Charleston, SC, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- One underlying theme of the book can be summed up by the following maxim:
“In a world of lies, nothing is more hated than truth.”
The author’s standout release—Smashing Idols and Exposing Lies: How the American People are Being Deceived About Virtually Everything — is a shrewd and incisive commentary on America’s current socio-political landscape. The author has watched the systematic indoctrination of minds in America for decades, and in particular since 2020. One of his goals in publishing Smashing Idols is to expose the institutionalized deceptions destroying the nation.
“The purpose of the book is to encourage believers, challenge unbelievers, expose many of the lies destroying our society, and bring glory to the Lord.”
Christians, truth seekers and freedom lovers will find the book enlightening and encouraging. Those who welcome the current trends of our society will undoubtedly denounce the book.
Smashing Idols and Exposing Lies: How the American People are Being Deceived About Virtually Everything is available for purchase online at and Barnes and
About the Author:
Mr. Prazak came to America as a child, when his parents fled a repressive regime. His background has given him unique insights into the political and cultural changes sweeping across our nation. He currently resides in the Midwest.

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing