Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14 (a) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the Registrant                        [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant     [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e) (2)
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                              Peoples Bancorp Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

      (Name of Person Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[x]  No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

    (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
    Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
    paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
    number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1)  Amount Previously Paid: _________________________________
    (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: ___________
    (3)  Filing Party: ___________________________________________
    (4)  Date Filed: ____________________________________________

                              PEOPLES BANCORP INC.
                                 Marietta, Ohio
                                  March 9, 2001

To the Shareholders of Peoples Bancorp Inc.:

         You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
(the "Annual Meeting") of Peoples Bancorp Inc. ("Peoples") to be held at 10:30
A.M., local time, on Thursday, April 12, 2001, in the Ball Room, Holiday Inn,
701 Pike Street, Marietta, Ohio (I-77 Ohio, exit 1), for the following purposes:

1.       To elect the following directors for terms of three years each:

                  Nominee                             Term Expires In

                  Robert E. Evans   (for re-election)       2004
                  Robert W. Price   (for re-election)       2004
                  Paul T. Theisen   (for re-election)       2004
                  Thomas C. Vadakin (for re-election)       2004

2.       To transact any other business which properly come before the Annual
         Meeting and any adjournment thereof.

         Shareholders of record at the close of business on February 15, 2001,
will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and any

         The vote of each shareholder is important, whatever the number of
common shares held. Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please
sign, date and return your proxy card promptly in the enclosed envelope.

         Peoples' Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2000, accompanies this Notice and proxy statement.

                            By Order of the Board of Directors,

                        /S/ RUTH I. OTTO
                            Ruth I. Otto
                            Corporate Secretary

                              PEOPLES BANCORP INC.
                                   PO Box 738
                                138 Putnam Street
                             Marietta, OH 45750-0738
                                 (740) 374-6136

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         This proxy statement and the accompanying proxy card are being mailed
to shareholders of Peoples Bancorp Inc., an Ohio corporation ("Peoples"), on or
about March 9, 2001, in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board
of Directors of Peoples for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Peoples
(the "Annual Meeting") called to be held on Thursday, April 12, 2001, or at any
adjournment. The Annual Meeting will be held at 10:30 A.M., local time, in the
Ball Room, Holiday Inn, 701 Pike Street, Marietta, Ohio (I-77 Ohio, exit 1).

         Peoples has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, Peoples Bank, National
Association ("Peoples Bank"), (formerly The First National Bank of Southeastern
Ohio, The Peoples Banking and Trust Company, and Peoples Bank FSB, which were
merged as of March 10, 2000, under the title Peoples Bank, National
Association), and Northwest Territory Life Insurance Company.

         A proxy card for use at the Annual Meeting accompanies this proxy
statement and is solicited by the Board of Directors of Peoples. Shareholders
may use their proxy cards if they are unable to attend the Annual Meeting in
person or wish to have their common shares voted by proxy even if they do attend
the Annual Meeting. Without affecting any vote previously taken, any shareholder
appointing a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is voted by filing with
the Secretary of Peoples, at the address set forth on the cover page of this
proxy statement, written notice of such revocation; by executing a later-dated
proxy card which is received by Peoples prior to the Annual Meeting; or by
attending the Annual Meeting and giving notice of such revocation in person.
Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, in and of itself, constitute
revocation of a proxy.

         Only shareholders of record at the close of business on February 15,
2001, (the "Record Date") are entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting. At the close of business on the Record Date, 6,496,418 common
shares were outstanding and entitled to vote. Each common share entitles the
holder to one vote on each matter to be submitted to shareholders at the Annual
Meeting. A quorum for the Annual Meeting is a majority of the common shares
outstanding. There is no cumulative voting with respect to the election of

         Shareholders holding common shares in "street name" with a broker
dealer, bank, or other holder of record should review the information provided
to them by such holder of record. This information will set forth the procedures
to be followed in instructing the holder of record how to vote the "street name"
common shares and how to revoke previously given instructions.

         Peoples will bear the costs of preparing and mailing this proxy
statement, the accompanying proxy card, any other related materials, and all
other costs incurred in connection with the solicitation of proxies on behalf of
the Board of Directors. Proxies will be solicited by mail and may be further
solicited, for no additional compensation, by officers, directors, or employees
of Peoples and its subsidiaries by further mailing, telephone, or personal
contact. Peoples will also pay the standard charges and expenses of brokerage
houses, voting trustees, banks, associations and other custodians, nominees, and
fiduciaries, who are record holders of common shares not beneficially owned by
them, for forwarding such materials to, and obtaining proxies from, the
beneficial owners of common shares entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

         The Annual Report to the Shareholders of Peoples for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2000 (the "2000 Fiscal Year") is enclosed herewith.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

         The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, certain
information concerning the beneficial ownership of common shares by the only
person known to Peoples to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the
outstanding common shares:

      Name and Address of       Amount and Nature of
        Beneficial Owner        Beneficial Ownership      Percent of Class (1)
      ----------------          --------------------      --------------------

      Peoples Bank - Trustee
      138 Putnam Street
      Marietta, OH  45750         923,751 (2)                    14.22 %

(1)     The percent of class is based on 6,496,418 common shares outstanding
        and entitled to vote on the Record Date.

(2)     Includes 178,500 common shares, 573,196 common shares, 120,273 common
        shares and 51,782 common shares as to which the Investment and Trust
        Division of Peoples Bank has shared investment and sole voting power,
        shared investment and voting power, sole voting and investment power,
        and sole investment and shared voting power, respectively. The officers
        and directors of Peoples Bank and Peoples disclaim beneficial ownership
        of these common shares by reason of their positions. Does not include
        257,150 common shares held by the Investment and Trust Department in its
        capacity as Trustee under the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Retirement Savings
        Plan with respect to which the Investment and Trust Department has
        neither voting nor investment power.

         The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, certain
information with respect to the common shares beneficially owned by each
director of Peoples, by each nominee for election as a director of Peoples, by
the executive officers of Peoples named in the Summary Compensation Table and by
all executive officers and directors of Peoples as a group:

                  Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership (1)

                                          Common Shares
                                       Which Can Be Acquired
                                           Upon Exercise
                          Common Shares  Options Exercisable         Percent of
Name                     Presently Held    Within 60 Days    Total    Class (2)
----                     --------------    --------------   ------    ---------

Carl Baker, Jr.             5,964   (4)          6,652        12,616       (3)
David B. Baker (5)         16,537   (6)         21,244        37,781       (3)
George W. Broughton       124,175   (7)         13,163       137,338      2.11%
Frank L. Christy           61,783   (8)          1,163        62,946       (3)
John W. Conlon (5)         15,006   (9)         18,667        33,673       (3)
Wilford D. Dimit           23,237  (10)         13,271        36,741       (3)
Robert E. Evans (5)       127,116  (11)         44,870       171,986      2.63%
Larry E. Holdren (5)       12,863  (12)         23,059        35,922       (3)
Rex E. Maiden                 855  (13)          5,583         6,438       (3)
Robert W. Price               544  (14)            -0-           544       (3)
Paul T. Theisen            17,809  (15)         13,271        31,080       (3)
Thomas C. Vadakin           6,881  (16)          4,659        11,540       (3)
Joseph H. Wesel            36,014  (17)          9,206        45,220       (3)
Joseph S. Yazombek (5)     12,951  (18)         23,059        36,010       (3)

All directors and
executive officers as a
group (numbering 16)      471,209  (19)        222,954       694,163    10.33%

(1)    Unless otherwise noted, the beneficial owner has sole voting and
       investment power with respect to all of the common shares reflected in
       the table. All fractional common shares have been rounded to the nearest
       whole common share.

(2)    The percent of class is based upon 6,496,418 common shares outstanding
       and entitled to vote on the Record Date and the number of common shares
       as to which the named person or group has the right to acquire beneficial
       ownership upon the exercise of options exercisable within 60 days of the
       Record Date.

(3)    Reflects ownership of less than 1%.

(4)    Includes 5,000 common shares held by B & N Coal, Inc., to which Mr. Baker
       exercises shared voting and investment power. Does not include 173 common
       shares credited to Mr. Baker's account under the Peoples Bancorp Inc.
       Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples Bancorp Inc. and
       Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Baker has no voting or investment power.
       Does not include 24,049 common shares held in the Jewel Baker Irrevocable
       Trust as to which Mr. Baker is a beneficiary and has no voting or
       investment power.

(5)    Executive officer of Peoples named in the Summary Compensation Table.

(6)    Includes 8,165 common shares held jointly by Mr. Baker and his wife as to
       which he exercises shared voting and investment power. Includes 8,291
       common shares allocated to the account of Mr. Baker in the Peoples
       Bancorp Inc. Retirement Savings Plan with respect to which Mr. Baker has
       the power to direct the voting and disposition. Does not include 399
       common shares owned by his wife in an individual retirement account as to
       which common shares Mr. Baker has no voting or investment power.

(7)    Includes 6,174 common shares held by Mr. Broughton as custodian for his
       children, as to which Mr. Broughton has sole voting and investment power
       and claims beneficial ownership. Includes 440 common shares held by GWB
       Sales, Inc., as to which Mr. Broughton exercises shared voting and
       investment power. Includes 45,241 common shares held by Mr. Broughton as
       Trustee of the George W. Broughton and Nancy R. Broughton Retained
       Annuity Trust, as to which Mr. Broughton has voting and investment power.
       Does not include 12,857 common shares held of record and beneficially
       owned by Mr. Broughton's wife, as to which he has no voting or investment
       power and disclaims beneficial ownership. Does not include 2,069 common
       shares held in the Carl Broughton Trust as to which Mr. Broughton is a
       beneficiary. (Peoples Bank is trustee of this trust and exercises sole
       voting and investment power with respect to these common shares, which
       are included among the common shares shown as beneficially owned by
       Peoples Bank in the preceding table.) Does not include 855 common shares
       credited to Mr. Broughton's account under the Peoples Bancorp Inc.
       Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples Bancorp Inc. and
       Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Broughton has no voting or investment

(8)    Includes 5,215 common shares held in the Frank L. Christy Investment
       Account as to which he exercises shared voting and investment power. Also
       includes 56,348 common shares held in the Riverbank Restaurants Inc.
       Agency Account as to which Mr. Christy exercises shared voting and
       investment power.

(9)    Includes 8,501 common shares allocated to the account of Mr. Conlon in
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Retirement Savings Plan with respect to which
       Mr. Conlon has the power to direct the voting and disposition.

(10)   Includes 15,120 common shares held jointly by Mr. Dimit and his wife as
       to which he exercises shared voting and investment power.  Does not
       include 8,396 common shares credited to Mr. Dimit's account under the
       Peoples Bancorp Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples
       Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Dimit has no voting or
       investment power.

(11)   Includes 26,926 common shares allocated to the account of Mr. Evans in
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Retirement Savings Plan with  respect to which
       Mr. Evans has the power to direct the voting and disposition.  Does not
       include 16,870 common shares held of record and owned beneficially by Mr.
       Evans' wife, nor 3,007 common shares held jointly by Mr. Evans' wife and
       son, Douglas B. Evans, as to which common shares Mr. Evans has no voting
       or investment power and disclaims beneficial ownership. Does not include
       8,183 common shares credited to Mr. Evans' account under the Peoples
       Bancorp Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples Bancorp
       Inc. and Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Evans has no voting or investment

(12)   Includes 10,921 common shares allocated to the account of Mr. Holdren in
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Retirement Plan with respect to which Mr.
       Holdren has the power to direct the voting and disposition.

(13)   Does not include 933 common shares credited to Mr. Maiden's account under
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of
       Peoples Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Maiden has no
       voting or investment power.

(14)   Does not include 203 common shares credited to Mr. Price's account under
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of
       Peoples Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Price has no
       voting or investment power.

(15)   Does not include 3,869 common shares credited to Mr. Theisen's account
       under the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors
       of Peoples Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Theisen has no
       voting or investment power.

(16)   Includes 6,238 common shares in the Thomas C. Vadakin Investment Account
       in Peoples Bank in which Mr. Vadakin shares investment and voting power.

(17)   Does not include 11,196 common shares held of record and beneficially
       owned by Mr. Wesel's wife as to which he has no voting or investment
       power and disclaims beneficial ownership. Does not include 5,281 common
       shares credited to Mr. Wesel's account under the Peoples Bancorp Inc.
       Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples Bancorp Inc. and
       Subsidiaries, as to which Mr. Wesel has no voting or investment power.
       Does not include 30,528 common shares in the Joseph and Lu Wesel
       Grandchildren's Trust, as to which the Peoples Bank has sole investment
       and voting power. Does not include 22,591 common shares held of record by
       the Marietta Ignition, Inc. Pension Plan as to which Mr. Wesel has no
       voting or investment power and disclaims beneficial ownership. Mr. Wesel
       serves as a member of the Administrative Committee for Marietta Ignition,
       Inc. Pension Plan. Peoples Bank shares voting power with respect to the
       common shares held in the Marietta Ignition, Inc. Pension Plan with the
       Plan Administrator and said common shares are included among the common
       shares shown as beneficially owned by Peoples Bank in the preceding

(18)   Includes 10,010 common shares allocated to the account of Mr. Yazombek in
       the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Retirement Plan with respect to which Mr.
       Yazombek has the power to direct the voting and disposition.

(19)   Includes common shares held jointly by directors and executive officers
       with other persons. Also includes 65,914 common shares allocated to the
       accounts of all executive officers of Peoples in the Peoples Bancorp Inc.
       Retirement Savings Plan. See notes (4) and (6) through (18) above.


         To Peoples' knowledge, based solely on a review of reports furnished to
Peoples and written representations that no other reports were required, during
the 2000 Fiscal Year, all filing requirements applicable to officers, directors,
and greater than 10% beneficial owners of Peoples under Section 16(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the "Exchange Act") were complied
with, except as noted below:

(1)     Carl L. Baker, Jr. filed a Form 4 on November 11, 2000, to report late
        transactions by B&N Coal, Inc. during February, March, and September,
        2000.  Mr. Baker is President & CEO of B&N Coal, Inc., and may be deemed
        the beneficial owner of the common shares held by B&N Coal, Inc.

(2)     George W. Broughton filed an amended Form 4 on August 10, 2000, to
        report two late transactions, which occurred in June 2000.

(3)     Frank L. Christy received a December 1999 gift which should have been
        reported on Form 5 for the 1999 fiscal year; the transaction was
        reported on Mr. Christy's Form 5 for the 2000 Fiscal Year filed on
        February 12, 2001.

(4)     Wilford D. Dimit filed a late Form 4 on August 10, 2000, to report one
        transaction which occurred in June 2000.

(5)     Robert E. Evans filed a Form 5 for the 2000 Fiscal year, which included
        one late report of one transaction which occurred in July 2000.

(6)     Larry E. Holdren filed a Form 5 for the 2000 Fiscal Year, which reported
        one transaction which occurred in December, 1999, and should have been
        reported on his Form 5 for the 1999 fiscal year.

(7)     Robert W. Price was elected to the Board of Directors, effective
        September 1, 2000.  His Form 3 was filed one day late with the SEC on
        September 12, 2000.


         Paul T. Theisen is of counsel to the law firm of TheisenBrock, LPA,
which rendered legal services to Peoples and its subsidiaries during Peoples'
2000 Fiscal Year, and is expected to render legal services to Peoples and its
subsidiaries during Peoples' 2001 fiscal year.

         During Peoples' 2000 Fiscal Year, Peoples Bank entered into banking
transactions, in the ordinary course of business, with certain executive
officers and directors of Peoples, with members of their immediate families, and
with corporations for which directors of Peoples serve as executive officers. It
is expected that similar banking transactions will be entered into in the
future. Loans to such persons have been made on substantially the same terms,
including the interest rate charged and the collateral required, as those
prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with persons not affiliated
with Peoples or its subsidiaries. These loans have been subject to, and are
presently subject to, no more than a normal risk of uncollectibility, and
present no other unfavorable features. The aggregate amount of loans to
directors and executive officers of Peoples, and affiliates of these directors
and executive officers, as a group at December 31, 2000, was $7,400,000. This
does not include the aggregate amount of $16,072,000 in loans to individuals
acting in the sole capacity as directors or executive officers of subsidiaries
of Peoples, including affiliates of these directors and executive officers. As
of the date of this proxy statement, all of such loans are performing loans.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Pursuant to the authority granted under Section 2.02 (C) of Peoples'
Regulations, on February 1, 2000, the Board of Directors increased the number of
Directors in the class whose term expires at the Annual Meeting to four and
appointed Carl Baker, Jr. to fill the vacancy created by such increase. Each
director is to be elected for a three-year term and until his successor is duly
elected and qualified. The individuals named in the accompanying proxy card
intend to vote the common shares represented by the proxies received pursuant to
this solicitation for the nominees named below who have been designated by the
Board of Directors, unless otherwise instructed on the proxy card.

         The following table gives certain information concerning each nominee
for election as a director of Peoples. Unless otherwise indicated, each has had
his principal occupation for more than five years.

                                                                                               Director       Nominee
                                             Position(s) Held With Peoples and               Continuously    For Term
          Nominee           Age    Its Principal Subsidiaries and Principal Occupation(s)        Since      Expiring In
          -------           ---    ------------------------------------------------------        -----      -----------
Robert E. Evans             60  President,  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Peoples  and      1980          2004
                                Peoples Bank; Chairman of the Board of Peoples Bank.

Robert W. Price             38  President of: Smith Concrete Company,  a ready-mix concrete      2000          2004
                                company,  since 1992;  Chesterhill  Stone Company,  a sand,
                                limestone and gravel company,  since 1992; and Price Inland
                                Terminal Company,  an off-river  terminal service providing
                                offloading  and dry bulk  storage  of raw  material,  since
                                August 1994.

Paul T. Theisen (1)         70  Of counsel, TheisenBrock,  LPA, Attorneys at Law, Marietta,      1980          2004
                                Ohio. (2)

Thomas C. Vadakin (1)       70  Director,   The  Airolite   Company,   Marietta,   Ohio,  a      1989          2004
                                manufacturer of ventilation louvers.  (2)


(1)      Thomas C. Vadakin and Paul T. Theisen are brothers-in-law.

(2)      Also a director of Peoples Bank.

      While it is contemplated that all nominees will stand for election, if one
or more nominees at the time of the Annual Meeting should be unavailable or
unable to serve as a candidate for election as a director, the proxies reserve
full discretion to vote the common shares represented by the proxies for the
election of the remaining nominees and for the election of any substitute
nominee or nominees designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
knows of no reason why any of the above-mentioned individuals will be
unavailable or unable to serve if elected to the Board.

      The Regulations of Peoples provide that shareholder nominations for
election to the Board of Directors must be made in writing and must be delivered
or mailed to the Secretary of Peoples not less than 14 days nor more than 50
days prior to any meeting of shareholders called for the election of directors.
However, if less than 21 days notice of the meeting is given to the
shareholders, the nomination must be mailed or delivered to the Secretary not
later than the close of business on the seventh day following the day on which
the notice of the meeting was mailed. Each nomination must contain the following
information to the extent known by the notifying shareholder: (a) the name, age,
business address and residence address of each proposed nominee; (b) the
principal occupation or employment of each proposed nominee; (c) the number of
common shares beneficially owned by each proposed nominee and by the notifying
shareholder; and (d) any other information required to be disclosed with respect
to a nominee for election as a director under the proxy rules promulgated under
the Exchange Act. Each such notification must be accompanied by the written
consent of the proposed nominee to serve as a director of Peoples if elected.
Nominations not made in accordance with the Regulations of Peoples, as
determined by the Chairman of the Annual Meeting will be disregarded. Under Ohio
law and Peoples' Regulations, the four nominees for election as directors
receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected as directors.

      The following table gives certain information concerning the current
directors who will continue to serve after the Annual Meeting. Unless otherwise
indicated, each individual has had his principal occupation for more than five

                                   Position(s) Held With Peoples and                      Continuously    Term
      Name            Age   Its Principal Subsidiaries and Principal Occupation(s)           Since       Expires In
----------------      ---   ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------   -----------
Carl Baker, Jr.        38  President and CEO, B & N Coal,  Inc., a mining,  reclamation,       2000         2003
                           and construction  concern in Southeastern  Ohio;  Co-Owner of
                           Sharon Stone Company,  a limestone and slag producer in Noble
                           and Washington  Counties,  Ohio;  Owner of Dexter  Hardwoods,
                           Inc., a hardwood sawmill located in Noble County, Ohio.

George W. Broughton    43  President,  GWB  Sales,  Inc.,  Marietta,  Ohio,  a  business       1994         2003
                           development  company,  since  September,  1999;  Director and
                           Executive  Vice  President/Sales  and  Marketing,   Broughton
                           Foods Co., a processor  and  distributor  of dairy  products,
                           from December,  1981 to August,  1999; Director of SBR, Inc.,
                           maker  of  replacement   windows  and  owner  of  "Woodcraft"
                           catalog and stores (1)

Frank L. Christy       53  President/Owner   of  Christy  &   Associates,   a  business        1999         2002
                           development company located in Marietta, Ohio.

Wilford D. Dimit       66  President  of  First  Settlement,  Inc.,  Marietta,  Ohio,  a       1993         2003
                           retail clothing store, shoe store and restaurant. (1)

Rex E. Maiden          65  Chairman of the Board of Maiden & Jenkins  Construction  Co.,       1996         2002
                           Nelsonville,   Ohio,   highway  and  bridge   contractor  and
                           contractor  of   commercial,   industrial   and   educational
                           buildings;  Treasurer  and Director of Sunday Creek Coal Co.,
                           Nelsonville,  Ohio,  holding  company  for land and  minerals
                           (coal  and  oil);  President  and  Chairman  of the  Board of
                           Nelsonville  Consulting and  Construction  Co.,  Nelsonville,
                           Ohio,  design consulting firm;  Chairman of the Board,  Black
                           Top  Contracting,   Nelsonville,   Ohio,  paving  contractor;
                           Chairman  of the Board,  B T  Materials,  Nelsonville,  Ohio,
                           sand and  gravel  mining  operation  and  ready-mix  concrete
                           plant. (1)

Joseph H. Wesel        71  Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of Marietta  Automotive       1980         2002
                           Warehouse,   Inc.,   Marietta,   Ohio,  an  automotive  parts
                           wholesaler;  President of Auto Paints  Works Inc.,  Marietta,
                           Ohio,  a  wholesaler/retailer  of auto  paint  and body  shop
                           supplies;  President of W.D.A., Inc., Marietta,  Ohio, a real
                           estate holding company; Director,  Marietta Ignition, Inc., a
                           wholesaler/retailer   of  automotive   parts  and  industrial
                           supplies;  Director of Peoples Bank; Chairman of the Board of
                           Peoples since 1991. (1)


(1)      Also a director of Peoples Bank.

         The Board of Directors held a total of fifteen (15) meetings during
Peoples' 2000 Fiscal Year. Each incumbent director attended 75% or more of the
aggregate of the total number of meetings held by the Board of Directors, and of
the total number of meetings held by all committees on which he served, during
his period of service. The Board of Directors maintains two standing committees.

         The Audit  Committee  is  comprised  of seven  independent  directors,
as that term is defined for the purposes of the NASDAQ rules: Wilford D. Dimit,
Chairman;  Carl L. Baker, George W. Broughton,  Frank L. Christy,  Robert W.
Price,  Thomas C. Vadakin,  and Joseph H. Wesel.  The Peoples Bancorp Inc.
Board of Director's Audit Committee  Charter,  as approved by the Board of
Directors for the 2001  fiscal  year,  governs the Audit  Committee.  A copy of
the  Charter is  included  as  Appendix  A. The  activities  of the Audit
Committee are detailed in the Board of Directors' Audit Committee Report to
Shareholders as found below.

         The Compensation Committee is comprised of five independent directors:
Frank L. Christy, Wilford D. Dimit, Rex E. Maiden, Thomas C. Vadakin and Joseph
H. Wesel, none of whom is a compensated executive officer or employee of Peoples
or its subsidiaries. The function of the Compensation Committee is to review and
recommend for approval by the Board of Directors salaries, bonuses, employment
agreements and employee benefit plans for officers and employees, to supervise
the operation of Peoples' compensation plans, including its stock option plans,
to select those eligible employees who may participate in each plan (where
selection is required) and prescribe (where permitted under the terms of the
plan) the terms of any stock options granted under any stock option plan of

         The Board of Directors does not have a standing nominating committee or
committee performing similar functions.

                             REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS

         The Audit Committee oversees Peoples' financial reporting process on
behalf of the Board of Directors. Management has the primary responsibility for
the financial statements and the reporting process including the systems of
internal controls. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee
reviewed the audited financial statements in the Annual Report with management
including a discussion of the quality, not just the acceptability of the
accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the
clarity of disclosures in the financial statements.

         The Board of Directors appointed Ernst & Young LLP ("E&Y") as
independent auditors for Peoples during the 2000 Fiscal Year. E&Y is responsible
for expressing an opinion on the conformity of those audited financial
statements with generally accepted accounting principles. The Committee reviewed
with E&Y their judgments as to the quality, not just the acceptability, of
Peoples' accounting principles and such other matters as are required to be
discussed with the Committee under generally accepted auditing standards. In
addition, the Committee has discussed with E&Y the auditors' independence from
management and Peoples including the matters in the written disclosures required
by the Independence Standards Board. The Committee considered the fees for
non-audit services rendered by E&Y with the compatibility of the auditors'

         The committee discussed with Peoples' internal auditors and E&Y the
overall scope and plans for their respective audits. The committee met with the
internal auditors and E&Y, with and without management present, to discuss the
results of their examinations, their evaluations of Peoples' internal controls,
and the overall quality of Peoples' financial reporting. The committee held five
meetings during 2000 Fiscal Year 2000.

         In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the
Committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and the board has approved) the
audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2000 for filing with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The Committee has also recommended to the Board of Directors the
selection of E&Y as Peoples' independent auditors for the 2001 fiscal year.

Submitted by the Audit Committee of Peoples' Board of Directors:

         Wilford D. Dimit,  Chairman;  Carl L. Baker, George W. Broughton,
         Frank L. Christy,  Robert W. Price, Thomas C. Vadakin,  and
         Joseph H. Wesel, Members.

                        REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS'
                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                            ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The Compensation Committee meets periodically to review and recommend
for approval by the Board of Directors salaries, bonuses, employment agreements
and employee benefits plans for officers and employees, including executive
officers of Peoples. The Committee also supervises the operation of Peoples'
compensation plans, selects those eligible employees who may participate in each
plan (where selection is permitted) and prescribes (where permitted under the
terms of the plan) the terms of any stock options granted under any stock option
plan of Peoples. The Compensation Committee met four times during 2000 Fiscal

         Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
prohibits Peoples from claiming a deduction on its federal income tax return for
compensation in excess of $1 million paid for a given fiscal year to the chief
executive officer (or person acting in that capacity) at the close of Peoples'
fiscal year and the four most highly compensated officers of Peoples, other than
the chief executive officer, at the end of Peoples' fiscal year. The $1 million
compensation deduction limitation does not apply to "performance-based
compensation". Due to the fact that all executive officers of Peoples receive
compensation at levels substantially below the $1 million deductibility limit,
the Committee does not propose at this time to present for shareholder approval
performance goals such as those provided in the Performance Compensation Program
("Program") discussed below. The 1995 Stock Option Plan and the 1998 Stock
Option Plan comply with Section 162(m) so that any compensation which may be
received by executive officers of Peoples under those plans will qualify as
"performance-based". The Committee will rely, from time to time, upon the advice
of Peoples' General Counsel regarding the appropriateness of presenting the
Program, or any similar plan, to shareholders.

         The Committee operates under the principle that the compensation of
executive officers should be directly and significantly related to the financial
performance of Peoples. The compensation philosophy of Peoples reflects a
commitment to reward executive officers for performance through cash
compensation and through plans designed to enhance the long-term commitment of
officers and employees to Peoples and its subsidiaries. Peoples seeks to attract
and retain quality talent, which is key to the short and long-term success of
Peoples. In order to accomplish this goal, Peoples seeks to pay its executives
base salaries that are competitive and comparable to other financial
institutions of similar size and overall performance. The cash compensation
program for executive officers consists of two elements, a base salary component
and an incentive component payable under the Program. The combination of base
salary and incentive compensation is designed to relate total cash compensation
levels to the performance of Peoples, its subsidiaries and the individual
executive officer. The Committee reviewed comparative salary data for the chief
executive officer from various sources of information including the Bank
Administration Institute's 1999 Bank Cash Compensation Survey for Illinois,
Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin (159 banks participating); the Bank
Administration Institute's 1999 Bank Cash Compensation for Ohio (21 banks
participating); the 1999 Bank Compensation Survey as prepared by Crowe, Chizek
and Company LLP for Midwestern banks of the asset size $500 million - $1 billion
(34 banks participating) and greater than $1 billion (24 banks participating);
and executive compensation data along with performance data as taken from 1998
proxy data for ten financial institution holding companies. The Committee
approved a base salary increase of 10% for Mr. Evans for 2000 Fiscal Year to
$248,160. At mid-year, the Committee compared Mr. Evans' compensation with
compensation data gathered from proxy statements of 20 financial institution
holding companies headquartered in Ohio and West Virginia. The Committee
considered the relative size of this peer group as well as various performance
ratios and compared this information to corresponding data for Peoples. The
Committee approved a base salary increase to $273,160 (annualized amount),
effective the second half of 2000 Fiscal Year. These adjustments caused Mr.
Evans' 2000 base salary to equal 75% to 104% of the 1999 median salaries
reported in the three surveys referenced above for financial institutions with
total assets greater than or equal to $1 billion. The Committee was of the
opinion the adjustments made were necessary and appropriate to provide
reasonably competitive compensation.

         In late 1996, Peoples established a Performance Compensation Program
("Program") in which all employees of Peoples and its subsidiaries are eligible
to participate. The Program is designed to reward all employees for balanced
growth and increased profitability. The amount of the award available for
distribution is based upon Peoples' performance with regard to specified
performance goals. In 2000, the incentive payout was based on Peoples'
consolidated financial results. The allocation of the bases for the payout
percentage may be adjusted on an annual basis.

         In 2000, the performance goals focused on loan growth, deposit
retention, profitability, asset quality, productivity (increased operational
efficiency), and earnings per share growth. The Program compared current year
performance to the immediately prior year and rewarded employees for incremental
growth in the key performance goals previously listed. Each performance goal was
weighted according to contribution to net income. Consequently, enhanced
performance in relation to the performance goals creates higher incentive

         The incentive compensation of the executive officers listed on page 10
was based entirely on Peoples' consolidated financial results and the
aforementioned key performance goals. During 2000, performance goals were
exceeded resulting in a payout during 2001 to Mr. Evans, Mr. Baker, Mr. Conlon,
Mr. Holdren, and Mr. Yazombek of 7.87% of their base salary. Mr. Evans also
received an additional bonus for 2000, to be paid in 2001, in the amount of
$10,426. This additional bonus was awarded in lieu of any usual base salary
increase that would have typically been awarded to Mr. Evans at the beginning of
2001, in recognition of the overall performance of Peoples and sustained
earnings growth over the last several years. The Committee observed the annual
bonus payments made to executive officers are below the current market
percentages paid to executive officers of financial institutions of similar size
and with similar performance ratios. The Committee will continue to monitor this
and other compensation issues to ensure adequate and appropriate compensation of
Peoples' executives while creating a mutuality of interest between executive
officers and shareholders through compensation structures that share the rewards
and risks of strategic decision-making.

         Peoples' long-term compensation program consists primarily of stock
options granted under Peoples' Stock Option Plans. The Committee believes that
stock ownership by members of Peoples' management and stock-based performance
compensation arrangements are important in aligning the interests of management
with those of shareholders, generally in the enhancement of shareholder value.
Options are granted with an exercise price equal to the fair market value of
Peoples' common shares on the date of grant. If there is no appreciation in the
fair market value of Peoples' common shares, the options are valueless. The
Committee grants options based upon its subjective determination of the relative
current and future contribution each officer has or may make to the long-term
welfare of Peoples.

         On April 27, 2000, the Committee granted incentive stock options to Mr.
Evans covering a total of 3,000 common shares at an exercise price of $17.25 for
a term of ten (10)  years  with  vesting of 25%  annually  from April 27,  2003;
granted  incentive stock options covering 12,000 common shares to Mr. Baker, Mr.
Conlon,  Mr.  Holdren  and Mr.  Yazombek  (3,000  common  shares  to each) at an
exercise  price of  $17.25  for a term of ten (10)  years  with  vesting  of 25%
annually from April 27, 2003,  and granted  incentive  stock options  covering a
total of 50,000 common shares to the key employees as a group,  exclusive of Mr.
Evans, Mr. Baker, Mr. Conlon, Mr. Holdren and Mr. Yazombek, at a price of $17.25
for a term of ten (10) years with vesting of 25% annually from April 27, 2003.

         In order to further enhance Mr. Evans' long-term commitment to Peoples
Bank, Peoples Bank entered in a Deferred Compensation Agreement with him in
1976. Under this agreement, Mr. Evans agreed to serve Peoples Bank as an
employee until he reaches age 65 or until his earlier retirement, disability or
death and agreed not to engage in activities in competition with Peoples Bank.
The amount of $5,000 is automatically accrued to Mr. Evans' account upon the
completion of each year of service to Peoples Bank until he reaches normal
retirement age.

         At various times in the past, Peoples has adopted certain broad-based
employee benefit plans in which Peoples' executive officers are permitted to
participate on the same terms as non-executive officer employees who meet
applicable eligibility criteria, subject to legal limitations on the amounts
that may be contributed or the benefits that may be payable under the plans.

         To enhance the long-term commitment of the officers and employees of
Peoples and its subsidiaries, Peoples established the Peoples Bancorp Inc.
Retirement Savings Plan (the "Peoples 401(k) Plan"). All officers and employees
of Peoples and its subsidiaries may participate in the Peoples 401(k) Plan, upon
satisfying applicable eligibility criteria. Peoples' matching contributions and
participant contributions may be invested in common shares providing each
participant with motivation toward safe and sound long-term growth of Peoples.
Peoples' matching contributions may vary at the discretion of the Board of

Submitted by the Compensation Committee of Peoples' Board of Directors:
         Joseph H. Wesel, Chairman; Frank L. Christy, Wilford D. Dimit,
         Rex E. Maiden, and Thomas C. Vadakin, Members


Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation

         The following table shows for the last three fiscal years, the cash
compensation paid by Peoples and its subsidiaries, as well as certain other
compensation paid or accrued for those years, to Robert E. Evans, the Chief
Executive Officer of Peoples and the four most highly compensated executive
officers of Peoples.

                                             SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                      Annual Compensation           Compensation
                                                      -------------------              Awards
                                                                                   Common Shares    All Other
             Name and                         Salary       Directors'   Bonus        Underlying   Compensation
        Principal Position         Year        ($)          Fees (1)    ($) (2)     Options (3)      ($) (4)
        ------------------         ----        ---          --------    -------     -----------      -------

Robert E. Evans                    2000     $ 260,660    $  16,700     $ 30,940        3,000         $13,451
President & Chief Executive        1999     $ 225,605    $  18,750     $ 12,476        6,253         $ 7,400
Officer                            1998     $ 212,800    $  18,750     $ 11,384        6,687         $ 8,383

David B. Baker                     2000     $ 126,349    $     200     $  9,680        3,000         $ 5.263
Executive Vice President           1999     $  95,851    $     700     $  5,235        6,050         $ 1,437
                                   1998     $  89,040    $   2,200     $  4,763          644         $ 1,421

John W. Conlon                     2000     $ 110,500                  $  8,696        3,000         $ 4,618
Chief Financial Officer and        1999     $  95,851                  $  6,959        6,050         $ 1,412
Treasurer                          1998     $  84,624                  $  4,527          644         $ 1,351

Larry E. Holdren                   2000     $ 125,005                  $  9,837        3,000         $ 5,211
Executive Vice President           1999     $  95,533                  $  5,272        6,050         $ 1,501
                                   1998     $  88,680                  $  4,744          644         $ 1,412

Joseph S. Yazombek                 2000     $ 123,000    $     200     $  9,680        3,000         $ 4,927
Executive Vice President/          1999     $  91,467    $   1,200     $ 20,058        6,050         $ 1,018
Chief Lending Officer              1998     $  78,400    $   2,200     $  4,194          644         $ 1,266


(1)     Fees received by Mr. Evans for services rendered as a director of
        Peoples and its subsidiaries. Fees received by Mr. Baker and Mr.
        Yazombek for services rendered during 1998 as directors of Russell
        Federal Savings Bank, Catlettsburg Federal Savings Bank, and, during
        1999 and 2000, as directors of Peoples Bank FSB, all subsidiaries of
        Peoples at time of payment of the fees.

(2)     All bonuses were earned under the Performance Compensation Program, and
        are reported for the fiscal year for which they were earned. Bonuses are
        traditionally paid during the first quarter of the following fiscal

(3)     These numbers have been adjusted for a 10% stock dividend  issued on
        March 14, 2000, a 10% stock  dividend  issued on June 15, 1999, and a
        3-for-2 stock split effective April 30, 1998.

(4)     "All  Other  Compensation"  includes  contributions  by  Peoples  to the
        Peoples  401(k)  Plan on behalf of each of the named executive  officers
        to match their pre-tax elective  deferral  contributions  (included
        under "Salary").  For Mr. Evans, "All Other  Compensation" also
        includes the amount of $5,000,  which was accrued pursuant to the terms
        of a Deferred  Compensation Agreement between Mr. Evans and Peoples.
        See the discussion under "Deferred Compensation Agreement".

Grant of Options

         The following table sets forth information concerning individual grants
of options made under Peoples' 1998 Stock Option plan during the 2000 Fiscal
Year to the named executive officers. Peoples has never granted stock
appreciation rights.

                                         % of Total
                      Number of Common    Options                                  Potential Realizable Value
                     Shares Underlying   Granted to                                at Assumed Annual Rates of
                      Options Granted    Employees    Exercise Price  Expiration  Share Price Appreciation for
         Name            (#) (1)       in Fiscal Year    $/Share        Date            Option Term (2)
         ----            --------      --------------    -------        ----            ---------------

                                                                                      5% ($)     10% ($)
                                                                                       ------     -------
Robert E. Evans             3,000           4.58%         $17.25       4/26/2010      $32,550    $82,470

David B. Baker              3,000           4.58%         $17.25       4/26/2010      $32,550    $82,470

John W. Conlon              3,000           4.58%         $17.25       4/26/2010      $32,550    $82,470

Larry E. Holdren            3,000           4.58%         $17.25       4/26/2010      $32,550    $82,470

Joseph S. Yazombek          3,000           4.58%         $17.25       4/26/2010      $32,550    $82,470

(1)    All options were granted under the 1998 Stock Option Plan, 25% of which
       become exercisable annually beginning April 27, 2003. If employment is
       terminated by reason of death while an employee of Peoples or a
       Subsidiary, the options may be exercised in full for a period of year
       following the termination of employment, subject to the stated terms of
       the option. If employment is terminated by reason of retirement under the
       provisions of any retirement plan of Peoples, or for any reason other
       than cause, the options may be exercised in full for a period of three
       months after termination of employment, subject to the stated term of
       each option. If employment is terminated for cause, the unexercised
       options will be forfeited.

(2)    The amounts reflected in this table represent the specified, assumed
       annual rate of appreciation only and have been rounded to the nearest
       whole dollar. Actual realized value, if any, on option exercise will be
       dependent on the actual appreciation of the common shares over the term
       of each option. There can be no assurances that the potential realizable
       values reflected in this table will be achieved.

Option Exercises and Holdings

         The following table summarizes information concerning unexercised
options held as of the end of the 2000 Fiscal Year by each of the named
executive officers. None of the named executive officers exercised options
during the 2000 Fiscal Year.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                          Number of                          Number of Common
                        Common Shares                       Shares Underlying             Value of Unexercised
                         Underlying                        Unexercised Options            In-the-Money Options
                           Options          Value           at FY-End (#) (1)              at FY-End ($) (2)
                                                            -----------------              -----------------
        Name              Exercised     Realized ($)   Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
        ----              ---------     ------------   -----------    -------------   -----------   -------------

Robert E. Evans               0              N/A          43,119          27,097        $185,621          $0

David B. Baker                0              N/A          21,244          12,663        $ 80,505          $0

John W. Conlon                0              N/A          18,667          12,663        $ 63,033          $0

Larry E. Holdren              0              N/A          23,059          12,663        $ 92,811          $0

Joseph S. Yazombek            0              N/A          23,059          12,663        $ 92,811          $0


(1)     These numbers have been adjusted to reflect the 10% stock dividends
        issued on March 14, 2000, and June 15, 1999, and the three-for-two
        stock split effective April 30, 1998.

(2)     "Value of Unexercised In-the-Money Options at FY-End" is based upon the
        fair market value of Peoples' common shares on December 31, 2000
        ($14.75) less the exercise price of in-the-money options at the end of
        the 2000 Fiscal Year.

Pension Plan

         The following table shows the estimated annual pension benefits payable
upon retirement at age 65 on a lifetime annuity basis under the Peoples Bancorp
Inc. Retirement Plan, a funded, noncontributory pension plan (the "Pension
Plan"), to a covered participant in specified compensation and years of service

                                   PENSION PLAN TABLE
                                           Years of Service
 Annualized Average     -------------------------------------------------------
Monthly Compensation
                            15          20         25         30         35
                        ---------   ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
      $125,000           $32,642     $43,522     $54,403    $65,283    $65,283
      $150,000           $39,767     $53,022     $66,278    $79,533    $79,533
      $175,000           $45,467     $60,622     $75,778    $90,933    $90,933
      and over

         Benefits listed in the Pension Plan Table are not subject to deduction
for Social Security benefits or other amounts and are computed on a lifetime
annuity basis.

         Monthly benefits upon normal retirement (age 65) are based upon 40% of
"average monthly compensation" plus 17% of the excess, if any, of "average
monthly compensation" over "covered compensation". For purposes of the Pension
Plan, "average  monthly compensation" is based upon the monthly  compensation
(including regular salary and wages, overtime pay, bonuses and commissions) of
an employee averaged over the five consecutive credited years of service which
produce the highest monthly average within the last ten  years  preceding
retirement and "covered compensation" is the average of the 35 years of social
security wage bases prior to social security retirement age. As of the end of
the 2000 Fiscal Year,  "covered compensation" for Mr. Evans was $46,896,  Mr.
Baker  $57,708,  Mr. Conlon  $55,992, Mr. Holdren $59,376, and Mr. Yazombek
$68,220. 2000 annual compensation, to the extent determinable, for purposes of
the Pension Plan, for Mr.Evans was $170,000, Mr. Baker  $134,052, Mr.Conlon
$117,149, Mr. Holdren $130,277, and Mr.Yazombek $143,259. As of the end of 2000
Fiscal Year, credited years of service for Mr. Evans was 30, Mr. Baker 26, Mr.
Conlon 19, Mr. Holdren 19, and Mr. Yazombek 18.

Deferred Compensation Agreement

         On November 18, 1976, Peoples Bank entered into a Deferred Compensation
Agreement with Mr. Evans. Under this Deferred Compensation Agreement, Mr. Evans
agreed to serve Peoples Bank as an employee until he reaches age 65 or until his
earlier retirement, disability or death and agreed not to engage in activities
in competition with Peoples Bank. Under this Agreement, Mr. Evans or his
beneficiaries are entitled to receive specified amounts upon Mr. Evans'
retirement, disability or death, which amounts are payable monthly for ten years
(with interest) or in one lump sum at the election of Peoples Bank. The
principal amount payable to Mr. Evans is based upon the sum of the amounts
accrued for his account during his years of employment with Peoples Bank. During
Peoples' 2000 Fiscal Year, the amount of $5,000 was accrued for Mr. Evans'
account pursuant to his Deferred Compensation Agreement and as of December 31,
2000, a total of $125,000 had been accrued for his account. The amount of $5,000
will be accrued for Mr. Evans' account upon the completion of each year of
service to Peoples Bank until he reaches normal retirement age.

Directors' Compensation

         Each director of Peoples receives $600 per calendar quarter and $600
for each meeting attended.

         Since 1991, Peoples has maintained the Peoples Bancorp Inc. Deferred
Compensation Plan for Directors of Peoples Bancorp Inc. and Subsidiaries (the
"Directors' Plan"). Voluntary participation in the Directors' Plan enables a
director of Peoples, or of one of its subsidiaries, to defer all or a part of
his or her directors' fees, including federal income tax thereon. Since January
2, 1998, Directors have been permitted to allocate their deferrals between a
cash account (earning interest equal to Peoples Bank's three-year CD interest
rate) and a stock account (credited with common shares based upon on the amount
deferred and cash dividends on such common shares). The only right a participant
has with respect to his cash account and/or stock account is to receive
distributions upon retirement from service to Peoples. Distribution of the
deferred funds is made in a lump sum or annual installments beginning in the
first year in which the person is no longer a director. The stock account will
be paid only in common shares and the cash account only in cash.

         Directors who are not employees of Peoples (the "Non-Employee
Directors") were granted non-qualified stock options under Peoples' 1998 Stock
Option Plan (the "1998 Plan"). Each Non-Employee Director then serving on
Peoples' Board of Directors and who had served on Peoples' Board of Directors or
the Board of Directors of a subsidiary for all or a portion of at least the
preceding five calendar years (the "Five-Year Service Requirement") was granted
options for 1,238 common shares on the date of the Annual Meeting in 1998 and
2000. Each Non-Employee Director who had not satisfied the Five-Year Service
Requirement was granted an option for 248 common shares (as adjusted) plus 248
common shares for each calendar year (or portion thereof) served.

         All options granted to Non-Employee Directors under the 1998 Plan have
an exercise price equal to 100% of the fair market value of the underlying
common shares on the grant date and a term of ten (10) years. If a Non-Employee
Director ceases to be a Director for any reason other than his death or for
"cause", his options may be exercised in full until the expiration of the term
of the options. However, if the former Non-Employee Director dies prior to the
expiration of the term of his options, those options may only be exercised for a
period of two years following his death, subject to the stated term of the
options. If a Non-Employee Director ceases to be a Director for cause, all of
his options will immediately terminate.

         Peoples also automatically granted options to Non-Employee Directors
under the terms of Peoples' 1993 Stock Option Plan (the "1993 Plan") and the
1995 Stock Option Plan (the "1995 Plan"). No options have been granted to
Non-Employee Directors under the 1993 Plan since April 10, 1997, and no options
have been granted to Non-Employee Directors under the 1995 Plan since April 15,
1999. All options were granted with an exercise price equal to 100% of the fair
market value of the underlying common shares on the date of grant and a ten-year
term. Options granted under the 1995 Plan are exercisable following termination
of service as a director in the same manner as options granted under the 1998

         If a Non-Employee Director ceases to be a director for reasons other
than his death, his options granted under the 1993 Plan may be exercised for a
period of three months, subject to their stated term. If a Non-Employee Director
dies, his options granted under the 1993 Plan may be exercised for a period of
one year, subject to their stated term.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

         The following line graph compares the yearly percentage change in
Peoples' cumulative total shareholder return (as measured by dividing (i) the
sum of (A) the cumulative amount of dividends for the measurement period,
assuming dividend reinvestment, and (B) the difference between the price of
Peoples' common shares at the end and the beginning of the measurement period;
by (ii) the price of Peoples' common shares at the beginning of the measurement
period) against the cumulative return for an index for NASDAQ Stock Market (U.S.
Companies) comprised of all domestic common shares traded on the NASDAQ National
Market and the NASDAQ Small-Cap Market and an index for NASDAQ Bank Stocks
comprised of all depository institutions (SIC Code #602) and depository
institutions holding companies (SIC Code #671) that are traded on the NASDAQ
National Market and the NASDAQ Small-Cap Market ("NASDAQ Bank Stocks"), for the
five-year period ended December 31, 2000.

                      (actual numbers plotted on a graph)

                                                                NASDAQ STOCKS
Year ended     Peoples Bancorp Inc.     NASDAQ Bank Stocks     (U.S. Companies)
-----------    --------------------     -------------------    ----------------
12/31/95             100                      100                     100
12/31/96            126.86                  123.04                  132.04
12/31/97            203.92                  150.69                  221.06
12/31/98            181.96                  212.51                  219.64
12/31/99            180.59                  394.92                  211.14
12/31/00            141.56                  237.62                  241.08

Notes:   1.  Total return assumes reinvestment of dividends.
         2.  Fiscal year ending December 31.
         3.  Return based on $100 dollars invested on December 31, 1995 in
             Peoples Bancorp common shares, an index for NASDAQ Stock Market
             (U. S. Companies), and an index for NASDAQ Bank Stocks.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
                             FOR 2002 ANNUAL MEETING

         Proposals by shareholders intended to be presented at the 2002 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the Secretary of Peoples no later
than November 9, 2001, to be included in Peoples' proxy, notice of meeting and
proxy statement relating to such meeting and should be mailed to Peoples Bancorp
Inc., 138 Putnam Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750, Attention: Corporate Secretary.
The SEC has promulgated rules relating to the exercise of discretionary voting
authority under proxies solicited by the Board of Directors. If a Shareholder
intends to present a proposal at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and
does not notify the Corporate Secretary of Peoples of the proposal by January
23, 2002, the proxies solicited by Peoples' Board of Directors for use at the
2002 Annual Meeting may be voted on the proposal without discussion of the
proposal in Peoples' proxy statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting.

         Shareholders desiring to nominate candidates for election as Directors
at the 2002 Annual Meeting must follow the procedures described in "Election of


         The Board of Directors of Peoples appointed the accounting firm of
Ernst & Young LLP ("E&Y") to serve as independent auditors of Peoples for the
2000 Fiscal Year. Fees for the 2000 Fiscal Year were:

                        Audit Fees          $101,000
                        All Other Fees      $295,100

         The Board of Directors expects representatives of E&Y will be present
at the Annual Meeting, will have the opportunity to make a statement if they
desire to do so, and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

         Pursuant to the recommendation of the Audit Committee, it is
anticipated E&Y will be appointed to serve as independent auditors of Peoples
for the 2001 fiscal year.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         As of the date of this proxy statement, the Board of Directors knows of
no business to be presented for action by the shareholders at the 2001 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders other than as set forth in this proxy statement.
However, if any other matter is properly presented at the Annual Meeting, or at
any adjournment, the individuals authorized under management proxies will vote
and act according to their best judgments in light of the conditions then

         It is important that proxies be voted and returned promptly; therefore,
shareholders who do not expect to attend the Annual Meeting in person are urged
to fill in, sign, and return the enclosed proxy card in the self-addressed
envelope furnished herewith.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                /S/ ROBERT E. EVANS
                                    Robert E. Evans
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                      APPENDIX A


Page - 1

I.  Audit Committee Purpose

         The  Audit  Committee  shall be  appointed  by the  Board of  Directors
("Board") to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities.  The
Audit Committee's primary duties and responsibilities shall be to:

o        Monitor the integrity of Peoples' financial reporting process and
         systems of internal controls regarding finance, accounting, and legal

o        Monitor the independence and performance of Peoples' independent
         auditors and internal auditing department;

o        Provide an avenue of communication among the independent auditors,
         management, the internal auditing department, and the Board; and

o        Report Audit Committee activities to the Board.

         In discharging its oversight role, the Audit Committee shall have the
authority  to conduct any investigation  appropriate to fulfill its
responsibilities, with full access to all  books,  records, facilities, and
personnel of Peoples. The Audit Committee shall have authority to retain,  at
Peoples' expense, special legal, accounting, or other consultants or experts it
deems necessary in the performance of its duties.

II.  Audit Committee Composition and Meetings

1.       In compliance with SEC Audit Committee structure and composition
            standards, the Committee shall be comprised of at least three or
            more directors as determined by the Board. All members of the
            Committee shall be independent non-employee directors, free from
            any relationship that would interfere with the exercise of his or
            her independent judgment.

2.       In compliance with Nasdaq Audit Committee structure and
            composition standards, all members of the Committee shall have a
            basic understanding of finance and accounting, and be able to read
            and understand fundamental financial statements. At least one
            member of the Committee shall have past employment experience in
            finance or accounting, requisite professional certification  in
            accounting, or any other comparable  experience or background,
            including being or having been a chief executive officer, chief
            financial officer, or other senior officer with financial
            oversight responsibility, which results in the individual's
            financial sophistication.

3.       The Committee shall meet at least four times annually  in the
            second month following a calendar quarter-end, or more frequently
            as circumstances or financial reporting deadlines dictate.

4.       The Committee shall meet at least annually  with  members  of
            management, the director of internal auditing, the independent
            auditors and may meet at any time in executive session to discuss
            any matters the Committee believes should be discussed.

5.       The Committee,  or at least its Chair, shall communicate quarterly
            with  management and the  independent auditors to review Peoples'
            financial statements and  significant findings based  upon the
            independent auditors' limited review procedures.


Page - 2

III.  Audit Committee Responsibilities and Duties

Review Procedures

1.       The Committee shall review and reassess the adequacy of this
            Charter annually; submit the Charter annually to the Board for
            approval and, at least every three years in  compliance  with SEC
            regulations, have the Charter published in Peoples' annual proxy

2.       The Committee shall review Peoples' annual audited  financial
            statements, which review shall include discussion with management
            and   independent   auditors  of  significant   issues   regarding
            accounting principles,  practices,  and judgments.  In reliance on
            its  review  and  discussions,   the  Committee  shall  present  a
            recommendation  to  the  Board  regarding  the  inclusion  of  the
            financial statements in Peoples' Annual Report on Form 10-K.

3.       In consultation with management, the independent auditors, and the
            internal auditors,  the Committee will:  consider the integrity of
            Peoples'  financial  reporting  processes  and  controls,  discuss
            significant  financial risk exposures and the steps management has
            taken to monitor,  control, and report such exposures;  and review
            significant  findings of the independent auditors and the internal
            auditing   department   together  with   management's   responses,
            including the status of previous recommendations.

4.       The Committee  shall  review with  financial  management  and the
            independent auditors Peoples' quarterly financial results prior to
            the  release  of  earnings  and/or  Peoples'  quarterly  financial
            statements  prior to filing or  distribution.  The Committee shall
            discuss any significant changes in Peoples' accounting  principles
            and any  items  required  to be  communicated  by the  independent
            auditors in accordance with SAS 61.

Independent Auditors

5.       The independent  auditors are ultimately accountable to the Audit
            Committee and the Board. The Committee shall review the
            independence and  performance of the auditors, and annually
            recommend to the Board the appointment of the independent
            auditors, and, at any time circumstances warrant, recommend the
            discharge of the auditors.

6.       On an annual basis, the Committee shall review and discuss with
            the  independent auditors all significant  relationships the
            auditors have with Peoples that could impair the auditors'

7.       The Committee shall review and approve the independent auditors'
            audit plan, including its scope, staffing, and reliance upon
            management, internal audit, and general approach. The Committee
            shall review and approve the fees and other significant
            compensation to be paid to the independent auditors.

8.       Prior to releasing the year-end  earnings, the Committee  shall
            discuss the results of the audit with the independent auditors,
            and consider the  independent auditors' judgments regarding the
            quality and appropriateness of Peoples' accounting  principles as
            applied in its financial reporting.


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Internal Audit Department

9.       The  internal  audit  department  shall be  responsible  to senior
            management,  but shall have direct reporting responsibility to the
            Board through the Committee.  The Committee  shall annually review
            the resource needs of the internal audit department.

10.      The  Committee  shall review and approve the audit plan,  any changes
            in its plan or  activities,  and the qualifications of the internal
            audit department, as needed.

11.      The Committee  shall review  significant  reports  prepared by the
            internal audit department, together with management's response and
            any necessary follow-up to the reports.

Legal Compliance

12.      On at least an annual  basis,  the  Committee  shall  review  with
            Peoples'  counsel  any  legal  matters,   including  asserted  and
            unasserted  claims,  that could have a  significant  impact on the
            organization's financial statements or Peoples' reputation.

13.      On at least an annual  basis,  The  Committee  shall  review  with
            Peoples'  compliance  officer Peoples'  compliance with applicable
            laws,  regulations,  and  inquiries  received  from  regulators or
            governmental agencies.

14.      The Committee shall review all reports  concerning any significant
            fraud or  regulatory  noncompliance  that occurs at Peoples.  This
            review  shall  include  consideration  of  strengthening  internal
            controls to reduce the risk of a similar event in the future.

Other Audit Committee Responsibilities

15.      The Committee shall prepare a Report to the  Shareholders,  as
            required by the Securities  and Exchange Commission, to be
            included in Peoples' annual proxy statement.

16.      The Committee shall maitain minutes of its meetings and periodically
            report to the Board on significant results of the foregoing

                                REVOCABLE PROXY
                              PEOPLES BANCORP INC.
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 12, 2001

     The  undersigned  holder(s) of common  shares of Peoples  Bancorp Inc. (the
"Company") hereby  constitutes and appoints Robert E. Evans and Joseph H. Wesel,
or either of them, the Proxy or Proxies of the  undersigned,  with full power of
substitution,  to attend the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of the Company (the
"Annual  Meeting")  to be held on Thursday,  April 12,  2001,  in the Ball Room,
Holiday Inn, 701 Pike Street,  Marietta,  Ohio (I-77 Ohio exit 1) at 10:30 A.M.,
local time, and any adjournment(s) thereof, and to vote all of the common shares
of the Company which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at such Annual Meeting
or at any adjournment(s) thereof:

1.  The election as Directors of the Company of all of the nominees listed below
    for terms of three years each (except as marked to the contrary):

    Robert E. Evans    Robert W. Price    Paul T. Theisen   Thomas C. Vadakin

        [  ] FOR             [  ] WITHHOLD           [  ] FOR ALL EXCEPT

    *(INSTRUCTION:  To  withhold  authority  to vote for any  individual
    nominee,  mark "For all  Except" and write the name of the nominee in the
    space provided below.


2. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
matters (none known at the time of  solicitation  of this proxy) as may properly
come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.


     All proxies  previously  given or executed  by the  undersigned  are hereby
revoked.  The undersigned  acknowledges  receipt of the  accompanying  Notice of
Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy  Statement  for the April 12,  2001
meeting  and the  Summary  Annual  Report and Form 10-K of the  Company  for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000.

              Dated: _______________________________________, 20__

                             Shareholder sign above

                          Co-holder (if any) sign above

     Please sign exactly as your name  appears  hereon.  When common  shares are
registered in two names,  both shareholders MUST sign. When signing as executor,
administrator,  trustee, guardian,  attorney or agent, please give full title as
such. If  shareholder  is a  corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by
President or other authorized officer.  If shareholder is a partnership,  please
sign in  partnership  name by  authorized  person.  (Please  note any  change of
address on this Proxy.)