Reef Futures 2021 Symposium harnesses multi-disciplinary perspectives to generate new solutions for restoring coral reefs
KEY LARGO, FLORIDA, USA, May 26, 2021 / -- Interdisciplinary experts are invited to gather in Key Largo, Florida for Reef Futures 2021, from December 13-17, 2021 to share critical solutions for restoring the world’s coral reefs and build upon connections made during the first symposium in 2018.Coral Restoration Consortium (CRC) is again bringing together coral restoration practitioners, researchers, students, and engineers from around the world. These specialists will spend a week exploring cutting-edge techniques, new research, and lessons learned. The goal of the Symposium is to escalate the restoration of coral reefs to scales relevant to their roles of protecting coastlines, supporting fisheries, and serving as economic engines for coastal communities.
Information will be exchanged among this international and interdisciplinary group through hands-on workshops, plenary sessions where all will learn together, and concurrent sessions where attendees will learn about specific advancements in a variety of topics including genetic management, cryopreservation, in-water and land-based coral husbandry, engineering and innovation, and monitoring best practices.
CRC encourages participation from grassroots practitioners, topical experts, research scientists, community leaders, and anyone involved in coral restoration activities anywhere in the world. CRC invites submissions for talks, posters, and workshops from a variety of backgrounds and geographies inside and outside of traditional coral reef science (e.g. engineering, robotics, communications, community engagement, etc.).
Early registration is now open! Visit to learn more.
Continue the Conversation at Reef Futures Virtual!
Plenaries, session talks, and posters from the in-person Reef Futures Symposium in December will be digitized and presented at the Reef Futures Virtual Symposium to be held in early 2022.
Reef Futures Virtual will provide opportunities for attendees to build on conversations from the in-person event in December with Q&A appearances from speakers and continued workshop interaction. For those who cannot attend the in-person event, the virtual symposium will be an opportunity to access information presented in December.
All tickets sold for the Reef Futures 2021 in-person event will also include full access to the Reef Futures Virtual event.
Reef Futures 2021 is presented by Coral Restoration Consortium (CRC), hosted locally by Coral Restoration Foundation™ and Ocean Reef Club®, and with the support of the United Arab Emirates and United Way of Collier and the Keys in addition to the generous contributions of our other sponsors.
Alice Grainger
Coral Restoration Foundation
+1 415-770-8952
email us here
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