by a          preferred stock to elect directors under specified
majority of the board of directors, the Chairman of the      circumstances, special meetings shall be called by the
board of directors or by the President and Chief Executive   board of directors on the date the board of directors
Officer.                                                     designates.

                                                 Quorum Requirements

The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a       The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
majority of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting       majority of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting
constitutes a quorum for that meeting, except as             constitutes a quorum for that meeting, except as
otherwise provided by the Delaware General Corporation       otherwise provided by the Delaware General Corporation
Law.                                                         Law.

                                             Certain Voting Requirements

Under the Northrop Grumman bylaws (except as otherwise       Under the Newport News bylaws (except as otherwise
provided by the Northrop Grumman charter or by applicable    provided by law, the bylaws or the charter), the vote
law), action by Northrop Grumman stockholders generally is   of a majority of any quorum is sufficient to elect
taken by the affirmative vote, at a meeting at which a       directors and to pass any resolution within the power
quorum is present, of a majority of the outstanding shares   of the holders of all the outstanding shares.
entitled to vote on that action (including certain
extraordinary actions, including mergers, consolidations
and amendments to the Northrop Grumman  charter). However,
the Northrop Grumman charter requires the affirmative vote
of the holders of not less than 80% of outstanding shares of
voting stock to approve an amendment of certain articles in
the charter. The charter also requires a supermajority (80%)
stockholder vote to approve a Business Combination (as
defined in the Northrop Grumman charter) involving specific
related persons.

                                        Stockholder Action by Written Consent

Under the Northrop Grumman charter and bylaws, any action    Under the Newport News bylaws, any person seeking to
required or permitted to be taken by stockholders must be    have stockholders authorize or take corporate action by
effected at a duly called annual meeting or at a special     written consent without a meeting must request to the
meeting of stockholders, unless any action requiring or      Secretary that a record date be fixed for such purpose.
permitting stockholder approval is approved by a majority    Consents must be signed by a sufficient number of
of the continuing directors, in which case that action may   stockholders to take that action and delivered to
be authorized or taken by the written consent of the         Newport News.
holders of outstanding shares of voting stock (as defined
in the Northrop Grumman charter) having not less than the
minimum voting power that would be necessary to authorize
or take such action at a meeting of stockholders at which
all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and voted
provided all other requirements of applicable law and the
charter have been satisfied.



                    NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                              NEWPORT NEWS

                            Advance Notice for Stockholder Nomination and Other Business
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------

The Northrop Grumman bylaws provide that with respect to     To be properly brought before the meeting, business
any stockholder meeting, nominations of persons for          must be either (a) specified in the notice of meeting
election to the board of directors and the proposal of       (or any supplement thereto) given by or at the
business to be considered by stockholders may be made only   direction of the board of directors, (b) otherwise
(a) by or at the direction of the board of directors, (b)    properly brought before the meeting by or at the
by a stockholder of record who is entitled to vote and who   direction of the board of directors, or (c) otherwise
has complied with the advance notice procedures set forth    properly brought before the meeting by a stockholder
in the bylaws, or (c) pursuant to Northrop Grumman's         entitled to vote at that meeting. In addition to any
notice with respect to that meeting.                         other applicable requirements, for business to be
                                                             properly brought before the annual meeting by a
                                                             stockholder, the stockholder must have given timely
                                                             notice in writing to the Secretary of Newport News. To
                                                             be timely, a stockholder's notice shall be delivered to
                                                             the secretary at the principal executive offices of Newport
                                                             News not later than the close of business on the seventieth
                                                             day nor earlier than the close of business on the ninetieth
                                                             day prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year's
                                                             annual meeting.



                    NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                              NEWPORT NEWS

                                            AMENDMENTS TO ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS

                                                 Certificate of Incorporation

Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, the              Subject to the charter and applicable law, Newport News
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the         reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal
outstanding shares entitled to vote is required to amend     any provision contained in the charter.
the Northrop Grumman charter. In addition, amendments that
make changes relating to the capital stock by increasing     The same Delaware law provisions regarding amendments
or decreasing the par value or the aggregate number of       to the certificate of incorporation applicable to
authorized shares of a class or otherwise adversely          Northrop Grumman are also applicable to Newport News.
affecting the rights of that class, must be approved by the
majority vote of each class of stock affected, unless, in
the case of an increase in the number of shares, the
certificate of incorporation takes away that right, and
provided that, if the amendment affects some series, then
only those series have such vote. The Northrop Grumman
charter provides that specified articles may be adopted,
repealed, rescinded, altered or amended only by the
affirmative vote of the holders of not less than 80% of
the voting power of all outstanding shares of voting stock,
regardless of class and voting together as a single voting
class, and where that action is proposed by an interested
stockholder (as defined in the Northrop Grumman charter) or
an associate or affiliate (each as defined in the Northrop
Grumman charter) of an interested stockholder, by the
majority of the voting power of all of the outstanding
shares of voting stock, voting together as a single class,
other than shares held by the interested person; provided,
however, that where the action is approved by a majority of
the continuing directors (as defined in the Northrop
Grumman charter), the affirmative vote of a majority of the
voting power of all outstanding shares of voting stock,
regardless of class and voting together as a single voting
class shall be required for approval of that action.



                    NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                              NEWPORT NEWS


Under the Northrop Grumman charter and the bylaws, the       The board of directors has the power to make, alter,
bylaws may be adopted, repealed, rescinded, altered or       amend or repeal any and all of the bylaws, but any
amended by the stockholders, but only by the affirmative     bylaws so made, altered or repealed by the board of
vote of the holders of not less than 80% of the voting       directors may be amended, altered or repealed by the
power of all outstanding shares of voting stock,             stockholders.
regardless of class and voting together as a single voting
class and, where such action is proposed by an interested
stockholder or by any associate or affiliate of an
interested stockholder, by a majority of the voting power
of all outstanding shares of voting stock, regardless of
class and voting together as a single class, other than
the shares held by such interested stockholders; provided,
however, that where such action is approved by a majority
of the continuing directors, the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the voting power of all
outstanding shares of voting stock, regardless of class
and voting together as a single voting class, shall be
required for approval of that action.


                                                  Authorized Stock

Common stock: 400 million shares; preferred stock: 10        Common stock: 70 million shares; preferred stock: 10
million shares.                                              million shares.

                                                   Preferred Stock

The board of directors is authorized to issue preferred      The board of directors is authorized to issue preferred
stock from time to time in one or more series, with terms    stock from time to time in one or more series, with terms
to be fixed by the board of directors.                       to be fixed by the board of directors.

                                                    Rights Plans

Northrop Grumman entered into a Rights Agreement, dated      Newport News entered into a Rights Agreement, dated
January 31, 2001, between Northrop Grumman and EquiServe     June 10, 1998, between Newport News and EquiServe Trust
Trust Company, N.A., as amended.                             Company, N.A. (formerly known as First Chicago Trust
                                                             Company of New York), as amended.



                  NORTHROP GRUMMAN                                                 NEWPORT NEWS

                                                BUSINESS COMBINATIONS
Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a                  The Newport News charter and bylaws are silent as to
majority of the outstanding shares is needed to adopt a        business combinations. The same Delaware law
plan of merger or consolidation.                               provisions regarding business combinations applicable
                                                               to Northrop Grumman are also applicable to Newport
The Delaware General Corporation Law prohibits a               News.
Delaware corporation which has a class of stock which
is listed on a national stock exchange or which has 2,000      The full text of Section 203 of the Delaware General
or more stockholders of record from engaging in                Corporation Law has been annexed as Schedule B to the
business combination with an interested stockholder            prospectus dated November 13, 2001 and is incorporated
(generally, the beneficial owner of 15% or more of the         in this information statement by reference.
corporation's outstanding voting stock) for three years
following the time the stockholder became an interested
stockholder, unless, prior to that time, the corporation's
board of directors approved either the business
combination or the transaction that resulted in the
stockholder becoming an interested stockholder, or if at
least two-thirds of the outstanding shares not owned by
that interested stockholder approve the business
combination at a meeting of stockholders, or if, upon
becoming an interested stockholder, that stockholder
owned at least 85% of the outstanding shares (excluding
those held by officers, directors and some employee
stock plans.)

In addition to the Delaware General Corporation Law
requirements, the Northrop Grumman charter provides
that, subject to various exceptions, any business
combination between Northrop Grumman or any
subsidiary and an interested stockholder (as defined in
the Northrop Grumman Charter) must be approved by
the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of all
outstanding voting stock, regardless of class and voting
together as a single voting class and a majority of the
voting power of all outstanding shares of voting stock,
other than the shares held by any interested stockholder
which is a party to such business combination or by any
affiliate or associates of such interested stockholder,
regardless of class and voting together as a single voting



     Set forth below is the ownership, as of December 5, 2001 (except as
otherwise stated), of the number of shares and percentage of Newport News common
stock beneficially owned by (i) each director of Newport News, (ii) each
required executive officer of Newport News, (iii) all executive officers and
directors of Newport News as a group and (iv) all persons beneficially owning
more than 5% of the outstanding Newport News common stock.

                                                              SHARES OF NEWPORT NEWS      AGGREGATE PERCENTAGE
                                                              COMMON STOCK OWNED (A)           OWNED (B)
                                                             ------------------------    ----------------------
William P. Fricks (Ret.)..................................               0                          0
Hon. Gerald L. Baliles ...................................               0                          0
Hon. Charles A. Bowsher ..................................               0                          0
W. Burks Terry............................................               0                          0
Albert F. Myers...........................................               0                          0
John H. Mullan............................................               0                          0
Thomas C. Schievelbein ...................................               0                          0
Alfred Little, Jr ........................................               0                          0
Stephen B. Clarkson ......................................               0                          0
William G. Cridlin, Jr ...................................               0                          0
All directors and executive officers as a group
(16) persons .............................................               0                          0
Cascade Investment LLC & William H. Gates III
     2365 Carillion Point, Kirkland, WA 98033
     & Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 ..................       2,562,900(c)                    7.88%
Heyman Investment Associates Limited Partnership
     333 Post Road West, Westport, CT  06881 &
     Samuel J. Heyman
     1361 Alps Road, Wayne, NJ 07170 .....................       2,249,600(d)                    6.92%
Purchaser Corp. I
     1840 Century Park East
     Los Angeles, CA 90067................................      26,241,019                       80.7%

(a)  Except as described in the notes below, each director, executive officer
     and 5% holder has sole voting and dispositive power over the shares
     beneficially owned, as set forth in this column.

(b)  Except as indicated, each person or group beneficially owns less than 1% of
     the outstanding Newport News common stock. All percentages are based on
     32,522,528 shares of Newport News common stock outstanding as of
     December 5, 2001.

(c)  The number of shares owned is as reported in Schedule 13G filed by Cascade
     Investment LLC and William H. Gates III with the SEC on February 18, 2000.
     All shares may be deemed beneficially owned by William H. Gates III as the
     sole member of Cascade Investment LLC. Cascade Investment LLC & William H.
     Gates III reported shared voting and dispositive power for all shares
     beneficially owned.

(d)  The number of shares owned is as reported in Schedule 13G filed by Heyman
     Investment Associates Limited Partnership and Samuel J. Heyman with the
     SEC on September 26, 2001.  Heyman Investment Associates


     Limited Partnership reported sole voting and dispositive power for
     1,982,675 of the shares beneficially owned and Samuel J. Heyman reported
     shared voting and dispositive power for all shares beneficially owned.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act"), requires Newport News' executive officers, directors and
persons owning more than 10% of Newport News' common stock to file reports of
ownership and changes in ownership of Newport News' common stock and derivative
securities of Newport News with the SEC and the New York Stock Exchange (the
"NYSE"). All directors and executive officers filed on a timely basis all
reports required to be filed in 2000, except for a single report of a single
sale of Newport News common stock in August 2000, which was inadvertently filed
late by Mr. Stephen R. Wilson, a member of the Newport News board of directors.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     The legality of Northrop Grumman common stock offered by the prospectus,
dated November 13, 2001, and filed with the SEC as part of the Form S-4, will be
passed upon by John H. Mullan, Corporate Vice President and Secretary of
Northrop Grumman. Mr. Mullan is paid a salary by Northrop Grumman, is a
participant in various employee benefit plans offered to employees of Northrop
Grumman generally and owns and has options to purchase shares of Northrop
Grumman common stock.

     Certain other legal matters in connection with the offer and the merger
will be passed upon for Northrop Grumman and Purchaser Corp. I by Fried, Frank,
Harris, Shriver & Jacobson (a partnership including professional corporations),
New York, New York, and for Newport News by Cravath, Swaine & Moore.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The consolidated financial statements and related financial statement
schedule incorporated in this information statement by reference from Northrop
Systems' Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 2000 have
been audited by Northrop Grumman's independent auditors, as stated in their
report, which is incorporated herein by reference.

     The consolidated financial statements incorporated in this information
statement by reference from Litton's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended July 31, 2000 have been audited by Northrop Grumman's independent
auditors, as stated in their report, which is incorporated herein by reference.

     The audited financial statements of Newport News Shipbuilding Inc.
incorporated by reference in this information statement and elsewhere in the
registration statement have been audited by Newport News' independent auditors,


as indicated in their reports with respect thereto, and are incorporated herein
by reference.

     The representatives of Northrop Grummman's and Newport News' independent
auditors are not expected to be present at the stockholders' meeting held on
January 16, 2001.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Newport News does not intend to hold a 2001 annual meeting prior to the
scheduled completion of the merger. If the merger is not completed and Newport
News does hold a 2001 annual meeting, Newport News will notify you of such
meeting, including the date by which stockholder proposals must be received at
Newport News' executive offices in order to be considered for inclusion in the
proxy materials relating to such meeting.

     Newport News does not intend to bring any other matters before the special
meeting, and is not aware of any other matters that are expected to be brought
properly before the special meeting.


     Northrop Grumman and Newport News file annual, quarterly and special
reports, proxy statements and other information with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. You may read and copy this information at the following locations of
the SEC:

       Public Reference Room      North East Regional Office      Midwest Regional Office
       450 Fifth Street, N.W.            233 Broadway             500 West Madison Street
             Room 1024                    13th Floor                    Suite 1400
       Washington, D.C. 20549      New York, New York 10279       Chicago, Illinois 60661

     You may obtain information on the operation of the Public Reference Rooms
by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain copies of this
information by mail from the Public Reference Section of the SEC, 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 10549, at prescribed rates.

     The SEC also maintains an Internet world wide web site that contains
reports, proxy statements and other information about issuers like Northrop
Grumman and Newport News who file electronically with the SEC. The address of
that site is

     Northrop Grumman filed a registration statement on Form S-4 on November 20,
2001 with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933 to register the Northrop
Grumman common stock to be issued in the offer and the merger. The prospectus is
a part of the registration statement. As allowed by SEC rules, the prospectus
does not contain all the information you can find in the registration statement
or the exhibits to the registration statement. In addition, on May 23, 2001
Northrop Grumman also filed with the SEC a statement on Schedule TO pursuant to
Rule 14d-3 under the Exchange Act to furnish various information about the
offer. You may obtain copies of the Form S-4 and the Schedule TO, and any
amendments to those documents, in the manner described above.

     The SEC allows Newport News to "incorporate by reference" information into
this information statement, which means that we can disclose important
information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with
the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this
information statement, except for any information superseded by information
contained directly in this information statement.

     This information statement incorporates by reference the documents listed
below that Northrop Grumman, Litton Industries Inc. and Newport News have
previously filed with the SEC. These documents contain important information
about Northrop Grumman and Newport News and their business, financial condition
and results of operations.

     The following documents filed by Northrop Grumman with the SEC are
incorporated by reference:


 .  Registration Statement on Form S-4, as filed on May 23, 2001 and as amended
   on June 6, 2001, June 27, 2001, November 6, 2001, November 13, 2001, November
   16, 2001 and November 20, 2001, and as it may be amended from time to time;

 .  Annual Report on Form 10-K/A, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, as
   filed on March 8, 2001;

 .  Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2001, as filed
   on May 10, 2001, for the period ended June 30, 2001, as filed on August 9,
   2001 and for the period ended September 30, 2001, as filed on November 5,

 .  Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on May 16, 2001,
   as filed on April 13, 2001;

 .  The description of Northrop Grumman's common stock set forth in Northrop
   Grumman's registration statement on Form S-3 filed by Northrop Grumman
   pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act, including any amendment or report
   filed for purposes of updating the description as filed on October 10, 2001;

 .  Current Reports on Form 8-K, as filed on April 17, 2001, and as amended on
   Form 8-K/A, as filed on June 14, 2001, and as filed on November 14, 2001,
   November 16, 2001 and November 21, 2001; and

 .  Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO, as filed on May 23, 2001, and as
   amended on May 24, 2001, June 15, 2001, June 19, 2001, June 21, 2001, July
   6, 2001, July 20, 2001, August 3, 2001, August 10, 2001, August 17, 2001,
   August 21, 2001, August 31, 2001, September 14, 2001, September 21, 2001,
   September 28, 2001, October 5, 2001, October 9, 2001, October 9, 2001,
   October 12, 2001, October 19, 2001, October 24, 2001, October 26, 2001,
   November 5, 2001, November 7, 2001, November 8, 2001, November 13, 2001,
   November 14, 2001, November 26, 2001, November 28, 2001, and November 30
   2001, and as it may be amended from time to time.

The following documents filed by Litton with the SEC are incorporated by

 .  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2000, as filed
   on October 11, 2000; and

 .  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended January 31, 2001, as filed
   on March 6, 2001.

The following documents filed by Newport News with the SEC are incorporated by

 .  Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9, as filed on June 6,
   2001 and as amended on June 7, 2001, June 18, 2001, June 19, 2001, June 21,
   2001, June 25, 2001, July 9, 2001, July 20, 2001, July 25, 2001, August 3,
   2001, August 6, 2001, August 10, 2001, August 17, 2001, August 20, 2001,
   August 31, 2001, September 4, 2001, September 17, 2001, September 21, 2001,
   September 24, 2001, September 28, 2001, October 1, 2001, October 4, 2001,
   October 5, 2001, October 9, 2001, October 9, 2001, October 12, 2001, October
   15, 2001, October 19, 2001, October 22, 2001, October 24, 2001, October 26,
   2001, October 29, 2001, November 5, 2001, November 6, 2001, November 7, 2001,
   November 8, 2001, November 13, 2001, November 26, 2001, November 27, 2001,
   November 28, 2001, and November 30, 2001, and as it may be amended from time
   to time;

 .  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, as
   filed on March 26, 2001;

 .  Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 18, 2001, as filed
   on April 27, 2001, for the period ended June 17, 2001, as filed on July 19,
   2001 and for the period ended September 16, 2001 as filed on October 25,


     .   The description of Newport News' common stock set forth in Newport
         News' registration statement on Form 10 filed by Newport News pursuant
         to Section 12 of the Exchange Act, including any amendment or report
         filed for purposes of updating the description as filed on October 30,
         1996; and

     .   Current Reports on Form 8-K, as filed on April 25, 2001, November 8,
         2001, November 14, 2001, and November 30, 2001.

     All documents filed by Northrop Grumman or Newport News pursuant to Section
12(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act from the date of this information
statement and prior to the date of the special meeting shall also be deemed to
be incorporated in this information statement and to be a part hereof from the
dates of filing such documents or reports. Any statement contained herein or in
a document incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or
superseded for purposes of this information statement to the extent that a
statement contained herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any such
statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified
or superseded, to constitute a part of this information statement.


     We have not authorized anyone to give any information or make any
representation about the offer that is different from, or in addition to, that
contained in this information statement or in any of the materials that we have
incorporated by reference into this information statement. Therefore, if anyone
does give you information of this sort, you should not rely on it. If you are in
a jurisdiction where offers to exchange or sell, or solicitations of offers to
exchange or purchase, the securities offered by this information statement are
unlawful, or if you are a person to whom it is unlawful to direct these types of
activities, then the offer presented in this information statement does not
extend to you. The information contained in this information statement speaks
only as of the date of this information statement unless the information
specifically indicates that another date applies.


                                     ANNEX A

Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law -- Appraisal rights.

     (a) Any stockholder of a corporation of this State who holds shares of
stock on the date of the making of a demand pursuant to subsection (d) of this
section with respect to such shares, who continuously holds such shares through
the effective date of the merger or consolidation, who has otherwise complied
with subsection (d) of this section and who has neither voted in favor of the
merger or consolidation nor consented thereto in writing pursuant to (S)228 of
this title shall be entitled to an appraisal by the Court of Chancery of the
fair value of the stockholder's shares of stock under the circumstances
described in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. As used in this section,
the word "stockholder" means a holder of record of stock in a stock corporation
and also a member of record of a nonstock corporation; the words "stock" and
"share" mean and include what is ordinarily meant by those words and also
membership or membership interest of a member of a nonstock corporation; and the
words "depository receipt" mean a receipt or other instrument issued by a
depository representing an interest in one or more shares, or fractions thereof,
solely of stock of a corporation, which stock is deposited with the depository.

     (b) Appraisal rights shall be available for the shares of any class or
series of stock of a constituent corporation in a merger or consolidation to be
effected pursuant to (S)251 (other than a merger effected pursuant to (S)251(g)
of this title), (S)252, (S)254, (S)257, (S)258, (S)263 or (S)264 of this title:

         (1) Provided, however, that no appraisal rights under this section
shall be available for the shares of any class or series of stock, which stock,
or depository receipts in respect thereof, at the record date fixed to determine
the stockholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the meeting of
stockholders to act upon the agreement of merger or consolidation, were either
(i) listed on a national securities exchange or designated as a national market
system security on an interdealer quotation system by the National Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc. or (ii) held of record by more than 2,000 holders;
and further provided that no appraisal rights shall be available for any shares
of stock of the constituent corporation surviving a merger if the merger did not
require for its approval the vote of the stockholders of the surviving
corporation as provided in subsection (f) of (S)251 of this title.

         (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, appraisal rights
under this section shall be available for the shares of any class or series of
stock of a constituent corporation if the holders thereof are required by the
terms of an agreement of merger or consolidation pursuant to (S)(S)251, 252,
254, 257, 258, 263 and 264 of this title to accept for such stock anything

             a. Shares of stock of the corporation surviving or resulting from
such merger or consolidation, or depository receipts in respect thereof;

             b. Shares of stock of any other corporation, or depository receipts
in respect thereof, which shares of stock (or depository receipts in respect
thereof) or depository receipts at the effective date of the merger or
consolidation will be either listed on a national securities exchange or
designated as a national market system security on an interdealer quotation
system by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or held of record
by more than 2,000 holders;

             c. Cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional depository
receipts described in the foregoing subparagraphs a. and b. of this paragraph;

             d. Any combination of the shares of stock, depository receipts and
cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional depository receipts described in
the foregoing subparagraphs a., b. and c. of this paragraph.

         (3) In the event all of the stock of a subsidiary Delaware corporation
party to a merger effected under (S)253 of this title is not owned by the parent
corporation immediately prior to the merger, appraisal rights shall be available
for the shares of the subsidiary Delaware corporation.


     (c) Any corporation may provide in its certificate of incorporation that
appraisal rights under this section shall be available for the shares of any
class or series of its stock as a result of an amendment to its certificate of
incorporation, any merger or consolidation in which the corporation is a
constituent corporation or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of
the corporation. If the certificate of incorporation contains such a provision,
the procedures of this section, including those set forth in subsections (d) and
(e) of this section, shall apply as nearly as is practicable.

     (d) Appraisal rights shall be perfected as follows:

         (1) If a proposed merger or consolidation for which appraisal rights
are provided under this section is to be submitted for approval at a meeting of
stockholders, the corporation, not less than 20 days prior to the meeting, shall
notify each of its stockholders who was such on the record date for such meeting
with respect to shares for which appraisal rights are available pursuant to
subsection (b) or (c) hereof that appraisal rights are available for any or all
of the shares of the constituent corporations, and shall include in such notice
a copy of this section. Each stockholder electing to demand the appraisal of
such stockholder's shares shall deliver to the corporation, before the taking of
the vote on the merger or consolidation, a written demand for appraisal of such
stockholder's shares. Such demand will be sufficient if it reasonably informs
the corporation of the identity of the stockholder and that the stockholder
intends thereby to demand the appraisal of such stockholder's shares. A proxy or
vote against the merger or consolidation shall not constitute such a demand. A
stockholder electing to take such action must do so by a separate written demand
as herein provided. Within 10 days after the effective date of such merger or
consolidation, the surviving or resulting corporation shall notify each
stockholder of each constituent corporation who has complied with this
subsection and has not voted in favor of or consented to the merger or
consolidation of the date that the merger or consolidation has become effective;

         (2) If the merger or consolidation was approved pursuant to (S)228 or
(S)253 of this title, then either a constituent corporation before the effective
date of the merger or consolidation, or the surviving or resulting corporation
within ten days thereafter, shall notify each of the holders of any class or
series of stock of such constitutent corporation who are entitled to appraisal
rights of the approval of the merger or consolidation and that appraisal rights
are available for any or all shares of such class or series of stock of such
constituent corporation, and shall include in such notice a copy of this
section; provided that, if the notice is given on or after the effective date of
the merger or consolidation, such notice shall be given by the surviving or
resulting corporation to all such holders of any class or series of stock of a
constituent corporation that are entitled to appraisal rights. Such notice may,
and, if given on or after the effective date of the merger or consolidation,
shall, also notify such stockholders of the effective date of the merger or
consolidation. Any stockholder entitled to appraisal rights may, within 20 days
after the date of mailing of such notice, demand in writing from the surviving
or resulting corporation the appraisal of such holder's shares. Such demand will
be sufficient if it reasonably informs the corporation of the identity of the
stockholder and that the stockholder intends thereby to demand the appraisal of
such holder's shares. If such notice did not notify stockholders of the
effective date of the merger or consolidation, either (i) each such constituent
corporation shall send a second notice before the effective date of the merger
or consolidation notifying each of the holders of any class or series of stock
of such constituent corporation that are entitled to appraisal rights of the
effective date of the merger or consolidation or (ii) the surviving or resulting
corporation shall send such a second notice to all such holders on or within 10
days after such effective date; provided, however, that if such second notice is
sent more than 20 days following the sending of the first notice, such second
notice need only be sent to each stockholder who is entitled to appraisal rights
and who has demanded appraisal of such holder's shares in accordance with this
subsection. An affidavit of the secretary or assistant secretary or of the
transfer agent of the corporation that is required to give either notice that
such notice has been given shall, in the absence of fraud, be prima facie
evidence of the facts stated therein. For purposes of determining the
stockholders entitled to receive either notice, each constituent corporation may
fix, in advance, a record date that shall be not more than 10 days prior to the
date the notice is given, provided, that if the notice is given on or after the
effective date of the merger or consolidation, the record date shall be such
effective date. If no record date is fixed and the notice is given prior to the
effective date, the record date shall be the close of business on the day next
preceding the day on which the notice is given.

         (e) Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger or
consolidation, the surviving or resulting corporation or any stockholder who has
complied with subsections (a) and (d) hereof and who is otherwise entitled


to appraisal rights, may file a petition in the Court of Chancery demanding a
determination of the value of the stock of all such stockholders.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time within 60 days after the effective
date of the merger or consolidation, any stockholder shall have the right to
withdraw such stockholder's demand for appraisal and to accept the terms offered
upon the merger or consolidation. Within 120 days after the effective date of
the merger or consolidation, any stockholder who has complied with the
requirements of subsections (a) and (d) hereof, upon written request, shall be
entitled to receive from the corporation surviving the merger or resulting from
the consolidation a statement setting forth the aggregate number of shares not
voted in favor of the merger or consolidation and with respect to which demands
for appraisal have been received and the aggregate number of holders of such
shares. Such written statement shall be mailed to the stockholder within 10 days
after such stockholder's written request for such a statement is received by the
surviving or resulting corporation or within 10 days after expiration of the
period for delivery of demands for appraisal under subsection (d) hereof,
whichever is later.

     (f) Upon the filing of any such petition by a stockholder, service of a
copy thereof shall be made upon the surviving or resulting corporation, which
shall within 20 days after such service file in the office of the Register in
Chancery in which the petition was filed a duly verified list containing the
names and addresses of all stockholders who have demanded payment for their
shares and with whom agreements as to the value of their shares have not been
reached by the surviving or resulting corporation. If the petition shall be
filed by the surviving or resulting corporation, the petition shall be
accompanied by such a duly verified list. The Register in Chancery, if so
ordered by the Court, shall give notice of the time and place fixed for the
hearing of such petition by registered or certified mail to the surviving or
resulting corporation and to the stockholders shown on the list at the addresses
therein stated. Such notice shall also be given by 1 or more publications at
least 1 week before the day of the hearing, in a newspaper of general
circulation published in the City of Wilmington, Delaware or such publication as
the Court deems advisable. The forms of the notices by mail and by publication
shall be approved by the Court, and the costs thereof shall be borne by the
surviving or resulting corporation.

     (g) At the hearing on such petition, the Court shall determine the
stockholders who have complied with this section and who have become entitled to
appraisal rights. The Court may require the stockholders who have demanded an
appraisal for their shares and who hold stock represented by certificates to
submit their certificates of stock to the Register in Chancery for notation
thereon of the pendency of the appraisal proceedings; and if any stockholder
fails to comply with such direction, the Court may dismiss the proceedings as to
such stockholder.

     (h) After determining the stockholders entitled to an appraisal, the Court
shall appraise the shares, determining their fair value exclusive of any element
of value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the merger or
consolidation, together with a fair rate of interest, if any, to be paid upon
the amount determined to be the fair value. In determining such fair value, the
Court shall take into account all relevant factors. In determining the fair rate
of interest, the Court may consider all relevant factors, including the rate of
interest which the surviving or resulting corporation would have had to pay to
borrow money during the pendency of the proceeding. Upon application by the
surviving or resulting corporation or by any stockholder entitled to participate
in the appraisal proceeding, the Court may, in its discretion, permit discovery
or other pretrial proceedings and may proceed to trial upon the appraisal prior
to the final determination of the stockholder entitled to an appraisal. Any
stockholder whose name appears on the list filed by the surviving or resulting
corporation pursuant to subsection (f) of this section and who has submitted
such stockholder's certificates of stock to the Register in Chancery, if such is
required, may participate fully in all proceedings until it is finally
determined that such stockholder is not entitled to appraisal rights under this

     (i) The Court shall direct the payment of the fair value of the shares,
together with interest, if any, by the surviving or resulting corporation to the
stockholders entitled thereto. Interest may be simple or compound, as the Court
may direct. Payment shall be so made to each such stockholder, in the case of
holders of uncertificated stock forthwith, and the case of holders of shares
represented by certificates upon the surrender to the corporation of the
certificates representing such stock. The Court's decree may be enforced as
other decrees in the Court of Chancery may be enforced, whether such surviving
or resulting corporation be a corporation of this State or of any state.


     (j) The costs of the proceeding may be determined by the Court and taxed
upon the parties as the Court deems equitable in the circumstances. Upon
application of a stockholder, the Court may order all or a portion of the
expenses incurred by any stockholder in connection with the appraisal
proceeding, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and the
fees and expenses of experts, to be charged pro rata against the value of all
the shares entitled to an appraisal.

     (k) From and after the effective date of the merger or consolidation, no
stockholder who has demanded appraisal rights as provided in subsection (d) of
this section shall be entitled to vote such stock for any purpose or to receive
payment of dividends or other distributions on the stock (except dividends or
other distributions payable to stockholders of record at a date which is prior
to the effective date of the merger or consolidation); provided, however, that
if no petition for an appraisal shall be filed within the time provided in
subsection (e) of this section, or if such stockholder shall deliver to the
surviving or resulting corporation a written withdrawal of such stockholder's
demand for an appraisal and an acceptance of the merger or consolidation, either
within 60 days after the effective date of the merger or consolidation as
provided in subsection (e) of this section or thereafter with the written
approval of the corporation, then the right of such stockholder to an appraisal
shall cease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no appraisal proceeding in the Court
of Chancery shall be dismissed as to any stockholder without the approval of the
Court, and such approval may be conditioned upon such terms as the Court deems

     (l) The shares of the surviving or resulting corporation to which the
shares of such objecting stockholders would have been converted had they
assented to the merger or consolidation shall have the status of authorized and
unissued shares of the surviving or resulting corporation.
