The Threat Landscape: Understanding the Different Types of Web Application Attacks

The Threat Landscape: Understanding the Different Types of Web Application AttacksPhoto from Unsplash

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It may surprise you to learn that forty-three percent of all cyberattacks target small and medium-sized businesses. Just as a koi fish might look like easy prey to a shark, smaller businesses can seem like uncomplicated targets for web application attacks.

But don’t you worry; we’re about to turn that around. This guide will help you understand common web application attacks and how to defend against them.

If you’re ready to make your business a tough target for cybercriminals, keep reading! We have the information you need to protect your data.

Web-Based Attacks

Web-based attacks are cyber threats that target websites and apps. These malicious activities aim to exploit vulnerabilities, steal sensitive information, or disrupt online services.

Some industries are attacked more often than others. Medical records, for example, are a goldmine for cybercriminals. Patient data can be used for identity theft, fraud, or extortion.

Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions are also prime targets for web-based attacks. Cybercriminals can steal funds, create fraudulent accounts, and manipulate transactions through these virtual heists.

Cross-Site Scripting

Cross-site scripting, or XSS, is sneaky code on your website. Hackers can use this code to wiggle through security gaps on your site.

A hacker unleashed an XSS attack on Twitter in 2019. Suddenly, tweets were changing colors like a rainbow! If you moved your mouse over a link in their tweet, there was a pop-up box with words in it.

This attack was only a joke, but things weren’t so funny for Yahoo in 2016.

Yahoo had the same kind of XSS attack, but much worse. Over three hundred million email accounts were affected. As a result, hackers were able to read and send emails registered to another account.

SQL Injection

At the heart of every website, there’s something called a ‘database.’ Imagine this as a giant locker where information like usernames, passwords, and other data resides. SQL is a language that websites use to talk to this locker and get the information they need.

Crafty hackers have found a way to inject their own SQL code into a website. This lets them break into the locker and peek at information they’re not supposed to see.

There’s one attack called a classic SQL injection. It’s like trying a bunch of different keys to open the locker until one finally works.

The other is a blind SQL injection. Just like someone fumbling around in the dark, a hacker keeps guessing codes until they find one that works.

Brute Force

In this attack, the hacker keeps guessing and trying different passwords until they find the right one.

A more effective approach is to use a dictionary brute force attack. Here, the hacker uses a pre-made list of common passwords and tries each one. These attacks can be pretty successful because people often use simple, easy-to-remember passwords.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

Imagine you’re trying to get into a popular toy store, but so many kids rush in at once that you can’t get through the door. That’s what a DDoS attack does to a website. It’s when lots of computers try to visit a website at the same time, causing it to slow down or even crash.

There have been some big DDoS attacks in the past. One example is the attack on a company named Dyn in 2016. It caused a lot of popular websites to go offline, including Twitter and Spotify. According to Cloudflare, this was one of the biggest attacks of its kind.

Another example happened to the BBC’s websites in 2015. They were down for several hours because of a DDoS attack. There were no news updates and no video shows for a whole afternoon.

System-Based Attacks

System-based attacks exploit vulnerabilities within a system to change, destroy, or steal data, as well as damage system networks. Web applications, which are built and run on these systems, can fall prey to such attacks.

Path Traversal

Path traversal is when someone tricks a computer into giving them access to files they shouldn’t see. They do this using special codes called paths, which are like secret doorways to different parts of the computer.

Local File Inclusion

Local file inclusion (LFI) is a type of cyberattack where attackers insert files from the host’s local machine. In simpler terms, the attacker makes the website run files that it shouldn’t. By doing this, they gain access to essential information or disrupt the system’s operation.

These vulnerabilities often occur when the application uses the path to a file as input. If the application treats this input as trusted, hackers can use a local file. This leads to remote code execution or even XXS.

Preventing Web Application Attacks

One tool that can help with this mission is the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Scanner. It finds weak spots in your web apps before they can be used for attacks.

Beyond security tools, ensuring you have secure and unique passwords is crucial. Try to incorporate a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Don’t reuse your passwords, and consider using a password manager to remember them.

A WAF (web application firewall) can help filter out harmful traffic before it reaches your application. It can protect your application from SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other threats.

XSS, SQL injection, and other vulnerabilities often occur because of insecure coding practices. Encourage your developers to code defensively and consider introducing a code review procedure.

Also, perform regular backups. This lessens the damage from an attack. If a threat succeeds, you can restore your most recent backup to get back online.

More Ways to Secure Your Business and Its Data

And there you have it-simple ways to guard your business from web application attacks. SQL injections and XXS attacks are the most common, so make sure your developers know how to recognize and fix these vulnerabilities.

Also, ensure you have a secure backup system in place. You never know when hackers will strike, so it’s best to be prepared when they do!

Our blog has more awesome tips to keep your business safe and thriving. Dive into our other posts to learn about web security, software solutions, and more.

This article is published by NYTech in collaboration with Syndication Cloud.

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