(RULE 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11c or Section 240.14a-12

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5)  Total fee paid:
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3)  Filing Party:
     (4)  Date Filed:

                                2923 SMITH ROAD
                              FAIRLAWN, OHIO 44333
                                                               February 11, 2005
Dear Fellow Stockholders:
     You are cordially invited to attend a Special Meeting of Stockholders of
Central Federal Corporation to be held at the company's Fairlawn office at 2923
Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333 on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., local
time. This proxy statement is being furnished to you in connection with a
proposal to amend the company's Certificate of Incorporation to effect a
one-for-325 reverse stock split of the company's common stock.
     On the effective date of the reverse stock split, you will receive one
share of common stock for each 325 shares you held immediately prior thereto. If
the number of shares you hold is not evenly divisible by 325, the split will
create a fractional share. However, any fractional share that otherwise would
have been issuable to any holder of fewer than 325 shares before the reverse
split will be repurchased by the company from the holder for a cash payment
equal to $14.50 per pre-split share. A fractional share created by the split
will be issued to any holder of 325 or more shares before the split, and such
holder will not receive any cash payment. However, in order to facilitate future
trading in the over-the-counter market, the company expects to propose to its
remaining stockholders, at some time after the reverse stock split is completed,
a 325-for-one forward stock split that will eliminate any then existing
fractional shares.
     Commonly referred to as a "going private" transaction, completion of the
reverse stock split will reduce the number of stockholders of record to fewer
than 300, and the company will apply to the Securities and Exchange Commission
to terminate the registration of its common stock pursuant to Section 12(g)(4)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; thereafter, the company no longer will
file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the common stock
will not be quoted on Nasdaq(R).
     The approving vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the company's
common stock is required to adopt the amendment that will effect the proposed
reverse stock split. Under Delaware law and the company's Certificate of
Incorporation and Bylaws, a stockholder does not have a dissenter's right of
appraisal in connection with a reverse stock split, irrespective of whether the
stockholder votes for or against the split.
     This proxy statement provides detailed information regarding the reverse
stock split. Please read it carefully in its entirety. You also may obtain
information about the company from publicly available documents filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
     Your vote is very important. Whether or not you expect to attend the
Special Meeting, please read the enclosed proxy statement and then complete,
sign and return the enclosed proxy promptly in the postage-paid envelope
provided, so that your shares will be represented. If you attend the Special
Meeting, you may vote in person, even if you have previously provided a proxy.
     The Board of Directors unanimously supports the reverse stock split and
recommends that you vote FOR the proposal to amend the Certificate of
     On behalf of the Board and all the employees of the company, thank you for
your continued interest and support.
                                          Sincerely yours,
                                          /s/ David C. Vernon
                                          DAVID C. VERNON

                                2923 SMITH ROAD
                              FAIRLAWN, OHIO 44333
                      TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005
     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Stockholders of Central
Federal Corporation will be held Monday, March 14, 2005 at the CFBank Fairlawn
office located at 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio at 10:00 a.m., local time.
     The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider and vote upon the
following matters:
          1. Approval of an amendment to the company's Certificate of
     Incorporation to effect a one-for-325 reverse stock split of the company's
     common stock, thereby permitting the company to apply to the Securities and
     Exchange Commission to terminate the registration of its common stock
     pursuant to Section 12(g)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
          2. Such other matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.
     The Board of Directors is not aware of any other business to come before
     the Special Meeting. If any matter not described in this proxy statement is
     properly presented at the Special Meeting, the persons named on the proxy
     will use their best judgment to determine how to vote your shares.
     Record holders of the common stock of Central Federal Corporation at the
close of business on February 8, 2005 are entitled to receive notice of the
Special Meeting and to vote at the Special Meeting. A list of stockholders
entitled to vote will be available at the Special Meeting and for the ten days
immediately preceding the Special Meeting at CFBank, 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn,
                                          By the Order of the Board of Directors
                                          /s/ Eloise L. Mackus
                                          ELOISE L. MACKUS
                                          Corporate Secretary
Fairlawn, Ohio
February 11, 2005

                                2923 SMITH ROAD
                              FAIRLAWN, OHIO 44333
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                       TO BE HELD MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005
     The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Central Federal Corporation, a
Delaware corporation (the "Company"), is providing this proxy statement (this
"Proxy Statement") to you to solicit your vote for the Special Meeting of
Stockholders to be held on Monday, March 14, 2005 (the "Special Meeting").
     The Special Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the
Company's principal executive offices, 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333.
The general telephone number of the Company's principal executive offices is
330.666.7979. This Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy are being mailed
on or about February 11, 2005 to stockholders of record as of February 8, 2005.
     At the Special Meeting, stockholders of record as of February 8, 2005 (the
"Record Date") will vote on a proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of
Incorporation (the "Certificate of Incorporation") to effect a one-for-325
reverse stock split of the Company's Common Stock (the "Common Stock"), thereby
permitting the Company to apply to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") to terminate the registration of the Common Stock pursuant to Section
12(g)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act").
     On the effective date of the reverse stock split, you will receive one
share of Common Stock for each 325 shares you held immediately prior thereto. If
the number of shares you hold is not evenly divisible by 325, the split will
create a fractional share. However, any fractional share that otherwise would
have been issuable to any holder of fewer than 325 shares before the reverse
split will be repurchased by the company from the holder for a cash payment
equal to $14.50 per pre-split share. A fractional share created by the split
will be issued to any holder of 325 or more shares before the split, and such
holder will not receive any cash payment. However, in order to facilitate future
trading in the over-the-counter market, the company expects to propose to its
remaining stockholders, at some time after the reverse stock split is completed,
a 325-for-one forward stock split that will eliminate any then existing
fractional shares.
     This Proxy Statement contains important information regarding the Special
Meeting. Specifically, it discusses the proposal upon which you will be asked to
vote, provides information that you may find useful in deciding how to vote, and
describes voting procedures.
                           FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS
     This Proxy Statement contains forward looking statements that describe
management's beliefs and expectations about the future. Forward looking
statements include those statements using words such as "anticipate," "believe,"
"could," "estimate," "may," "expect," and "intend." Although these expectations
are believed to be reasonable, the Company's operations involve a number of
risks and uncertainties, including those described in this Proxy Statement and
in other documents filed with the SEC. Therefore, these types of statements may
prove to be incorrect.

                               SUMMARY TERM SHEET
     The following Summary Term Sheet briefly describes the most material terms
of the proposed transaction. The terms described are cross-referenced to a more
detailed discussion contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. Please read the
entire Proxy Statement and any documents incorporated by reference before voting
your shares.
     The Board is proposing an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to
effect a one-for-325 reverse stock split of the Common Stock, so that the
Company can apply to the SEC to terminate the registration of the Common Stock
pursuant to Section 12(g)(4) of the Exchange Act. The Company will repurchase
any fractional share that otherwise would be issuable to any holder of fewer
than 325 shares prior to the split.
     Any stockholder of record as of the close of business on the Record Date
may attend the Special Meeting. A beneficial owner of Common Stock held by a
broker, bank or other nominee, must have proof of ownership to be admitted to
the Special Meeting. A recent brokerage statement or letter from a bank or
broker is proof of ownership.
     You are entitled to vote your shares of Common Stock if the Company's
records show that you held your shares as of the close of business on the Record
Date. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote on each matter
presented at the Special Meeting. However, if you want to vote in person at the
Special Meeting your shares of Common Stock held in street name, you must obtain
and bring to the Special Meeting a written proxy in your name from the broker,
bank, or other nominee who holds your shares.
     An affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of Common Stock is required to approve the proposal to amend the Certificate of
Incorporation. Based upon 2,225,987 shares outstanding on the Record Date, the
proposal will pass if at least 1,112,994 shares are voted in favor of the
proposal. Of the outstanding shares, 1,808,327 shares are held by persons
unaffiliated with the Company. Assuming all 417,660 shares held by affiliates
are voted in favor of the proposal, 695,334 shares held by unaffiliated persons
will be required to approve the proposal. See "Special Factors -- Fairness of
the Transaction to Stockholders -- Procedural Fairness" on page 13.
     The Special Meeting will be held if a quorum, consisting of at least
1,112,994 shares (a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock on the
Record Date) is represented at the Special Meeting. If you return a valid proxy
or attend the Special Meeting in person, your shares will be counted for
purposes of determining whether there is a quorum, even if you abstain from
voting. Broker non-votes also will be counted for purposes of determining a
quorum. A broker non-vote occurs when a broker, bank, or other nominee holding
shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the
nominee does not have discretionary voting power with respect to the proposal
and has not received voting instructions from the beneficial owner.
     You may complete and return the enclosed proxy in the enclosed postage-paid
envelope or you may attend the Special Meeting and vote in person. If you hold
your shares through a broker, bank or other nominee (i.e., in "street name"),
you will receive separate instructions from the nominee describing how to vote
your shares. All shares represented at the Special Meeting by a properly
executed proxy will be voted

according to the instructions indicated on the proxy. If you sign and return a
proxy without giving voting instructions, your shares will be voted as
recommended by the Board.
     You may revoke your proxy at any time before the vote is taken at the
Special Meeting. To revoke your proxy, you must advise the Corporate Secretary
of the Company in writing before the vote is taken at the Special Meeting,
deliver to the Company another proxy that bears a later date, or attend the
Special Meeting and vote your shares in person. Attendance at the Special
Meeting will not of itself revoke your proxy. If your shares of Common Stock are
held in street name and you wish to change your voting instructions after you
have returned your voting instruction form to your broker or bank, you must
contact your broker or bank.
     The Company's transfer agent, Registrar and Transfer Company, will tally
the vote, which will be certified by William J. Costigan, Jr., an independent
Inspector of Election.
     The Board is requesting your proxy. The Company has retained Georgeson
Shareholder Communications Inc. to assist with the solicitation of proxies. The
Company will pay Georgeson a fee of $7,000 and reimburse its reasonable expenses
in an amount not to exceed $1,500. The Company also will reimburse brokerage
firms and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for reasonable expenses
incurred by them in sending proxy materials to the beneficial owners of the
Common Stock. Directors, officers and regular employees of the Company may also
solicit proxies personally or by telephone and will not receive additional
compensation for these activities. All costs of soliciting proxies will be paid
by the Company.
     The reverse stock split will reduce the number of the Company's
stockholders to fewer than 300, which will cause the Common Stock to become
eligible for termination of registration under the Exchange Act and thus allow
the Company to "go private." A private company does not have to implement many
complex and costly requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, file Exchange Act reports or
comply with the corporate governance rules and onerous disclosure requirements
of the SEC and Nasdaq(R). Thus, a private company's costs are much lower and its
management can focus on long-term goals and values, rather than each quarter's
financial results and the attendant market reaction. See "Special
Factors -- Purposes of and Reasons for the Transaction" on page 8.
     The Board first considered the comparative advantages and disadvantages of
being a public or private company. Once the determination had been made that it
was in the best interest of the Company and its stockholders for the Company to
become a private company, the Board considered, in addition to a reverse stock
split, an issuer tender offer, sale of the Company and market repurchases
followed a short-form merger, as alternative means to effecting a going private
transaction. See "Special Factors -- Alternatives Considered" beginning on page
     The Board believes the reverse stock split is fair to and in the best
interest of each unaffiliated stockholder. An unaffiliated stockholder who owns
fewer than 325 shares before the split will receive a cash payment equal to
$14.50 per pre-split share. That amount consists of a fair value of $14.04 per
share, as determined by an independent appraisal firm, plus a premium of $0.46
per share. The stockholder must surrender the fractional share involuntarily for
the specified cash payment, will exert no control over the timing or price of
the sale and no longer will be a stockholder and thus will not be entitled to
vote as a stockholder or share in the Company's future assets, earnings or
profits. However, there is no certainty that the sale could be

made at a time of the stockholder's choosing or at the same or a more favorable
price, and the sale will be effected without any brokerage costs. No
stockholder, whether unaffiliated or affiliated, who holds 325 or more shares
before the split will receive a cash payment for any fractional share created by
the reverse stock split. A stockholder whose fractional share is not repurchased
will not receive the benefit of the premium or the opportunity to sell shares
without transaction costs and will hold stock in a company whose shares no
longer are traded on Nasdaq(R). However, the stockholder will enjoy the benefit
of continued ownership of a Company with significantly lower operating costs as
a private company, and the Board believes that such costs savings will be more
significant to any such stockholder than the benefits that derive from ownership
of the Company as a public company. See "Special Factors -- Fairness of the
Transaction to Stockholders" beginning on page 12.
     As a result of the reverse stock split, a stockholder who receives Common
Stock will not recognize gain or loss. A stockholder who receives cash will
recognize a gain or loss, which may be treated as income or capital gain/loss
depending on the individual stockholder's circumstances and the amount of time
the stockholder held the shares. The reverse stock split will be a tax free
reorganization described in Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code"), and, accordingly, the Company will not recognize
taxable income, gain or loss in connection with the reverse stock split. See
"Special Factors -- United States Federal Income Tax Consequences of the
Transaction" on page 11.
     It is estimated that approximately $1,423,000 will be required to effect
the reverse stock split, including approximately $1,295,000 to pay for the
repurchase of fractional shares exchanged and $128,000 for legal, accounting,
solicitation and other related expenses. Funds required to implement the reverse
stock split will come from working capital. See "Amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation -- Description of the Transaction -- Source of Funds and Expenses"
on page 27.
     No. Neither Delaware law nor the Certificate of Incorporation or the
Company's Bylaws provides dissenters' rights of appraisal in connection with the
reverse stock split. See "Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation -- No
Appraisal Rights" on page 28 and "Special Factors -- Fairness of the Transaction
to Stockholders -- Procedural Fairness" on page 13.
     As soon as practicable after the effective date of the split, the Company
will (i) instruct the nominee of any shares held in book-entry form to adjust
the number of shares for each holder to reflect the number of shares held after
the split and (ii) send the holder of any certificated shares a letter of
transmittal that will provide instructions for surrendering stock certificate(s)
and obtaining new certificates evidencing the number of shares of Common Stock,
if any, to which the holder is entitled as a result of the reverse stock split.
See "Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation -- Description of the
Transaction" beginning on page 25.
     If you are receiving cash for a fractional share in a book-entry account,
payment will be posted to your account by your nominee upon receipt of payment
from the Company. If you hold certificated shares, instructions for receiving
payment will be contained in the transmittal letter you receive soon after the
effective date of the reverse stock split. See "Amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation -- Description of the Transaction" beginning on page 25.

     The reverse stock split will be effective on the date specified in the
amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation as filed with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware; the effective date will be no later than March
31, 2005. As soon as practicable after the effective date of the reverse stock
split, each stockholder will be notified and asked to surrender the
stockholder's certificate(s) representing shares of Common Stock for new
certificate(s) or cash. See "Amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation -- Description of the Transaction -- Effectiveness of the Reverse
Stock Split" beginning on page 26.
     If you have any questions, require assistance or need additional copies of
this proxy statement, the proxy or other related materials, please call Eloise
L. Mackus, Corporate Secretary, at 330.666.7979.
     The Board is sending you this proxy statement to request that you allow
your shares of Common Stock to be represented at the Special Meeting by the
persons named on the enclosed proxy.
     It is the Company's understanding that the directors and officers of the
Company intend to vote all their shares in favor of the proposal to amend the
Certificate of Incorporation to effect the reverse stock split. After reasonable
inquiry, the Company is unaware of any recommendation in support of or opposed
to the proposal made by any director or executive officer of the Company, other
than the recommendation of the Board to vote in favor of the proposal. However,
the Company believes that any director or officer of the Company would recommend
a vote in favor of the proposal to any stockholder making inquiry.
                                 DEFINED TERMS
     The following defined terms are used in this Proxy Statement.
     "Board" means the Company's Board of Directors.
     "Certificate of Incorporation" means the Company's Certificate of
     "Code" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
     "Common Stock" means the Company's common stock, par value $0.01 per share.
     "Company" means Central Federal Corporation, a Delaware corporation.
     "IRS" means the United States Internal Revenue Service.
     "Donnelly Penman & Partners" means Donnelly Penman & Partners, the
independent valuation firm retained by the independent directors of the Board to
assist in determining the fair market value of the fractional shares of Common
Stock to be repurchased.
     "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
     "Opinion" or "Fairness Opinion" means the written fairness opinion, dated
November 18, 2004, of Donnelly Penman & Partners as to the fair market value of
the Common Stock as of November 15, 2004.
     "Proxy Statement" means this proxy statement.
     "Record Date" means February 8, 2005.

     "Sarbanes-Oxley" means the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
     "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.
     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
     "Special Meeting" means the special meeting of the Company's stockholders
to be held on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Company's
principal executive offices, 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333.
     "Transaction" means, collectively, the reverse stock split and the
subsequent termination of the Exchange Act registration of the Common Stock.
                                SPECIAL FACTORS
     David C. Vernon, Chairman, joined the Company, then known as Grand Central
Financial Corp, as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in January 2003 and
became President as well in March 2003. In February 2003, he came to a
realization that the Company had gone public in December 1998 as the result of a
mutual-to-stock conversion of its subsidiary bank without any capital
utilization plan. In fact, in February 2000 the Board had declared a return of
capital dividend in the amount of $6 per share. Accordingly, Mr. Vernon began to
consider whether the Company should continue to be a public company or whether
it would be in the best interest of the Company and its stockholders to engage
in a transaction that would permit termination of the Exchange Act registration
of the Common Stock pursuant to Section 12(g)(4) of the Exchange Act. Given the
continuing low trading volume and limited liquidity of the Common Stock, there
seemed to Mr. Vernon to be little benefit to stockholders and little reason for
the Company to continue to incur the expense of being a public company. However,
Mr. Vernon took no action during the next 18 months, as he devoted his energies
primarily to recruiting a management team for CFBank, the Company's bank
subsidiary, upgrading the Company's systems and services, expanding the
operations of CFBank to new locations and increasing the products offered.
     On September 3, 2004, after CFBank's new management team was in place, all
systems had been upgraded and bank offices to facilitate growth and increased
profitability had been established in Fairlawn and Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Vernon
initiated some preliminary research on going private and concluded that the
subject should be further explored. On September 7, 2004, facing even greater
costs of regulatory compliance in 2005, he, Eloise L. Mackus, who had joined the
Company as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary in July 2003,
and Therese A. Liutkus, who had joined the Company as Chief Financial Officer
and Treasurer in November 2003, began meeting regularly to discuss the prospect
of going private. Their discussions included the continuing and increasingly
more burdensome impact of compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
("Sarbanes-Oxley") and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Ms. Mackus and
Ms. Liutkus were tasked to conduct further research. On September 8, 2004, Mr.
Vernon contacted Mark S. Allio, then a Board member and the Audit Committee's
financial expert (and now President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company),
to discuss the prospect of taking the Company private. In telephone conferences
on September 10, 13 and 15, 2004, management and outside legal counsel discussed
the going private process, specifically (i) the various means for going private
and their respective advantages, disadvantages and associated costs, (ii)
whether, if the Board opted to go private by means of a reverse stock split, all
resulting fractional shares should be repurchased or only the minimum shares
necessary to reduce the number of stockholders to fewer than 300, (iii) the
advisability of obtaining an appraisal and fairness opinion and (iv) the
requisite stockholder vote under Delaware law and the Company's corporate
governance documents for each of the various going private alternatives.
     The Board did not meet in September; however, the Board of Directors of
CFBank did meet on September 16, 2004, and the directors of CFBank are the
directors of the Company. Following the CFBank Board meeting, management met
informally with the directors and proposed the possibility of going private. All
members of the Board participated in the meeting. The discussion included the
perceived advantages and

disadvantages of going private, including the respective associated costs. At
the meeting, the Board decided that going private likely would be in the best
interest of stockholders and, accordingly, that management should investigate
the matter further and present a recommendation to the Board at its October
     On or about October 20, 2004, Mr. Vernon, after discussions with the
investment banking firm, Friedman Billings Ramsey, contacted Donnelly Penman &
Partners to discuss an engagement, subject to Board approval, to make an
appraisal of the Common Stock and render a fairness opinion. At a Board meeting
held on October 21, 2004, management made its presentation to the Board and
recommended going private by means of a reverse stock split. After a full and
complete discussion of the proposed reverse stock split and the other going
private alternatives, including an issuer tender offer, a sale of the Company
and market repurchases followed by a short-form merger, the Board determined
that it would be advisable for the Company to engage in a going private
transaction by means of a one-for-1,000 reverse stock split. The Board also
determined that all fractional shares resulting from the split would be
repurchased. The Board authorized the calling of a special meeting of
stockholders to vote on the proposal and authorized the independent directors to
retain an investment banking or appraisal firm to assist in providing a
valuation of the Common Stock and render a fairness opinion. All directors,
except Mr. Whitmer, participated in the meeting. On October 22, 2004, the
Company issued a press release to announce a special stockholder meeting to vote
on a one-for-1,000 reverse stock split. On October 28, 2004, the independent
directors retained Donnelly Penman & Partners to act as the Company's financial
advisor with respect to the reverse stock split.
     During the period November 1 to November 15, 2004, management team engaged
in due diligence discussions with Donnelly Penman & Partners, including a
session at the Company's headquarters on November 15, 2004, which was attended
by Mr. Vernon, Ms. Mackus, Mr. Allio, CFBank's management and John C. Donnelly
of Donnelly Penman & Partners. That same day Ms. Liutkus and Sean M. O'Donnell
of Donnelly Penman & Partners discussed the Company's financial statements in a
telephone conference. The Board met again on November 18, 2004. All members of
the Board were present, except Jeffrey W. Aldrich and William R. Downing. At
that meeting, Donnelly Penman & Partners delivered its oral fairness opinion and
written valuation report to the Board and discussed its process and methodology
used to determine the fair market value per share of Common Stock. Members of
the Board questioned Messrs. Donnelly and O'Donnell regarding the financial
advisor's methodology and conclusions, and there was further discussion
regarding the going private alternatives. Afterward, the Board affirmed its
earlier determination to engage in a reverse stock split. The Board also
discussed the valuation, concluded that $14.04 was the fair value per share and
approved Donnelly Penman & Partners' report. The Board and Messrs. Donnelly and
O'Donnell then discussed the appropriate premium to be paid in connection with
the repurchase of fractional shares. The Board decided that a premium of $0.46
per share would be fair, and, accordingly, the Board fixed the price to be paid
for fractional shares at $14.50 per pre-split share. Finally, in order to (i)
reduce the cost of repurchasing fractional shares and (ii) further reduce the
number of persons who no longer would be stockholders after the split, the Board
changed the reverse stock split ratio from one-for-1,000, as previously
announced, to one-for-500. Subsequently, on that same date, Donnelly Penman &
Partners delivered its written Fairness Opinion, a copy of which is included
with this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A. On November 24, 2004, the Company issued
an updated press release announcing the revised split ratio.
     At a meeting held on February 1, 2005, attended by all members of the
Board, except Jerry F. Whitmer, the Board changed the reverse stock split ratio
to one-for-325 and determined that the Company would repurchase only the
fractional share of any stockholder who held fewer than 325 shares before the
reverse stock split. A fractional share created by the split would be issued to
any holder of 325 or more shares before the split, and such holder would not
receive any cash payment. However, in order to facilitate future trading in the
over-the-counter market, the company would consider proposing to its remaining
stockholders, at some time after the reverse stock split were completed, a
325-for-one forward stock split that would eliminate any then existing
fractional shares. These actions were taken to further reduce transaction costs
and minimize the number of stockholders who would be cashed out as a result of
the split.
     In all its deliberations, the Board carefully considered the impact of the
reverse split on unaffiliated stockholders, both those who would be cashed out
and those who would remain as stockholders after the split. The Board determined
that deregistering and delisting the Company's capital stock would be in the

interest of the Company and all its stockholders, whether affiliated or
unaffiliated. The Board also fully discussed and considered the potential
adverse impact that terminating the Company's Exchange Act registration of the
Common Stock could have on stockholders, market makers and potential investors,
as well as the additional expense that would be incurred should the Company
effect another Exchange Act registration in the future. The Board noted the
          1. Being a public company generally provides investment liquidity for
     stockholders, easier access to capital, the option to use company stock as
     capital in an acquisition and an enhanced corporate image. While these
     benefits often justify the additional accounting, legal and other costs of
     being a public company, their availability depends upon active trading of
     the company's stock and a market price that provides some certainty in
     valuing the company. Although not unexpected, given the Company's size, the
     Common Stock trades so infrequently and in such small volumes that few, if
     any, of the benefits of being a public company are available to the
          2. Recent legislation, most notably Sarbanes-Oxley and the regulations
     adopted by the SEC and Nasdaq(R) in furtherance of the purposes of
     Sarbanes-Oxley, has greatly increased the compliance costs of being a
     public company, both with respect to substantially higher legal and
     accounting costs and the significantly greater amount of time the Company's
     executives and employees must devote to compliance with securities laws.
     Although the Company has been subject to some provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley
     for more than two years, as a small business issuer it will not become
     subject to the legal, accounting and other costs attendant to complying
     with the internal control provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley until fiscal 2005.
          3. A private company does not have to implement many complex and
     costly requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, file reports with the SEC or comply
     with the corporate governance rules and onerous disclosure requirements of
     the SEC and Nasdaq(R). Thus, a private company's costs are much lower, and
     its management can focus on long-term goals and values, rather than each
     quarter's financial results and the attendant market reaction.
     The primary purpose of the reverse stock split is to enable the Company to
terminate the registration of the Common Stock under Section 12(g) of the
Exchange Act. The Board believes the Company and its stockholders currently
derive no material benefit from continued registration under the Exchange Act.
     Although the Common Stock is quoted on Nasdaq(R), trading is limited.
During the period October 1, 2003 through December 31, 2004, the average daily
trading volume was only 3,466 shares, notwithstanding that the Company has
approximately 1,131 stockholders (approximately 603 record holders). Since the
Company's principal operating asset is a small community bank and the Common
Stock historically has not traded in any appreciable volumes, the Board believes
there is little likelihood that a more active trading market will develop in the
foreseeable future.
     The lack of a more active trading market for the Common Stock denies the
Company's stockholders the liquidity and more certain valuation that a public
company stockholder expects and ought to receive. In addition, given the lack of
interest in the Common Stock, management cannot use the Company's public company
status to raise capital through sales of securities in a public offering or to
acquire other businesses using the Common Stock as consideration. Finally, the
Board does not believe that customers of the Company's operating subsidiaries
consider the status of the holding company parent as a private or public company
to be important in a decision to do business with the Company's subsidiaries.
     The Company's status as a public company not only has failed to provide any
material benefit to the Company or its stockholders, but it also places a
significant financial burden on the Company. As an Exchange Act registrant, the
Company must comply with the disclosure and reporting requirements of the
Exchange Act. The cost of complying with these requirements has increased
dramatically in recent years, as a result of the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley and
the adoption of SEC and Nasdaq(R) regulations intended to further its purposes.
These costs will increase even more dramatically as the Company becomes subject
to reporting on

internal controls beginning with fiscal year 2005. The Company's current annual
legal and accounting costs for securities law compliance are approximately
$120,000. Management estimates that compliance with the more onerous
requirements applicable to the Company in 2005 will add at least an additional
$160,000 to the Company's annual compliance costs, for a total annual cost of at
least $280,000. The Company also incurs printing, postage, data entry, stock
transfer and other administrative expenses related to servicing its
stockholders. In addition to these direct costs, the Company's management and
employees must devote substantial time and energy to preparing the current,
periodic and other reports that must be filed under the Exchange Act. Those
costs currently aggregate approximately $103,000 annually, but they are expected
to increase substantially in 2005 as the Company becomes subject to internal
control regulations. As a private company, the Company will avoid more than
$280,000 in direct annual costs, and the Company's management and employees will
be able to focus more time and effort on the Company's operations.
     The Board believes it would be imprudent to expend the Company's limited
financial and executive resources to continue the registration of the Common
Stock to the probable detriment of the Company's ongoing business. The savings
realized by the Company in no longer having to comply with the onerous reporting
and other requirements imposed upon a public company will be invested in the
business. The Board believes that stockholder value will be increased as
management is allowed to focus its attention and resources on implementing the
Company's business plan and long-term strategy.
     The Company's acquisition of Reserve Mortgage Services, Inc. in October
2004 was not a factor in the decision to take the Company private through a
reverse stock split.
     After determining that continuing to incur the substantial costs attendant
to being a public company would be detrimental to the Company's stockholders,
the Board made a decision to proceed with a going private transaction. Before
approving a reverse stock split as the method to be used for that purpose, the
Board considered the following alternatives:
     - Sale of the Company.  The Board considered a sale of the Company to an
       affiliate or a third party and determined that selling the Company was
       not a viable alternative. That determination was influenced to a
       considerable extent by the Board's perception that awareness of an
       impending sale might create an unstable work environment that could
       result in employee resignations and otherwise disrupt the Company's
       business. Moreover, there was no assurance that a purchaser willing to
       pay a fair price could be found in a reasonably short period of time,
       given the limited progress that had been made in expanding the operations
       of CFBank for growth and increased profitability. Since relieving the
       Company of its reporting and other burdens as a public company is of
       paramount importance to management's strategy for making the Company
       profitable, it is important to the Board that a going private transaction
       be completed on the earliest practicable date. Unwilling to subject the
       Company to the potential adverse impacts of a possible sale or to accept
       the uncertain timing of a sale, the Board decided to explore other
       methods of taking the Company private.
     - Issuer Tender Offer.  The Board the considered a tender offer by the
       Company to repurchase sufficient shares of the Common Stock to reduce the
       number of stockholders to fewer than 300. This method also was determined
       to be unacceptable. First, it is uncertain a sufficient number of
       stockholders would tender all their shares so that that the number of
       stockholders would be reduced to fewer than 300. Second, if even that
       objective were met, the cost of the transaction potentially would exceed
       substantially the cost of a reverse stock split, given the requirement of
       pro rata acceptance of stockholder offers. If the Company did not
       repurchase all shares tendered, it could not repurchase any shares unless
       it repurchased the same percentage of shares owned by each tendering
     - Market Repurchases Followed by a Short-Form Merger.  The Board considered
       forming a group of the Company's largest stockholders to engage in market
       repurchases followed by a short-form merger. The Company has only two 5%
       or greater stockholders: the CFBank Employees' Savings & Profit Sharing
       Plan, all the shares held by which are voted by the individual plan
       participants, and Richard J. O'Donnell, a member of management. Given
       that management collectively owns only 18.6% of the

       outstanding shares of Common Stock (including the shares owned by Mr.
       O'Donnell), this option was not deemed to be a viable alternative.
       Moreover, it was considered to be unfair to unaffiliated stockholders.
     - Approximately 89,323 shares will be exchanged for cash in lieu of
       fractional shares in the reverse stock split. The number of outstanding
       shares of Common Stock will decrease from 2,225,987 before the split to
       approximately 6,574.35 following the split, and there will be less
       liquidity for stockholders than currently exists.
     - The Common Stock is registered under the Exchange Act and quoted on
       Nasdaq(R). The Company may terminate the registration of its Common
       Stock, if there are fewer than 300 record holders of outstanding shares
       of the Common Stock. The reverse stock split will reduce the Company's
       number of stockholders of record from approximately 641 to approximately
       255, and the Company intends to apply to the SEC for termination of the
       registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act. Following
       termination of registration, the Common Stock no longer will be quoted on
       Nasdaq(R). Termination of registration under the Exchange Act will reduce
       substantially the information required to be furnished by the Company to
       its stockholders. The Company no longer will be required to file proxy
       statements or current, periodic and other reports or statements with the
       SEC, but the Company will continue to file reports with the Officer of
       Thrift Supervision. The Company no longer will be subject to the
       provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley and the rules promulgated thereunder or the
       liability provisions of the Exchange Act, and the chief executive and
       financial officers of the Company no longer will be required to certify
       as to the accuracy of the Company's financial statements.
     - Approximately $1,295,000 will be required to pay for the fractional
       shares of Common Stock exchanged for cash in the reverse stock split.
       Legal, accounting and other fees and expenses related to the transaction
       will be approximately $128,000. Of that amount, approximately $25,000
       will be expended for the costs of fair market valuation of the Common
       Stock and the fairness opinion, $75,000 for legal fees, $5,000 for
       accounting fees; $10,000 for printing costs; $8,500 for solicitation
       costs and $4,500 for other fees and expenses. Although, in the short
       term, the Company's available cash will be reduced by the cost of the
       transaction, the incurrence of these costs is not expected to have any
       material adverse effect on the Company's capital, liquidity, operations
       or cash flow. However, (i) aggregate stockholders' equity as of September
       30, 2004 will be reduced from approximately $18,395,000 on an historical
       basis to approximately $16,972,000 on a pro forma basis, (ii) book value
       per share of Common Stock as of September 30, 2004 will increase from
       $8.92 per share on an historical basis to approximately $2,795.95 per
       share on a pro forma basis and (iii) net loss per share of Common Stock
       of $0.61 on an historical basis for the nine months ended September 30,
       2004, will increase to approximately $221.22 per share on a pro forma
     - Beginning in fiscal year 2005, the Company expects to save more than
       $280,000 annually in direct costs and an indeterminable amount in
       indirect costs. These projected savings result from termination of the
       registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act. As a private
       company, the Company will not incur the substantial legal, accounting and
       other costs associated with Exchange Act compliance, and the time and
       effort of management and other employees can be focused more directly on
       the Company's operations.
     - The directors and officers of the Company before the Transaction is
       completed will be the directors and officers of the Company after the
       Transaction is completed.
     - Generally, it is more difficult for a private company than a public
       company to sell its capital stock or debt securities. Accordingly, it is
       expected that the Company's ability to raise capital that might be needed
       for expansion or otherwise will be significantly reduced as a private

     - On the effective date of the reverse stock split, each stockholder will
       receive one share of common stock for each 325 shares held immediately
       prior thereto. No fractional share will be issued to any holder of fewer
       than 325 shares; such fractional share will be repurchased by the Company
       for a cash payment equal to $14.50 per pre-split share. Thus, any
       stockholder who owned fewer than 325 shares before the split will be
       cashed out, no longer will be a stockholder of the Company and will not
       be entitled to vote as a stockholder or share in the Company's assets,
       earnings or profits. The fractional share, if any, held by any holder of
       325 or more shares prior to the split will not be repurchased.
     - The ability of a stockholder to buy and sell shares of the Common Stock
       will be adversely impacted by the split. The Common Stock no longer will
       be quoted on Nasdaq(R), and, although at least one market maker is
       expected to continue to make a market in the Common Stock on NASD's
       Electronic Bulletin Board (OTCBB), there is no certainty that an active
       trading market for the Common Stock will develop at any time following
       the completion of the reverse stock split. Since the Company no longer
       will file reports with the SEC, a continuing stockholder's legally
       mandated access to information about the Company's business and results
       of operations also will be adversely impacted by the reverse stock split.
     - Although the Common Stock will be eligible for quotation in the
       over-the-counter market maintained by the NASD Electronic Bulletin Board
       (OTCBB), so long as the Company remains current in its filings with the
       U.S. Department of Treasury -- Office of Thrift Supervision, the OTCBB is
       not an issuer listing service, market or exchange, and, accordingly, the
       Common Stock will be quoted on the OTCBB, only if one or more market
       makers decides to make a market in the Common Stock. While there is no
       certainty, at least one market maker that currently follows the Company
       is expected to continue to make a market in the Common Stock on the
       OTCBB. However, on the OTCBB, the spread between bid and ask prices
       likely will be greater than on Nasdaq(R).
     - There are no differences between the respective rights, preferences and
       limitations of the shares of Common Stock currently outstanding and the
       shares to be outstanding after the reverse stock split becomes effective.
       There will be no difference with respect to dividend, voting, liquidation
       or other rights associated with the Common Stock before and after the
       reverse stock split.
     - The percentage of beneficial ownership of the Common Stock held by the
       Company's directors and officers as a group will increase from
       approximately 18.6% pre-split to approximately 19.3% post-split. This
       group of directors and officers will have greater voting power, as a
       group, in any matter submitted to a vote of stockholders.
     - After the reverse stock split, the Common Stock will not be registered
       under the Exchange Act. The Company's directors, officers and major
       stockholders no longer will be subject to the Exchange Act reporting and
       short-swing profit provisions of Section 16. However, they also will be
       deprived of the ability to dispose of shares of Common Stock pursuant to
       the Rule 144 exemption from the registration requirements of the
       Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act). The Company's directors and
       officers will continue to be subject to the fiduciary and other
       obligations of Delaware law.
     Although the following discussion is intended to set forth all material tax
consequences to the Company and its stockholders as a result of the reverse
stock split, you are strongly urged to consult your tax advisor to determine the
particular tax consequences to you of the reverse stock split, including the
applicability and effect of federal, state, local, foreign and other tax laws.
     With respect to a stockholder, the discussion addresses only the United
States federal income tax consequences to a stockholder who holds shares as a
capital asset. It does not cover all federal income tax consequences that may be
relevant to a particular stockholder based upon individual circumstances or to
any stockholder subject to special rules, such as a financial institution, a
tax-exempt organization, an insurance company, a dealer in securities or a
foreign holder who acquired shares pursuant to the exercise of employee

stock options or otherwise as compensation. The disclosure is based upon the
Code and laws, regulations, rulings and decisions in effect as of the date of
this proxy statement, all of which are subject to change, possibly with
retroactive effect, and to differing interpretations. The disclosure does not
address the tax consequences to a stockholder under state, local and foreign
laws. The Company has neither requested nor received a tax opinion from legal
counsel with respect to any of the matters discussed herein. No rulings have
been or will be requested from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") with
respect to any of the matters discussed. There can be no assurance that future
legislation, regulations, administrative rulings or court decisions would not
alter the consequences set forth below.
     The Company.  The reverse stock split will be a tax free reorganization, as
described in Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Code, and, accordingly, the Company
will not recognize taxable income, gain or loss in connection with the reverse
stock split. Moreover, the Company has sufficient cash reserves for the
repurchase of fractional shares, and it will not require a dividend from its
subsidiary, CFBank, for that purpose.
     Receipt of Shares of New Common Stock.  A stockholder who receives shares
of new Common Stock in the transaction (i.e., a stockholder who owns 325 or more
shares on a pre-split basis) will not recognize gain or loss, or dividend
income, as a result of the shares received in the reverse stock split, and the
basis and holding period of such stockholder in shares of old Common Stock will
carry over as the basis and holding period of such stockholder's shares of new
Common Stock.
     Receipt of Cash in Lieu of Fractional Share.  The receipt by a stockholder
of cash in lieu of a fractional share of new Common Stock pursuant to the
reverse stock split will be treated as a redemption of stock and will be a
taxable transaction for federal income tax purposes. The tax treatment of a
redemption of stock is governed by Section 302 of the Code and, depending on a
stockholder's situation, will be taxed as either: (i) a sale or exchange of the
repurchased shares, in which case the stockholder will recognize gain or loss
equal to the difference between the cash payment and the stockholder's tax basis
for the repurchased shares; or (ii) a cash distribution which is treated: (1)
first, as a taxable dividend to the extent of the Company's earnings and the
Company's accumulated earnings and profits; (2) then, as a tax-free return of
capital to the extent of the stockholder's tax basis in the repurchased shares;
and (3) finally, as gain from the sale or exchange of the repurchased shares.
     The Board unanimously determined that the Transaction is fair to each
unaffiliated stockholder, irrespective of whether the unaffiliated stockholder
is cashed out or continues as a stockholder of the Company following the reverse
stock split. The procedures the Board followed and the specific factors it
considered in reaching that determination are set forth below.
     At meetings held on October 21, 2004 and November 18, 2004, the Board fully
considered the relative advantages and disadvantages to the Company of being a
public or private company, as discussed above and below under this caption
"Special Factors," which begins on page 6. The Board concluded that the Company
and its stockholders derived little, if any, benefit from operation as a public
company. That determination primarily was based upon the increasing costs of
regulatory compliance. After discussing various alternatives, the Board decided
that the most effective means to take the Company private was through an
amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to effect an appropriate
reverse stock split. At the meeting on October 21, 2004, the Board determined
that the split would be one-for-1,000. At the meeting on November 18, 2004, the
split ratio was changed to one-for-500. At a subsequent meeting on February 1,
2005, the ratio was further reduced to one-for-325. The Board's purposes in
changing the split ratio were to (i) reduce the Company's transaction costs and
(ii) keep to a reasonably practicable minimum the number of stockholders who
would be cashed out and cease to be stockholders of the Company, while still
meeting the Company's objective to reduce the number of stockholders to fewer
than 300. As discussed below, the Board expressly found that the reverse stock
split was both procedurally and substantively fair to affiliated and
unaffiliated stockholders, notwithstanding the absence of certain safeguards.

     Board Approval.  The Board carefully followed the procedures mandated by
Delaware law, applicable securities law and the Company's Certificate of
Incorporation and Bylaws. The seven-member Board, six of whose members are
independent, unanimously approved the amendment to effect the reverse stock
split, after carefully considering the impact of the proposed split on both
affiliated and unaffiliated stockholders. Each director will continue to be a
stockholder of the Company after the split is completed, as will any
unaffiliated stockholder holding 325 or more shares prior to the split. The
proceedings in which the Board approved the transaction were duly noticed and
     Board and Officer Voting Intentions and Recommendations.  It is the
Company's understanding that the directors and officers of the Company intend to
vote all their shares in favor of the proposal to amend the Certificate of
Incorporation to effect the reverse stock split. After reasonable inquiry, the
Company is unaware of any recommendation in support of or opposed to the
proposal made by any director or executive officer of the Company, other than
the recommendation of the Board to vote in favor of the proposal. However, the
Company believes that any director or officer of the Company would recommend a
vote in favor of the proposal to any stockholder making inquiry.
     Solicitation and Costs.  The Board is requesting your proxy, and the
Company has retained Georgeson Shareholder Communications Inc. to assist with
the solicitation of proxies. The Company will pay Georgeson a fee of $7,000 and
reimburse its reasonable expenses in an amount not to exceed $1,500. The Company
also will reimburse brokerage firms and other custodians, nominees and
fiduciaries for reasonable expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial owners of the Common Stock. Directors, officers and regular
employees of the Company may also solicit proxies personally or by telephone and
will not receive additional compensation for these activities. All costs of
soliciting proxies will be paid by the Company.
     No Separate Vote of Unaffiliated Stockholders.  In addition to Board
approval, under Delaware law, an amendment to effect a reverse stock split also
must be approved by a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock. The
Board has duly called and noticed a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held
on March 14, 2005 for the purpose of considering and approving the amendment.
Based upon 2,225,987 shares outstanding on the Record Date, the proposal will
pass if at least 1,112,294 shares are voted in favor of the proposal. Of the
outstanding shares, 1,808,327 shares or 81.2% are held by persons unaffiliated
with the Company. Management collectively owns only 417,660 of the outstanding
shares or 18.6%, and thus management will not control the vote on the Board's
proposal to take the Company private. Even if all 417,660 shares held by
management are voted in favor of the proposal, the proposal will not be adopted,
unless at least 695,334 or 38.45% of the 1,808,327 shares held by unaffiliated
stockholders also are voted in favor. If fewer shares of affiliated stockholders
are voted for the proposal, a greater percentage of the shares held by
unaffiliated stockholders will be required for its adoption. Note that the
approving vote of a majority of the outstanding shares held by unaffiliated
stockholders is not required under Delaware law or by the Company's Certificate
of Incorporation or Bylaws to approve the Transaction. Thus, the Company's
unaffiliated stockholders will not be entitled to vote as a class on the
proposal. The unaffiliated stockholders who will be cashed out also do not have
the right to vote as a class on the Transaction. If the unaffiliated
stockholders had that right, they could defeat the proposal irrespective of its
approval by a majority of all stockholders. Although the Board has not
structured the transaction to require the approving vote of at least a majority
of the shares held by unaffiliated stockholders, the Board believes the
transaction is fair to unaffiliated stockholders, because the transaction was
approved unanimously by the independent directors (none of whom owns more than
2% of the outstanding shares), and the independent directors were charged with
the responsibility to represent the interests of the stockholders who would be
cashed out as a result of the split. The independent directors alone selected
the independent valuation firm to recommend the fair value of the shares to be
repurchased, and that firm's opinion subsequently was adopted by the Board and
increased by a substantial premium in determining the price to be paid for
repurchased shares. The independent directors as a group controlled the outcome
of the Board's deliberations. However, even assuming all 417,660 shares owned by
management are voted in favor of the proposal, it will not be adopted unless at
least 695,334 shares or 38.45% of the shares held by unaffiliated stockholders
are voted in favor.

     No Unaffiliated Representative.  A majority of directors who are not
employees of the Company have not retained an unaffiliated representative to act
solely on behalf of unaffiliated stockholders for purposes of negotiating the
Transaction. Given the composition of the Board with six of seven directors
independent, the experience of the Board and the Board's familiarity with the
Company, including its financial condition and prospects, the Board decided that
the expense of establishing an independent advisory board or hiring an
independent party to represent the interests of the Company's unaffiliated
stockholders was not warranted. The cost of retaining a representative to
represent only the interest of unaffiliated stockholders would have reduced the
value of the Company to those unaffiliated stockholders who continued as
stockholders of the Company following completion of the Transaction. In reaching
its decision, the Board noted that there are no significant differences between
the benefits to be enjoyed by unaffiliated and affiliated stockholders, as such,
as a result of the Transaction. The distinction among stockholders is based upon
the number of shares held by any stockholder on the effective date of the
reverse stock split, rather than the presence or absence of an affiliation with
the Company. A stockholder who is cashed out will enjoy the benefits of
receiving a premium and selling shares in a fee-free transaction, while no
stockholder, whether affiliated or unaffiliated, who remains as a stockholder
after the split, will receive those benefits. If the Board had retained an
independent party to represent only the interests of unaffiliated stockholders
who would be cashed out, it is unlikely that the ultimate proposal, if any,
might have been structured more favorably to the interests of such stockholders,
since the goal of the Board is to bring the number of stockholders to fewer than
300, while keeping the costs of repurchasing shares to $2 million or less. It is
unlikely that the Board will complete any transaction in which the cost exceeds
that amount. As noted below, under the caption "Substantive
Fairness -- Unaffiliated Stockholders Who Are Cashed Out," the independent
directors did retain an independent valuation firm to assist them in determining
the price to be paid for fractional shares.
     Unaffiliated Stockholders Who Are Not Cashed Out.  While any stockholders,
whether affiliated or unaffiliated, whose fractional share is not repurchased,
will not receive the benefit of the premium or the ability to sell shares
without brokerage fees and will hold stock in a company whose shares no longer
are traded on Nasdaq(R), such a stockholder will enjoy the benefit of continued
ownership of a Company with significantly lower operating costs, and the Board
believes that the direct and indirect costs savings the Company will enjoy when
it terminates its public company status will be more significant to a continuing
stockholder than the benefits that derive from being a public company. These
costs savings should have no adverse impact on the ability of the Company and
its subsidiaries to deliver services to customers, and, accordingly, a
continuing stockholder will profit from any increased value of the Company that
might result from reducing the costs of doing business. However, as noted below,
under "Appraisal Rights," any unaffiliated stockholder who owns more than 325
shares may sell shares prior to the effective date of the Transaction in order
to ensure being cashed out and thus enjoy the premium and the ability to sell
without brokerage fees.
     Unaffiliated Stockholders Who Are Cashed Out.  A stockholder who is cashed
out in the reverse stock split will receive a fair price for the stockholder's
shares, including a premium over fair value and the ability to sell without
brokerage fees. Although a cashed-out stockholder, whether affiliated or
unaffiliated, will have to surrender the stockholder's shares involuntarily, and
thus will exert no control over the timing or price of the sale of the
stockholder's shares, there is no certainty that the stockholder could effect a
sale of shares at a time of the stockholder's choosing or at the same or a more
favorable price. Of course, any stockholder who is cashed out no longer will be
a stockholder of the Company and will not be entitled to vote as a stockholder
or share in the Company's future assets, earnings or profits. However, as noted
below, under "Appraisal Rights," any unaffiliated stockholder who owns fewer
than 325 shares may purchase shares prior to the effective date of the
Transaction in order to avoid being cashed out. The independent directors acting
alone, in order to ensure that stockholders being cashed out received a fair
price for their fractional shares, retained Donnelly Penman & Partners, an
independent valuation firm, to give its opinion as to the fair market value of
the Common Stock and as to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the
consideration to be received by stockholders of the Company. The independent
directors believe, and the Board expressly found that, under the circumstances,
the retention of Donnelly, Penman & Partners was sufficient to ensure that the
price paid to unaffiliated stockholders would be fair.

     Appraisal Rights.  As noted below under the caption "No Appraisal Rights,"
no stockholder, whether unaffiliated or affiliated, has any appraisal rights
under Delaware law, the Certificate of Incorporation or the Company's Bylaws in
connection with the reverse stock split. Thus no stockholder who dissents from
the price offered by the Company may ask an appropriate court to determine the
fair price of the stockholder's shares. If the proposal is approved by a
majority of the outstanding shares, irrespective of whether held by affiliated
or unaffiliated stockholders, an unaffiliated stockholder holding fewer than 325
shares prior to the split generally will have no choice but to accept the
Company's price of $14.50 per pre-split share. However, while there are no
appraisal rights available to any dissenting stockholder, there may exist other
rights or actions under state law for aggrieved stockholders. Although the
nature and extent of such rights or actions are uncertain and may vary depending
upon facts or circumstances, stockholder challenges to corporate action in
general are related to the fiduciary responsibilities of corporate officers and
directors and to the fairness of corporate transactions. For example, certain
stockholders could take legal action against the Company and the Board to claim
the Transaction was unfair to unaffiliated stockholders who were cashed out or
there was no justifiable or reasonable business purpose for the Transaction.
Finally, any stockholder who holds 325 or more shares and wishes to benefit from
receipt of the premium being paid for fractional shares may sell shares to
reduce holdings to fewer than 325 shares, and any stockholder who holds fewer
than 325 shares and prefers to remain as a stockholder following the split may
purchase sufficient shares prior to the effective date to increase holdings to
325 or more shares. The Company is not aware of any other right or relief that
may be available to stockholders at law or in equity. Notwithstanding the lack
of judicial process to determine the fair value of repurchased shares, the Board
believes that the determination of that value by an independent valuation firm
and the Board's acceptance of that value and the addition of a substantial
premium in determining the price to be paid for fractional shares provides
adequate assurance to those unaffiliated stockholders who will be cashed out
that they have received a fair price for their shares.
     Other Offers.  From time to time the Company receives offers regarding
business combinations or acquisition of certain Company assets. Within the last
two years, the Company received two offers; neither offer was in writing.
     The first offer was made by an unaffiliated person who approached
management regarding the purchase of certain operating assets of CFBank, a
subsidiary of the Company. The offer was unacceptable. The offeror wanted to
acquire certain assets of the Company, including more than 70% of its deposits,
50% of its loan portfolio and one-half its offices, but the offered price was
less than one-third the market value of the Company's shares. In effect,
accepting the offer would have gutted the Company of significant assets and
greatly diminished the Company's value. Accepting the offer clearly was not in
the best interest of the Company's stockholders. Although the offer was not in
writing, the Board considered the interest in the Company as one factor in its
determination that stockholders who were cashed out should receive a premium
over the fair value to be paid for their repurchased shares. However, the amount
of the offer for the asset purchase, which the Board considered inadequate, was
not considered in determining the fair value of the shares or the premium to be
paid, because doing so would have resulted in a lower price paid for repurchased
     A representative of an unaffiliated group later approached Mr. Vernon to
express an interest in purchasing the entire Company. However, the group was
unable to raise the necessary financing and never made a firm offer or proposed
specific terms for the purchase. Accordingly, the Board did not consider that a
firm offer had been made, and the offer was not considered in determining the
price (fair value or premium) to be paid for fractional shares.
     Other than these two offers, no offer has been made by any person during
the preceding two years for (i) merger or consolidation of the Company into or
with such person, (ii) the sale or other transfer of all or any substantial part
of the Company's assets or (iii) the purchase of a number of shares of Common
Stock that would enable the holder thereof to exercise control of the Company.

  - A stockholder who owns at least 325 shares and thus will remain a
    stockholder following the reverse stock split will benefit from the savings
    realized by the Company in reducing the direct and indirect operating costs
    the Company otherwise would incur as a public company.
  - Any stockholder who owns fewer than 325 shares will receive a fair price for
    the fractional share that otherwise would be owned following the reverse
    stock split. The Board did consider that a stockholder who will receive only
    cash will have no control over the timing or price of the sale of the
    stockholder's shares. However, the Board also noted that there is limited
    liquidity for shares of the Common Stock, and thus a stockholder already has
    a limited choice as to timing and price. The Board determined that the
    certainty of liquidity through the reverse stock split, together with the
    price being paid in lieu of a fractional share, made the transaction fair,
    even taking into account the lack of control over timing and price. The
    Board also noted that a stockholder would be able to dispose of shares
    without incurring brokerage costs.
  - Following termination of its Exchange Act registration, the Common Stock no
    longer will be listed or traded on Nasdaq(R), and thus the liquidity of the
    Common Stock and the ability of the Company to raise capital will be
    adversely affected. The Common Stock will be eligible for quotation in the
    over-the-counter market maintained by the NASD Electronic Bulletin Board
    (OTCBB), so long as the Company remains current in its filings with the U.S.
    Department of Treasury -- Office of Thrift Supervision. The OTCBB is a
    regulated quotation service that displays real-time quotes, last-sale prices
    and volume information in over-the-counter securities. Securities eligible
    for quotation on the OTCBB generally include any equity security not listed
    or traded on Nasdaq(R) or a national securities exchange, but with respect
    to which periodic reports are filed either with the SEC or another
    applicable governmental regulatory agency. However, the OTCBB is not an
    issuer listing service, market or exchange, and thus the Common Stock will
    be quoted on the OTCBB, only if one or more market makers decides to make a
    market in the Common Stock. While there is no certainty, at least one market
    maker that currently follows the Company is expected to continue to make a
    market in the Common Stock on the OTCBB. However, even if the Common Stock
    is quoted on the OTCBB, at any given time the spread between the bid price
    and asked price likely would be greater than it would be if the Common Stock
    continued to be traded on Nasdaq(R). In addition, it generally will be more
    difficult to obtain accurate, timely information concerning pricing and
    trading volume and execute trades. As a practical matter, no stockholder
    should assume that there will be an active trading market for the Common
    Stock following completion of the reverse stock split. However, the current
    Nasdaq(R) public trading market for the Common Stock is not highly liquid,
    and the Board believes that any further loss of liquidity will have little
    effect on the Company's stockholders and will be outweighed by the benefits
    of going private.
  - Upon termination of the registration of the Common Stock, the Company no
    longer will file proxy statements and current, periodic and other reports
    and statements with the SEC, and information regarding the Company's
    operations and financial results no longer will be publicly available.
    Continuing stockholders will have a limited right to obtain such information
    from the Company under Delaware law. The Board does not believe this factor
    makes the transaction unfair to any affiliated or unaffiliated stockholder
    who remains as a stockholder of the Company, because any detriment that may
    result from termination of public filings will be offset by the cost-saving
    benefits to the Company of no longer being a public company.
  - Any unaffiliated stockholder who will be cashed out will have no further
    interest in the Company and thus will not have the opportunity to
    participate in the potential upside of any increase in the value of shares
    of the Common Stock.

     Fairness of the Price.  In analyzing the fairness of the price to be paid
for fractional shares of the Common Stock, the Board considered and reviewed the
following documentation and information:
     - Written Fairness Opinion of the value of the Common Stock by Donnelly
       Penman & Partners
     - Company's annual financial statements, including consolidated audited
       financial statements for each of the past five years up to and including
       December 31, 2003
     - Company's quarterly unaudited financial statements for the fiscal
       quarters ended March 31, 2004, June 30, 2004 and September 30, 2004
     - Management projected revenue and cost budgets for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2004 (see Discounted Dividend Analysis discussion below for
       information regarding these 2004 projected revenue and cost budgets)
     - Terms of the reverse stock split and its effect on the Company's
     - Market information on recent prices and trading volumes of the Common
     - Pro forma financial effects of the reverse stock split on the Company and
       its stockholders
     - Tax effects of the reverse stock split on the Company's stockholders
     In approving the split and setting the price to be paid for fractional
shares, the Board did not consider the Company's recent purchases of its shares
in the market, because the prices at which the Company purchased those shares
are substantially below the current fair value of a share of Common Stock, nor
did the Board consider two recent offers it received for purchase of the Company
or a portion of its assets. Information regarding those purchases is set forth
below under the caption "Prior Stock Purchases" on page 29, and information
regarding the two recent offers is set forth above under the caption "Special
Factors -- Fairness of the Transaction to Stockholders -- Substantive Fairness"
on page 14.
     The Board considered the following specific factors in reaching its (i)
decision to approve and recommend the reverse stock split and (ii) its
conclusion that the price to be paid to certain unaffiliated stockholders in
lieu of fractional shares resulting from the reverse stock split was fair to
such stockholders. Individual directors may have given differing weights to
different factors. Due to the relative illiquidity of the Common Stock, the
Board as a whole generally placed more emphasis on the Fairness Opinion than on
the stock price as quoted on Nasdaq(R), and the Board ultimately adopted the
findings of Donnelly Penman & Partners.
     - Current and Historical Market Prices of the Company's Common
       Stock.  Although the Common Stock is quoted on Nasdaq(R), there is a
       limited trading market for the Common Stock. The high and low sale prices
       for the Common Stock from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2004, ranged
       from a high of $18.00 on June 15, 2004 to a low of $9.28 per share on
       February 21, 2003. The closing sale price of the Common Stock on October
       21, 2004, which was the last trading day on which the Common Stock was
       traded before announcement of the proposed reverse stock split on October
       22, 2004, was $12.70 per share.
     - Premium Over Market Price.  In order to increase the value of the
       transaction to those unaffiliated stockholders who hold fewer than 325
       shares pre-split and thus will be cashed out in the reverse stock split,
       the Board decided to add a premium to the price to be paid for fractional
       shares. The $14.50 price to be paid for fractional shares includes a
       premium of $0.46 per share over the fair value of $14.04, as determined
       by Donnelly Penman & Partners, and also represents a premium of $1.80 per
       share (14.2%) over the last closing trading price of $12.70 prior to the
       announcement of the reverse stock split on October 21, 2004, and a
       premium of $1.70 per share (13.3%) over the average closing trading price
       of $12.80 for the thirty calendar days prior to October 21, 2004.
     - Net Book Value.  As of September 30, 2004, the book value per share of
       common stock was $8.92.
     - Going Concern Value.  In rendering its opinion as to valuation, Donnelly
       Penman & Partners valued the Company as a going concern operating entity
       rather than as an asset intensive business or a

       business in liquidation. In assessing the fairness of the opinion as to
       value, the Board concurred with Donnelly Penman & Partners' valuation of
       the company as a going concern and adopted it as its own.
     - Liquidation Value.  The Board did not consider the liquidation value of
       the Company when selecting the purchase price. A liquidation analysis is
       not believed to be a relevant factor because the liquidation of a bank or
       discontinuance of a bank's operations is not considered to be a viable
       alternative. Historically, banks have generally only been liquidated in
       the event of insolvency or receivership. The Fairness Opinion provided by
       Donnelly Penman & Partners assumed, as one method of analysis, the sale
       of the Company as a "whole" rather than in parts through liquidation or
       dissolution, and neither the Company's management nor the Board has any
       intention of liquidating the bank.
     As noted below under the caption, "Opinion of Financial Advisor," using the
discounted dividend analysis or the comparable transaction analysis would have
resulted in a higher price to be paid for fractional shares. However, as
discussed below under the same caption, Donnelly Penman & Partners arrived at
its Opinion based on the results of all the analyses it undertook, assessed as a
whole, and it did not draw conclusions from or with regard to any one method of
analysis, and, accordingly, Donnelly Penman & Partners did not believe the value
derived from using discounted dividend analysis or the comparable transaction
analysis accurately reflected the fair value of the shares. The preparation of a
valuation is a complex process involving subjective judgments and is not
necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. In its
review of the findings of Donnelly Penman & Partners, the Board also took into
consideration that, (i) although there is no present intent to reduce or
eliminate the dividend, the Company has not been profitable since fiscal 2002,
and thus it may not be realistic to assume the Company will have the ability to
continue to pay a dividend at historic levels or at all and (ii) the comparable
transaction analysis assumes the purchase of the Company, and the Company does
not have an offer to purchase the Company. The Board adopted the conclusions of
Donnelly Penman & Partners in fixing the price to be paid for fractional shares
at $14.50 per share of Common Stock on a pre-split basis. That price includes a
premium of $0.46 per share over the fair value of $14.04 per share.
     Fair Price.  On October 21, 2004, the Board met to discuss its initial
conclusions and give approval to the reverse stock split. On November 18, 2004,
the Board met again to consider the written valuation opinion and oral fairness
opinion. The Board also determined that, based upon the factors discussed above,
a payment of $14.50 per pre-split share was a fair price to be paid to certain
unaffiliated stockholders for fractional shares resulting from the reverse stock
split, and, accordingly, the Board decided to proceed with the reverse stock
split at that price. Subsequently, Donnelly Penman & Partners delivered its
written Fairness Opinion, a copy of which is included as Exhibit A to this Proxy
     The Company engaged Donnelly Penman & Partners to render its report and
opinion with respect to the fair market per share value of the Common Stock for
purposes of evaluating the proposed transaction and the fairness of the proposed
transaction. At the November 18, 2004 meeting of the Board of Directors,
Donnelly Penman & Partners presented a valuation report and opinion that
reflected the fair value per share of the Common Stock of $14.04 as of November
l5, 2004 and gave an oral opinion on the fairness of the proposed $14.50 per
share price offered in the reverse stock split. The $14.04 value was derived
utilizing a weighted average of valuation techniques and subset metrics of those
valuation techniques. The analyses performed by Donnelly Penman & Partners were
assigned a weighting based on its opinion of their relative comparability and
significance with regard to the specific characteristics of the Company. The
weightings assigned by Donnelly Penman & Partners are as follows:
     - Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (25%)
     - Recent Trading (24%: 8% each for 30 day, 90 day and 1 year trading
     - Comparable Company Analysis (24%: 12% each for book value and tangible
       book value metrics)
     - Comparable Acquisition Analysis (24%: 8% each for book value, tangible
       book value and premium to core deposits metrics)

     Each metric's weighting is multiplied by the implied valuation calculated
using that metric, the cumulative weightings sum to 100% and the resulting
cumulative value is Donnelly Penman & Partners' calculated value per share of
     Pursuant to the Company's request, Donnelly Penman & Partners confirmed its
verbal fairness opinion with a written fairness opinion dated November 22, 2004,
in which it stated that, as of November 18, 2004, the $14.50 per share price
offered in the reverse stock split was fair from a financial point of view to
the Company's shareholders. This fairness opinion is attached to this Proxy
Statement as Exhibit A.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners is a regional investment banking firm of
recognized standing. As part of its investment banking services, they are
regularly engaged in the valuation of corporate entities on a stand-alone basis
or in connection with capital raising and merger and acquisition transactions.
No limitations were imposed by the Company upon Donnelly Penman & Partners with
respect to the investigations made or procedures followed by Donnelly Penman &
Partners in rendering its Opinion.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners was selected by the Company's independent
directors. Donnelly Penman & Partners was selected based on the firm's
reputation, experience (including particularly the firm's general experience
with community banks in the Midwest) and price. No material relationship has
existed during the past two years or is mutually understood to be contemplated,
or compensation received or to be received, as a result of the relationship
between Donnelly Penman & Partners and its affiliates and the Company and its
affiliates except for the engagement described in this Proxy Statement. Donnelly
Penman & Partners has been paid a fee of $25,000 plus reimbursement of its
expenses, for performing the valuation and providing its fairness opinion. No
part of the fee is contingent upon the success of the transaction.
     In arriving at its Opinion, Donnelly Penman & Partners has:
          1. Reviewed the Annual Reports of the Company for the years ended
     December 31, 2002 through 2003 as well as interim financial statements
     through October 31, 2004;
          2. Reviewed the November 18, 2004 Board of Directors report;
          3. Reviewed the Company's budget for the year ending December 31,
          4. Compared certain financial characteristics of the Company to
     certain publicly held companies Donnelly Penman & Partners deemed relevant;
          5. Reviewed current banking industry conditions and trends concerning
     the valuation of recent mergers and acquisitions;
          6. Conducted discussions with the senior management of the Company
     concerning the business and future prospects of the Company;
          7. Prepared a discounted dividend analysis of the Company based on a
     financial forecast derived from discussions with and deemed reasonable by
     management of the Company; and
          8. Reviewed such other data, including financial and industry data,
     performed such other analyses and taken into account such other matters as
     they deemed necessary or appropriate.
     In connection with rendering its Opinion to the Company, Donnelly Penman &
Partners performed a variety of financial analyses, which are summarized below.
Donnelly Penman & Partners believes that its analyses must be considered as a
whole and that selecting portions of its analyses and the factors considered by
it, without consideration of all factors and analyses, could create a misleading
view of the analyses and the processes underlying Donnelly Penman & Partners
Opinion. Donnelly Penman & Partners arrived at its Opinion based on the results
of all the analyses it undertook, assessed as a whole, and it did not draw
conclusions from or with regard to any one method of analysis. The preparation
of a valuation is a complex process involving subjective judgments and is not
necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description.
     The methods utilized by Donnelly Penman & Partners are among the most
accepted methods of bank securities valuation. Donnelly Penman & Partners
utilized four methods to value the Common Stock and is of

the opinion that utilizing any other methods of valuation would be less relevant
and would not lead to a materially different result. Donnelly Penman & Partners
regularly values bank securities for purposes of "going private" transactions as
well as for other non-transaction related strategic initiatives. The methods
utilized for the Common Stock are substantially similar to those used by
Donnelly Penman & Partners in previous valuations.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners did not make or obtain any independent
evaluation, valuation or appraisal of the assets or liabilities of the Company,
nor was it furnished with such materials. Donnelly Penman & Partners has not
reviewed any individual credit files of the Company and has assumed, without
independent verification, that the reported allowances for credit losses are
adequate to cover such losses.
     With respect to the comparable company analysis and comparable acquisition
transaction analysis summarized below, no public company utilized as a
comparison is identical to the Company, and such analyses necessarily involve
complex considerations and judgments concerning the differences in financial and
operating characteristics of the financial institutions and other factors that
could affect the acquisition or public trading values of the financial
institutions concerned. The forecasted financial information furnished by the
Company's management contained in or underlying Donnelly Penman & Partners'
analyses is not necessarily indicative of future results or values, which may be
significantly more or less favorable than such forecasts and estimates. The
forecasts and estimates were based on numerous variables and assumptions that
are inherently uncertain, including without limitation factors related to
general economic and competitive conditions. In that regard, Donnelly Penman &
Partners assumed, with the Company's consent, that the financial forecasts had
been reasonably prepared by management on a basis reflecting the best currently
available judgments of management, and that such forecasts will be realized in
the amounts and at the times contemplated thereby.
     Estimates of values of financial institutions or assets do not purport to
be appraisals or necessarily reflect the prices at which financial institutions
or their securities actually may be sold. Accordingly, actual results could vary
significantly from those assumed in the financial forecasts and related
analyses. The analyses performed by Donnelly Penman & Partners were assigned a
weighting based on Donnelly Penman & Partners' opinion of their relative
comparability and significance with regard to the specific characteristics of
the Company.
     In its analyses, Donnelly Penman & Partners made numerous assumptions with
respect to industry performance, business and economic conditions and other
matters, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. These assumptions
include: the expectation that interest rates will trend gradually upward through
2006 and remain constant thereafter; the expectation that general economic
conditions will neither deteriorate nor improve significantly relative to their
current state; the expectation that no significant industry regulations or
events that would impair the Company's ability to earn income at projected
levels will occur; and the expectation that industry trading and transaction
multiples will not change significantly from current values.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners deemed the comparable companies and transactions
to be comparable based on relevant asset size, relevant geography, relevant
industry and relevant time-frame criteria. The specifics of these criteria for
each type of analysis are displayed in the following table:

                                                             COMPARABLE ACQUISITION
--------                     ---------------------------     ----------------------
Asset Size:................  Between $150 and $250         Between $100 and $500
                             million                       million
Geography:.................  Located in MI, IN, KY or OH   Located in MI, IN, KY or OH
Industry:..................  Community Banks               Community Banks
Time Frame:................  Closing price as of           Transactions announced
                             11/16/2004, most other data   between 1/1/2002 and
                             as or 6/30/2004 or            11/16/2004


     No company or transaction is identical to the Company. Donnelly Penman &
Partners uses the criteria set discussed in the previous table to identify the
comparable trading companies and comparable target companies in a transaction
that are most similar to the Company. Donnelly Penman & Partners utilizes the
median multiple from the analysis to calculate the implied valuation. In order
to gather enough data points to calculate a meaning median, Donnelly Penman &
Partners will narrow or broaden its criteria until an appropriate number of
comparable companies and transactions are gathered.
     The following is a brief summary of the analyses performed by Donnelly
Penman & Partners in connection with its Opinion:
     - Analysis of Comparable Acquisition Transactions.  Donnelly Penman &
       Partners analyzed bank and thrift acquisition transactions announced
       and/or completed since January 1, 2002. Each selling bank or thrift had
       total assets between $100 and $500 million and was headquartered in
       Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky or Ohio. This analysis provided an
       approximate median multiple of 2.09 times price to book value, 2.111
       times price to tangible book value, 24.8 times last twelve months
       earnings per share and a premium to core deposit metric of 17.3%.
       Applying the median multiple for price to book value of 2.09 times to the
       Company's September 30, 2004 book value per share of $8.92 results in an
       implied value per share of $18.64 on a control, marketable basis. Using
       the same methodology, the value implied by applying the relevant multiple
       to the Company's tangible book value per share at September 30, 2004 of
       $8.92 was found to be $18.83 per share. Applying the median premium to
       core deposits of 17.3% to the Company's $79.6 million in core deposits as
       of September 30, 2004 resulted in a calculated value of $13.8 million.
       When added to the Company's book value of $18.4 million as of September
       30, 2004 and divided by the 2,062,138 shares outstanding at the same
       date, the result is an implied value per share of $15.60. Core deposits
       are defined as all deposits less CDs over $100,000 and brokered or
       network deposits.
       In this analysis, Donnelly Penman & Partners reviewed the following
       transactions, identified by buyer and seller: Park National
       Corporation/First Clermont Bank, Sky Financial Group, Inc./Prospect
       Bancshares, Inc., First Defiance Financial Corporation/Combanc Inc., Park
       National Corporation/ First Federal Bancorp, Inc., First Federal,
       MHC/Frankfort First Bancorp, Inc., WesBanco, Inc./ Western Ohio Financial
       Corporation, Lincoln Bancorp/First Shares Bancorp, Inc., First Citizens
       Banc Corporation/FNB Financial Corporation, Independent Bank
       Corporation/Midwest Guaranty Bancorp, Inc., Harrodsburg First Financial
       Bancorp, Inc./Independence Bancorp, Fentura Financial, Inc./West Michigan
       Financial Corporation, Chemical Financial Corporation/Caledonia Financial
       Corporation, Monarch Community Bancorp, Inc./MSB Financial Inc., Sky
       Financial Group, Inc./ GLB Bancorp, Inc., Citizens First Bancorp,
       Inc./Metro Bancorp, Inc., Standard Bancshares, Inc./ Security Financial
       Bancorp, Inc., First Southern Bancorp, Inc./South Central Bancshares,
       Inc., Wayne Bancorp, Inc./Banc Services Corporation, Peoples Bancorp,
       Inc./Kentucky Bancshares, Inc., MainSource Financial Group/First
       Community Bancshares, Inc., First Indiana Corporation/MetroBanCorp, First
       Merchants Corporation/CNBC Bancorp, and Charter One Financial,
       Inc./Charter National Bancorp, Inc.
       Donnelly Penman & Partners notes that no selling bank or thrift reviewed
       was identical to the Company and that, accordingly, any analysis of
       comparable transactions necessarily involves complex considerations and
       judgments concerning differences in financial and operating
       characteristics of the parties to the transactions being compared. In
       addition, Donnelly Penman & Partners considered the fact that the
       proposed transaction does not represent the sale of a control position
       and the values associated with the Analysis of Comparable Acquisition
       Transactions do include a control premium.
     - Analysis of Selected Comparable Companies.  Donnelly Penman & Partners
       compared selected operating results of the Company to a select group of
       publicly traded thrifts headquartered in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and
       Ohio. The comparable set had total assets of between $150 and $250
       million. Some companies meeting these criteria may have been eliminated
       based on lack of data as generated by SNL Financial -- the source for the
       comparable transactions data. The selected group had approximately the
       following median values: $160.4 million in total assets, $17.4 million in
       total equity, a Tier One risk-based capital ratio of 6.4%, last twelve
       months return on average assets of .71%,

       last twelve months return on average equity of 6.34% and a last twelve
       months efficiency ratio of 65.4%. This analysis provided valuation
       benchmarks including the median price multiples of 1.237 times book
       value, 1.241 times tangible book value and 19.2 times last twelve months
       earnings per share. Applying the median price to book value multiple to
       the Company's book value per share of $8.92 as of September 30, 2004
       resulted in an implied per share value of $11.03 on a marketable basis.
       Using the same methodology, the implied value provided by application of
       the relevant multiple to the Company's September 30, 2004 tangible book
       value of $8.92 was found to be $11.07. The implied value based on last
       twelve months earnings per share was not applicable because the Company's
       last twelve months earnings per share were negative.
       In this analysis, Donnelly Penman & Partners reviewed the following
       companies: 1st Independence Financial Group, Inc. (FIFG), AMB Financial
       Corporation (AMFC), ASB Financial Corporation (ASBP), Blue River
       Bancshares, Inc. (BRBI), City Savings Financial Corporation (CSFC), CKF
       Bancorp, Inc. (CKFB), Community Investors Bancorp, Inc. (CIBI), FFW
       Corporation (FFWC), Fidelity Federal Bancorp (FFED), Frankfort First
       Bancorp, Inc. (FKKY), HFS Bank, FSB (HFSK), Home Loans Financial
       Corporation (HLFC), Lawrence Financial Holdings, Inc. (LWFH),
       Mid-Southern Savings Bank, FSB (MSVB), Northeast Indiana Bancorp, Inc.
       (NEIB), Peoples Ohio Financial Corporation (POHF) and Peoples-Sidney
       Financial Corporation.
       No thrift used in the above analyses as a comparison is identical to the
       Company. Accordingly, an analysis of the results of the foregoing
       necessarily involves complex considerations and judgments concerning
       differences in financial and operating characteristics of the companies
       and other factors that could affect the trading values of the Company and
       the banks to which it is being compared.
     - Discounted Dividend Analysis.  Donnelly Penman & Partners prepared a
       discounted dividend stream analysis of the Company, which estimated the
       future after tax income that the Company might produce over a period from
       November 15, 2004 through December 31, 2008. These estimates were derived
       from discussions with and deemed reasonable by the Company's management
       team. The estimates assumed that the Company's net income would grow from
       ($1,245,609) in the year ended December 31, 2004 to $2,331,065 in the
       year ended December 31, 2008. This growth in net income is due to the
       acquisition of Reserve Mortgage Services, Inc. in October 2004 and
       balance sheet growth driven by commercial loan growth (subject to
       regulatory limitations of 400% of capital) and the deposits typically
       associated with those commercial customers.
       Donnelly Penman & Partners utilized the following material assumptions to
       produce its financial forecast from November 15, 2004 to December 31,
        - Loan growth ranged from 17.2% to 34.4% in the years ended December 31,
          2005 to 2008, with the majority of new loan growth coming from
          residential and commercial mortgage in 2005 and residential mortgage
          thereafter, which is primarily related to the activities of Reserve
          Mortgage Services.
        - Loan loss reserve was increased to 1.0% of total loans and charge offs
          were assumed to be .10% of average loans over the projection period.
        - Interest bearing deposits are projected to increase significantly in
          2005 due to the Company's expansion into high growth markets. The
          Company is assumed to rely primarily on FHLB Advances and to a lesser
          extent deposit growth to fund loan growth in 2006 and thereafter.
        - Yields and cost of borrowing throughout the projection period were
          assumed to be approximately the rates as of November, 2004.
        - Reserve Mortgage Services is expected to contributed approximately
          $2.75 million to non-interest income in 2005 and grow at 8%
          thereafter. Non-interest expense associated with Reserve Mortgage
          Services is projected to be $2.23 million in 2005.
        - Slight increases for non-interest income, which included Reserve
          Mortgage expenses, are projected after 2005 at a growth rate of 3%

        - Dividend payments throughout the projection period were assumed to be
          $.36 per share, which is consistent with historical dividend payments.
        - The effective tax rate was assumed to be 34%.
        The resulting dividends were then discounted to a present value using a
        discount rate of 10.5%, based on Ibbotson Associates'(1) build up method
        with an industry discount applicable to commercial banks. Based on the
        most recent Ibbotson's data the risk less rate is 4.8%, market risk
        premium is 7.0% and industry specific premium was -1.3%, resulting in a
        discount rate of 10.5%, which Donnelly Penman & Partners regards as
        appropriate given the nature of the Company, industry risk and general
        economic conditions. Donnelly Penman & Partners also estimated the
        residual value for the Company's common stock using an earning multiple
        of 19.2 times applied to projected 2008 net income of $2,331,065, which
        is an approximation derived from the analysis of price to earnings
        multiples in comparable publicly traded companies (see Analysis of
        Selected Comparable Companies). The discounted dividend analysis implied
        a value of $14.87 per share for the Company's common stock on a
        marketable basis. This analysis does not purport to be indicative of
        actual values or actual future results and does not purport to reflect
        the prices at which any securities may trade at the present or at any
        time in the future. Donnelly Penman & Partners included this analysis
        because it is a widely used valuation methodology, but noted that the
        results of such methodology are highly dependent upon the numerous
        assumptions that must be made, including earnings growth rates, dividend
        payout rates, terminal values and discount rates.
        Management projected revenue and costs budgets projecting ($1,245,609)
        net loss for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004 included the
        Company's performance thru October 31, 2004 and the following major
        assumptions for November and December 2004:
        - Commercial loan growth at approximately $3.0 million per month
        - Home equity line of credit growth at approximately $500,000 per month
        - Deposit growth at approximately $2.5 million per month
        - Market interest rates remaining constant at approximate October 31,
          2004 levels
        - Loan and deposit pricing levels remaining constant at approximate
          October 31, 2004 levels
        - Provision for loan losses projected at 1.60% of commercial loan
          portfolio growth
        - Noninterest income and expenses remain constant at current expected
        - Effective tax rate assumed to be 34%
     - Historical closing stock prices and trading volumes.  Donnelly Penman &
       Partners analyzed the quoted trades listed on Nasdaq(R) for the Company
       for varying historical periods. Donnelly Penman & Partners used a
       weighted average of the closing stock price quoted for a period of 30 and
       90 trading days and one calendar year. Only days in which the security
       actually traded were counted in the weighted average. For the past 30
       trading days, as of November 15, 2004, the historical weighted average
       price was $11.65 with a period volume of 100,533. For the past 90 trading
       days, as of November 15, the historical weighted average price was $12.14
       with a period volume of 221,623. For the past calendar year, as of
       November 15, 2004, the historical weighted average price was $13.42 with
       a period volume of 532,811. It should be noted that volume may reflect
       "double counting" due to both the buy and sell side of a transaction
       being counted. In addition, the prices and volumes displayed are per the
       trading information provided on the website and may not
       reflect all transactions that occurred over the aforementioned time
     - Net Book Value.  The net book value or net equity method implies that a
       company is worth its accumulated retained earnings, or deficit, plus its
       original capitalization. Net book value is primarily an
     (1) Ibbotson Associates, "Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation," Valuation
Edition 2003 Yearbook

       amount arrived at over a company's existence which reflects accounting
       history expressed in unadjusted dollars and not the company's potential.
       In most going concerns with a viable future it can be demonstrated that
       these companies would change hands for more than net book value. Book
       value is only of importance to the extent it provides an adequate base
       for the continuance of operations. In most instances where a company
       earns a significant return on its assets (both tangible and intangible),
       the net book value approach is not representative of the company's
       intrinsic business value. We have reviewed the book value of the
       Company's assets in limited detail and have found net book value to be
       $18.4 million or $8.92 per share as of September 30, 2004.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners typically applies either a marketability or
minority discount, or combination thereof, to value a minority share of a
relatively illiquid corporation on a comparable basis. No such discounts have
been applied to the Common Stock in this valuation. If such a discount were
applied, it would result in a valuation that would be significantly lower than
the assigned value. Donnelly Penman & Partners did not utilize a liquidation
analysis in part because, as with book value, in most instances where a company
earns a significant return on its assets (both tangible and intangible), the
liquidation value approach is not representative of the Company's intrinsic
business value. In addition, the purpose of the Opinion was to determine the
fair market value of the Common Stock, viewing the Company as a going concern.
The liquidation of the Company is not a method of valuation typically considered
when deriving fair market concern as a going concern for regulated financial
     Donnelly Penman & Partners' Opinion was directed to the Company's Board of
Directors and did not constitute a recommendation to the Company's Board of
Directors or the existing holders of Common Stock. Its Opinion is limited solely
to the value of the Common Stock as of November 15, 2004, given the relevant
market and Company specific information available at the present time, and the
fairness of the transaction from a financial point of view.
     On the basis of, and subject to the foregoing, Donnelly Penman & Partners
is of the opinion that, as of November 15, 2004, the fair market value of the
Common Stock was $14.04 per share. The Board determined to pay $14.50 for each
share of Common Stock that will be cashed out as a result of the transaction,
representing a 3.3% premium to the fair value of the Common Stock as of November
15, 2004. On November 18, 2004 Donnelly Penman & Partners issued an oral opinion
that the price of $14.50 per share to be paid to shareholders receiving cash as
a result of the Merger was fair from a financial point of view to those
shareholders as of such date, the date the Board of Directors adopted the
Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation and determined the $14.50 price
per share.
     Donnelly Penman & Partners does not utilize any premium analysis in its
valuation. Rather, it calculated the fair value of the Common Stock using
generally accepted valuation techniques excluding any discounts for minority
ownership or lack of marketability. Donnelly Penman & Partners is of the opinion
that this calculates a fair and full value to the shareholders. The Board
utilized this valuation as one tool to assist it in selecting a transaction
price, which was above the fair value as calculated by Donnelly Penman &
Partners. Therefore, Donnelly Penman & Partners states in its fairness opinion
that the price selected by the Board was fair to the shareholders. Donnelly
Penman & Partners utilized a weighted average of multiple valuation techniques
including comparable acquisitions, which typically yield a higher value because
of the control premium paid by the acquiring company. Although Donnelly Penman &
Partners considers price paid for control acquisitions to be a relevant factor,
it does not consider the implied valuation yielded by this technique to be the
only relevant factor, and therefore a weighted average or this and other
analyses is used to determine the fair value.
     The Company will make the Opinion available at its principal office in
Fairlawn, Ohio, during regular business hours until the date of the Special
Meeting for inspection and copying by any interested shareholder or
representative who has been so designated in writing. Additionally, the Opinion
will be attached as Exhibit C to the Company's Schedule 13-E3 filing dated
November 24, 2004. Donnelly Penman & Partners has given its consent to such
inspection and copying by shareholders who are making their investment decision.
Donnelly Penman & Partners has consented to the reproduction of its fairness
opinion in this Proxy Statement. Donnelly Penman & Partners has consented to
shareholders relying upon Donnelly Penman &

Partners' materials when making their investment decisions. However, such
materials do not constitute a recommendation by Donnelly Penman & Partners as to
how a shareholder should vote with respect to the Amendment to the Certificate
of Incorporation.
     The Board has declared advisable and has authorized and approved an
amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to effect a one-for-325 reverse
stock split of the Common Stock at the earliest practicable date. The text of
Article Fourth of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation, as proposed to be
amended to effect the reverse stock split, is included with this proxy statement
as Exhibit B.
     On the effective date of the reverse stock split, each 325 shares of Common
Stock will be converted automatically into one share of Common Stock. The
reverse stock split will be effective on the date specified in the amendment to
the Certificate of Incorporation as filed with the Secretary of State of the
State of Delaware; the effective date will be no later than March 31, 2005.
     The reverse stock split is structured to be a "going private" transaction
as defined in Rule 13e-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act, because it is
intended to terminate the Company's reporting requirements under Section 12(g)
of the Exchange Act. In connection with the reverse stock split, the Company
also has filed with the SEC a Rule 13e-3 Transaction Statement on Schedule
     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares is required to
approve the amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to effect the reverse
stock split.
     The Common Stock is registered under the Exchange Act and, accordingly, the
Company is a reporting company under the Exchange Act. The reverse stock split
is intended to reduce the number of holders of the Common Stock to fewer than
300, which would permit the Company to apply to the SEC to terminate the
registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act and thereby become a
private company. The Company intends to apply for termination of the Exchange
Act registration of the Common Stock, as soon as practicable after the effective
date of the reverse stock split.
     Conversion of Shares and Payment in Lieu of Fractional Shares.  The reverse
stock split will be effective upon the filing of an amendment to the Certificate
of Incorporation providing for the conversion and reclassification of each
outstanding share of the Common Stock into one three-hundred-twenty-fifth
(1/325) of a share of Common Stock. In the reverse stock split, you will receive
one share of common stock for each 325 shares you hold immediately prior to the
effective date of the reverse stock split. If the number of shares you hold
pre-split is greater than 325 and not evenly divisible by 325, your certificate
also will include a fractional share. If you hold fewer than 325 shares
pre-split, the fractional share to which you would otherwise be entitled as a
result of the split will not be issued, but you will receive instead a cash
payment from the Company equal to $14.50 per pre-split share. Thus, any
stockholder who owned fewer than 325 shares before the split will be cashed out
and no longer will be a stockholder of the Company.
     On the effective date of the reverse stock split, Stockholder A owns of
record 260 shares of the Common Stock. Using the ratio of one share of Common
Stock for each 325 shares owned immediately prior to the reverse stock split,
Stockholder A would be entitled to receive only 0.8 of a share of Common Stock
after the split. However, Stockholder A will not receive a certificate for the
0.8 share of Common Stock, but will instead receive a cash payment of $14.50 per
pre-split share for the fractional share. In this example,

Stockholder A would receive a cash payment of $3,770 (i.e., $14.50 for each of
the 260 pre-split shares not convertible into whole shares) and would no longer
be a stockholder of the Company.
     On the effective date of the reverse stock split, Stockholder B owns of
record 1,300 shares of Common Stock. Using the ratio of one share of Common
Stock for each 325 shares owned immediately prior to the reverse stock split,
Stockholder B would receive four shares of Common Stock after the split and
would continue to be a stockholder of the Company. If Stockholder B instead
owned 1,560 shares of Common Stock before the split, Stockholder B would receive
4.8 shares of Common Stock after the split, and would continue to be a
     Authorized Capital Stock Following the Reverse Stock Split Will Not
Change.  The amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation, a copy of which is
included with this proxy statement as Exhibit B, will not change the Company's
authorized capital stock. The Board currently has, and will continue to have,
authority to issue all authorized but unissued shares of capital stock at such
times and for such consideration as the Board determines. Other than the
issuance of shares of Common Stock upon exercise of outstanding options or other
rights, and, in connection with the 325-for-one forward stock split that the
Company will propose at some future date to the stockholders remaining after the
split, the Company has no plan to issue any shares of Common Stock. The
fractional shares purchased in the reverse stock split will be retired and will
not be reissued.
     There is no term or arrangement in the reverse stock split that treats any
stockholder of the Company differently from any other stockholder of the
Company, except that any stockholder who owns fewer than 325 shares of Common
Stock prior to the split will not be a stockholder of the Company following the
split and thus will not be entitled to vote as a stockholder or share in the
Company's assets, earnings or profits. No shares of Common Stock or other
securities of the Company will be purchased from any officer, director or other
affiliate of the Company or from any other stockholder who owns 325 or more
shares pre-split.
     Unaffiliated Stockholders.  No unaffiliated stockholder of the Company will
have any access to the corporate files of the Company, other than the reasonable
access provided by law to stockholders, and the Company will not pay the
expenses of legal counsel or an additional appraiser for any stockholder. A
majority of directors who are not employees of the Company have not retained an
unaffiliated representative to act solely on behalf of unaffiliated security
holders for purposes of negotiating the terms of the reverse stock split or
preparing a report concerning the fairness of the transaction. However, the
Board, which is comprised of seven directors, only one of whom is an employee of
the Company, unanimously authorized the independent directors to select an
independent valuation firm to determine the fairness of the price that will be
paid for fractional shares repurchased following the split.
     Effectiveness of the Reverse Stock Split.  On the effective date of the
reverse stock split, each certificate representing a share of Common Stock
outstanding immediately prior to the reverse stock split will be deemed, for all
corporate purposes and without any further action by any person, to evidence
ownership of the reduced number of shares of Common Stock resulting from the
split or the right to receive cash for a fractional share. Each stockholder who
owns fewer than 325 shares of record immediately prior to the reverse stock
split will not have any rights with respect to the Common Stock and will have
only the right to receive cash in lieu of the fractional share to which the
stockholder otherwise would be entitled.
     Exchange of Stock Certificates.  The Company will promptly file an
amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation with the Delaware Secretary of
State upon receipt of stockholder approval. The reverse stock split will be
effective on the date specified in the amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware; the
effective date will be no later than March 31, 2005. As soon as practicable
after the effective date of the split, the Company will (i) instruct the nominee
of any shares held in book-entry form to adjust the number of shares for each
holder to reflect the number of shares held after the split and (ii) send the
holder of any certificated shares a letter of transmittal that will provide
instructions for surrendering stock certificate(s) and obtaining new
certificates evidencing the number of shares of Common Stock, if any, to which
the holder is entitled as a result of the reverse stock split.

     If a certificate evidencing the ownership of Common Stock has been lost or
destroyed, the Company will accept a duly executed affidavit and indemnity
agreement of loss or destruction, in a form satisfactory to the Company, in lieu
of the lost or destroyed certificate. Additional instructions regarding lost or
destroyed stock certificates will be included in the letter of transmittal sent
to stockholders after the reverse stock split becomes effective.
     Except as described above with respect to lost stock certificates, there
will be no service charge or other cost payable by any stockholder in connection
with the exchange of a certificate or in connection with the receipt of cash in
lieu of a fractional share.
     The letter of transmittal will be sent to stockholders promptly after the
effective date of the reverse stock split. DO NOT SEND IN YOUR STOCK
     Payment for Fractional Shares.  If you are receiving cash for a fractional
share in a book-entry account, payment will be posted to your account by your
nominee upon receipt of payment from the Company. If you hold certificated
shares, instructions for receiving payment for any fractional shares will be
contained in the transmittal letter you receive soon after the effective date of
the reverse stock split.
     As soon as practicable after the effective date, the Company will send you
a letter of transmittal that will provide instructions for surrendering your
stock certificate(s) and obtaining certificates evidencing the shares of Common
Stock, if any, to which you are entitled as a result of the reverse stock split.
     Source of Funds and Expenses.  Approximately $1,295,000 will be required to
pay for the fractional shares of the Common Stock exchanged for cash in the
reverse stock split. The Company also will pay all expenses related to the
reverse stock split. These expenses are estimated to aggregate $128,000, as
follows: $25,000 for the costs of appraising the fair market value of the Common
Stock, $75,000 for legal fees, $5,000 for accounting fees; $10,000 for printing
costs; $8,500 for solicitation costs and $4,500 for other fees and expenses.
Funds required to implement the reverse stock split will come from working
     Following the reverse stock split, the Company's business will be conducted
in the same manner as presently conducted. The directors, officers and other
employees immediately prior to the reverse stock split will continue to be the
directors, officers and other employees after the reverse stock split. The
Certificate of Incorporation will be amended to effect the reverse stock split,
but the Certification of Incorporation and the Bylaws otherwise will remain in
effect following, and be unchanged by, the reverse stock split.
     The Company is not aware that any director, executive officer or affiliate
of the Company currently intends to sell any shares of Common Stock owned by
such person following the reverse stock split. Following the split, the Company
from time to time may receive inquiries regarding a possible sale of the
Company, the purchase of certain assets of the Company, an acquisition by the
Company or a merger or other business combination involving the Company. As of
the date of this proxy statement, the Company has not entered into any agreement
with respect to any such extraordinary corporate transaction, nor does the
Company have any understanding with any person regarding any such transaction.
However, the Company will continue to consider any inquiries received. It is
possible the Company may at some time engage in such a transaction, and any
continuing stockholder after the reverse stock split may receive consideration
for such stockholder's shares that is lower than, equal to or in excess of the
amount per share paid to a cashed-out stockholder in the reverse stock split.
     Under applicable Delaware law, the Board has a duty to act in the best
interest of the Company's stockholders. Accordingly, the Board reserves the
right to abandon the reverse stock split after stockholder approval and before
the effective time of the reverse stock split, if for any reason the Board
determines that, in the best interest of the Company's stockholders, it is not
advisable to proceed with the reverse stock split. The Board intends to complete
the reverse stock split if approved by the Company's stockholders, and the Board

unaware of any circumstance that would cause it to abandon the transaction,
other than (i) a significant increase in transaction costs resulting from
purchases of shares prior to the effective date of the split apparently made
solely for the purpose of receiving the premium to be paid to holders of fewer
than 325 shares or (ii) a determination that the approved split will not reduce
the number of stockholders of record to fewer than 300. If the cost of
repurchasing fractional shares exceeds $2 million, it is unlikely the Board will
complete the reverse stock split.
     If the reverse stock split were not implemented, the Common Stock would
continue to be quoted on Nasdaq(R), and the Company would continue to file
Exchange Act reports and be subject to the other provisions of the Exchange Act.
     Stockholders do not have appraisal rights under Delaware law, the
Certificate of Incorporation or the Company's Bylaws in connection with the
reverse stock split.
     The Common Stock is quoted on Nasdaq(R) under the trading symbol "GCFC."
The following table sets forth the high and low sales prices for the Common
Stock for the periods indicated, as reported by Nasdaq(R) for each quarter
during the period January 1, 2002 through September 30, 2004, and the dividends
paid each quarter during the same period. As of February 8, 2005 there were
2,225,987 outstanding shares of Common Stock and no shares of the Company's
preferred stock. The limited and sporadic trading of the Common Stock does not
constitute, nor should it be considered, an established public trading market
for the Common Stock.

QUARTER                                                       HIGH     LOW     DIVIDEND
-------                                                      ------   ------   --------
September 30...............................................  $15.22   $11.25    $0.09
June 30....................................................   18.00    12.35     0.09
March 31...................................................   16.10    12.99     0.09
December 31................................................  $16.18   $13.60    $0.09
September 30...............................................   14.00    10.70     0.09
June 30....................................................   13.13    10.49     0.09
March 31...................................................   11.03     9.28     0.09
December 31................................................  $10.00   $ 9.10    $0.09
September 30...............................................   10.79     9.01     0.09
June 30....................................................   11.36    10.25     0.09
March 31...................................................   11.00     9.65     0.09


                             PRIOR STOCK PURCHASES
     During fiscal years 2002 and 2003 and the first three fiscal quarters of
2004, the Company's purchase of the Common Stock by fiscal quarter were as

                                                    # SHARES      RANGE OF      AVERAGE
QUARTER ENDED                                       PURCHASED   PRICES PAID    PRICE PAID
-------------                                       ---------   ------------   ----------
September 30......................................        0                0          0
June 30...........................................        0                0          0
March 31..........................................   10,000     $      13.05     $13.05
December 31.......................................        0                0          0
September 30......................................        0                0          0
June 30...........................................        0                0          0
March 31..........................................        0                0          0
December 31.......................................        0                0          0
September 30......................................   37,385     $10.49-10.53     $10.50
June 30...........................................   59,025     $      11.03     $11.03
March 31..........................................        0                0          0

     On October 22, 2004, the Company completed its acquisition of Reserve
Mortgage Services, Inc. (formerly RJO Financial Services, Inc.), an Akron, Ohio
based company licensed as a mortgage banker in Ohio, Florida and Georgia and
founded by Richard J. O'Donnell ("Reserve"). The acquisition of Reserve was
effected by the merger between Reserve and a subsidiary of the Company, in which
Reserve was the surviving corporation. Richard J. O'Donnell and Kathy K.
Vidakovics were the only shareholders of Reserve prior to the merger. Mr.
O'Donnell continues to serve as President and Chief Operating Officer and Ms.
Vidakovics continues to serve as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of
Reserve following the acquisition. No other material relationship exists between
Mr. O'Donnell or Ms. Vidakovics and the Company or any of its affiliates, or
between Mr. O' Donnell or Ms. Vidakovics and any director or officer of the
Company, or any associate of any director or officer of the Company. The Company
paid an aggregate of 127,077 shares of Common Stock and $339,966 to the two
Reserve shareholders. Mr. O'Donnell received 123,077 shares, and Ms. Vidakovics
received the remaining 4,000 shares. Based on the average closing price of
$14.06 per share of Common Stock, during the week before and after the
announcement of the proposed acquisition on June 10, 2004, the value of the
acquisition was approximately $2.1 million. In connection with his service as an
officer of Reserve, Mr. O'Donnell also received an option to purchase 5,000
shares of Common Stock at the then current market value, and Ms. Vidakovics
received an option to purchase 10,000 shares at the same price.
     During the past five years, no director or executive officer of the Company
has been convicted in a criminal proceeding or was a party to any judicial or
administrative proceeding that resulted in (i) a judgment, decree or final order
enjoining the person from future violations of, or prohibiting activities
subject to, federal or state securities laws or (ii) a finding of any violation
of federal or state securities laws.
     Each director and executive officer of the Company is a citizen of the
United States of America.

     JEFFREY W. ALDRICH, a director since 1979, has been President and Chief
Executive Officer of Sterling China Co., a dishware manufacturing company, 511
112th Street, Wellsville, Ohio 43920, since November 1970.
     MARK S. ALLIO, a director since 2003, has been the Vice-Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of CFBank, 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio, 44333, since February 1,
2005; Mr. Allio was President and Chief Executive Officer of Quicken Loans/Rock
Bank, 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, Michigan 48152, from April 2003 to December
2004; from February 1987 to December 2002, Mr. Allio was President, Third
Federal Savings Bank, 7007 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio 44105.
     THOMAS P. ASH, a director since 1985, has been Superintendent of Schools,
Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, 1495 West Longview Avenue, Suite 202,
Mansfield, Ohio 44906, since January 2000; from August 1984 to December 1999,
Mr. Ash was Superintendent of Schools, East Liverpool City School District, 500
Maryland Avenue, East Liverpool, Ohio 43920.
     WILLIAM R. DOWNING, a director since 2003, has been President of R. H.
Downing, Inc., an automotive supply, sales and marketing agency, 738 West Market
Street, Akron, Ohio 44303, since June 1973.
     GERRY W. GRACE, a director since 1986, has been President of Grace
Services, Inc., a weed and pest control company, 715 North Meridian Road,
Youngstown, Ohio 44509, since April 1980. Mr. Grace also has served a Trustee of
Ellsworth Township, Ohio, since January 1976.
     DAVID C. VERNON, a director since 2003, has been Chairman of the Company
and CFBank, 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333, since January 2003, from
January 2003 to January 2005, he also served as Chief Executive Officer of the
Company and CF Bank; from March 2003 to January 2005, he also served as
President of the Company; from September 2002 to February 2003, Mr. Vernon was
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Founders Capital Corporation,
137 North Wheaton, Akron, Ohio 44313; from May 2000 to July 2002; from May 2000
to July 2002, he was a Strategic Planning Consultant to Westfield Bank, Two Park
Circle, Westfield, Ohio, 44251; from July 1999 to April 2002, he was a
Consultant to Champaign National Bank, 601 Scioto Street, Urbana, Ohio 43078;
and from April 1999 to February 2001, he was a consultant to First Federal
Savings and Loan of Warren (now known as First Place Bank), 185 East Market
Street, Warren, Ohio 44481. While serving as a Consultant to Champaign National
Bank, Mr. Vernon also served as a director and member of the Audit and
Compensation Committees of the bank's parent company, Futura Banc Corp. In
February 1999 Mr. Vernon retired as Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Summit Bank, a community bank he founded in January 1991.
     JERRY F. WHITMER, a director since 2003, has been a Partner of Brouse
McDowell, LPA, a law firm, 388 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44311, since 1971.
     DAVID C. VERNON (See information under "Directors" above.)
     THERESE A. LIUTKUS has been Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of
Central Federal Corporation and CFBank since November 2003; from October 1986 to
November 2002, Ms. Liutkus was employed by First Place Financial Corp. and its
subsidiary First Place Bank (formerly FFY Financial Corp. and FFY Bank,
respectively, prior to the merger with First Place in December 2000), 185 East
Market Street, Warren, Ohio 44481, serving as Internal Auditor and Compliance
Officer from October 1986 to January 1992, Accounting Manager from February 1992
to February 1996 and as Chief Financial Officer from March 1996 to November
     ELOISE L. MACKUS has been Senior Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary of the Company since July 2003; from May 2001 to July 2003, she served
as President of the Consulting Division of Mackus Company, Suite 108F, 3800
Rosemont Boulevard, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333; and from March 1994 to April 2001,

Ms. Mackus was employed by The J. M. Smucker Company, Strawberry Lane, Orrville,
Ohio 44667, serving from May 1999 to April 2001 as Vice President and General
Manager, International Markets, from September 1998 to April 1999 as Director,
International Markets and from March 1994 to August 1998 as Assistant General
     RICHARD J. O'DONNELL has been President and Chief Executive Officer,
Reserve Mortgage Services, Inc. (formerly RJO Financial Services, Inc.), 1730
Akron-Peninsula Road, Akron, Ohio 44313, since 1995. Reserve Mortgage Services,
Inc. was acquired by the Company in October 2004.
     RAYMOND E. HEH has been President and Chief Operating Officer, CF Bank,
2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333, since June 2003; and from January 1999 to
December 2002 he served as Regional President, Northeast Ohio, Bank One, NA, 50
South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308.
     R. PARKER MACDONELL has been President, Columbus Region, CF Bank, Suite
125, 4249 Easton Way, Columbus, Ohio 43219, since May 2003; and from October
1999 to October 2002 he served as Senior Vice President, Retail Market Manager,
Bank One Corporation (formerly Banc One Corporation), 1111 Polaris Parkway,
Columbus, Ohio 43271.
     Federal regulations require that all loans or extensions of credit to
executive officers and directors of insured financial institutions must be made
on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as
those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with the general
public, except for loans made pursuant to programs generally available to all
employees, and must not involve more than the normal risk of repayment or
present other unfavorable features. The Bank is therefore prohibited from making
any new loans or extensions of credit to executive officers and directors at
different rate or terms than those offered to the general public, except for
loans made pursuant to programs generally available to all employees, and has
adopted policy to this effect. In addition, loans made to a director or
executive officer in an amount that, when aggregated with the amount of all
other loans to such person and his or her related interests, are in excess of
the greater of $25,000 or 5% of the Bank's capital and surplus (up to a maximum
of $500,000) must be approved in advance by a majority of the disinterested
members of the Board of Directors. As of the date hereof, there are no loans
outstanding to any executive officer, director or related interest.
     Founders Capital Corporation, of which Mr. Vernon, the President and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company, was the founder, received a consulting fee of
$75,000 from the Company on January 24, 2003, prior to the date Mr. Vernon
became an officer of the Company.
     None of the Company's officers and directors, who collectively beneficially
own approximately 18.6% of the Common Stock, owns fewer than 325 shares.
Accordingly, no officer or director will receive any payment for fractional
shares. After the reverse stock split, the Company's executive officers and
directors will collectively beneficially own approximately 19.3% of the Common
Stock, and they will retain their positions in the Company. As a result of the
split, any executive officer or director owning 325 or more shares before the
split will increase his or her percentage of ownership of the Common Stock
without investing any additional money. However, every unaffiliated stockholder
who owns 325 or more shares pre-split will realize the same proportionate
increase in percentage of ownership as a result of the split.
                                STOCK OWNERSHIP
     The following table provides information as of December 31, 2004 regarding
persons known by the Company to be beneficial owners of more than 5% of the
outstanding Common Stock. A person may be

considered to beneficially own any shares of Common Stock over which the person
has, directly or indirectly, sole or shared voting or investment power.

                                                        AMOUNT AND NATURE    PERCENT OF
                                                          OF BENEFICIAL     COMMON STOCK
------------------------------------                    -----------------   ------------
CF Bank Employees' Savings & Profit Sharing Plan and
  Trust...............................................       118,402            5.4%
  2923 Smith Road
  Fairlawn, Ohio
Richard J. O'Donnell..................................       123,077            5.6%
  1730 Akron-Peninsula Road
  Akron, Ohio 44313

     The following table sets forth information as of December 31, 2004 with
respect to the number of shares of Common Stock considered to be owned by each
director of the Company, each executive officer of the Company who would be
named in a Summary Compensation Table required to be included in a proxy
statement for an annual meeting and by all directors and executive officers of
the Company as a group. A person may be considered to own any shares of Common
Stock over which the person has, directly or indirectly, sole or shared voting
or investment power.

                                                                 AMOUNT AND   PERCENT OF
                                                                 NATURE OF      COMMON
                                                                 BENEFICIAL      STOCK
NAME                                        TITLE                OWNERSHIP    OUTSTANDING
----                                        -----                ----------   -----------
David C. Vernon...............  Chairman of The Board              54,674(1)     2.5%
Mark S. Allio.................  Director; President and Chief      26,335(4)     1.2%
                                Executive Officer
Eloise L. Mackus..............  Senior Vice President, General      8,830(8)     0.4%
                                Counsel and Secretary
Therese A. Liutkus............  Chief Financial Officer and         4,500(9)     0.2%
Jeffrey W. Aldrich............  Director                           33,572(2)     1.5%
Thomas P. Ash.................  Director                           33,572(3)     1.5%
William R. Downing............  Director                           17,692(5)     0.8%
Gerry W. Grace................  Director                           43,572(3)     2.0%
Jerry F. Whitmer..............  Director                            6,500(4)     0.3%
Richard J. O'Donnell..........  President and Chief Executive     123,077        5.6%
                                Officer, Reserve Mortgage
                                Services, Inc.
Raymond E. Heh................  President and Chief Operating      10,000(6)     0.5%
                                Officer, CF Bank
R. Parker MacDonell...........  President, Columbus Region, CF     55,336(7)     2.5%
All directors and executive                                       417,660(10)   18.6%
  officers as a group (12

 (1) Includes (i) 13,325 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which he may
     provide voting recommendations, (ii) 13,887 shares which may be acquired by
     exercising stock options within 60 days and (iii) 412 shares owned by
     Catherine Vernon, Mr. Vernon's spouse.
 (2) Includes (i) 9,694 shares which may be acquired by exercising stock options
     within 60 days and (ii) 23,104 shares owned by Jean Aldrich, Mr. Aldrich's

 (3) Includes 9,694 shares which may be acquired by exercising stock options
     within 60 days.
 (4) Includes 1,000 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity compensation
     plans which have not yet vested, but as to which he may provide voting
 (5) Includes (i) 1,000 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which he may
     provide voting recommendations and (ii) 16,192 shares owned by R.H.
     Downing, Inc., which is 100% owned by Mr. Downing.
 (6) Includes (i) 4,000 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which he may
     provide voting recommendations, and (ii) 4,000 shares which may be acquired
     by exercising stock options within 60 days.
 (7) Includes (i) 6,000 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which he may
     provide voting recommendations, and (ii) 4,665 shares which may be acquired
     by exercising stock options within 60 days.
 (8) Includes (i) 3,500 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which she may
     provide voting recommendations, and (ii) 2,330 shares which may be acquired
     by exercising stock options within 60 days.
 (9) Includes 4,500 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity compensation
     plans which have not yet vested, but as to which she may provide voting
(10) Includes (i) 34,325 shares awarded pursuant to the Company's equity
     compensation plans which have not yet vested, but as to which they may
     provide voting recommendations, and (ii) 53,964 shares which may be
     acquired by exercising stock options within 60 days.
     The following table sets forth information about Company common stock that
may be issued upon exercise of options, warrants and rights under all of the
Company's equity compensation plans as of November 15, 2004.

                          NUMBER OF SECURITIES TO
                              BE ISSUED UPON          WEIGHTED-AVERAGE         NUMBER OF SECURITIES
-------------             -----------------------   --------------------   ----------------------------
Equity compensation
  plans approved by
  stockholders..........          256,536                  $11.32                     14,474
Equity compensation
  plans not approved by
  stockholders..........               --                      --                         --
                                  -------                  ------                    -------
Total...................          256,536                  $11.32                     14,474
                                  =======                  ======                    =======

                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION
     Set forth following page 34 below are financial statements of the Company
for its fiscal years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the nine-month period
ended September 30, 2004. These financial statements should be read together
with the accompanying notes. After the financial statements, you will find pro
forma information disclosing the effect of the transaction on certain items
included in the Company's financial statements for its most recent fiscal year
and latest interim period.
                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
     As provided in the proxy statement for the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders held on April 20, 2004, the deadline for inclusion of stockholder
proposals in the proxy materials for the 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders was
November 15, 2004. If the Exchange Act registration of the Common Stock is not

terminated for any reason, including a decision by the Board to abandon the
Transaction, the deadline for inclusion of stockholder proposals in the proxy
materials for the 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be specified in the
proxy materials for the 2005 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
     The Company files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy statements
and other information with the SEC. You may read and copy any reports,
statements or other information that the Company has filed at the SEC's public
reference room in Washington, D.C. Please call the SEC at 1.800.SEC.0330 for
further information on the public reference rooms. The Company's SEC filings
also are available to the public from commercial document retrieval services and
at the website maintained by the SEC at
                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                          Eloise L. Mackus
                                          Eloise L. Mackus
                                          Corporate Secretary
Fairlawn, Ohio
February 11, 2005

                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Central Federal Corporation
Wellsville, Ohio
     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Central
Federal Corporation as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 and the related
consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholders' equity and cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2003. These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
     We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.
     In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Central
Federal Corporation as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 and the results of its
operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 2003, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States of America.
                                          /S/ CROW CHIZEK AND COMPANY LLC
                                          Crowe Chizek and Company LLC
Cleveland, Ohio
February 12, 2004

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           DECEMBER 31, 2003 AND 2002

                                                                 2003         2002
                                                              ----------   ----------
                                                               (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS
                                                              EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Cash and cash equivalents...................................   $  8,936     $ 12,861
Interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions...      1,587        7,205
Securities available for sale...............................     27,126        1,439
Securities held to maturity (fair value 2002 -- $18,169)....         --       17,822
Loans held for sale.........................................        106           --
Loans, net of allowance of $415 and $361....................     58,024       62,565
Federal Home Loan Bank stock................................      3,626        3,485
Loan servicing rights.......................................        221          200
Foreclosed assets, net......................................        193            2
Premises and equipment, net.................................      1,932          833
Bank owned life insurance...................................      3,256        3,068
Accrued interest receivable.................................        487          403
Other assets................................................      1,517          668
                                                               --------     --------
                                                               $107,011     $110,551
                                                               ========     ========

  Non-interest bearing......................................   $  2,457     $  1,396
  Interest bearing..........................................     70,901       73,294
                                                               --------     --------
     Total deposits.........................................     73,358       74,690
Federal Home Loan Bank advances.............................      7,500       11,430
Loan payable................................................         --        4,900
Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance...............        207          448
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities..............        935        1,500
Subordinated debentures.....................................      5,155           --
                                                               --------     --------
     Total liabilities......................................     87,155       92,968
Shareholders' equity
  Preferred stock, 1,000,000 shares authorized; none
     issued.................................................         --           --
  Common stock, $.01 par value; 6,000,000 shares authorized;
     2003 -- 2,280,020 shares issued, 2002 -- 1,938,871
     shares issued..........................................         23           19
  Additional paid-in capital................................     11,845        8,306
  Retained earnings.........................................     10,997       14,085
  Accumulated other comprehensive income....................        201           28
  Unearned Employee Stock Ownership Plan shares.............         --       (1,425)
  Unearned stock based incentive plan shares................       (357)        (160)
  Treasury stock, at cost (2003 -- 255,648 shares,
     2002 -- 292,950 shares)................................     (2,853)      (3,270)
                                                               --------     --------
     Total shareholders' equity.............................     19,856       17,583
                                                               --------     --------
                                                               $107,011     $110,551
                                                               ========     ========

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                 2003        2002        2001
                                                              ----------   ---------   ---------
                                                               (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER
                                                                         SHARE DATA)
Interest and dividend income
  Loans, including fees.....................................   $ 4,203      $5,255      $6,685
  Taxable securities........................................       934       1,518       2,481
  Tax exempt securities.....................................         5          --          --
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividends....................       141         157         215
  Federal funds sold and other..............................       152         137         207
                                                               -------      ------      ------
                                                                 5,435       7,067       9,588
Interest expense
  Deposits..................................................     1,570       2,501       3,236
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other debt............     1,940         961       2,063
  Subordinated debentures...................................        11          --          --
                                                               -------      ------      ------
                                                                 3,521       3,462       5,299
                                                               -------      ------      ------
Net interest income.........................................     1,914       3,605       4,289
Provision for loan losses...................................       102          19          62
                                                               -------      ------      ------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses.........     1,812       3,586       4,227
Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit accounts.......................       165         130         174
  Net gain (loss) on sales of loans.........................       429         313         (63)
  Loan servicing fees.......................................        73          58          22
  Net gains on sales of securities..........................        42          16          15
  Earnings on bank owned life insurance.....................       188          68          --
  Other.....................................................        33          30          36
                                                               -------      ------      ------
                                                                   930         615         184
Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits............................     3,549       1,713       1,758
  Occupancy and equipment...................................       224          96         105
  Data processing...........................................       246         196         200
  Franchise taxes...........................................       301         287         309
  Professional fees.........................................       673         212         163
  Director fees.............................................       119          84          81
  Supplies..................................................       173         101          86
  Loan expenses.............................................        91         143         130
  Foreclosed assets, net....................................        14         (34)          4
  Depreciation and amortization.............................       350         194         154
  Branch closing expense....................................        --          --         154
  Other.....................................................       364         222         357
                                                               -------      ------      ------
                                                                 6,104       3,214       3,501
                                                               -------      ------      ------
Income (loss) before income taxes...........................    (3,362)        987         910
Income tax expense (benefit)................................      (988)        313         312
                                                               -------      ------      ------
Net income (loss)...........................................   $(2,374)     $  674      $  598
                                                               =======      ======      ======
Earnings (loss) per share:
  Basic.....................................................   $ (1.31)     $ 0.44      $ 0.38
  Diluted...................................................     (1.28)       0.43        0.38

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                 2003       2002      2001
                                                              ----------   -------   -------
                                                               (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT
                                                                     PER SHARE DATA)
Net income (loss)...........................................   $(2,374)     $674      $598
Change in net unrealized gain (loss) on securities available
  for sale..................................................      (154)       34        17
Less: Reclassification adjustment for gains and losses later
  recognized in net income..................................        42        16        15
                                                               -------      ----      ----
Net unrealized gains and (losses)...........................      (196)       18         2
Unrealized gain on securities transferred from held to
  maturity to available for sale............................       458        --        --
Tax effect..................................................       (89)       (6)       (1)
                                                               -------      ----      ----
Other comprehensive income..................................       173        12         1
                                                               -------      ----      ----
Comprehensive income (loss).................................   $(2,201)     $686      $599
                                                               =======      ====      ====

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                               UNEARNED    UNEARNED
                                                                               EMPLOYEE      STOCK
                                                                ACCUMULATED      STOCK       BASED
                                       ADDITIONAL                  OTHER       OWNERSHIP   INCENTIVE                  TOTAL
                              COMMON    PAID-IN     RETAINED   COMPREHENSIVE     PLAN        PLAN      TREASURY   SHAREHOLDERS'
                              STOCK     CAPITAL     EARNINGS      INCOME        SHARES      SHARES      STOCK        EQUITY
                              ------   ----------   --------   -------------   ---------   ---------   --------   -------------
                                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Balance at January 1,
  2001......................   $19      $ 8,322     $13,846        $ 15         $(1,853)    $  (365)   $(2,151)      $17,833
Comprehensive income:
Net income..................                            598                                                              598
Other comprehensive
  income....................                                          1                                                    1
  Total comprehensive
    income..................                                                                                             599
Commitment to release 18,864
  employee stock ownership
  plan shares...............                (12)                                    202                                  190
Release of 15,516 stock
  based incentive plan
  shares....................                                                                     95                       95
Purchase of 7,500 shares of
  treasury stock............                                                                                75           (75)
Cash dividends declared
  ($.31 per share)..........                           (482)                                                            (482)
                               ---      -------     -------        ----         -------     -------    -------       -------
Balance at December 31,
  2001......................    19        8,310      13,962          16          (1,651)       (270)    (2,226)       18,160
Comprehensive income:
Net income..................                            674                                                              674
Other comprehensive
  income....................                                         12                                                   12
............................                                                                                         -------
  Total comprehensive                                                                                                    686
Commitment to release 21,588
  employee stock ownership                   (4)                                    226                                  222
  plan shares...............
Release of 15,516 stock
  based incentive plan                                                                          110                      110
Purchase of 96,410 shares of                                                                            (1,044)       (1,044)
  treasury stock............
Cash dividends declared                                (551)                                                            (551)
  ($.36 per share)..........
                               ---      -------     -------        ----         -------     -------    -------       -------
Balance at December 31,         19        8,306      14,085          28          (1,425)       (160)    (3,270)       17,583
Comprehensive income:
                                                     (2,374)                                                          (2,374)
Net income (loss)...........
Other comprehensive                                                 173                                                  173
............................                                                                                         -------
  Total comprehensive                                                                                                 (2,201)
Issuance of common stock in
  private placement, net of
  offering costs of $64          3        3,116                                                                        3,119
Issuance of stock based
  incentive plan shares          1          337                                                (338)                      --
Sale of employee stock
  ownership plan shares at
  plan termination (81,000                  125                                     748                                  873
Final allocation of employee
  stock ownership plan
  shares at plan termination                (39)                                    677                                  638
Release of 16,002 stock
  based incentive plan                                                                          141                      141
Stock options exercised                                 (72)                                               417           345
Tax benefits from stock                                  47                                                               47
  options exercised.........
Cash dividends declared                                (689)                                                            (689)
  ($.36 per share)..........
                               ---      -------     -------        ----         -------     -------    -------       -------
Balance at December 31,        $23      $11,845     $10,997        $201         $    --     $  (357)   $(2,853)      $19,856
                               ===      =======     =======        ====         =======     =======    =======       =======

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002 AND 2001

                                                               2003       2002       2001
                                                              -------   --------   --------
                                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT
                                                                     PER SHARE DATA)
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss)...........................................  $(2,374)  $    674   $    598
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
  Provision for loan losses.................................      102         19         62
  Valuation loss on mortgage servicing rights...............       56         --         --
  Depreciation and amortization.............................      108        118        101
  Net amortization of securities............................       63        (51)      (131)
  Net gain on sales of securities...........................      (42)       (16)       (15)
  Loss on disposal of premises and equipment................       50         --         --
  Write-down of assets from branch closing..................       --         --        154
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividend.....................     (141)      (157)      (215)
  ESOP expense..............................................      638        222        190
  SBIP expense..............................................      141        110         95
  Earnings on bank owned life insurance.....................     (188)       (68)        --
  Net change in:
    Loans held for sale.....................................     (106)     8,221     (8,221)
    Accrued interest receivable.............................      (84)       127        576
    Other assets............................................   (1,021)      (195)      (120)
    Accrued interest payable and other liabilities..........     (600)       865       (303)
                                                              -------   --------   --------
      Net cash from operating activities....................   (3,398)     9,869     (7,229)
Cash flows from investing activities
  Net change in interest bearing deposits...................    5,618       (199)        (6)
  Available-for-sale securities:
    Sales...................................................    3,078        386        245
    Maturities, prepayments and calls.......................   28,968        594      1,077
    Purchases...............................................  (46,914)      (290)      (233)
  Held-to-maturity securities:
    Maturities, prepayments and calls.......................    7,201     27,056     12,493
    Purchases...............................................       --    (21,508)        --
  Loan originations and payments, net.......................    4,434      8,010     15,676
  Additions to premises and equipment.......................   (1,326)      (127)       (10)
  Purchase of bank owned life insurance.....................       --     (3,000)        --
  Cash received in repayment of ESOP loan...................      853         --         --
                                                              -------   --------   --------
      Net cash from investing activities....................    1,912     10,922     29,242
Cash flows from financing activities
  Net change in deposits....................................   (1,332)    (1,478)     2,171
  Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other
    debt....................................................    7,500         --     49,320
  Repayments on Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other
    debt....................................................  (16,330)    (9,063)   (71,463)
  Net change in advances by borrowers for taxes and
    insurance...............................................     (241)      (123)       (85)
  Proceeds from subordinated debentures.....................    5,155         --         --
  Cash dividends paid.......................................     (655)      (551)      (482)
  Proceeds from private placement...........................    3,119         --         --
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options...................      345         --         --
  Repurchase of common stock................................       --     (1,044)       (75)
                                                              -------   --------   --------
      Net cash from financing activities....................   (2,439)   (12,259)   (20,614)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents.....................   (3,925)     8,532      1,399
Beginning cash and cash equivalents.........................   12,861      4,329      2,930
                                                              -------   --------   --------
Ending cash and cash equivalents............................  $ 8,936   $ 12,861   $  4,329
                                                              =======   ========   ========
Supplemental cash flow information:
  Interest paid.............................................  $ 3,519   $  3,495   $  5,852
  Income taxes paid.........................................      106        160        226
Supplemental noncash disclosures:
  Transfer of securities from held to maturity to available
    for sale................................................  $10,533   $     --   $     --
  Transfers from loans to repossessed assets................      193         --        145

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Nature of Operations and Principles of Consolidation:  The consolidated
financial statements include Central Federal Corporation and its wholly-owned
subsidiary, Central Federal Bank, together referred to as "the Company."
Intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation.
     The Company provides financial services through its offices in Wellsville,
Fairlawn and Columbus, Ohio. Its primary deposit products are checking, savings,
and term certificate accounts, and its primary lending products are residential
mortgage, commercial, and installment loans. Substantially all loans are secured
by specific items of collateral including business assets, consumer assets, and
commercial and residential real estate. Commercial loans are expected to be
repaid from cash flow from operations of businesses. Other financial
instruments, which potentially represent concentrations of credit risk, include
deposit accounts in other financial institutions.
     Use of Estimates:  To prepare financial statements in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America,
Management makes estimates and assumptions based on available information. These
estimates and assumptions affect the amounts reported in the financial
statements and the disclosures provided, and actual results could differ. The
allowance for loan losses, loan servicing rights, and fair values of financial
instruments are particularly subject to change.
     Cash Flows:  Cash and cash equivalents include cash and deposits with other
financial institutions under 90 days. Net cash flows are reported for loan and
deposit transactions.
     Securities:  Debt securities are classified as held to maturity and carried
at amortized cost when Management has the positive intent and ability to hold
them to maturity. Debt securities are classified as available for sale when they
might be sold before maturity. Equity securities with readily determinable fair
values are classified as available for sale. Securities available for sale are
carried at fair value, with unrealized holding gains and losses reported in
other comprehensive income. Trading securities are carried at fair value, with
changes in unrealized holding gains and losses included in income. Other
securities such as Federal Home Loan Bank stock are carried at cost.
     Interest income includes amortization of purchase premium or discount.
Gains and losses on sales are based on the amortized cost of the security sold.
Securities are written down to fair value when a decline in fair value is not
     Loans Held for Sale:  Loans originated and intended for sale in the
secondary market are carried at the lower of cost or market in the aggregate.
Net unrealized losses, if any, are recorded as a valuation allowance and charged
to earnings.
     Loans:  Loans that Management has the intent and ability to hold for the
foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff are reported at the principal
balance outstanding, net of unearned interest, deferred loan fees and costs, and
an allowance for loan losses. Interest income is reported on the interest method
and includes amortization of net deferred loan fees and costs over the loan
term. Interest income on mortgage and commercial loans is discontinued at the
time the loan is 90 days delinquent unless the loan is well-secured and in
process of collection. Consumer and credit card loans are typically charged off
no later than 180 days past due. In all cases, loans are placed on nonaccrual or
charged-off at an earlier date if collection of principal or interest is
considered doubtful.
     All interest accrued but not received for loans placed on nonaccrual is
reversed against interest income. Interest received on such loans is accounted
for on the cash-basis or cost-recovery method, until qualifying for return to
accrual. Loans are returned to accrual status when all the principal and
interest amounts contractually due are brought current and future payments are
reasonably assured.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Allowance for Loan Losses:  The allowance for loan losses is a valuation
allowance for probable incurred credit losses. Loan losses are charged against
the allowance when Management believes the uncollectibility of a loan balance is
confirmed. Subsequent recoveries, if any, are credited to the allowance.
Management estimates the allowance balance required using past loan loss
experience, the nature and volume of the portfolio, information about specific
borrower situations and estimated collateral values, economic conditions, and
other factors. Allocations of the allowance may be made for specific loans, but
the entire allowance is available for any loan that, in Management's judgment,
should be charged-off.
     The allowance consists of specific and general components. The specific
component relates to loans that are individually classified as impaired or loans
otherwise classified as substandard or doubtful. The general component covers
non-classified loans and is based on historical loss experience adjusted for
current factors.
     A loan is impaired when full payment under the loan terms is not expected.
Commercial and commercial real estate loans are individually evaluated for
impairment. If a loan is impaired, a portion of the allowance is allocated so
that the loan is reported, net, at the present value of estimated future cash
flows using the loan's existing rate or at the fair value of collateral if
repayment is expected solely from the collateral. Large groups of smaller
balance homogeneous loans, such as consumer and residential real estate loans,
are collectively evaluated for impairment, and accordingly, they are not
separately identified for impairment disclosures.
     Servicing Rights:  Servicing rights represent the allocated value of
retained servicing rights on loans sold and the cost of purchased rights.
Servicing assets are expensed in proportion to, and over the period of,
estimated net servicing revenues. Impairment is evaluated based on the fair
value of the assets, using groupings of the underlying loans as to interest
rates and then, secondarily, as to geographic and prepayment characteristics.
Fair value is determined using prices for similar assets with similar
characteristics, when available, or based upon discounted cash flows using
market-based assumptions. Any impairment of a grouping is reported as a
valuation allowance, to the extent that fair value is less than the capitalized
amount for a grouping.
     Foreclosed Assets:  Assets acquired through or instead of loan foreclosure
are initially recorded at fair value when acquired, establishing a new cost
basis. If fair value declines subsequent to foreclosure, a valuation allowance
is recorded through expense. Costs after acquisition are expensed.
     Premises and Equipment:  Land is carried at cost. Premises and equipment
are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Buildings and related
components are depreciated using the straight-line method with useful lives
ranging from 7 to 40 years. Furniture, fixtures and equipment are depreciated
using the straight-line method with useful lives ranging from 3 to 25 years.
Leasehold improvements are amortized over the lives of the respective leases.
     Bank Owned Life Insurance:  The Company has purchased life insurance
policies on certain key executives. Bank owned life insurance is recorded at its
cash surrender value, or the amount that can be realized.
     Long-term Assets:  Premises and equipment and other long-term assets are
reviewed for impairment when events indicate their carrying amount may not be
recoverable from future undiscounted cash flows. If impaired, the assets are
recorded at fair value.
     Loan Commitments and Related Financial Instruments:  Financial instruments
include off-balance-sheet credit instruments, such as commitments to make loans
and commercial letters of credit, issued to meet customer financing needs. The
face amount for these items represents the exposure to loss, before considering
customer collateral or ability to repay. Such financial instruments are recorded
when they are funded. Instruments, such as standby letters of credit, that are
considered financial guarantees in accordance with Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No. 45 are recorded at fair value.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Stock Compensation:  Employee compensation expense under stock options is
reported using the intrinsic value method. No stock-based compensation cost is
reflected in net income, as all options granted had an exercise price equal to
or greater than the market price of the underlying common stock at date of
grant. The following table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings per
share if expense was measured using the fair value recognition provisions of
FASB Statement No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation.

                                                               2003     2002    2001
                                                              -------   -----   -----
Net income (loss) as reported...............................  $(2,374)  $ 674   $ 598
Deduct: Stock-based compensation expense determined under
  fair value based method...................................      175     121     121
                                                              -------   -----   -----
Pro forma net income (loss).................................  $(2,549)  $ 553   $ 477
                                                              =======   =====   =====
Basic earnings (loss) per share as reported.................  $ (1.31)  $0.44   $0.38
Pro forma basic earnings (loss) per share...................    (1.40)   0.36    0.30
Diluted earnings (loss) per share as reported...............  $ (1.28)  $0.43   $0.38
Pro forma diluted earnings (loss) per share.................    (1.37)   0.35    0.30

     The pro forma effects are computed using option pricing models, using the
following weighted-average assumptions as of grant date.

Risk-free interest rate.....................................           2.96%
Expected option life........................................      5.9 years
Expected stock price volatility.............................             44%
Dividend yield..............................................           3.13%

     Income Taxes:  Income tax expense is the total of the current year income
tax due or refundable and the change in deferred tax assets and liabilities.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are the expected future tax amounts for the
temporary differences between carrying amounts and tax bases of assets and
liabilities, computed using enacted tax rates. A valuation allowance, if needed,
reduces deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
     Employee Stock Ownership Plan:  The cost of shares issued to the ESOP, but
not yet allocated to participants, is shown as a reduction of shareholders'
equity. Compensation expense is based on the market price of shares as they are
committed to be released to participant accounts. Dividends on allocated ESOP
shares reduce retained earnings; dividends on unearned ESOP shares reduce debt
and accrued interest. See Note 9 -- ESOP Plan for information regarding
termination of this plan in 2003.
     Earnings Per Common Share:  Basic earnings per common share is net income
divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the
period. ESOP shares are considered outstanding for this calculation unless
unearned. Stock based incentive plan shares are considered outstanding as they
are earned over the vesting period. Diluted earnings per common share includes
the dilutive effect of stock based incentive plan shares and additional
potential common shares issuable under stock options.
     Comprehensive Income:  Comprehensive income consists of net income and
other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income includes unrealized gains
and losses on securities available for sale, which are also recognized as a
separate component of equity.
     Adoption of New Accounting Standards:  During 2003, the Company adopted
FASB Interpretation 45, Guarantor's Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for
Guarantees, and FASB Interpretation 46, Consoli-

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
dation of Variable Interest Entities. Adoption of the new standards did not
materially affect the Company's operating results or financial condition.
     Interpretation 45 requires recognizing the fair value of guarantees made
and information about the maximum potential payments that might be required, as
well as the collateral or other recourse obtainable. Interpretation 45 covers
guarantees such as standby letters of credit, performance guarantees, and direct
or indirect guarantees of the indebtedness of others, but not guarantees of
     Interpretation 46, as revised in December 2003, changes the accounting
model for consolidation from one based on consideration of control through
voting interests. Whether to consolidate an entity will now also consider
whether that entity has sufficient equity at risk to enable it to operate
without additional financial support, whether the equity owners in that entity
lack the obligation to absorb expected losses or the right to receive residual
returns of the entity, or whether voting rights in the entity are not
proportional to the equity interest and substantially all the entity's
activities are conducted for an investor with few voting rights. The Company
owns a 100% interest in a trust formed by the Company in 2003. Under this new
accounting guidance, the trust is not consolidated with the Company.
     Loss Contingencies:  Loss contingencies, including claims and legal actions
arising in the ordinary course of business, are recorded as liabilities when the
likelihood of loss is probable and an amount or range of loss can be reasonably
estimated. Management does not believe there now are such matters that will have
a material effect on the financial statements.
     Restrictions on Cash:  Cash on hand or on deposit with the Federal Reserve
Bank of $300 and $148 was required to meet regulatory reserve and clearing
requirements at year-end 2003 and 2002. These balances do not earn interest.
     Dividend Restriction:  Banking regulations require maintaining certain
capital levels and may limit the dividends paid by the bank to the holding
company or by the holding company to shareholders.
     Fair Value of Financial Instruments:  Fair values of financial instruments
are estimated using relevant market information and other assumptions, as more
fully disclosed in a separate note. Fair value estimates involve uncertainties
and matters of significant judgment regarding interest rates, credit risk,
prepayments, and other factors, especially in the absence of broad markets for
particular items. Changes in assumptions or in market conditions could
significantly affect the estimates.
     Operating Segments:  While the chief decision-makers monitor the revenue
streams of the various products and services, the identifiable segments are not
material and operations are managed and financial performance is evaluated on a
Company-wide basis. Accordingly, all of the financial service operations are
considered by Management to be aggregated in one reportable operating segment.
     Reclassifications:  Some items in the prior year financial statements were
reclassified to conform to the current presentation.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     The fair value of available for sale securities and the related gross
unrealized gains and losses recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income
(loss) were as follows:

                                                                    GROSS        GROSS
                                                         FAIR     UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED
                                                         VALUE      GAINS        LOSSES
                                                        -------   ----------   ----------
Federal agency........................................  $12,759      $  8        $  (4)
State and municipal...................................    1,375         5           --
Mortgage-backed.......................................   12,992       400         (105)
                                                        -------      ----        -----
  Total...............................................  $27,126      $413        $(109)
                                                        =======      ====        =====
Mortgage-backed.......................................  $ 1,439      $ 45        $  (1)
                                                        -------      ----        -----
  Total...............................................  $ 1,439      $ 45        $  (1)
                                                        =======      ====        =====

     The carrying amount, unrecognized gains and losses, and fair value of
securities held to maturity were as follows:

                                                                 GROSS          GROSS
                                                   CARRYING   UNRECOGNIZED   UNRECOGNIZED    FAIR
                                                    AMOUNT       GAINS          LOSSES       VALUE
                                                   --------   ------------   ------------   -------
U.S. Government and federal agency...............  $ 2,527        $ 30           $--        $ 2,557
Corporate........................................    1,996          --            --          1,996
Mortgage-backed..................................   13,299         322            (5)        13,616
                                                   -------        ----           ---        -------
  Total..........................................  $17,822        $352           $(5)       $18,169
                                                   =======        ====           ===        =======

     Sales of available for sale securities were as follows:

                                                               2003    2002   2001
                                                              ------   ----   ----
Proceeds....................................................  $3,078   $386   $245
Gross gains.................................................      42     16     15

     The fair value of debt securities at year-end 2003 by contractual maturity
were as follows. Securities not due at a single maturity date, primarily
mortgage-backed securities, are shown separately.

                                                               FOR SALE
Due in one year or less.....................................    $   503
Due from one to five years..................................     12,256
Due from five to ten years..................................        400
Due after ten years.........................................        975
Mortgage-backed.............................................     12,992
  Total.....................................................    $27,126

     At year-end 2003 and 2002, there were no holdings of securities of any one
issuer, other than the U.S. Government and its agencies, in an amount greater
than 10% of shareholders' equity.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Securities with unrealized losses at year-end 2003 not recognized in income
are as follows:

                                         LESS THAN 12 MONTHS     12 MONTHS OR MORE             TOTAL
                                       -----------------------   ------------------   -----------------------
                                                    UNREALIZED   FAIR    UNREALIZED                UNREALIZED
-------------------------              ----------   ----------   -----   ----------   ----------   ----------
Federal agency.......................    $4,026        $  4      $ --      $  --        $4,026        $  4
Mortgage-backed......................     4,021         105        --         --         4,021         105
                                         ------        ----      -----     -----        ------        ----
Total temporarily impaired...........    $8,047        $109      $ --      $  --        $8,047        $109
                                         ======        ====      =====     =====        ======        ====

     Unrealized losses on the above securities have not been recognized in
income because the issuers of the bonds are all federal agencies and the decline
in fair value is temporary and largely due to changes in market interest rates.
The fair value is expected to recover as the bonds approach their maturity date
and/or market rates decline.
     To improve liquidity, in 2003 the Company transferred all securities
previously classified as "held to maturity," which had a carrying value of
$10,533, to "available for sale." The unrealized gain on the securities
transferred totaled $458 before tax. The Company's equity and accumulated other
comprehensive income increased $302 after tax as a result of the transfer.
     Loans at year-end were as follows:

                                                               2003      2002
                                                              -------   -------
Commercial..................................................  $ 4,116   $   261
Real estate:
  Residential...............................................   36,060    48,644
  Commercial................................................    5,040        --
  Construction..............................................      610       134
Consumer....................................................   12,598    13,904
                                                              -------   -------
  Subtotal..................................................   58,424    62,943
Less: Net deferred loan fees................................       15       (17)
  Allowance for loan losses.................................     (415)     (361)
                                                              -------   -------
Loans, net..................................................  $58,024   $62,565
                                                              =======   =======

     Activity in the allowance for loan losses was as follows:

                                                              2003   2002   2001
                                                              ----   ----   ----
Beginning balance...........................................  $361   $373   $354
Provision for loan losses...................................   102     19     62
Loans charged-off...........................................   (50)   (35)   (53)
Recoveries..................................................     2      4     10
                                                              ----   ----   ----
Ending balance..............................................  $415   $361   $373
                                                              ====   ====   ====

     Impaired loans are not material for any period presented.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Nonperforming loans were as follows:

                                                              2003   2002
                                                              ----   ----
Loans past due over 90 days still on accrual................  $ --   $ --
Nonaccrual loans............................................   741    781

     Nonperforming loans include both smaller balance homogeneous loans that are
collectively evaluated for impairment and individually classified impaired
     Mortgage loans serviced for others are not reported as assets. The
principal balances of these loans were $32,584 and $25,930 at year-end 2003 and
     Custodial escrow balances maintained in connection with serviced loans were
$100 and $26 at year-end 2003 and 2002.
     Activity for capitalized mortgage servicing rights and the related
valuation allowance follows:

                                                               2003    2002   2001
                                                              ------   ----   ----
Servicing rights:
Beginning of year...........................................  $  200   $ 88   $58
Additions...................................................     195    162    45
Amortized to expense........................................    (118)   (50)  (15)
                                                              ------   ----   ---
End of year.................................................  $  277   $200   $88
                                                              ======   ====   ===


                                                              2003   2002   2001
                                                              ----   ----   ----
Valuation allowance:
Beginning of year...........................................  $--    $--    $--
Additions expensed..........................................   56     --     --
                                                              ---    ---    ---
End of Year.................................................  $56    $--    $--
                                                              ===    ===    ===

     Year-end premises and equipment were as follows:

                                                               2003      2002
                                                              -------   -------
Land........................................................  $   117   $    63
Buildings...................................................    1,713     1,485
Furniture, fixtures and equipment...........................    1,416     1,227
Leasehold improvements......................................       10        --
                                                              -------   -------
                                                                3,256     2,775
Less: Accumulated depreciation..............................   (1,324)   (1,942)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                              $ 1,932   $   833
                                                              =======   =======

     Depreciation expense was $176, $118 and $101 for 2003, 2002 and 2001.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Rent expense was $14, $0, and $16 for 2003, 2002 and 2001. Rent commitments
under noncancelable operating leases were as follows, before considering renewal
options that generally are present.

2004........................................................  $ 60
2005........................................................    57
2006........................................................    57
2007........................................................    57
2008........................................................    57
  Total.....................................................  $288

     The Company is a one-third owner of a limited liability company that will
own and manage the office building at 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio 44333
where the Company's headquarters and Central Federal Bank Fairlawn office will
be located. The Company is currently in negotiations with the limited liability
company to complete a lease agreement for this office space. As a result, rent
expense for this office is not included above. The lease is expected to be
accounted for as an operating lease.
     The Company closed one branch during 2001 and took charges totaling $154.
In connection with the branch closings the Company paid a cancellation fee for
terminating the lease, wrote off the remaining leasehold improvements and
abandoned equipment and wrote down the remaining equipment to its estimated
realizable value.
     Time deposits of $100 or more were $4,285 and $3,520 at year-end 2003 and
     Scheduled maturities of time deposits for the next five years were as

2004........................................................   $22,702
2005........................................................     8,652
2006........................................................     4,122
2007........................................................       703
2008........................................................       514

     At year end, advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank were as follows.

                                                               2003     2002
                                                              ------   -------
Maturity January 2004 at 1.09% floating rate................  $7,500   $    --
Maturities August 2005 thru March 2009, primarily fixed at
  rates from 5.07% to 6.96%, averaging 5.53%................      --    11,430
                                                              ------   -------
  Total.....................................................  $7,500   $11,430
                                                              ======   =======

     In December 2003, the Company prepaid $11,195 in Federal Home Loan Bank
advances, with an average cost of 5.52% and an average remaining maturity of 4.5
years. These fixed rate advances were arranged primarily in 1998 and 1999 and
were used to finance mortgage loans which had prepaid. Accordingly, the loans
represented an inappropriate and costly source of funding which was not
necessary due to the liquidity position of the Company. The pre-tax prepayment
penalty associated with this transaction was $1,270 and is included

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
in interest expense on Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other debt in the
2003 Consolidated Statement of Operations.
     The floating rate advances outstanding at year-end 2003 can be prepaid at
any time with no penalty. The advances were collateralized by $34,795 and
$47,004 of first mortgage loans under a blanket lien arrangement and $1,296 and
$2,343 of securities at year-end 2003 and 2002.
     Loan Payable:  The Company had a 4.30% note payable with a financial
institution with a balance of $4,900 at year-end 2002. The loan was repaid in
full during 2003 and represented the remaining balance of a $7,000 loan which
had been obtained to fund a return of capital dividend declared in 2000. The
note was secured by stock the Company owns in the Bank and the Bank was required
to maintain a deposit with the lending institution in the amount of the loan
which earned interest at 1.90% below the loan rate.
     Trust Preferred Securities:  A trust formed by the Company issued $5,000 of
3 month LIBOR plus 2.85% floating rate trust preferred securities in 2003 as
part of a pooled offering of such securities. The Company issued subordinated
debentures to the trust in exchange for the proceeds of the offering, which
debentures represent the sole asset of the trust. The Company may redeem the
subordinated debentures, in whole but not in part, any time after five years at
par. The subordinated debentures must be repurchased no later than 2033.
     Under new accounting guidance, FASB Interpretation No. 46, as revised in
December 2003, the trust is not consolidated with the Company. Accordingly, the
Company does not report the securities issued by the trust as liabilities, and
instead reports as liabilities the subordinated debentures issued by the Company
and held by the trust.
     Required payments on all debt over the next five years are:

2004........................................................   $7,500

     Multi-employer pension plan:  The Company participates in a multiemployer
contributory trustee pension plan. The retirement benefits to be provided by the
plan were frozen as of June 30, 2003 and future employee participation in the
plan was stopped. The plan was maintained for all eligible employees and the
benefits were funded as accrued through the purchase of individual life
insurance policies. The cost of funding was charged directly to operations. The
unfunded liability at June 30, 2003 totaled $96. The Company's contribution for
the plan year ending June 30, 2004 totaled $34. The Company made no
contributions for 2002 or 2001.
     401(k) Plan:  In 2003, the Company instituted a 401(k) benefit plan.
Employees 21 years of age and older are eligible to participate and are eligible
for Company matching contributions after one year of service. The plan allows
employee contributions up to 90% of their compensation, which may be matched by
the Company on a discretionary basis. There was no match in 2003.
     Stock Based Incentive Plans:  Stock based incentive plans (SBIP) provide
for stock option grants and restricted stock awards to directors, officers and
employees. The 1999 Stock Based Incentive Plan was approved by shareholders on
July 13, 1999. The plan provided for 193,887 shares for stock option grants and
77,554 shares for restricted stock awards. The 2003 Equity Compensation Plan was
ratified by shareholders on April 23, 2003. The plan provided an aggregate of
100,000 shares for stock option grants and restricted stock awards, including up
to a maximum of 30,000 shares for restricted stock awards. Both plans provide
for options to be granted for terms of up to, but not exceeding ten years from
the date of grant and cannot be granted at a price less than the fair market
value of the common stock on the date of grant. Shares related to forfeited
stock options and restricted stock awards become available for subsequent grant
under the terms of the plans.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Compensation expense for restricted stock awards is based on the fair value
of the stock at the date of grant and is recognized over the vesting period.
Total restricted stock awards issuable under the plans are 107,554. 28,500
shares were issued in 2003 and no shares were issued in 2002. At December 31,
2003, 97,526 restricted stock awards were outstanding of which 57,007 had
vested. Compensation expense was $141, $110 and $95 for 2003, 2002 and 2001.
Unearned compensation is reported as a reduction of shareholders' equity until
     Until the plan was terminated in 2003, employees participated in an
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). The ESOP borrowed from the Company to
purchase 155,111 shares of stock at $10 per share. The Company made
discretionary contributions to the ESOP, and paid dividends on unallocated
shares to the ESOP, and the ESOP used funds it received to repay the loan. When
loan payments were made, ESOP shares were allocated to participants based on
relative compensation and expense was recorded. Dividends on allocated shares
increased participant accounts.
     The ESOP received $738 from a return of capital distribution paid by the
Company in 2000 and purchased an additional 83,353 shares with the proceeds.
     At the time of termination, there were 122,882 unearned ESOP shares of
which 81,000 shares were sold and the proceeds were used to repay the
outstanding balance of the loan incurred to fund the ESOP plan at inception. The
remaining 41,882 shares were allocated to participants on a fully vested basis.
The cost associated with terminating the ESOP totaled $638 and is included in
salaries and employee benefits expense in the 2003 Consolidated Statement of
     Contributions to the ESOP during 2003, 2002 and 2001 were $0, $159 and
$152. Expense for 2003, 2002, and 2001 was $638, $222 and $190.
     Shares held by the ESOP were as follows:

Allocated to participants...................................    108,483
Unearned....................................................    122,882
  Total ESOP shares.........................................    231,365
  Fair value of unearned shares.............................   $  1,153

     Income tax expense (benefit) was as follows.

                                                               2003     2002   2001
                                                              -------   ----   ----
Current federal.............................................  $    95   $175   $276
Deferred federal............................................   (1,083)   138     36
                                                              -------   ----   ----
Total.......................................................  $  (988)  $313   $312
                                                              =======   ====   ====


                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Effective tax rates differ from federal statutory rate of 34% applied to
income (loss) before income taxes due to the following.

                                                               2003     2002   2001
                                                              -------   ----   ----
Federal statutory rate times financial statement income
  (loss)....................................................  $(1,143)  $336   $309
Effect of:
ESOP shares released at fair market value...................      207      1     --
Bank owned life insurance income............................      (64)   (23)    --
Other.......................................................       12     (1)     3
                                                              -------   ----   ----
                                                              $  (988)  $313   $312
                                                              =======   ====   ====
  Effective tax rate........................................    (29.4)% 31.7%  34.3%

     Year-end deferred tax assets and liabilities were due to the following.

                                                               2003    2002
                                                              ------   ----
Deferred tax assets:
  Allowance for loan losses.................................  $  141   $123
  Deferred loan fees........................................     160    265
  Nonaccrual interest.......................................      36     30
  Accrued stock awards......................................      39     16
  Net operating loss........................................   1,325     --
  Other.....................................................      14     --
                                                              ------   ----
                                                               1,715    434
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Depreciation..............................................     229     76
  FHLB stock dividend.......................................     378    330
  Mortgage servicing rights.................................      75     68
  Unrealized gain on securities available for sale..........     103     14
  Other.....................................................      --     10
                                                              ------   ----
                                                                 785    498
                                                              ------   ----
  Net deferred tax asset (liability)........................  $  930   $(64)
                                                              ======   ====

     Federal income tax laws provided additional bad debt deductions through
1987, totaling $2,250. Accounting standards do not require a deferred tax
liability to be recorded on this amount, which otherwise would total $765 at
year-end 2003. If the Bank were liquidated or otherwise ceases to be a bank or
if tax laws were to change, this amount would be expensed.
     No valuation allowance has been recorded against the deferred tax asset for
net operating losses totaling $3,897 which expire in 2023 because the benefit is
more likely than not to be realized.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Loans to principal officers, directors, and their affiliates in 2003 were
as follows.

Beginning balance...........................................   $607
New loans...................................................     --
Effect of changes in related parties........................   (599)
Repayments..................................................     (8)
Ending balance..............................................   $ --

     Deposits from principal officers, directors, and their affiliates at
year-end 2003 and 2002 were $384 and $300.
     Options to buy stock are granted to directors, officers and employees under
the 1999 Stock Based Incentive Plan and 2003 Equity Compensation Plan, which
provide for issue of up to 293,887 options. Exercise price is the market price
at date of grant, so there is no compensation expense recognized in the income
statement. The maximum option term is ten years, and options vest over three to
five years.
     A summary of the activity in the plan is as follows.

                                  2003                          2002                          2001
                       ---------------------------   ---------------------------   ---------------------------
                                  WEIGHTED AVERAGE              WEIGHTED AVERAGE              WEIGHTED AVERAGE
                       --------   ----------------   --------   ----------------   --------   ----------------
Outstanding at
  beginning of
  year...............   182,497        $ 9.23         182,497        $9.23          182,497        $9.23
Granted..............    77,758         11.79              --                            --
Exercised............   (37,302)         9.23              --                            --
Forfeited............   (13,232)         9.26              --                            --
                       --------        ------        --------        -----         --------        -----
Outstanding at end of
  year...............   209,721        $10.17         182,497        $9.23          182,497        $9.23
                       ========        ======        ========        =====         ========        =====
Options exercisable
  at year-end........   101,285        $ 9.20         107,903        $9.22           71,402        $9.21
                       ========        ======        ========        =====         ========        =====
Weighted average fair
  value of options
  granted during
  year...............  $   3.96                      $     --                      $     --
                       ========                      ========                      ========

     Options outstanding at year-end 2003 were as follows.

                                           OUTSTANDING                           EXERCISABLE
                          ---------------------------------------------   --------------------------
                                    WEIGHTED AVERAGE
                                       REMAINING       WEIGHTED AVERAGE             WEIGHTED AVERAGE
------------------------  -------   ----------------   ----------------   -------   ----------------
$9.19 -- $13.94           209,721      7.0 years            $10.17        101,285        $9.20
                          =======       =======             ======        =======        =====

     The Bank is subject to regulatory capital requirements administered by
federal banking agencies. Capital adequacy guidelines and, additionally for
banks, prompt corrective action regulations involve quantitative measures of
assets, liabilities, and certain off-balance-sheet items calculated under
regulatory accounting

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
practices. Capital amounts and classifications are also subject to qualitative
judgments by regulators. Failure to meet capital requirements can initiate
regulatory action.
     Prompt corrective action regulations provide five classifications: well
capitalized, adequately capitalized, undercapitalized, significantly
undercapitalized, and critically undercapitalized, although these terms are not
used to represent overall financial condition. If adequately capitalized,
regulatory approval is required to accept brokered deposits. If
undercapitalized, capital distributions are limited, as is asset growth and
expansion, and capital restoration plans are required. At year-end 2003 and
2002, the most recent regulatory notifications categorized the Bank as well
capitalized under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. There
are no conditions or events since that notification that Management believes
have changed the institution's category.
     Actual and required capital amounts and ratios are presented below at

                                                                               TO BE WELL
                                                           FOR CAPITAL        UNDER PROMPT
                                                             ADEQUACY      CORRECTIVE ACTION
                                            ACTUAL           PURPOSES          PROVISIONS
                                        ---------------   --------------   ------------------
                                        AMOUNT    RATIO   AMOUNT   RATIO    AMOUNT     RATIO
                                        -------   -----   ------   -----   --------   -------
Total Capital to risk weighted
  assets..............................  $15,093   21.6%   $5,597    8.0%    $6,997      10.0%
Tier 1 (Core) Capital to risk weighted
  assets..............................   14,678   21.0%    2,799    4.0%     4,198       6.0%
Tier 1 (Core) Capital to adjusted
  assets..............................   14,678   13.9%    4,217    4.0%     5,272       5.0%
Tangible Capital (to adjusted total
  assets).............................   14,678   13.9%    1,584    1.5%       N/A
Total Capital to risk weighted
  assets..............................  $21,163   38.6%   $4,385    8.0%    $5,482      10.0%
Tier 1 (Core) Capital to risk weighted
  assets..............................   20,802   38.0%    2,193    4.0%     3,289       6.0%
Tier 1 (Core) Capital to adjusted
  assets..............................   20,802   18.9%    4,403    4.0%     5,504       5.0%
Tangible Capital (to adjusted total
  assets).............................   20,802   18.9%    1,650    1.5%       N/A

     The Qualified Thrift Lender test requires at least 65% of assets be
maintained in housing-related finance and other specified areas. If this test is
not met, limits are placed on growth, branching, new investments, FHLB advances
and dividends, or the Bank must convert to a commercial bank charter. Management
believes that this test is met.
     When the Bank converted from a mutual to a stock institution, a
"liquidation account" was established at $14,300, which was net worth reported
in the conversion prospectus. Eligible depositors who have maintained their
accounts, less annual reductions to the extent they have reduced their deposits,
would receive a distribution from this account if the Bank liquidated. Dividends
may not reduce shareholders' equity below the required liquidation account
     Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) regulations limit capital distributions
by savings associations. Generally, capital distributions are limited to
undistributed net income for the current and prior two years. At year-end 2003,
no amount is available to pay dividends to the Company without prior approval
from the OTS.
     Some financial instruments, such as loan commitments, credit lines, letters
of credit, and overdraft protection, are issued to meet customer financing
needs. These are agreements to provide credit or to support the credit of
others, as long as conditions established in the contract are met, and usually
have expiration

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
dates. Commitments may expire without being used. Off-balance-sheet risk to
credit loss exists up to the face amount of these instruments, although material
losses are not anticipated. The same credit policies are used to make such
commitments as are used for loans, including obtaining collateral at exercise of
the commitment.
     The contractual amount of financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk
was as follows at year-end.

                                                             2003               2002
                                                       ----------------   ----------------
                                                       FIXED   VARIABLE   FIXED   VARIABLE
                                                       RATE      RATE     RATE      RATE
                                                       -----   --------   -----   --------
Commitments to make loans............................  $486     $  520    $123     $  769
Unused lines of credit...............................            4,257              2,294

     Commitments to make loans are generally made for periods of 60 days or
less. The fixed rate loan commitments have interest rates ranging from 5.25% to
7.00% and maturities ranging from 15 years to 30 years.
     Carrying amount and estimated fair values of financial instruments were as
follows at year-end:

                                                     2003                    2002
                                             ---------------------   ---------------------
                                             CARRYING                CARRYING
                                              AMOUNT    FAIR VALUE    AMOUNT    FAIR VALUE
                                             --------   ----------   --------   ----------
Financial assets
  Cash and cash equivalents................  $  8,936    $  8,936    $ 12,861    $ 12,861
  Interest-bearing deposits in other
     financial institutions................     1,587       1,587       7,205       7,205
  Securities available for sale............    27,126      27,126       1,439       1,439
  Securities held to maturity..............        --          --      17,822      18,169
  Loans held for sale......................       106         107          --          --
  Loans, net...............................    58,024      59,341      62,565      65,119
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock.............     3,626       3,626       3,485       3,485
  Accrued interest receivable..............       487         487         403         403
Financial liabilities
  Deposits.................................   (73,358)    (73,297)    (74,690)    (75,345)
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances..........    (7,500)     (7,500)    (11,430)    (12,819)
  Loan payable.............................        --          --      (4,900)     (4,900)
  Subordinated debentures..................    (5,155)     (5,155)         --          --
  Accrued interest payable.................       (65)        (65)        (63)        (63)

     The methods and assumptions used to estimate fair value are described as
     Carrying amount is the estimated fair value for cash and cash equivalents,
short-term borrowings, Federal Home Loan Bank stock, accrued interest receivable
and payable, demand deposits, short-term debt, and variable rate loans or
deposits that reprice frequently and fully. Security fair values are based on
market prices or dealer quotes, and if no such information is available, on the
rate and term of the security and information about the issuer. For fixed rate
loans or deposits and for variable rate loans or deposits with infrequent
repricing or repricing limits, fair value is based on discounted cash flows
using current market rates applied to the estimated life and credit risk. Fair
values for impaired loans are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis or
underlying collateral values. Fair value of loans held for sale is based on
market quotes. Fair value

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
of debt is based on current rates for similar financing. The fair value of
off-balance-sheet items is based on the current fees or cost that would be
charged to enter into or terminate such arrangements.
     Condensed financial information of Central Federal Corporation follows.
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS
                                  DECEMBER 31

                                                               2003      2002
                                                              -------   -------
Cash and cash equivalents...................................  $ 9,238   $   516
Investment in banking subsidiary............................   15,099    20,831
Investment in and advances to other subsidiaries............      155        --
Other assets................................................      755     1,291
                                                              -------   -------
Total assets................................................  $25,247   $22,638
                                                              =======   =======

                            LIABILITIES AND EQUITY
Debt........................................................  $ 5,155   $ 4,900
Accrued expenses and other liabilities......................      236       155
Shareholders' equity........................................   19,856    17,583
                                                              -------   -------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity..................  $25,247   $22,638
                                                              =======   =======

                            YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31

                                                               2003     2002     2001
                                                              -------   -----   ------
Interest income.............................................  $    20   $  77   $   86
Other income................................................       11      --       --
Interest expense............................................       59     297      494
Other expense...............................................      338     173      204
                                                              -------   -----   ------
Loss before income tax and effect of subsidiaries'
  operations................................................     (366)   (393)    (612)
Income tax benefit..........................................     (125)   (137)    (208)
Effect of subsidiaries' operations..........................   (2,133)    930    1,002
                                                              -------   -----   ------
Net income (loss)...........................................  $(2,374)  $ 674   $  598
                                                              =======   =====   ======


                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                            YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31

                                                               2003      2002      2001
                                                              -------   -------   -------
Cash flows from operating activities
  Net income (loss).........................................  $(2,374)  $   674   $   598
     Effect of subsidiaries' operations.....................    2,133      (930)   (1,002)
     Change in other assets and other liabilities...........     (236)     (230)      421
                                                              -------   -------   -------
       Net cash from operating activities...................     (477)     (486)       17
Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash received in repayment of ESOP loan...................      853       212       212
  Dividends received from bank..............................    5,437     2,800        --
  Investments in subsidiaries...............................     (155)       --        --
                                                              -------   -------   -------
       Net cash from investing activities...................    6,135     3,012       212
Cash flows from financing activities
  Proceeds of borrowings....................................    5,155        --        --
  Repayments of borrowings..................................   (4,900)   (2,100)       --
  Proceeds from stock issue.................................    3,119        --        --
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options...................      345        --        --
  Purchase of treasury stock................................       --    (1,044)      (75)
  Dividends paid............................................     (655)     (551)     (482)
  Dividends on unallocated ESOP shares......................       --       (53)      (60)
                                                              -------   -------   -------
       Net cash from financing activities...................    3,064    (3,748)     (617)
                                                              -------   -------   -------
Net change in cash and cash equivalents.....................    8,722    (1,222)     (388)
Beginning cash and cash equivalents.........................      516     1,738     2,126
                                                              -------   -------   -------
Ending cash and cash equivalents............................  $ 9,238   $   516   $ 1,738
                                                              =======   =======   =======


                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     The factors used in the earnings per share computation follow.

                                                      2003         2002         2001
                                                   ----------   ----------   ----------
  Net income (loss).............................   $   (2,374)  $      674   $      598
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Weighted average common shares outstanding....    1,815,210    1,530,429    1,564,797
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Basic earnings (loss) per common share........   $    (1.31)  $     0.44   $     0.38
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Net income (loss).............................   $   (2,374)  $      674   $      598
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Weighted average common shares outstanding for
     basic earnings (loss) per share............    1,815,210    1,530,429    1,564,797
  Add: Dilutive effects of assumed exercises of
     stock options and stock based incentive
     plan shares................................       45,349       31,570        4,713
                                                   ----------   ----------   ----------
  Average shares and dilutive potential common
     shares.....................................    1,860,559    1,561,999    1,569,510
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Diluted earnings (loss) per common share......   $    (1.28)  $     0.43   $     0.38
                                                   ==========   ==========   ==========

     All stock options for shares of common stock were considered in computing
diluted earnings per common share for 2003. Stock options for 8,000 shares of
common stock were not considered in computing diluted earnings per common share
for 2002 and 2001 because they were antidilutive.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,      DECEMBER 31,
                                                                    2004              2003
                                                              ----------------   ---------------
                                                                 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT
                                                                       PER SHARE DATA)
Cash and cash equivalents...................................      $ 25,121          $  8,936
Interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions...           298             1,587
Securities available for sale...............................        13,234            27,126
Loans held for sale.........................................           104               106
Loans, net of allowance of $747 and $415....................        96,800            58,024
Federal Home Loan Bank stock................................         3,738             3,626
Loan servicing rights.......................................           212               221
Foreclosed assets, net......................................           673               193
Premises and equipment, net.................................         2,686             1,932
Bank owned life insurance...................................         3,366             3,256
Accrued interest receivable.................................           433               487
Other assets................................................         1,794             1,517
                                                                  --------          --------
                                                                  $148,459          $107,011
                                                                  ========          ========

                              LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
  Non-interest bearing......................................      $  3,731          $  2,457
  Interest bearing..........................................        86,624            70,901
                                                                  --------          --------
     Total deposits.........................................        90,355            73,358
Federal Home Loan Bank advances.............................        33,670             7,500
Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance...............           201               207
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities..............           683               935
Subordinated debentures.....................................         5,155             5,155
                                                                  --------          --------
     Total liabilities......................................       130,064            87,155
Shareholders' equity
  Preferred stock, 1,000,000 shares authorized; none
     issued.................................................            --                --
  Common stock, $.01 par value; 6,000,000 shares authorized;
     2004 -- 2,294,520 shares issued, 2003 -- 2,280,020
     shares issued..........................................            23                23
  Additional paid-in capital................................        12,119            11,845
  Retained earnings.........................................         9,161            10,997
  Accumulated other comprehensive income....................           128               201
  Unearned stock based incentive plan shares................          (425)             (357)
  Treasury stock, at cost (2004 -- 232,382 shares,
     2003 -- 255,648 shares)................................        (2,611)           (2,853)
                                                                  --------          --------
     Total shareholders' equity.............................        18,395            19,856
                                                                  --------          --------
                                                                  $148,459          $107,011
                                                                  ========          ========

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                                THREE MONTHS        NINE MONTHS
                                                                   ENDED               ENDED
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,       SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              ----------------   -----------------
                                                               2004      2003     2004      2003
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
                                                                     (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS
                                                                     EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Interest and dividend income
  Loans, including fees.....................................  $ 1,287   $1,101   $ 3,328   $ 3,287
  Taxable securities........................................      181      252       620       782
  Tax exempt securities.....................................       --       --        20        --
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividends....................       40       36       112       105
  Overnight funds and other.................................      109       36       180        94
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
                                                                1,617    1,425     4,260     4,268
Interest expense
  Deposits..................................................      360      456       993     1,215
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other debt............      146      156       250       514
  Subordinated debentures...................................       58       --       162        --
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
                                                                  564      612     1,405     1,729
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
Net interest income.........................................    1,053      813     2,855     2,539
Provision for loan losses...................................      296       --       366        83
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses.........      757      813     2,489     2,456
Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit accounts.......................       36       41        98       126
  Net gains on sales of loans...............................       19      139        63       354
  Loan servicing fees, net..................................       (6)      (2)       49       (30)
  Net gains (losses) on sales of securities.................      (36)       1       (55)        1
  Earnings on bank owned life insurance.....................       36       49       110       148
  Other.....................................................        7        6        17        17
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
                                                                   56      234       282       616
Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits............................      977      615     2,513     2,886
  Occupancy and equipment...................................       84       77       222       157
  Data processing...........................................      105       64       315       176
  Franchise taxes...........................................       55       62       168       255
  Professional fees.........................................       90      101       282       493
  Director fees.............................................       47       34       127        80
  Postage, printing and supplies............................       89       50       184       147
  Advertising and promotion.................................       22        5        71        28
  Telephone.................................................       20       21        64        32
  Loan expenses.............................................        8       28        38        79
  Foreclosed assets, net....................................       12       (3)        3        (1)
  Depreciation..............................................       98       34       252       101
  Other.....................................................      226       41       432       141
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
                                                                1,833    1,129     4,671     4,574
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
Loss before income taxes....................................   (1,020)     (82)   (1,900)   (1,502)
Income tax benefit..........................................     (355)     (48)     (683)     (397)
                                                              -------   ------   -------   -------
Net loss....................................................  $  (665)  $  (34)  $(1,217)  $(1,105)
                                                              =======   ======   =======   =======
Loss per share:
  Basic.....................................................  $ (0.33)  $(0.02)  $ (0.61)  $ (0.62)
  Diluted...................................................  $ (0.33)  $(0.02)  $ (0.61)  $ (0.62)

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                                        ACCUMULATED     UNEARNED
                                               ADDITIONAL                  OTHER       STOCK BASED                  TOTAL
                                     COMMON     PAID-IN     RETAINED   COMPREHENSIVE    INCENTIVE    TREASURY   SHAREHOLDERS'
                                      STOCK     CAPITAL     EARNINGS      INCOME       PLAN SHARES    STOCK        EQUITY
                                     -------   ----------   --------   -------------   -----------   --------   -------------
                                                           (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Balance at January 1, 2004.........    $23      $11,845     $10,997        $201           $(357)     $(2,853)      $19,856
Comprehensive income:
Net loss...........................                          (1,217)                                                (1,217)
Other comprehensive loss...........                                         (73)                                       (73)
  Total comprehensive loss.........                                                                                 (1,290)
Issuance of stock based incentive
  plan shares (23,027 shares)......                 237                                    (237)                        --
Release of 15,596 stock based
  incentive plan shares............                                                         169                        169
Stock options exercised (33,266
  shares)..........................                             (67)                                     373           306
Tax benefits from stock options
  exercised........................                  37                                                                 37
Purchase of 10,000 shares of
  treasury stock...................                                                                     (131)         (131)
Cash dividends declared ($.27 per
  share)...........................                            (552)                                                  (552)
                                       ---      -------     -------        ----           -----      -------       -------
Balance at September 30, 2004......    $23      $12,119     $ 9,161        $128           $(425)     $(2,611)      $18,395
                                       ===      =======     =======        ====           =====      =======       =======

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                            THREE MONTHS
                                                                ENDED       NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                            SEPTEMBER 30,     SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                            -------------   -----------------
                                                            2004    2003     2004      2003
                                                            -----   -----   -------   -------
                                                                 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Net loss..................................................  $(665)  $ (34)  $(1,217)  $(1,105)
Change in net unrealized gain (loss) on securities
  available for sale......................................    396    (123)     (165)     (179)
Less: Reclassification adjustment for gains and (losses)
  later recognized in net income..........................    (36)      1       (55)        1
                                                            -----   -----   -------   -------
Net unrealized gains and (losses).........................    432    (124)     (110)     (180)
Unrealized gain on securities transferred from held to
  maturity to available for sale..........................     --      --        --       458
Tax effect................................................   (147)     42        37       (95)
                                                            -----   -----   -------   -------
Other comprehensive income (loss).........................    285     (82)      (73)      183
                                                            -----   -----   -------   -------
Comprehensive loss........................................  $(380)  $(116)  $(1,290)  $  (922)
                                                            =====   =====   =======   =======

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                                 NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                   SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                 2004         2003
                                                              ----------   ----------
                                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Cash flows from operating activities........................   $   (929)    $   (388)
Cash flows from investing activities
  Net decrease in interest bearing deposits.................      1,289        5,618
  Available-for-sale securities:
     Sales..................................................     15,191        1,067
     Maturities, prepayments and calls......................      4,503       24,216
     Purchases..............................................     (6,076)     (31,369)
  Held-to-maturity securities:
     Maturities, prepayments and calls......................         --        7,201
  Loan originations and payments, net.......................    (34,262)       7,376
  Loans purchased...........................................     (5,390)          --
  Additions to premises and equipment.......................     (1,007)        (596)
  Cash received in repayment of ESOP loan...................         --          853
  Proceeds from sale of foreclosed assets...................         74           --
  Other.....................................................          5           --
                                                               --------     --------
       Net cash from investing activities...................    (25,673)      14,366
Cash flows from financing activities
  Net change in deposits....................................     16,997       (2,409)
  Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other
     debt...................................................     28,120           --
  Repayments on Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other
     debt...................................................     (1,950)      (5,118)
  Net change in advances by borrowers for taxes and
     insurance..............................................         (6)        (269)
  Cash dividends paid.......................................       (549)        (477)
  Proceeds from private placement...........................         --        3,119
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options...................        306          226
  Repurchase of common stock................................       (131)          --
                                                               --------     --------
       Net cash from financing activities...................     42,787       (4,928)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents.....................     16,185        9,050
Beginning cash and cash equivalents.........................      8,936       12,861
                                                               --------     --------
Ending cash and cash equivalents............................   $ 25,121     $ 21,911
                                                               ========     ========
Supplemental cash flow information:
  Interest paid.............................................   $  1,407     $  1,674
  Income taxes paid.........................................         --          106
Supplemental noncash disclosures:
  Transfer of securities from held to maturity to available
     for sale...............................................   $     --     $ 10,533
  Transfers from loans to repossessed assets................        728          184

                            See accompanying notes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared
pursuant to rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") and in compliance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America. Because this report is based on an interim period,
certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial
statements prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted
in the United States of America have been condensed or omitted.
     In the opinion of the management of Central Federal Corporation (the
"Company"), the accompanying consolidated financial statements as of September
30, 2004 and December 31, 2003 and for the three and nine months ended September
30, 2004 and 2003 include all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of
the financial condition and the results of operations for those periods. The
financial performance reported for the Company for the three and nine months
ended September 30, 2004 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be
expected for the full year. This information should be read in conjunction with
the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders and Form 10-KSB for the period ended
December 31, 2003. Reference is made to the accounting policies of the Company
described in Note 1 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements contained
in the Company's 2003 Annual Report that was filed as Exhibit 13 to the Form
10-KSB. The Company has consistently followed those policies in preparing this
Form 10-QSB.
     Basic earnings per common share is net income divided by the weighted
average number of common shares outstanding during the period. ESOP shares are
considered outstanding for this calculation unless unearned. Stock based
incentive plan shares are considered outstanding as they are earned over the
vesting period. Diluted earnings per common share include the dilutive effect of
stock based incentive plan shares and additional potential common shares
issuable under stock options.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     The factors used in the earnings per share computation follow.

                                         THREE MONTHS ENDED         NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                            SEPTEMBER 30,             SEPTEMBER 30,
                                       -----------------------   -----------------------
                                          2004         2003         2004         2003
                                       ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
                                         (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
  Net loss...........................  $     (665)  $      (34)  $   (1,217)  $   (1,105)
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Weighted average common shares
     outstanding.....................   2,017,645    1,977,276    2,001,276    1,771,234
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Basic loss per common share........  $    (0.33)  $    (0.02)  $    (0.61)  $    (0.62)
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Net loss...........................  $     (665)  $      (34)  $   (1,217)  $   (1,105)
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Weighted average common shares
     outstanding for basic loss per
     share...........................   2,017,645    1,977,276    2,001,276    1,771,234
  Add: Dilutive effects of assumed
     exercises of stock options and
     stock based incentive plan
     shares..........................          --           --           --           --
                                       ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
  Average shares and dilutive
     potential common shares.........   2,017,645    1,977,276    2,001,276    1,771,234
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
  Diluted loss per common share......  $    (0.33)  $    (0.02)  $    (0.61)  $    (0.62)
                                       ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

     The following potential average common shares were antidilutive and not
considered in computing diluted loss per share because the Company had a loss
from continuing operations, the exercise price of the options was greater than
the average stock price for the periods or the fair value of the stock based
incentive plan shares at the date of grant was greater than the average stock
price for the periods.

                                                 THREE MONTHS ENDED    NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                    SEPTEMBER 30,        SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                 -------------------   -----------------
                                                   2004       2003      2004      2003
                                                 --------   --------   -------   -------
Stock options..................................  259,504    245,232    254,395   225,036
Stock based incentive plan shares..............   34,524     33,683     34,549    28,656

     In prior periods, the Company had included stock options and stock based
incentive plan shares that increased the number of outstanding shares in
computing diluted earnings (loss) per share. However, because the Company had a
loss from continuing operations, these potential common shares were
anti-dilutive and should not have been considered for the computation. As a
result, the Company has revised prior period diluted loss per share amounts. The
impact of this change was not material to the diluted loss per share amounts
     Employee compensation expense under stock options is reported using the
intrinsic value method. No stock-based compensation cost is reflected in net
income, as all options granted had an exercise price equal to or greater than
the market price of the underlying common stock at date of grant. The following
table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings per share if expense was
measured using the fair value

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
recognition provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS")
No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation.

                                                     THREE MONTHS ENDED        NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                        SEPTEMBER 30,            SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                   -----------------------   ---------------------
                                                      2004         2003        2004        2003
                                                   ----------   ----------   ---------   ---------
                                                    (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net loss as reported.............................    $ (665)      $  (34)     $(1,217)    $(1,105)
Deduct: Stock-based compensation expense
  determined under fair value based method.......        37           45          171         116
                                                     ------       ------      -------     -------
Pro forma net loss...............................    $ (702)      $  (79)     $(1,388)    $(1,221)
                                                     ======       ======      =======     =======
Basic loss per share as reported.................    $(0.33)      $(0.02)     $ (0.61)    $ (0.62)
Pro forma basic loss per share...................     (0.35)       (0.04)       (0.69)      (0.69)
Diluted loss per share as reported...............    $(0.33)      $(0.02)     $ (0.61)    $ (0.62)
Pro forma diluted loss per share.................     (0.35)       (0.04)       (0.69)      (0.69)

     The pro forma effects are computed using option pricing models, using the
following weighted-average assumptions as of grant date.

                                                                 THREE AND
                                                                NINE MONTHS
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,
Risk-free interest rate.....................................          3.26%
Expected option life........................................    6.00 years
Expected stock price volatility.............................            41%
Dividend yield..............................................          2.86%

     Some items in the prior year period financial statements were reclassified
to conform to the current presentation.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     The fair value of available for sale securities and the related gross
unrealized gains and losses recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income
(loss) were as follows:

                                                                    GROSS        GROSS
                                                         FAIR     UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED
                                                         VALUE      GAINS        LOSSES
                                                        -------   ----------   ----------
September 30, 2004
  Federal agency......................................  $ 4,019      $  5        $  --
  Mortgage-backed.....................................    9,215       241          (51)
                                                        -------      ----        -----
     Total............................................  $13,234      $246        $ (51)
                                                        =======      ====        =====
December 31, 2003
  Federal agency......................................  $12,759      $  8        $  (4)
  State and municipal.................................    1,375         5           --
  Mortgage-backed.....................................   12,992       400         (105)
                                                        -------      ----        -----
     Total............................................  $27,126      $413        $(109)
                                                        =======      ====        =====

     Sales of available for sale securities were as follows:

                                                   THREE MONTHS ENDED   NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                     SEPTEMBER 30,        SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                   ------------------   ------------------
                                                     2004      2003       2004      2003
                                                   --------   -------   --------   -------
Proceeds.........................................  $11,239    $1,067    $15,191    $1,067
Gross gains......................................       --         1         42         1
Gross losses.....................................      (36)       --        (97)       --

     The fair value of debt securities at September 30, 2004 by contractual
maturity were as follows. Securities not due at a single maturity date,
primarily mortgage-backed securities, are shown separately.

                                                                FOR SALE
                                                               FAIR VALUE
Due in one year or less.....................................    $    --
Due from one to five years..................................      4,019
Due from five to ten years..................................         --
Due after ten years.........................................         --
Mortgage-backed.............................................      9,215
  Total.....................................................    $13,234

     At September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003, there were no holdings of
securities of any one issuer, other than the U.S. Government and its agencies,
in an amount greater than 10% of shareholders' equity.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     Securities with unrealized losses at September 30, 2004 not recognized in
income are as follows:

                                LESS THAN 12 MONTHS        12 MONTHS OR MORE
                              -----------------------   -----------------------                  TOTAL
                                           UNREALIZED                UNREALIZED                UNREALIZED
-------------------------     ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Federal agency..............     $ --        $  --        $   --        $--         $   --        $--
Mortgage-backed.............      909            5         2,614         46          3,523         51
                                 ----        -----        ------        ---         ------        ---
Total temporarily
  impaired..................     $909        $   5        $2,614        $46         $3,523        $51
                                 ====        =====        ======        ===         ======        ===

     Unrealized losses on the above securities have not been recognized in
income because the issuers of the bonds are all federal agencies and the decline
in fair value is temporary and largely due to changes in market interest rates.
The fair value is expected to recover as the bonds approach their maturity date
and/or market rates decline.
     Loans were as follows:

                                                              SEPTEMBER 30,   DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2004            2003
                                                              -------------   ------------
Commercial..................................................     $ 6,106        $ 4,116
Real estate:
  Residential...............................................      42,759         36,060
  Commercial................................................      34,104          5,040
  Construction..............................................       1,127            610
Consumer....................................................      13,542         12,598
                                                                 -------        -------
     Subtotal...............................................      97,638         58,424
Less: Net deferred loan fees (costs)........................          91            (15)
     Allowance for loan losses..............................         747            415
                                                                 -------        -------
Loans, net..................................................     $96,800        $58,024
                                                                 =======        =======

     Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank were as follows.

                                                              SEPTEMBER 30,   DECEMBER 31,
                                                                  2004            2003
                                                              -------------   ------------
Maturity October 2004 at 1.88% fixed rate...................     $21,400         $   --
Maturity January 2004 at 1.09% floating rate................          --          7,500
Maturities March 2005 thru September 2008, at fixed rates
  from 1.50% to 3.41%, averaging 2.70%......................      12,270             --
                                                                 -------         ------
  Total.....................................................     $33,670         $7,500
                                                                 =======         ======

     Fixed rate advances are payable at their maturity date, with a prepayment
penalty. Floating rate advances can be prepaid at any time with no penalty. The
advances were collateralized by $40,401 of first and second mortgage loans under
a blanket lien arrangement, $11,065 of multifamily mortgages, $9,608 of
nonresidential mortgages, $2,609 of home equity lines of credit and $799 of
securities at September 30, 2004. The advances

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
were collateralized by $34,795 of first mortgage loans under a blanket lien
arrangement and $1,296 of securities at December 31, 2003.
     Required payments on all debt over the next five years are:

September 30, 2005..........................................  $23,400
September 30, 2006..........................................    4,000
September 30, 2007..........................................    4,270
September 30, 2008..........................................    2,000

     On October 22, 2004, the Company acquired 100% of the outstanding common
stock of RJO Financial Services, Inc., doing business as Reserve Mortgage
Services (Reserve), an Akron, Ohio based company licensed as a mortgage banker
in Ohio, Florida and Georgia. Reserve's name changed to Reserve Mortgage
Services, Inc. and it became an operating subsidiary of the Company's wholly
owned subsidiary, CFBank (the "Bank") on the date of the acquisition. The
acquisition of Reserve is expected to significantly expand the Company's
mortgage services and increase the Company's mortgage loan production. The
acquisition was accounted for as a purchase and the results of operations of
Reserve will be included in the consolidated financial statements beginning with
the date of acquisition.
     The aggregate purchase price was $2.2 million, including $340,000 in cash
and 127,077 shares of Central Federal Corporation Common Stock valued at
approximately $1.8 million based on the $14.06 average closing price of Central
Federal Corporation Common Stock during the week before and after the terms of
the acquisition were agreed to and announced on June 10, 2004.
     The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets
acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition.

                                                              OCTOBER 22,
Cash........................................................    $  189
Loan sales proceeds receivable..............................     1,299
Loans receivable............................................        54
Premises and equipment......................................        88
Other assets................................................         3
Intangible assets...........................................       320
Goodwill....................................................     1,716
  Total assets acquired.....................................     3,669
Loans payable...............................................     1,232
Other liabilities...........................................       259
  Total liabilities assumed.................................     1,491
  Net assets acquired.......................................    $2,178

     The acquired intangible assets have a weighted average useful life of
approximately 3 years and include a noncompete agreement for $25,000 with a
useful life of one year and prior owner intangible of $295,000 with a useful
life of 3 years. Goodwill of $1.7 million is not expected to be deductible for
tax purposes.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
     On October 22, 2004, the Company announced that the Board had unanimously
approved a 1-to-1000 reverse stock split of the Company's common stock as part
of a "going private" transaction. At a special meeting of shareholders to be
held in the coming weeks, shareholders will be asked to approve the reverse
stock split by authorizing an amendment to the Company's Certificate of
Incorporation. The record date will be announced at a later time. If the
amendment receives shareholder approval, the Board intends to effect the reverse
split immediately thereafter.
     As a result of the reverse split, the Company expects to have fewer than
300 record holders of its common stock, permitting the Company to terminate the
registration of its common stock with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"). The Company intends to apply for such termination
as soon as practicable after effecting the split, and thereafter its common
stock no longer will be quoted on Nasdaq.
     The Board carefully considered this course of action and concluded that it
was in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. A public company
generally enjoys investment liquidity for shareholders, easier access to
capital, the option to use company stock as capital in an acquisition and an
enhanced corporate image. While these benefits often justify the additional
accounting, legal and other costs of being a public company, their availability
depends upon active trading of the company's stock and a market price that
provides some certainty in valuing the company. However, the Company's stock
does not actively trade, and thus few, if any, of the benefits of being a public
company are available to the Company. Recent legislation, most notably the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 ("Sarbanes-Oxley") and regulations adopted by the SEC
and Nasdaq in furtherance of the purposes of Sarbanes-Oxley, have greatly
increased the compliance costs of being a public company, both with respect to
substantially higher legal and accounting costs and the significantly greater
amount of time the Company's executives must devote to regulatory matters. As a
private company, the Company will not have to implement the requirements of
Sarbanes-Oxley, file reports with the SEC or comply with the corporate
governance rules and onerous disclosure requirements of the SEC and Nasdaq.
Thus, the Company's legal, accounting and other costs will be much lower, and
management can focus on long-term goals and values rather than on each quarter's
financial results and the attendant market reaction. The savings realized by the
Company will be invested in the business. The Board believes that shareholder
value will be increased as management is allowed to focus its attention and
resources on implementing the Company's business plan and long-term strategy.

     Following is the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet
of Central Federal Corporation as of September 30, 2004, assuming the reverse
stock split was completed at that date.
                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2004

                                                         AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2004
                                                          PRO FORMA
                                                          INCREASE     FOOTNOTE
                                            HISTORICAL   (DECREASE)    REFERENCE   PRO FORMA
                                            ----------   -----------   ---------   ---------
                                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Cash and cash equivalents.................   $ 25,121      $(1,423)       (1)      $  23,698
Interest-bearing deposits in other
  financial institutions..................        298                                    298
Securities available for sale.............     13,234                                 13,234
Loans, net................................     96,800                                 96,800
Premises and equipment, net...............      2,686                                  2,686
Other assets..............................     10,320                                 10,320
                                             --------      -------                 ---------
                                             $148,459      $(1,423)                $ 147,036
                                             ========      =======                 =========

                            LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Deposits..................................   $ 90,355                              $  90,355
Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other
  debt....................................     33,670                                 33,670
Other liabilities.........................      6,039                                  6,039
                                             --------      -------                 ---------
     Total liabilities....................    130,064                                130,064
Shareholders' equity
     Total shareholders' equity...........     18,395       (1,423)       (1)         16,972
                                             --------      -------                 ---------
                                             $148,459      $(1,423)                $ 147,036
                                             ========      =======                 =========
Book value per share......................   $   8.92                     (9)      $2,795.95
                                             ========                              =========

See accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

     Following is the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statement of
operations of Central Federal Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2003,
assuming the reverse stock split was completed at the beginning of the year then
                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                       YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                           PRO FORMA
                                                           INCREASE     FOOTNOTE
                                             HISTORICAL   (DECREASE)    REFERENCE   PRO FORMA
                                             ----------   -----------   ---------   ---------
                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Interest and dividend income
  Loans, including fees....................   $ 4,203                               $  4,203
  Securities...............................       939                                    939
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividends...       141                                    141
  Federal funds sold and other.............       152         (33)        (2)            119
                                              -------        ----                   --------
                                                5,435         (33)                     5,402
Interest expense
  Deposits.................................     1,570                                  1,570
  Debt.....................................     1,951                                  1,951
                                              -------                               --------
                                                3,521                                  3,521
                                              -------        ----                   --------
Net interest income........................     1,914         (33)                     1,881
Provision for loan losses..................       102                                    102
                                              -------        ----                   --------
Net interest income after provision for
  loan losses..............................     1,812         (33)                     1,779
Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit accounts......       165                                    165
  Net gain on sales of loans...............       429                                    429
  Earnings on bank owned life insurance....       188                                    188
  Other....................................       148                                    148
                                              -------                               --------
                                                  930                                    930
Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits...........     3,549                                  3,549
  Occupancy and equipment..................       224                                    224
  Data processing..........................       246                                    246
  Franchise taxes..........................       301                                    301
  Professional fees........................       673           8       (3),(4)          681
  Director fees............................       119                                    119
  Supplies.................................       173                                    173
  Depreciation and amortization............       350                                    350
  Other....................................       469                                    469
                                              -------        ----                   --------
                                                6,104           8                      6,112
                                              -------        ----                   --------
Loss before income taxes...................    (3,362)        (41)                    (3,403)
Income tax expense (benefit)...............      (988)         30         (5)           (958)
                                              -------        ----                   --------
Net loss...................................   $(2,374)       $(71)                  $ (2,445)
                                              =======        ====                   ========
Loss per share
  Basic....................................   $ (1.31)                    (6)       $(460.34)
  Diluted..................................     (1.31)                  (6),(8)      (460.34)

See accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

     Following is the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statement of
operations of Central Federal Corporation for the nine months ended September
30, 2004, assuming the reverse stock split was completed at the beginning of the
period then ended.
                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION

                                                             NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004
                                                                 PRO FORMA
                                               HISTORICAL       (DECREASE)        FOOTNOTE REFERENCE   PRO FORMA
                                               ----------   -------------------   ------------------   ---------
                                                         (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Interest and dividend income
  Loans, including fees......................   $ 3,328                                                $  3,328
  Securities.................................       640                                                     640
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividends.....       112                                                     112
  Federal funds sold and other...............       180             (24)                    (2)             156
                                                -------            ----                                --------
                                                  4,260             (24)                                  4,236
Interest expense
  Deposits...................................       993                                                     993
  Debt.......................................       412                                                     412
                                                -------                                                --------
                                                  1,405                                                   1,405
                                                -------            ----                                --------
Net interest income..........................     2,855             (24)                                  2,831
Provision for loan losses....................       366                                                     366
                                                -------            ----                                --------
Net interest income after provision for loan
  losses.....................................     2,489             (24)                                  2,465
Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit accounts........        98                                                      98
  Net gain on sales of loans.................        63                                                      63
  Earnings on bank owned life insurance......       110                                                     110
  Other......................................        11                                                      11
                                                -------                                                --------
                                                    282                                                     282
Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits.............     2,513                                                   2,513
  Occupancy and equipment....................       222                                                     222
  Data processing............................       315                                                     315
  Franchise taxes............................       168                                                     168
  Professional fees..........................       282              38                     (3),            320
  Director fees..............................       127                                                     127
  Supplies...................................       184                                                     184
  Depreciation and amortization..............       252                                                     252
  Other......................................       608                                                     608
                                                -------            ----                                --------
                                                  4,671              38                                   4,709
                                                -------            ----                                --------
Loss before income taxes.....................    (1,900)            (62)                                 (1,962)
Income tax expense (benefit).................      (683)             22                     (5)            (661)
                                                -------            ----                                --------
Net loss.....................................   $(1,217)           $(84)                               $ (1,301)
                                                =======            ====                                ========
Loss per share
  Basic......................................   $ (0.61)                                    (7)        $(221.22)
  Diluted....................................     (0.61)                                    (7)         (221.22)

See accompanying notes to pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
(1) Represents cash paid for fractional shares and transaction expenses ($1,295
    and $128, respectively), related after-tax reduction in equity.
(2) Represents reduction in interest income on funds used to purchase fractional
    shares and pay transaction costs, net of reduced public company expenses, at
    2.50% annually.
(3) Includes $128 transaction costs (legal, accounting and other expenses)
    related to the reverse stock split.
(4) Includes anticipated cost savings estimated to be realized as a result of no
    longer being a public company totaling $120 annually ($90 for the nine month
    period). These costs include accounting, legal, filing, printing and other
(5) Federal income tax calculated at the Company's tax rate of 34%. Note that
    the $128 reverse stock split transaction costs are not deductible for
    federal income tax purposes.
(6) Pro forma basic and diluted loss per share is based on 5,310 weighted
    average shares outstanding for the year ended December 31, 2003.
(7) Pro forma basic and diluted loss per share is based on 5,883 weighted
    average shares outstanding for the nine months ended September 30, 2004.
(8) In 2003, the Company had included stock options and stock based incentive
    plan shares that increased the number of outstanding shares in computing
    diluted loss per share. However, because the Company had a loss from
    continuing operations, these potential common shares were anti-dilutive and
    should not have been considered for the computation. As a result, the
    Company has revised the historical 2003 diluted loss per share amount shown
    in these proforma financial statements. The impact of this change was not
    material to the diluted loss per share amount reported previously. The
    following potential average common shares were anti-dilutive and not
    considered in computing diluted loss per share for 2003 because the Company
    had a loss from continuing operations, the exercise price of the options was
    greater than the average stock price for the period or the fair value of the
    stock based incentive plan shares at the date of grant was greater than the
    average stock price for the period.

Stock options...............................................   225,285
Stock based incentive plan shares...........................    28,927

(9) Historical book value per share at September 30, 2004 does not include the
    dilutive impact of 163,849 shares issued during the period from October 1,
    2004 thru February 8, 2005 (primarily in the Reserve Mortgage Services, Inc.
    acquisition and through option exercises). Accordingly, the proforma book
    value per share at September 30, 2004 does not include the proforma dilutive
    impact of these shares. If these shares had been outstanding at September
    30, 2004, book value per share at that date would have been as follows:

Historical book value per share.............................   $    8.26
Pro forma book value per share..............................   $2,581.55


                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                               November 22, 2004
Board of Directors
Central Federal Corporation
2923 Smith Road
Fairlawn, Ohio 44333
Members of the Board of Directors:
     You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point
of view, of the cash consideration of $14.50 per share ("Consideration") to be
received by the certain common shareholders of Central Federal Corporation
("Central Federal" or the "Company") holding fewer than 325 shares immediately
prior to the Effective Time as defined in the Proxy Statement relating to the
Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation (the "Amendment") who will receive
cash consideration of $14.50 per fractional share created after the Effective
Time of the Amendment. Shareholders who hold fewer than 325 shares immediately
prior to the Effective Time will, as a result of the Amendment, no longer be
shareholders of the Company and shall cease to have any rights as shareholders
and their sole right shall be the right to receive the Consideration as
aforesaid, without interest thereon, upon surrender to the Company of their
certificates which theretofore represented shares of Central Federal Common
     Donnelly Penman & Partners ("Donnelly Penman") is an investment banking
firm of recognized standing. As part of our investment banking services, we are
continually engaged in the valuation of businesses and their securities in
connection with mergers and acquisitions, private placements and valuations for
stock plans, corporate and other purposes. We are acting as financial advisor to
the Company in connection with the Amendment and will receive a fee from the
Company for our services pursuant to the terms of our engagement letter with the
Company, dated as of October 28, 2004 (the "Engagement Letter").
     In arriving at our Opinion, we have:
          I. Reviewed the Annual Reports of the Company for the years ended
     December 31, 2002 through 2003 as well as interim financials through
     October 31, 2004;
          II. Reviewed the November 18, 2004 Board of Directors Report;
          III. Reviewed the Company's budget for the year ended December 31,
          IV. Compared certain financial characteristics of the Company to
     certain publicly held companies we deemed relevant;
          V. Reviewed current banking industry conditions and trends concerning
     the valuation of recent mergers and acquisitions;
          VI. Conducted discussions with the senior management of the Company
     concerning the business and future prospects of the Company;
          VII. Prepared a discounted dividend analysis of the Company based on
     projections derived from discussions with and deemed reasonable by
     management of the Company; and
          VIII. Reviewed such other data, including financial and industry data,
     performed such other analyses and taken into account such other matters as
     we deemed necessary or appropriate.
     In conducting our review and arriving at our opinion, as contemplated under
the terms of our engagement by the Company, we, with the consent of the Company,
relied, without independent investigation, upon the accuracy and completeness of
all financial and other information provided to us by the Company. Donnelly
Penman has further relied upon the assurance of management of the Company that
they are unaware of any facts that would make the information provided by or
available to the Company incomplete or misleading in any respect. With respect
to the financial forecast information discussed with us by the Company, we have
assumed that they have been reasonably prepared in good faith and reflect the
best currently available estimates and judgments of the senior management of

the Company as to the expected future financial performance of the Company. The
Company's management team has undertaken and agreed to advise us promptly if any
information previously provided has become inaccurate or is required to be
updated during the period of our review.
     No limitations were imposed by the Company on Donnelly Penman on the scope
of Donnelly Penman's investigation or the procedures to be followed by Donnelly
Penman in rendering this opinion. On November 18, 2004, the Board of Directors
was provided with Donnelly Penman's valuation of the fully marketable,
undiscounted value of a share of Central Federal common stock as of November 15,
2004. Although Donnelly Penman believes the value presented to the board is a
reasonable valuation, the actual share valuation for purposes of this Amendment
is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. In addition, Donnelly
Penman was not requested to and did not make any recommendation to the Company's
Board of Directors as to the form of the consideration to be paid to the
Company's shareholders. Donnelly Penman was not requested to opine as to, and
this opinion does not address, The Company's underlying business decision to
proceed with or effect the Amendment or the relative merits of the Amendment
compared to any alternative transaction that might be available to the Company.
     Donnelly Penman did not make or obtain any independent evaluation,
valuation or appraisal of the assets or liabilities of the Company, nor were we
furnished with such materials. Donnelly Penman has not reviewed any individual
credit files of the Company and has assumed, without independent verification
that the aggregate allowances for credit losses for the Company are adequate and
appropriate to cover such losses. Our opinion is necessarily based upon economic
and market conditions and other circumstances as they exist and have been
evaluated by us on the date of our opinion. We do not have any obligation to
update our opinion beyond the November 15, 2004 valuation, unless requested by
the Company in writing to do so, and we expressly disclaim any responsibility to
do so in the absence of any such request. Our services to the Company in
connection with the Amendment have been comprised solely of financial advisory
services, as described in the Engagement Letter.
     In our analyses, we have made numerous assumptions with respect to industry
performance, business and economic conditions, and other matters, many of which
are beyond the control of the Company. These assumptions include:
     - general economic conditions are not expected to improve or deteriorate
       significantly from their current state;
     - no significant industry regulations or events are expected to occur that
       would impair the Company's ability to earn income at the projected
       levels; and
     - industry trading and transaction multiples are not projected to change
       significantly from the current values.
     Any estimates contained in our analyses are not necessarily indicative of
future results or value, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
such estimates. Estimates of values of companies do not purport to be appraisals
or to necessarily reflect the prices at which companies or their securities
actually may be sold. No company or merger utilized in our analyses was
identical to the Company. Accordingly, such analyses are not based solely on
arithmetic calculations; rather, they involve complex considerations and
judgments concerning differences in financial and operating characteristics of
the relevant companies, the timing of the relevant mergers and prospective buyer
interests, as well as other factors that could affect the public trading markets
of companies to which the Company is being compared. The analyses performed by
Donnelly Penman were assigned a weighting based on Donnelly Penman's opinion of
their relative comparability and significance with regard to the specific
characteristics of the Company. The complete valuation provided to the Company
on November 18, 2004, including a comprehensive explanation of methodologies
utilized has been delivered to the Board of Directors of the Company. Additional
copies are available to members of the Board of Directors of the Company and the
Company's management upon request. A summary of this valuation is also presented
in the Proxy Statement under the heading of Opinion of Financial Advisor.

     Our opinion is furnished to the Board of Directors of the Company in
connection with its consideration of the proposed Amendment and does not
constitute a recommendation to or any advice to the Board of Directors of the
Company or to any shareholder to take any other action in connection with the
Amendment. Furthermore, this letter should not be construed as creating any
fiduciary duty on the part of Donnelly Penman to any such party. We hereby
consent to the reference to our opinion in the proxy statement relating to the
shares of common stock of the Company to be repurchased as a result of the
Amendment and to the inclusion of the foregoing opinion in the materials
relating to the Amendment. In giving such consent, we do not thereby admit that
we come within the category of persons whose consent is required under Section 7
of the Securities Act of 1933 or the rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission thereunder.
     Based upon and subject to the foregoing, including the various assumptions
and limitations set forth herein, it is our opinion that, as of November 18,
2004, the Consideration of $14.50 per share, is fair, from a financial point of
view, to the common shareholders of the Company.
                                          Very truly yours,
                                          /s/ John C. Donnelly
                                          John C. Donnelly
                                          Managing Director
                                          Donnelly Penman & Partners

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
     Central Federal Corporation, a corporation duly organized and existing
under and by virtue of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the
"Corporation"), does hereby certify that the Board of Directors of Central
Federal Corporation on February 1, 2005 adopted a resolution proposing and
declaring advisable the following amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation
of Central Federal Corporation:
     RESOLVED, that it is hereby declared advisable to amend the Company's
Certificate of Incorporation, as heretofore amended, by inserting the following
text at the end of Subsection A of Article Fourth:
     As of [          ] at [          ] EST (the "Effective Time"), each three
hundred twenty-five (325) shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time automatically will be reclassified and
continued, without any action on the part of the holder, as one (1) share of new
Common Stock (the "Reverse Split"). No fractional share will be issued to any
holder of fewer than 325 shares prior to the Reverse Split, and the resulting
fractional share that otherwise would have been issued to such holder will be
repurchased by the Company from such holder for a cash payment equal to the fair
market price determined by the Board of Directors. A certificate representing
the number of shares (including any fractional share) owned as a result of the
reverse stock split will be issued to any holder of 325 or more shares before
the reverse stock split."
     The remaining text of Article Fourth shall not change.
                                          CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                                                      DAVID C. VERNON

                           CENTRAL FEDERAL CORPORATION
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                             MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2005
                              10:00 A.M. LOCAL TIME


The undersigned hereby appoints the official proxy committee of the Board of
Central Federal Corporation (the "Company"), each with full power of
substitution, to act as proxy for the undersigned, and to vote all shares of
Common Stock of the Company which the undersigned is entitled to vote only at
the Special Meeting of Stockholders, to be held at the CFBank Fairlawn office
located at 2923 Smith Road, Fairlawn, Ohio on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 10:00
a.m., local time, with all of the powers the undersigned would possess if
personally present at such Special Meeting as follows:

Proposal Number 1. Amendment of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to
effect a one-for-325 shares reverse stock split.

FOR                        AGAINST                    ABSTAIN
--------------------       --------------------       --------------------

--------------------       --------------------       --------------------




The undersigned acknowledges receipt from the Company prior to the execution of
this proxy of a Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders and of a Proxy
Statement dated February 11, 2005.

Please sign exactly as you name appears on this card. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your full title. If
shares are held jointly, each holder may sign but only one signature is


                            SIGNATURE OF SHAREHOLDER

                            SIGNATURE OF SHAREHOLDER

                             POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE

                    (Central Federal Corporation Letterhead)

Dear CFBank Employees' Savings & Profit Sharing Plan and Trust Participant:

On behalf of the Board, I am forwarding you the attached Vote Authorization Form
for the purpose of conveying your voting instructions to Pentegra (the
"Trustee") on the proposal to be presented at the Special Meeting of
Stockholders of Central Federal Corporation (the "Company") on March 14, 2005.
Also enclosed is a Notice and Proxy Statement for the Company's Special Meeting
of Stockholders.

As a participant in the CF Bank Employees' Savings & Profit Sharing Plan and
Trust, you are entitled to direct the Trustee on how to vote the shares of
Common Stock in your account as of February 8, 2005, the Special Meeting record
date. These shares will be voted as directed by you provided your instructions
are received by the Trustee by March 7, 2005. The Trustee, subject to its
fiduciary duties, will vote any shares of Common Stock for which no instructions
are provided in a manner calculated to most accurately reflect the instructions
the Trustee has received from participants regarding the shares of Common Stock
allocated to their 401(k) accounts.

In order to direct the voting of shares of Common Stock in your account, please
complete and sign the enclosed Vote Authorization Form and return it in the
enclosed postage-paid envelope no later than March 7, 2005. Your vote will not
be revealed, directly or indirectly, to any employee or director of the Company
or CFBank.


David C. Vernon

                             VOTE AUTHORIZATION FORM

I understand that Pentegra (the "Trustee") is the holder of record and custodian
of all shares of Central Federal Corporation Common Stock allocated to me under
the CFBank Employees' Savings & Profit Sharing Plan and Trust. Further, I
understand that my voting instructions are solicited on behalf of the Board of
Directors for the Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held on March 14, 2005.

Accordingly, vote my shares as follows:

Proposal Number 1. Amendment of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to
effect a one-for-325 shares reverse stock split.

FOR                        AGAINST                    ABSTAIN
--------------------       --------------------       --------------------

--------------------       --------------------       --------------------


The Trustee is hereby authorized to vote all shares in my account in its trust
capacity as indicated above.

--------------------                        ------------------------------------
Date                                        Signature

Please date, sign and mail this form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope no
later than March 7, 2005.

                    (Central Federal Corporation Letterhead)

Dear Stock Award Recipient:

On behalf of the Board, I am forwarding to you the Attached Vote Authorization
Form for the purpose of conveying your voting instruction to First Banker's
Trust (the "Trustee") on the proposal to be presented at the Special Meeting of
Stockholders of Central Federal Corporation (the "Company") on March 14, 2005.
Also enclosed is the Notice and Proxy Statement for the Company's Special
Meeting of Stockholders.

As a participant in the Central Federal Corporation 1999 Stock-Based Incentive
Plan (the "Incentive Plan") you are entitled to vote all unvested shares of
restricted stock awarded to you under the Incentive Plan as of February 8, 2005.
The Incentive Plan Trustee will vote those shares of the Company stock in
accordance with instructions it receives from you and the other Stock Award
recipients. Shares of restricted stock for which instructions are not received
by March 7, 2005, will not be voted by the Incentive Plan Trustee, as directed
by the Company.

At this time, in order to direct the voting of Common Stock awarded to you under
the Incentive Plan, you must complete and sign the enclosed Vote Authorization
Form and return it in the accompanying postage-paid envelope no later than March
7, 2005.


David C. Vernon



I understand that First Banker's Trust (the "Trustee"), is the holder of record
and custodian of all shares of Central Federal Corporation (the "Company")
Common Stock held in trust for the Central Federal Corporation 1999 Stock-Based
Incentive Plan (Incentive Plan). Further, I understand that my voting
instructions are solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors for the Special
Meeting of Stockholders to be held on March 14, 2005.

Accordingly, I vote my shares as follows:

Proposal Number 1. Amendment of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to
effect a one-for-325 shares reverse stock split.

FOR                        AGAINST                    ABSTAIN
--------------------       --------------------       --------------------

--------------------       --------------------       --------------------


The Incentive Plan Trustee is hereby authorized to vote all unvested shares of
Common Stock awarded to me under the Incentive Plan in its trust capacity as
indicated above.

-----------------------                               --------------------------
Date                                                  Signature

Please date, sign and mail this form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope no
later than March 7, 2005.