Washington, D.C. 20549
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o |
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Crawford & Company
(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
o Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange
Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials: |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for
which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form
or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
March 23, 2010
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the Companys 2010
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Tuesday,
May 4, 2010, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time at
the Companys headquarters, 1001 Summit Boulevard,
N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30319.
The official Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders, Proxy
Statement and form of Proxy are included with this letter and
contain information about the meeting and the various matters on
which you are being asked to vote.
As is our custom, a brief report will be made immediately after
the annual meeting on the Companys 2009 activities and the
outlook for 2010. We hope you will be able to attend the annual
meeting. Whether or not you plan to attend, it is important
that you sign and return your Proxy, or vote electronically by
telephone or through the Internet, promptly, as your vote is
important to the Company.
On behalf of our Board of Directors, officers, and employees, we
wish to thank you for your continued interest in and support of
Crawford & Company.
Jeffrey T. Bowman
President and Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 5047
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
May 4, 2010
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of Crawford & Company (the Company) will
be held at the Companys headquarters, 1001 Summit
Boulevard, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia, 30319, on Tuesday,
May 4, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time, for the
following purposes:
1. To elect eight (8) directors to serve until the
next annual meeting of shareholders and until their successors
are elected and qualified;
2. To approve an amendment to the Crawford &
Company 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended, to
increase the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
available under the Plan by 1,000,000;
3. To approve the Crawford & Company U.K.
ShareSave Scheme, as amended;
4. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as independent auditors for the Company for the 2010 fiscal
year; and
5. To transact any and all other such business as may
properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or
postponement thereof.
Information relating to the above matters is set forth in the
accompanying Proxy Statement dated March 23, 2010. Only
shareholders of record of Class B Common Stock of the
Company as of the close of business on March 15, 2010 are
entitled to vote at the annual meeting or any adjournment or
postponement thereof. Shares of Class A Common Stock of the
Company are not entitled to be voted at the annual meeting.
MAY 4, 2010:
The proxy statement and 2009 annual report are available at
By Order of The Board of Directors,
Allen W. Nelson,
Atlanta, Georgia
March 23, 2010
It is important that your shares of Class B Common Stock
be represented at the annual meeting whether or not you are
personally able to be present. Accordingly, please complete and
sign the enclosed Proxy and return it in the accompanying
postage prepaid envelope, or vote your Proxy electronically by
telephone or through the Internet. Signing and returning the
Proxy, or submitting it electronically, will not affect your
right to vote in person at the annual meeting.
This Proxy is being solicited with respect to shares of
Class B Common Stock of the Company by the Board of
Directors of the Company. Proxies are not being solicited with
respect to shares of Class A Common Stock of the
P.O. Box 5047
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
To be Held on May 4, 2010
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and any adjournment or
postponement thereof (the Annual Meeting), will be
held at the headquarters of the Company, located at 1001 Summit
Boulevard, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30319 on Tuesday, May 4,
2010 at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time. We are first mailing or
delivering, or making available on the Internet at, this Proxy Statement and
the form of Proxy to shareholders on or about March 23,
2010. Our Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2009 is also being delivered with the
Proxy Statement.
Why am I
being furnished this Proxy Statement and Proxy?
You are being furnished this Proxy Statement and the
accompanying Proxy Card, or Proxy, because you own
shares of the Companys Class B Common Stock. A Proxy
is a legal designation of another person to vote the stock that
you own. That other person is called a proxy. If you
designate someone as your proxy in a written document, that
document is also called a proxy, a proxy card or a form of proxy.
All of the Companys shareholders on the Record Date,
described below, are being furnished a copy of the Notice of
Annual Meeting. However, only holders of the Companys
Class B Common Stock are entitled to vote on the matters
subject to a vote at the Annual Meeting. The Proxy Statement
describes the matters which will be voted on at the Annual
Meeting. It also gives you information so that you can make an
informed voting decision.
If you sign and return the Proxy, you are appointing J.T.
Bowman, W.B. Swain and A.W. Nelson as your representatives at
the Annual Meeting. Messrs. Bowman, Swain and Nelson will
vote your shares of Class B Common Stock at the Annual
Meeting as you instruct them on the Proxy. This way, your shares
will be voted at your direction whether or not you attend the
Annual Meeting. Even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting,
it is a good idea to complete, sign and return your Proxy, vote
by telephone or vote over the Internet in advance of the Annual
Meeting just in case your plans change.
Who is
furnishing the Proxy Statement and Proxy?
The Board of Directors of the Company is furnishing this Proxy
Statement and Proxy to solicit proxies on its behalf to vote at
the Annual Meeting.
How do I
know if I am entitled to vote? What is a record date?
Only shareholders of record of our Class B Common Stock as
of the close of business on March 15, 2010, which we refer
to as the Record Date, are entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.
How many
shares of Class B Common Stock are outstanding? How many
votes is each share of Class B Common Stock entitled to at
the Annual Meeting?
As of the Record Date, we had outstanding 24,697,172 shares
of Class B Common Stock, each share being entitled to one
vote on each matter acted upon at the Annual Meeting.
I own
shares of Class A Common Stock. Why did I receive this
Proxy Statement?
For information only, this Proxy Statement is being mailed to
shareholders of our Class A Common Stock as of the Record
Date. Shares of Class A Common Stock are not entitled to
vote at the Annual Meeting. Accordingly, no Proxy is being
requested and no Proxy should be returned with respect to such
How many
votes do you need to hold the Annual Meeting?
In order for us to conduct business at the Annual Meeting, we
must have a quorum at the Annual Meeting, which means that a
majority of the issued and outstanding shares of Class B
Common Stock as of the Record Date must be present. Your vote
will be counted as present for purposes of determining the
presence of a quorum if you:
vote over the Internet or by telephone,
properly submit a Proxy (even if you do not provide voting
instructions), or
attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted as
present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a
quorum. A broker non-vote occurs when a registered
holder (such as a broker or bank) holding shares in street
name for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular
proposal because the registered holder does not have
discretionary voting power for that particular item and has not
received voting instructions from the beneficial owner. Please
note that banks and brokers which have not received voting
instructions from their clients may not vote their clients
shares on the election of directors, the amendment to the
Crawford & Company 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
or the Crawford & Company U.K. ShareSave Scheme, but
may, but are not required to, vote such shares with respect to
the ratification of the appointment of independent auditors.
On what
items am I being asked to vote?
You are being asked to vote on four items:
the election of eight (8) directors;
the approval of an amendment to the Crawford & Company
1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended, to increase the
number of shares of Class A Common Stock available under
such plan by 1,000,000;
the approval of the Crawford & Company U.K. ShareSave
Scheme, as amended; and
the ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as our
independent auditors for the Companys 2010 fiscal year.
How may I
vote on all of the matters to be considered at the Annual
With respect to the election of directors, you may:
vote FOR all nominees;
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for one or more of the nominees and
vote FOR the remaining nominees; or
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all eight nominees.
Each share of Class B Common Stock is entitled to cast an
affirmative vote for up to eight (8) Director nominees.
Cumulative voting is not permitted. The eight nominees for
Director who receive the highest number of votes cast, in person
or by Proxy, at the Annual Meeting will be elected as Directors.
Votes withheld, abstentions and broker non-votes, will have no
effect on the outcome of the election of Directors.
With respect to the other proposals to be voted at the Annual
Meeting, you may:
vote FOR the proposal;
vote AGAINST the proposal; or
ABSTAIN from voting on the proposal.
The vote required to approve each other proposal is a majority
of the shares of Class B Common Stock present in person or
represented by Proxy. For these purposes, abstentions are
neither counted as votes cast for or against a proposal.
How do I
You may attend the Annual Meeting and vote your shares in
person, or you may choose to submit your Proxy by any of the
following methods:
Voting by Mail. If you choose to vote by mail,
simply complete the enclosed Proxy, date and sign it, and return
it in the postage-paid envelope provided. Your shares will be
voted in accordance with the instructions on your Proxy unless
it is properly revoked by you.
Voting by Telephone. You may vote your shares
by telephone by calling the toll-free telephone number provided
on the Proxy. Telephone voting is available 24 hours a day,
and the procedures are designed to authenticate votes cast by
using a personal identification number located on the Proxy. The
procedures allow you to give a proxy to vote your shares and to
confirm that your instructions have been properly recorded. If
you vote by telephone, you should not return your Proxy.
Voting by Internet. You also may vote your
shares through the Internet by signing on to the website
identified on the Proxy and following the procedures described
on the website. Internet voting is available 24 hours a
day, and the procedures are designed to authenticate votes cast
by using a personal identification number located on the Proxy.
The procedures allow you to give a proxy to vote your shares and
to confirm that your instructions have been properly recorded.
If you vote by Internet, you should not return your Proxy.
What if I
return my Proxy but do not provide voting
If you properly execute and return your Proxy but do not
indicate any voting instructions with respect to one or more
matters to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting, your shares will
be voted in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of
Directors as to all such matters.
If you sign your Proxy and return it without marking any voting
instructions, your shares will be voted FOR the election of all
Director nominees, FOR the amendment to the Crawford &
Company 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended, FOR the
approval of the Crawford & Company U.K. ShareSave
Scheme, as amended, and FOR the ratification of the appointment
of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors of the
Company for the 2010 fiscal year, as well as in the discretion
of the persons named as proxies on all other matters that may
properly come before the Annual Meeting.
voting procedures different if I hold my shares in the name of a
broker, bank or other nominee?
If you are a shareholder whose shares are held in street
name, (i.e., in the name of a broker, bank or other
record holder), you must either direct the record holder of your
shares how to vote your shares or obtain a Proxy, executed in
your favor, from the record holder to be able to vote at the
Annual Meeting.
We encourage shareholders who hold shares in street name to
provide instructions to that record holder on how to vote your
shares. Providing voting instructions ensures that your shares
will be voted at the Annual Meeting. If shares are held through
a brokerage account, the brokerage firm, under certain
circumstances, may vote the shares without instructions. On
certain routine matters, such as the ratification of
the appointment of auditors, brokerage firms have authority
under New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE, rules to vote their
customers shares if the customers do not provide voting
instructions. When a brokerage firm votes its
customers shares on a routine matter without receiving
voting instructions, these shares are counted both for
establishing a quorum to conduct business at the meeting and in
determining the number of shares voted for or against the
routine matter. The proposal to ratify the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP as our independent auditors for the
year 2010 is considered a routine matter.
On non-routine matters, if the brokerage firm has
not received voting instructions from the shareholder, the
brokerage firm cannot vote the shares on that proposal, which is
considered a broker non-vote. Broker non-votes will
be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum to conduct
business at the Annual Meeting but not for determining the
number of shares voted for or against the non-routine matter.
The proposals relating to the election of directors, the
amendment to the Crawford & Company 1996 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan, as amended, and the approval of the
Crawford & Company U.K. ShareSave Scheme, as amended,
are each considered non-routine matters.
What if I
change my mind after I return my Proxy?
Any shareholder giving a Proxy has the power to revoke it at any
time before it is voted by the execution of another Proxy
bearing a later date or by written notification to the Secretary
of the Company. Shareholders who are present at the Annual
Meeting will have the opportunity to revoke their Proxy and vote
in person if they so desire.
How can I
obtain a copy of the 2009 Annual Report to Shareholders and the
2009 Annual Report on
Form 10-K?
Our Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2009 is enclosed herewith. The Annual Report
forms no part of the material for the solicitation of proxies.
Our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and our
Annual Report to Shareholders, are available free of charge upon
written request to the Secretary, Crawford & Company,
P. O. Box 5047, Atlanta, Georgia 30302 and on the Companys
web site The Annual Report on
Form 10-K
(including all exhibits) is also available on the SECs
website at
Who is
paying for the expenses of this solicitation?
The cost of solicitation of proxies will be borne by the
Company. In an effort to have as large a representation at the
Annual Meeting as possible, special solicitation of proxies may,
in certain instances, be made personally, or by telephone,
electronic mail or by mail by one or more of our employees. We
will also reimburse brokers, banks, nominees or other
fiduciaries for the reasonable clerical expenses of forwarding
the proxy material to their principals, the beneficial owners of
the Companys Class A or Class B Common Stock.
and Voting
From and after the Annual Meeting, our Board of Directors has
fixed the number of Directors constituting the full Board at
eight, and has nominated the eight persons listed below as
Directors, to hold office until the next annual meeting and
until their successors are elected and qualified. Each nominee,
except Russel L. Honoré, was elected by the shareholders at
the Companys previous annual meeting on May 5, 2009.
Gen. Honoré is a member of the present Board of Directors
and was appointed as a member of the Board on May 5, 2009.
If, at the time of the Annual Meeting, any of the nominees
should be unable to serve, the persons named in the Proxy will
vote for substitute nominees selected by the Board of Directors
or, as an alternative, the Board of Directors could reduce the
size of the Board
and/or the
number of Directors to be elected at the Annual Meeting. We have
no reason to believe that any of the nominees will be unable or
unwilling to serve as a Director for his full term until the
next annual meeting and until his successor is elected and
The following gives certain information as to each person
nominated by our Board of Directors for election as a Director:
P. George Benson, age 63, is the President of
the College of Charleston, a position he has held since February
2007. From June 1998 until January 2007, he was Dean of the
Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia.
Dr. Benson has served as a member of the Board of Directors
since 2005. Dr. Benson also serves as a member of the
boards of directors of Nutrition 21, Inc. and AGCO, Inc.
Dr. Bensons distinguished professional background in
academics and leadership positions at the College of Charleston
and University of Georgia, together with the experience he
brings to the Board as a current director, led to the
Boards decision to nominate Dr. Benson for reelection
to our Board.
Jeffrey T. Bowman, age 56, is the President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Mr. Bowman was
appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
effective January 1, 2008. Prior to that, from
January 1, 2006 he was Chief Operating Officer
Global Property & Casualty of the Company in charge of
the U.S. Property & Casualty and International
Operations segments. From April 1, 2001 to
December 31, 2005, he was President of Crawford &
Company International, Inc. managing the Companys
international operations. Mr. Bowman has served as a member
of the Board of Directors since 2008. The Board believes
Mr. Bowmans executive leadership, and the extensive
industry expertise he has developed working in senior
management, uniquely qualify Mr. Bowman to continue to
serve as a director of the Company.
Jesse C. Crawford, age 61, is the President and
Chief Executive Officer of Crawford Media Services, Inc., a
provider of post production services, and was appointed to this
position on January 15, 2010. Prior to that and since
September, 1984, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of
Crawford Communications, Inc., a full-service provider of
teleproduction services including audio/video production and
post production, multimedia title design, satellite services,
animation, and special effects. Mr. J.C. Crawford has
served as a member of the Board of Directors since 1986.
Mr. J.C. Crawfords significant experience in senior
management of a services company with both international and
disaster recovery components, as well as the significant
knowledge base acquired by having served as a director of the
Company for more than 20 years qualify him to continue to
serve on the Board.
James D. Edwards, age 66, is a retired partner of
Arthur Andersen LLP. Mr. Edwards has served as a member of
the Board of Directors since 2005. Mr. Edwards also serves
a member of the boards of directors of IMS Health Incorporated,
Cousins Properties, Inc., Transcend Services, Inc. and Huron
Consulting Group, Inc. Mr. Edwards significant
financial expertise developed through 30 years
experience in public accounting, as well as his public company
board experience in varied industries, were important
considerations in the Boards belief that Mr. Edwards
is highly qualified to serve on our Board.
Russel L. Honoré, age 62, Lieutenant General
(U.S. Army, Ret.), has served as a member of the Board of
Directors since 2009. From 2004 through 2008, Gen. Honoré
served as a lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, holding
the post of Commanding General, First U.S. Army. Since his
retirement in February 2008, Gen. Honoré has been self
employed as a public speaker. Gen. Honoré has significant
experience relating to disaster preparedness, particularly
including his role as commander of the joint task force
responsible for coordinating military relief efforts after
Hurricane Katrina. The Board believes Gen. Honoré is highly
qualified to serve as a director as a result of his significant
public service background and his high level management insight
and experience related to catastrophes and similar large-scale
Charles H. Ogburn, age 54, is an Executive Director
of Arcapita, Inc., an international private equity firm.
Mr. Ogburn has served as a member of the Board of Directors
since 2009. Mr. Ogburn also serves as a member of the board
of directors of Caribou Coffee Company. Mr. Ogburn has
extensive experience in international business matters as well
as financial counseling to public and private companies in
various life-cycle stages, which experience the Board considered
in determining that it believes Mr. Ogburn remains
qualified to serve on the Board.
Clarence H. Ridley, age 67, is the Chairman of the
Board of Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. a furniture retailer
(retiring May 2010). Mr. Ridley has served as a member of
the Board of Directors since 2004. Mr. Ridley also serves
as a member of the board of trustees of the RidgeWorth Funds.
Mr. Ridley brings to the Board experience as chairman of a
publicly traded company, significant amount of legal expertise
from his years experience as a partner at an international
law firm, and policy-making and organizational experience from
his other service projects, which the Board believes well
qualifies him to continue to serve as a director.
E. Jenner Wood, III, age 58, is the
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of
SunTrust Bank, Central Group. Mr. Wood has served as a
member of the Board of Directors since 1997. Mr. Wood also
serves as a member of the boards of directors of Oxford
Industries, Inc. and Georgia Power Company. Mr. Woods
experience in financing matters for companies in various
industries and of various sizes, as well as his experience
gained from sitting as a member of the board of other
publicly-traded companies and the depth of his experiences with
Crawford, led to the Boards decision that Mr. Wood is
highly qualified to serve on our Board.
Each share of Class B Common Stock may:
vote FOR the election of the 8 nominees for director;
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for one or more of the nominees and
vote FOR the remaining nominees; or
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for the 8 nominees.
Election of directors is determined by a plurality of votes. The
8 nominees receiving the highest number of affirmative votes
will be elected as directors. Cumulative voting is not
permitted. Votes withheld, or abstentions, and broker non-votes,
will have no effect on the outcome of the election of directors.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR each
of its nominees for Director.
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that a majority of
our Directors will be independent Directors under the NYSE
corporate governance listing standards, as in effect from time
to time. In addition, our Corporate Governance Guidelines
include certain categorical independence standards to assist the
Board in determining Director independence. The full text of our
Corporate Governance Guidelines can be found on our website at by clicking on the Corporate
Governance tab, and are available in print to any
shareholder that requests it.
As required by our Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Board of
Directors reviewed and analyzed the relationships of each
Director and Director nominee with the Company and its
management. The purpose of the review was to determine whether
any particular relationships or transactions involving Directors
or Director nominees, or their respective affiliates or
immediate family members, were inconsistent with a determination
that the Director is independent for purposes of serving on the
Board and any of its Committees.
As a result of this review, the Board has determined, pursuant
to the listing standards of the NYSE and our Corporate
Governance Guidelines, that all Director nominees standing for
election are independent for purposes of serving on the Board of
Directors, except Mr. Bowman, who is an employee of the
Company. In addition, the Board has determined that all of the
members of the Audit Committee and the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee are independent. The company
with which Mr. Wood is affiliated, SunTrust Banks, Inc., is
a customer of the Company and, in the ordinary course of its
provides certain banking services to the Company, including as
an agent and lender under the Companys credit facility.
The Board has determined that the payments to or from the
Company with respect to SunTrust Banks, Inc., as a percentage of
either entitys consolidated gross revenues are immaterial
and, because the Companys credit facility was entered into
in the ordinary course of SunTrusts business, such loans
were and are made on substantially the same terms, including
interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time
for comparable loans with other parties, such loans do not
involve more than the normal risk of collectibility or present
other unfavorable features, such relationships do not affect
Mr. Woods independence. For additional information
regarding this relationship, see Information with Respect
to Certain Business Relationships and Related Transactions.
Committees and Attendance at Board and Committee
The Board of Directors has three standing committees: the Audit
Committee; the Executive Committee; and the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee. Mr. Lanier, who
currently serves on the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee, is not standing for
re-election to our Board, and will cease to be a Director and
member of any committees immediately after the Annual Meeting.
As a result, we expect the Board of Directors to reexamine the
membership of the committees thereof immediately following the
Annual Meeting.
The Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee currently consists of Mr. J.C. Crawford as
Chairman, and Messrs. Bowman, Ogburn and Ridley as members.
The Executive Committee may exercise all the authority of the
Board of Directors between its meetings with respect to all
matters not specifically reserved by law to the Board of
Directors. The Executive Committee held five meetings during
The Audit Committee. The Audit Committee
currently consists of Mr. Edwards as Chairman, and
Messrs. Ridley and Ogburn as members. The Board has
determined that all of the members of the Audit Committee are
independent under the NYSE listing standards and
Rule 10A-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange
Act). In addition, the Board has determined that
Mr. Edwards is an Audit Committee Financial
Expert as defined by Item 401(h) of
Regulation S-K
under the Exchange Act. In making such determination, the Board
took into consideration, among other things, the express
provision in Item 407(d) of SEC
Regulation S-K
that the determination that a person has the attributes of an
audit committee financial expert shall not impose any greater
responsibility or liability on that person than the
responsibility and liability imposed on such person as a member
of the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, nor shall it
affect the duties and obligations of other Audit Committee
members or the Board.
The Audit Committee has adopted a written charter, approved by
our Board of Directors. The Audit Committee appoints and
discharges our independent auditors, reviews with the
independent auditors the audit plan and results of the audit
engagement, reviews the scope and results of our internal
auditing procedures and the adequacy of our accounting controls,
approves professional services provided by the independent
auditors, reviews the independence of the independent auditors,
and approves the independent auditors audit and non-audit
The Audit Committee also reviews and approves related party
transactions in accordance with the Companys Related Party
Transactions Policy. The Companys Related Party
Transactions Policy is designed to eliminate conflicts of
interest and improper valuation issues, and applies to the
Companys Directors, officers, shareholders holding 5% or
more of the Companys stock and family members or
controlled affiliates of such persons. For purposes of the
Companys Related Party Transactions Policy, a
related party transaction is a transaction between
the Company and any related party, other than transactions
generally available to all employees and certain de minimis
The Audit Committee held five meetings during 2009.
The Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation
Committee. The Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee currently consists of
Mr. Lanier as Chairman, and Messrs. Benson,
Honoré and Wood as members. The Board of Directors has
determined that all members of the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee are independent under the NYSE
listing standards. The Nominating/
Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee has adopted a
written charter, approved by the Board of Directors. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee actively
reviews and selects Director nominees for the Board, advises and
makes recommendations to the Board on all matters concerning
corporate governance and directorship practices and formulates
and approves the salary, grants of stock options, performance
share units and restricted stock and other compensation to the
Chief Executive Officer and, upon recommendation of the Chief
Executive Officer, salaries, grants of stock options,
performance share units and restricted stock and other
compensation for all other officers of the Company. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee
identifies and evaluates nominees for Director according to the
guidelines stated in this written charter, and will also
consider Director candidates recommended by shareholders on the
same terms. Specifically, given evolving needs and challenges of
the Company, the Committee does not believe it is appropriate to
specify criteria for directors but rather believes that
appropriate candidates should show evidence of leadership in
their particular field, have the interest and ability to devote
sufficient time to carrying out their respective duties and
responsibilities, and that the Board as a whole should have
diversity of experience (which may, at any one or more times,
include differences with respect to personal, educational or
professional experience, gender, ethnicity, geographic origin
and location, and age) and the ability to exercise sound
business judgment, possess the highest personal and professional
ethics, integrity and values, and be committed to representing
the long-term interests of the Companys shareholders. In
selecting directors, the Board generally seeks a combination of
active or former senior officers of businesses, academics and
entrepreneurs whose backgrounds are relevant to the
Companys mission, strategy, operations and perceived needs.
See Communications with the Board, Board Attendance at
Annual Meetings, Shareholder Nominees below. This
Committee held three meetings in 2009. For additional
information about the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committees processes and its role,
as well as the role of executive officers and compensation
consultants in determining compensation, see Compensation
Discussion and Analysis below.
Sessions of Non-Management Directors
Non-management and independent Directors are required to meet
regularly without management participation. During 2009, there
were three meetings of non-management and independent Directors,
chaired by Mr. J.C. Crawford.
of the Board of Directors
During 2009, the Board of Directors held eight meetings. Each of
the Companys Directors attended at least seventy-five
percent (75%) of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board
of Directors and any committees thereof of which such Director
was a member (during the period that he served).
Governance Guidelines, Committee Charters and Code of Business
The Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines, committee
charters, and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics are available
on its website at under the tab
Corporate Governance, and are also available without
charge in print to any shareholder who makes a request by
writing to Corporate Secretary, Legal Department,
Crawford & Company, 1001 Summit Boulevard, N.E.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30319.
The Chairman of the Board presides at all meetings of the Board
and the shareholders, and exercises such other powers and duties
as the Board may assign him. Generally, the Chairman of the
Board provides leadership to the Board and works with the Board
to define its structure and activities in the fulfillment of its
responsibilities. The Company believes that the members of the
Board possess considerable and unique knowledge of the
challenges and opportunities the Company faces, and therefore
are in the best position to evaluate the needs of the Company
and how best to organize the capabilities of our directors and
executives to meet those needs. As a result, the Company
believes that the decision as to who should serve as Chairman
and as President and Chief Executive Officer, and whether the
offices should be combined or separate, is properly the
responsibility of the Board, to be exercised from time to time
in appropriate consideration of then-existing facts and
Mr. Ogburn has served as a member of the Board since
February 3, 2009, and as Non-Executive Chairman of the
Board since January 1, 2010. Prior to Mr. Ogburn being
named Non-Executive Chairman of the Board, Mr. T.W.
Crawford served as Chairman of the Board from January 1,
2008. The Board currently believes that, based on the skills and
responsibilities of the various Board members and management,
and in light of the general economic, business and competitive
environment facing the Company, such separation of the chairman
and chief executive officer roles enhances (i) appropriate
oversight of management by the Board, (ii) Board
independence, (iii) the accountability to our shareholders
by the Board and (iv) our overall leadership structure.
Furthermore, we believe that by maintaining separation of the
chairman function from that of the chief executive officer,
currently allows the chief executive officer to properly focus
on managing the business, rather than requiring a significant
portion of his efforts to be spent on also overseeing Board
The Company takes a comprehensive approach to risk management
and seeks to include risk management principles in all of its
management processes. This comprehensive approach is reflected
in the reporting processes pursuant to which management provides
information to the Board to support the Boards role in
oversight, approval and decision-making.
The Board maintains oversight responsibility for the management
of the Companys risks, and closely monitors the
information it receives from management to provide oversight and
guidance to our management team concerning the assessment and
management of risk. The Board approves the Companys high
level goals, strategies and policies to set the tone and
direction for appropriate levels of risk taking within the
Our Board also reviews, at least biannually, the Companys
enterprise risk management (ERM) program to ensure that an
appropriate ERM process is in place. This review includes a
discussion of the major risk exposures identified by senior
management, the key strategic plan assumptions considered during
the assessment and steps implemented to monitor and mitigate
such exposures on an ongoing basis.
In addition to these reviews, our senior executives with
responsibility for various business functionalities provide the
Board and its committees with periodic updates regarding the
Companys strategies and objectives, and the risks inherent
thereto. Members of management most knowledgeable of relevant
issues attend Board meetings to provide additional insight into
items being discussed, including risk exposures. In addition,
our directors have access to Company management at all times and
at all levels to discuss any matters of interest, including
those related to risk. The Board and its committees call special
meetings when necessary to address specific issues.
The Board has delegated oversight for matters involving certain
specific areas of risk exposure to its committees. Each
committee reports to the Board of Directors at regularly
scheduled Board meetings, and more frequently if appropriate,
with respect to the matters and risks for which the committee
provides oversight.
The Audit Committee oversees the integrity of our financial
statements, risks related to our financial reporting process and
internal controls, the internal audit function, the independent
auditors qualifications, independence and performance, and
the Companys corporate finance matters, including its
capital structure. The Audit Committee also provides oversight
with respect to the Companys risk management process,
including, as required by the NYSE, discussing with management
the Companys significant financial risk exposures, steps
management has taken to monitor, control and report such
exposures and our policies with respect to risk assessment and
risk management.
Our Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee is
responsible primarily for the design and oversight of the
Companys executive compensation policies, plans and
practices. A key objective of the
Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee is to
ensure that the Companys overall executive compensation
program appropriately links pay to performance and aligns the
interests of the Companys executives with its
shareholders, while seeking to encourage an appropriate level of
risk-taking behavior consistent with the Companys
long-term strategy. The Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee also monitors the design and
administration of the Companys overall incentive
compensation programs to ensure that they include appropriate
safeguards to avoid encouraging unnecessary or excessive risk
taking by Company employees. The Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee also oversees risks related to
our corporate governance, including Board and director
performance, director succession and the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines and other governance documents.
During 2009, each non-employee member of the Board was entitled
to receive an aggregate of $60,000 in cash and stock. The cash
portion of the compensation was paid quarterly in $7,500
increments. The remainder of such compensation was paid in
shares of the Companys Class A common stock, and was
paid in January 2010 to individuals who were on the Board on
December 31, 2009. In addition to the foregoing, each
non-management director was entitled to receive $1,000 for each
Board or committee meeting attended. Further, the Chairman of
the Board and the Chairman of the Audit Committee were also each
entitled to a retainer of $3,000 per quarter, and the Chairman
of each of the Executive and Nominating Committees was also
entitled to a retainer of $2,500 per quarter. Beginning with the
second quarter of 2009, the Board determined that it would no
longer pay any fees for service as a director to any individual
who was also serving as a member of management of the Company.
The following table provides compensation information for the
year ended December 31, 2009 for each individual who served
as a non-management member of our Board of Directors during
2009. See Summary Compensation Table for information
relating to Mr. Bowmans compensation.
Change in
Value and
or Paid in
All Other
Thomas W. Crawford(2)
P. George Benson
Jesse C. Crawford
James D. Edwards
Russel L. Honoré
Robert T. Johnson(3)
J. Hicks Lanier(4)
Charles H. Ogburn
Larry L. Prince(3)
Clarence H. Ridley
E. Jenner Wood, III
(1) |
Represents the grant date fair value of awards calculated
utilizing the provisions of Accounting Standards Codification
Topic 718 Compensation-Stock Compensation (ASC
718). See Note 11 of the consolidated financial
statements in the Companys Annual Report for year ended
December 31, 2009 regarding assumptions underlying the
valuation of equity awards. The stock awards were made pursuant
to the terms of the Companys Non-Employee Director Stock
Plan. At December 31, 2009, the aggregate number of stock
option awards outstanding for each non-employee Director was as
follows: Dr. Benson 36,000; |
Mr. J.C. Crawford 33,000; Mr. Edwards 39,000;
Mr. Johnson 36,000; Mr. Lanier 39,000; Mr. Prince
39,000; Mr. Ridley 42,000; and Mr. Wood 39,000.
Mr. T.W. Crawford does not have outstanding stock option
awards under the Companys Non-Employee Director Stock
Plan, but on September 1, 2004 he was granted 500,000 stock
options under the 1997 Crawford & Company Key Employee
Stock Option Plan. |
(2) |
Pursuant to an employment agreement dated February 3, 2009
between the Company and Mr. T.W. Crawford, Mr. T.W.
Crawford served as Chairman of the Board until December 31,
2009, and provided certain other services to the Company for
such period, for which he was paid $1,500 per day.
Mr. Crawford resigned from the Board effective
December 31, 2009. |
(3) |
Messrs. Johnson and Prince did not stand for re-election at
the 2009 Annual Meeting. |
(4) |
Not standing for re-election at Annual Meeting. |
(5) |
Represents the following amounts for 2009: $4,615 in salary; a
$162 Company contribution to the Crawford Savings and Investment
Plan; $2,308 in country club dues; a $29,469 automobile
allowance; and a $180 premium payment on term life insurance. |
with our Board, Board Attendance at Annual Meetings, Shareholder
Individuals may communicate with our Board by sending a letter
to Board of Directors, Crawford & Company, P. O. Box
1261, Tucker, Georgia
Your letter will be shared with all members of our Board and
may, at the discretion of our Board, be shared with Company
management, unless your letter requests otherwise.
Communications that are specifically intended for non-management
Directors should be addressed to Chairman of the Executive
Committee, Board of Directors, Crawford &
Company at this same address.
The Company encourages all Directors to attend each annual
meeting. The Company also holds a full Board meeting the same
day as the annual meeting to further encourage all Directors to
attend the annual meeting. At the most recent annual meeting,
all current Directors attended.
Any shareholder who certifies that he or she is the continuous
record owner of at least one percent (1%) of the common stock of
the Company for at least one year prior to the submission of a
candidate and who provides a written statement that he or she
intends to continue ownership of the shares through the date of
the applicable annual meeting of shareholders may submit a
nomination for Director. The candidate must meet the
qualifications stated in the Companys by-laws and the
submission must be made to the Nominating/Corporate
Governance/Compensation Committee at P. O. Box 1261, Tucker,
Georgia 30085, no more than 180 days and no less than
120 days prior to the anniversary date of this Proxy
Statement. The Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation
Committee will review all candidates submitted by Shareholders
for consideration as nominees pursuant to its general practices
and the guidelines stated in its charter and the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines before determining whether to
submit any nominee to the full Board for consideration.
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis explains our
compensation philosophy, objectives, policies and practices with
respect to our executive officers, including our CEO, CFO and
the other three most highly-compensated executive officers as
determined in accordance with applicable SEC rules and as set
out in the Summary Compensation Table below, whom we
collectively refer to as our named executive
officers. The fundamental philosophy of the
Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee, which we
refer to in this section as the Compensation
Committee, with respect to executive compensation is to
ensure that our compensation programs will enable us to attract
and retain key executives critical to our long-term success,
through the establishment of a performance-oriented environment
that rewards the achievement of both short-and long-term
strategic management goals, with the attendant enhancement of
shareholder value. The Compensation Committee regularly reviews
these compensation programs, and makes adjustments as
appropriate to accomplish these objectives.
Role of
the Compensation Committee
The role of the Compensation Committee, among other
responsibilities, is to (1) annually review the
Companys goals and objectives relative to CEO and senior
executive officer compensation, including, as the Compensation
Committee deems appropriate, consideration of the Companys
performance and relative shareholder return, the value and
construct of compensation packages for comparable officers at
comparable companies and the awards given to the Companys
senior executive officers in past years, (2) annually
review, evaluate and update, as appropriate, the components of
the Companys compensation program in view of those goals
and objectives, and set compensation levels for the
Companys senior executive officers, (3) annually
evaluate the CEOs and the other senior executives
performance in light of established goals and objectives, and
approve compensation to be paid with respect to such
performance, including certifying the degree of achievement of
performance goals where called for under the terms of
performance-based compensation programs, (4) review and
approve the adoption, terms and operation of the Companys
compensation plans for senior executives, including incentive
compensation plans and equity-based plans, and (5) in light
of the foregoing, to consider and grant bonuses, stock options,
performance share units, restricted stock and other
discretionary awards, as appropriate, under the Companys
incentive compensation and equity-based plans. Our Compensation
Committee also provides other functions to our Company,
including by acting as our Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee, as described elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.
The Compensation Committee generally does not follow a precise
formula for allocating between the three key elements (described
below) of compensation to its senior executive officers. Each
element of compensation operates independently of the other and
is designed to motivate towards, and reward, a different segment
of results, thus the Compensation Committee does not believe it
is appropriate that payment (or lack thereof) of one element
generally should impact payment of any other elements. However,
the Compensation Committee reviews information that compares
each element of senior executive compensation, both separately
and in the aggregate, to amounts paid for positions with similar
duties and responsibilities at comparable or peer group
companies, and believes it appropriate to target each element of
compensation near the median level, or midpoint, of compensation
paid by such companies.
Role of
Senior Executive Officers in Executive Compensation
Our senior executive officers also play an important role with
respect to the setting and determination of the annual cash
portion of executive compensation, including base salary and any
annual cash incentive compensation. These senior executive
officers make recommendations to our Compensation Committee with
respect to the setting of performance goals under our incentive
compensation plans and the assessment of the performance of
employees who are direct reports to such officers. As a result
of regular interaction, the senior executive officers are able
to provide personal insight as to the performance of their
direct reports as well as overall performance trends of
employees of the Company. Our Compensation Committee relies, in
part, on this information in connection with its overall
assessment as to the adequacy and appropriateness of both
individual executive compensation as well as the compensation
plans of the Company as a whole. Our Compensation Committee
considers any such recommendations when determining overall
individual compensation. Our Compensation Committee has approved
ranges of cash compensation for our senior executive officers
(other than our CEO) and, within those constructs, due to the
nature of the working relationship between the CEO and such
other employees, and the nature and level of the regular
interaction, believes it is appropriate for our CEO to make the
final determination with respect to such decisions within those
The Compensation Committees Charter provides for the
Compensation Committee to retain and terminate, as deemed
necessary, any compensation consultant to be used to assist in
the evaluation of Director, CEO or executive compensation. The
Compensation Committee has the sole authority to select such
consultant and to approve the consultants fees and other
retention terms. In 2009, Mercer Human Resource Consulting
(Mercer) was engaged to review and advise the
Company and the Compensation Committee on executive and general
compensation matters for the Company. During 2007, pursuant to
its prior engagement, Mercer performed a comprehensive pay
analysis of the Companys overall compensation programs.
That pay analysis
focused on the elements of the Companys compensation, as
enumerated below, and is referred to in the following discussion
as applicable.
The materials presented by Mercer to our Compensation Committee
included data from a number of published compensation sources as
well as Mercer proprietary sources. For benchmarking purposes,
Mercer focused on companies in similar industries and comparable
in size to the Company, namely financial services and insurance
firms with (i) gross annual premiums in the $2 billion
to $6 billion range or (ii) assets in the
$4 billion to $9 billion range. As a part of its
analysis, Mercer maintained the confidentiality of the names of
the companies included in its survey.
Initially based on this analysis in 2007, our Compensation
Committee determined, with Mercers input, that base salary
compensation for our executive officers generally met or
exceeded comparable market levels, but that annual incentives
and long-term incentives were below market levels. As a result,
and because the Compensation Committee determined it was in the
best interests of the Company to maintain its market
competitiveness for executive talent, the Compensation Committee
took action in 2008 to increase annual and long-term incentives
described under Annual Incentive Compensation and
Long-term Incentive Compensation below. Based on
Company performance during 2007, the Compensation Committee
elected to phase-in over multiple years the increase in annual
and long-term incentives, and both remained below market levels
for 2009.
During 2009, the Company paid Mercer fees totaling $282,169, of
which $58,574 were related to executive compensation matters.
During 2009, the Company also paid affiliates of Mercer
$1,060,731. The other services provided by Mercer and its
affiliates typically have not been presented to the Compensation
Committee for approval as the Compensation Committee does not
believe that the nature, scope or amount of these services
negatively affects the executive compensation consulting
services that Mercer provides to the Company and Compensation
Committee. The Compensation Committee determined that the other
services provided in 2009 did not affect the objectivity or
quality of Mercers executive compensation consulting
services to the Compensation Committee. The Compensation
Committee will monitor fees for other services provided by
Mercer and its affiliates.
of Compensation
In 2009, there were three key elements in the Companys
executive compensation program:
Pay Element
What the Element Rewards
Purpose of the Pay Element
Base Salary
Individual job performance and merit.
Provide competitive level of guaranteed cash compensation.
Reward performance (at individual and Company levels).
Annual Incentives
Company-wide achievement of targeted revenue, operating earnings
(1), accounts receivable management or other identified
performance objectives, as deemed appropriate.
Provide focus on meeting annual financial and other operational
goals that are designed to lead to our long-term success.
Long-term Incentives
Delivery of shareholder value. Vesting periods designed to
encourage employee retention.
Provide a blended focus on:
Increase in stock price;
Increase in earnings per share;
Net income; and
Executive ownership of stock.
(1) |
The term operating earnings as referred to in this
section is discussed and defined in Note 12 to the
consolidated financial statements in the Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. |
In executing its role with respect to compensation matters, the
Compensation Committee considers a variety of factors, including
recommendations from senior executive officers and any
compensation consultants, the recent historical performance of
the individual executive officers, the Companys historical
financial results and shareholder return, cumulative
compensation history (to the extent that it impacts pay
receivable currently and in the future) and internal pay equity
(i.e., compensation levels of our senior executives
relative to each other), all as described below.
and Risk Management
The Compensation Committee does not believe that our executive
compensation program encourages excessive or unnecessary
risk-taking. By dividing our executives compensation into
three key elements, the Compensation Committee believes it has
properly weighted the performance compensation eligible to be
earned by our executives appropriately between short-term and
long-term goals. Additionally, both short-term and long-term
incentive compensation awards are capped at a set percentage of
an executives applicable target award, adding protection
against disproportionately large short-term incentives. Our
long-term performance compensation is payable in shares of the
Companys Class A Common Stock, and any such awards
vest over time. The delayed vesting encourages our
executives sustained focus on the long-term performance of
the Company. The Compensation Committee believes these long-term
incentives, when coupled with our executive stock ownership
guidelines, promote proper alignment of our executives
interests with those of the Companys shareholders.
Our executive stock ownership guidelines set out specified
ownership targets for members of our Board and certain Board
elected officers. Non-employee Board members are required to own
shares in the Company equal in value to their annual cash
retainer (currently $30,000). Non-employee members of the board
have until December 31, 2011 to meet the applicable
ownership targets. The chief executive officer is required to
own shares in the Company equal in value to three times his
annual base salary. Executive vice presidents (which includes
the remainder of our named executive officers) are required to
own shares in the Company equal in value to two times their
annual base salary. Certain other Board elected officers are
required to own shares in the Company equal in value to their
annual base salary. All Board elected officers subject to these
guidelines who were employed by the Company on March 1,
2009 have until December 31, 2013 to meet the applicable
ownership targets. Any individual hired, promoted or elected to
the Board after March 31, 2009 has three years from the
date of such hiring, promotion or election, as applicable, to
comply with the applicable ownership targets.
Salary Compensation
The Compensation Committee has approved a comprehensive Wage and
Salary Administration Policy applicable to employees of the
Company and its U.S. subsidiaries. This policy includes a
program for grading each position, including executive officer
positions, to ensure appropriate levels of base salary for each
position and internal and external pay equity as compared to
benchmarked companies. The policy sets forth grade levels and
salary ranges for those grade levels, and provides for annual
merit adjustments tied to individual job performance as measured
primarily through annual performance reviews. Based on a variety
of data (including published national surveys, recent and
anticipated Company performance and other relevant information),
the Compensation Committee annually considers merit based salary
increase budgets as a percent of current salaries and any
increases in salary ranges for the next fiscal year. If
determined to be appropriate, the Compensation Committee
establishes guidelines for individual salary adjustments based
on the individuals performance review, as described above
under Role of Executive Officers in Executive Compensation
With respect to certain executive officers, including the named
executive officers, the Company deemed it appropriate to enter
into written employment arrangements with such persons. These
employment arrangements typically provide for, among other
things, a minimum base salary, which was determined based on,
among other things, negotiations with the applicable person, and
the Compensation Committees overall compensation
philosophy discussed above, at the time of hire or the entry
into such agreement, as applicable. The base salaries for all
employees other than the CEO are determined consistent with the
foregoing. Based
on recent Company performance and general economic conditions,
senior management determined it was appropriate to not provide
any merit salary increases in 2009. The freeze on merit
increases did not apply to employees of The Garden City Group,
Inc. (GCG) or to the Companys international
employees due to recent positive performance of those segments.
The Compensation Committee re-evaluates the base salary of the
CEO on an annual basis. In re-evaluating the base salary for the
CEO, the Compensation Committee looks primarily at the year over
year performance of the Company. The Compensation Committee also
performs an assessment of the personal performance of the CEO
during the preceding year and external circumstances which may
have impacted that performance which were not within the control
of the Company or the CEO. For both establishing and
re-evaluating the base salary of the CEO, the Compensation
Committee also looks at market conditions, both within the
Companys industry peer group and otherwise, including
competitive market data to see how our CEOs pay level
compares to that of other companies. Consistent with the
Companys decision to not award merit-based salary
increases to its executive officers, Mr. Bowman did not
receive a merit based salary increase in 2009. However,
Mr. Bowmans salary was increased to partially offset
the reduction in compensation due to the Companys decision
to no longer pay director fees to management directors. This
salary increase was in an amount that was less than the total
value of all compensation provided to the Companys
non-management directors.
Cash Incentive Compensation
The parameters for annual incentive cash compensation are set by
our Compensation Committee in annual incentive bonus programs
adopted by the Compensation Committee or in letter or employment
agreements entered into with specific employees as described
For 2009, the Compensation Committee adopted a comprehensive
Short-Term Incentive Plan (STIP) applicable to,
among others, the named executive officers. The STIP, as a
component of the Crawford & Company 2007 Management
Team Incentive Compensation Plan (the Management Team
Incentive Compensation Plan), approved by the shareholders
at the 2007 annual meeting, is intended to continue the direct
linkage between our annual short term performance and
compensation to the persons who are most responsible for such
performance in accordance with the Compensation Committees
overall compensation philosophy discussed above. Under the terms
of the STIP, each participating employee is provided clear goals
that can, from year to year, include corporate, segment and
individual targets, weighted appropriately for the
employees position in the Company. In 2009, the goals were
developed by our senior executives, in consultation with Mercer,
and were reviewed and approved by the Compensation Committee.
Achievement of STIP performance targets is designed to result in
the payment of meaningful cash bonuses. If maximum Company,
individual targeted goals, as applicable and as discussed below,
are exceeded, the STIP allows for payment of up to 375% of the
STIP target bonus amounts, subject to negative
discretion retained by the Compensation Committee to
reduce any overall award payouts. With respect to certain senior
executives (i.e., those potentially subject to Internal
Revenue Code Section 162(m) (discussed below)), bonuses
under the STIP are designed to be fully deductible and are
awarded under the Management Team Incentive Compensation Plan,
as the Compensation Committee determined that it would not be
appropriate that any such amounts should subject the Company to
additional tax obligations.
Notwithstanding any individual employees goals, for 2009
the Compensation Committee determined that overall Company
performance, as determined by consolidated operating earnings,
was a critical performance measure that would serve as a minimum
requirement to be met for any 2009 STIP payout to be considered.
As a result, and after consideration and review of the
Companys expected results, the Compensation Committee
determined that 2009 STIP awards would only be considered for
payout if consolidated operating earnings exceeded $44,679,200.
Such amount was determined after review and consideration of
certain internal company projections and operating forecasts.
Annual incentive award opportunities and payouts for each of the
named executive officers are discussed below. Threshold, target,
stretch and maximum bonus levels (as a percentage of base
salary) for the named executive officers were determined after
taking into account, among other market-competitive factors, the
information provided by Mercer as to the level and amount of the
Companys historical annual incentive compensation and any
contractually mandated payout levels contained in any applicable
employment contracts.
Mr. Bowman
The 2009 STIP award granted by the Compensation Committee for
Mr. Bowman provided for a target bonus of 49% of his base
salary as of January 1, 2009, or $357,700. The Compensation
Committee determined this to be an appropriate STIP target bonus
percentage for the reasons described above under
Compensation Consultants with respect to the
implementation of incremental increases in annual incentive
compensation. However, from a target percentage standpoint,
awards for 2009 were set lower than awards for 2008 due to
budgetary constraints. Based on his level of responsibility and
Company oversight obligations, the Compensation Committee
determined that it was appropriate to correlate
Mr. Bowmans performance metrics solely to
corporate-wide performance, and targets were based on three
metrics deemed critical to the Companys overall success:
(1) revenues, (2) operating earnings and
(3) workdays outstanding in total billed and unbilled
accounts receivable. 20% of his STIP award was based on
revenues, 60% was based on operating earnings and 20% was based
on workdays outstanding in total billed and unbilled accounts
receivable. The Compensation Committee determined, with input
from our senior executives and Mercer, that these three metrics
and percentage allocations provided the most appropriate
measures for evaluation of the Companys annual
performance. More weight was allocated to operating earnings as
the Compensation Committee believes this is the most critical of
the three metrics.
Mr. Bowmans 2009 STIP award was deemed earned only if
achievement of the performance metrics exceeded specified
threshold levels. Threshold levels were based on a percentage of
the target levels as follows: (1) for revenues, the
threshold level was set at 95% of the target level; (2) for
operating earnings, the threshold level was set at 90% of the
target level; and (3) for workdays outstanding in total
billed and unbilled accounts receivable, the threshold level was
set at 92.5% of the target level. In addition to the requirement
that threshold operating earnings be exceeded for any payout
under the 2009 STIP to be made, if the threshold levels of any
other metric were not exceeded, Mr. Bowman was not entitled
to any payout allocated to that specific metric under the 2009
STIP award.
If target levels were achieved, Mr. Bowman would be
entitled to 100% of the 2009 STIP award.
For the portions of Mr. Bowmans STIP award allocable
to revenues and workdays outstanding in total billed and
unbilled accounts receivable, the maximum levels were set at
110% of the target levels. If maximum levels of the performance
metrics were achieved, Mr. Bowman was entitled to 200% of
the 2009 STIP award. For the portion of Mr. Bowmans
STIP award allocable to operating earnings, the Committee
approved stretch and maximum performance metrics. The stretch
level was set at 106.8% of target. If the stretch level of the
performance metric related to operating earnings was achieved,
Mr. Bowman was entitled to 166.4% of the 2009 STIP award.
The maximum level was set at 155.1% of target level, and if the
maximum level was achieved, Mr. Bowman was entitled to 375%
of the 2009 STIP award.
If the achievement of performance metrics was in between
threshold and target levels, or in between target and maximum
levels, Mr. Bowman was entitled to a ratable portion of the
2009 STIP award based upon linear formulas.
Operating Earnings
Workdays outstanding in Total Accounts Receivable
68.8 days or less
64.0 days or less
57.6 days or less
68.4 days
Based on the actual performance of the Company during 2009,
Mr. Bowmans STIP award earned from each of the three
categories was: (1) $37,751 based on actual revenues;
(2) $36,657 based on actual operating earnings, and
(3) $5,962 based on workdays outstanding in total billed
and unbilled accounts receivable. This resulted in a total
earned STIP award of $80,370. After considering overall Company
performance, continued
uncertainty in general economic conditions and the potential
impact thereof on the Company, the Compensation Committee
elected to exercise the discretion provided to it under the STIP
and reduce the payout thereunder to Mr. Bowman by 50%,
resulting in a STIP award payout to Mr. Bowman for 2009 of
Mr. Swain
The 2009 STIP award granted by the Compensation Committee for
Mr. Swain provided for a target bonus of 36% of his base
salary, or $144,000. The Compensation Committee determined this
to be an appropriate STIP target bonus percentage for the
reasons described above under Compensation
Consultants with respect to the implementation of
incremental increases in annual incentive compensation. However,
from a target percentage standpoint, awards for 2009 were set
lower than awards for 2008 due to budgetary constraints.
Mr. Swains performance metrics and threshold, target
and maximum goals were identical to Mr. Bowmans,
discussed above, for the reasons discussed above applicable to
Mr. Bowman. Based on the actual performance of the Company
during 2009, Mr. Swains STIP award earned from each
of the three categories was: (1) $15,197 based on actual
revenues; (2) $14,757 based on actual operating earnings,
and (3) $2,400 based on workdays outstanding in total
billed and unbilled accounts receivable. This resulted in a
total earned STIP award of $32,354. After considering overall
Company performance, continued uncertainty in general economic
conditions and the potential impact thereof on the Company, the
Compensation Committee elected to exercise the discretion
provided to it under the STIP and reduce the payout thereunder
to Mr. Swain by 50%, resulting in a STIP award payout to
Mr. Swain for 2009 of $16,177.
Mr. Muress
The 2009 STIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Muress provided for a target bonus of 36% of his base
salary, or $216,683. The Compensation Committee determined this
to be an appropriate STIP target bonus percentage for the
reasons described above under Compensation
Consultants with respect to the implementation of
incremental increases in annual incentive compensation. However,
from a target percentage standpoint, awards for 2009 were set
lower than awards for 2008 due to budgetary constraints. Based
upon his level of seniority in the Company and his specific
oversight responsibilities, the Compensation Committee
determined that it was appropriate that Mr. Muress
performance metrics be based 30% on the metrics outlined above
for Mr. Bowman (with allocation among this 30% in the same
proportion as Mr. Bowmans total allocation), and 70%
on the UCA division performance, which consists of
portions of the Companys International Operations segment
from the United Kingdom, Australia, continental Europe, the
Middle East, Africa and Asia. The Compensation Committee
believes this pro-ration of Mr. Muress bonus
opportunity based on the performance of the total Company and
the division he manages appropriately ties and weights various
performance metrics. The Company does not make separate resource
allocation decisions, and does not separately report financial
results, for the UCA division.
Mr. Muress UCA division performance metrics were
based on the same three metrics used to evaluate Company
performance, which categories were also deemed indicative of the
UCA divisions overall success. As a result, 20% of his
STIP award eligibility attributable to UCA division performance
was based on revenue, 60% was based on operating earnings, and
20% was based on workdays outstanding in total billed and
unbilled accounts receivable. As with total Company performance,
more weight was allocated to operating earnings as the
Compensation Committee believed this was the most critical of
the three metrics to overall success.
UCA Revenues
UCA Operating Earnings
UCA Workdays outstanding in Total Accounts Receivable
91.0 days or less
84.7 days or less
76.2 days or less
93.2 days
(1) |
Actual results are calculated on a constant dollar basis. |
Mr. Muress performance metrics and threshold, target,
stretch and maximum goals for total Company performance were
identical to Mr. Bowmans, discussed above, for the
reasons discussed above applicable to
Mr. Bowman. Based on the actual performance of the Company
during 2009, Mr. Muress STIP award earned from each
of those three metrics was: (1) $7,147 based on actual
revenues; (2) $6,940 based on actual operating earnings,
and (3) $1,129 based on workdays outstanding in total
billed and unbilled accounts receivable. Based on the actual
performance of the UCA division during 2009,
Mr. Muress STIP award earned from each of the three
metrics was: (1) $33,429 based on actual revenues;
(2) $250,361 based on actual operating earnings, and
(3) $0 based on workdays outstanding in total billed and
unbilled accounts receivable. This resulted in a total earned
STIP award paid to Mr. Muress for 2009 performance of
$299,006. As an employee of the Companys International
Operations segment, and due to the positive performance of the
International Operations segment in 2009, Mr. Muress
award was not subject to the reduction for the 50% limitation on
awards to certain U.S. employees.
Mr. Isaac
Employees of GCG the Companys wholly owned subsidiary,
such as Mr. Isaac, did not participate in the 2009 STIP.
Instead, the annual incentive compensation for Mr. Isaac
was determined pursuant to his negotiated employment agreement,
which links his bonus to the pre-tax income of GCG. Pre-tax
income of GCG is determined before taxes but after expense and
interest on borrowed funds (if any) at the Companys
prevailing rate of interest. Under this agreement, for 2008 and
later performance years, growth is measured by comparing the
pre-tax income in the relevant performance year to the average
actual pre-tax income in the three preceding years. No amount is
payable if cumulative performance exhibits less than 10% growth.
His employment agreement provides for a threshold, target and
maximum bonus of $250,000, $400,000 and $600,000, respectively.
In 2009, no annual incentive compensation was paid to
Mr. Isaac as cumulative performance did not exhibit at
least 10% growth.
Mr. Nelson
The 2009 STIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Nelson provided for a target bonus of 36% of his base
salary, or $153,000. The Compensation Committee determined this
to be an appropriate STIP target bonus percentage for the
reasons described above under Compensation
Consultants with respect to the implementation of
incremental increases in annual incentive compensation. However,
from a target percentage standpoint, awards for 2009 were set
lower than awards for 2008 due to budgetary constraints.
Mr. Nelsons performance metrics and threshold, target
and maximum goals were identical to Mr. Bowmans,
discussed above, for the reasons discussed above applicable to
Mr. Bowman. Based on the actual performance of the Company
during 2009, Mr. Nelsons STIP award earned among the
three categories was: (1) $16,147 based on the actual
revenues; (2) $15,680 based on actual operating earnings,
and (3) $2,550 based on workdays outstanding in total
billed and unbilled accounts receivable. This resulted in a
total earned STIP award of $34,377. After considering overall
Company performance, continued uncertainty in general economic
conditions and the potential impact thereof on the Company, the
Compensation Committee elected to exercise the discretion
provided to it under the STIP and reduce the payout thereunder
to Mr. Nelson by 50%, resulting in a STIP award payout to
Mr. Nelson for 2009 of $17,188.
Incentive Compensation
After consulting with Mercer and the evaluation of other
competitive considerations, the Compensation Committee designed
the long-term incentive compensation program with a goal of
incentivizing management towards the long-term future success of
the Company. Long-term incentive compensation is payable in
shares of the Companys Class A Common Stock pursuant
to the terms of the Companys Executive Stock Bonus Plan,
and any award earned in 2009 vests in equal, annual installments
over three years. Under the terms of that plan, officers and
other key employees of the Company may be granted performance
share unit awards, restricted stock awards or stock option
awards (collectively Awards). The Compensation
Committee makes all determinations regarding Awards under this
plan to the CEO and approves Awards for other executive
officers, including the other named executive officers, based on
recommendations of the CEO. The number of shares of the
Companys Class A Common Stock covered by such Awards
is generally based upon the grade level of the officer or other
key employee consistent with the Companys Wage and Salary
Policy, but generally without regard to the individuals
stock ownership, as the Compensation Committee does not feel it
is appropriate to change incentives or condition Awards based
upon any specific individuals circumstances which may not
be known or understood by the Compensation Committee. In
addition to Awards under the Companys comprehensive annual
long-term incentive compensation plans, performance share unit
awards, restricted stock awards or stock option awards may be
granted by the Compensation Committee to the CEO and the other
named executive officers (as discussed in further detail below
under Employment and
For 2009, long-term compensation for specified key employees of
the Company (the Long-Term Incentive Plan or
LTIP) was awarded under the terms of the
Companys Executive Stock Bonus Plan and the Management
Team Incentive Compensation Plan. With respect to certain senior
executives (i.e., those potentially subject to Internal
Revenue Code Section 162(m)), LTIP awards that are intended
to be fully deductible are also subject to the additional terms
and conditions of the Management Team Incentive Compensation
Plan, as the Compensation Committee determined that it would not
be appropriate that any such amounts should subject the Company
to additional tax obligations.
Under the terms of the 2009 LTIP, each executive officer was
granted an award of performance share units that were eligible
to be earned based on the earnings per share of the Company for
2009. If the Companys 2009 earnings per share was at least
$0.41, 50% of these performance share units would have been
earned. If the Companys 2009 earnings per share was $0.47,
the target level, 100% of these performance share
units would have been earned. If the Companys 2009
earnings per share was $0.53, 150% of these performance share
units would have been earned. If the Companys 2009
earnings per share exceeded $0.59 for 2009, 200% of these
performance share units would have been earned. The percentage
of performance share units earned was to be adjusted ratably for
earnings per share between $0.41 and $0.59. None of these
performance share units would have been earned for earnings per
share of less than $0.41. The earnings per share levels were
determined by setting the threshold amount equal to the
lower-end of the initial earnings per share guidance publicly
forecast by the Company for 2009 and setting the maximum amount
equal to certain stretch targets in excess of certain amounts
calculated in accordance with internal budget and forecast
amounts. For purposes of determinations made under the LTIP, the
Compensation Committee determined it was appropriate that
earnings per share amounts be calculated without regard to any
intangible asset impairment charges taken by the Company in
2009, since such charges were considered unusual or of a
nonrecurring nature, and were, to an extent, outside of the
control of management. The Companys earnings per share for
2009 was $0.48 (excluding intangible asset impairment charges),
thus 108.33% of the performance share units were deemed earned.
Long-term incentive compensation for each of the named executive
officers is discussed below. Target awards for the named
executive officers were determined after taking into account,
among other market-competitive factors, the information provided
by Mercer as to the type, level and amount of the Companys
historical long-term incentive compensation.
Mr. Bowman
The 2009 LTIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Bowman provided for a grant of 50,000 performance share
units at target performance levels. Based on actual
performance under the LTIP, 54,167 of the performance share
units were earned.
Mr. Swain
The 2009 LTIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Swain provided for a grant of 30,000 performance share
units at target performance levels. Based on actual
performance under the LTIP, 32,500 of the performance share
units were earned.
Mr. Muress
The 2009 LTIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Muress provided for a grant of 20,000 performance share
units at target performance levels. Based on actual
performance under the LTIP, 21,667 of the performance share
units were earned.
In addition to the 2009 LTIP award, effective as of
March 24, 2006 and as previously disclosed, Mr. Muress
was awarded a grant of 50,000 performance share units under the
Companys Executive Stock Bonus Plan, with any earned
portion of the award payable in shares of the Companys
Class A Common Stock. Performance goals for this award were
based on compound growth during a five-year period, beginning in
2006 and ending in 2010, with partial accelerated payment if
growth targets were achieved during the
measurement period. The growth targets were a measure of the
increase in pre-tax income for the Companys United Kingdom
operations. The Company does not separately make resource
allocation decisions, and does not report financial results, for
its United Kingdom operations. If growth of 7.5% was achieved,
then 25% of the award would be earned. If growth of 10% was
achieved, then 50% of the award would be earned. If growth of
15% was achieved, then 100% of the award would be earned. As of
the end of the 2008 period, growth of 15% was achieved, thus 50%
of the award, or 25,000 of the performance share units, was
earned on an accelerated basis, and had vested as of
October 31, 2008. The remaining 25,000 performance share
units may be earned based on the performance during the
performance period.
Mr. Isaac
As a result of grants of performance shares required to be made
to him pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement, the
Compensation Committee determined that it was not appropriate
for Mr. Isaac to participate in the 2009 LTIP.
Mr. Nelson
The 2009 LTIP award granted by the Compensation Committee to
Mr. Nelson provided for a grant of 30,000 performance share
units at target performance levels. Based on actual
performance under the LTIP, 32,500 of the performance share
units were earned.
Elements of Compensation
Based on market competitive and internal factors, the
Compensation Committee believes that it is appropriate that our
executive officers be eligible to participate in other
compensation plans offered to our employees. Mr. Swain
participates in a noncontributory qualified retirement plan that
was frozen as of December 31, 2002. All U.S. based
named executive officers are also eligible to participate in a
qualified 401(k) plan and a nonqualified supplemental executive
retirement plan. Our executive officers are also offered the
opportunity to participate in a similar nonqualified deferred
compensation plan. Benefits under the qualified and nonqualified
retirement plans are not directly tied to Company performance.
The Company also provides life insurance benefits, automobile
allowances and reimbursement of club dues for certain of our
executives, including the named executive officers, as noted in
the Summary Compensation Table, below.
Impact of
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m)
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) provides that annual
compensation in excess of $1 million paid to certain
executive officers is not deductible for the Company unless it
is performance-based. It is the policy of the Compensation
Committee to have incentive compensation for the Companys
named executive officers qualify for full tax deductibility for
the Company to the extent feasible and consistent with our
overall compensation philosophy. The Companys Management
Team Incentive Compensation Plan, effective for 2008 and future
years, is designed to allow the Compensation Committee to
structure short-term incentive compensation (annual bonus) and
long-term incentive compensation (equity-based awards) under
that plan so that the resulting compensation will be qualified
performance-based compensation eligible for
deductibility without limitation under Code Section 162(m).
However, the Compensation Committee retains the discretion to
pay appropriate compensation, even if it may result in the
non-deductibility of certain amounts under
federal tax law. No payments made by the Company in 2009 were
subject to the non-deductibility limitations of Code
Section 162(m).
of Cash and Certain Other Compensation
The following table includes information concerning compensation
paid to, or accrued by the Company for, our named executive
officers at December 31, 2009.
Change in
Value and
Name and Principal Position
J.T. Bowman
President and Chief
Executive Officer
W.B. Swain
Executive Vice
President Chief
Financial Officer
I.V. Muress(3)
Executive Vice
President; Chief Executive
Officer EMEA/A-P
D.A. Isaac
Executive Vice
President; Chief Executive
Officer The Garden City Group, Inc
A.W. Nelson
Executive Vice
President General
Counsel; Corporate Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer
(1) |
The values of equity-based awards in this column represent the
grant date fair value of the awards in accordance with ASC 718.
However, pursuant to SEC rules these values are not reduced by
an estimate for the probability of forfeiture. See Note 11
of the consolidated financial statements in Item 8 of the
Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for year ended December 31, 2009 regarding assumptions
underlying the valuation of equity awards. |
(2) |
Represents the following amounts for 2009:
(i) Mr. Bowman: $7,000 in directors fees; a
$5,277 Company contribution to the Crawford Savings and
Investment Plan; a $33,000 Company contribution to the Crawford
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan; $1,969 in country club
dues; a $12,480 automobile allowance; shares of Class A
Common Stock valued at $67,305 under the Companys Frozen
Accrued Vacation Stock Purchase Plan; and a $180 premium payment
on term life insurance; (ii) Mr. Swain: a $5,277
Company contribution to the Crawford Savings and Investment
Plan; shares of Class A Common Stock valued at $30,384
under the Companys Frozen Accrued Vacation Stock Purchase
Plan; and a $180 premium payment on term life insurance;
(iii) Mr. Muress: a $60,184 Company contribution to
the U.K. pension fund; and a $17,512 automobile allowance;
(iv) Mr. Isaac: $2,454,557 in commissions paid
pursuant to his employment agreement, and as described in more
detail below under Employment and
Arrangements; a $16,500 Company contribution to a 401(k)
Investment Plan; a $6,000 automobile allowance; and a $163
premium payment on term life insurance; and
(v) Mr. Nelson: a $5,277 Company contribution to the
Crawford Savings and Investment Plan; $2,367 in country club
dues; shares of Class A Common Stock valued at $1,226 under
the Companys Frozen Accrued Vacation Stock Purchase Plan;
and a $180 premium payment on term life insurance. |
(3) |
Compensation for Mr. Muress is paid in British pounds
sterling and converted to U.S. dollars using the average
exchange rate in effect for each particular year. Amounts paid
are determined based on payments in the fiscal year of the
Company, and not the fiscal year of the Companys
international subsidiaries, which may differ from the fiscal
year of the Company. |
Grant of
Plan-Based Awards
The Company maintains the Executive Stock Bonus Plan under which
awards of performance share units, restricted stock or stock
options may be granted to specified employees of the Company.
Non-equity incentive plan cash awards are paid pursuant to the
Companys STIP. The following table sets forth certain
information with respect to awards granted during or for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 to each of our named
executive officers.
Estimated Possible
Estimated Possible
Payouts Under Equity
Stock Awards:
Option Awards:
Payouts Under Non-Equity
Incentive Plan
Number of
Number of
of Stock
Incentive Plan Awards(1)
Shares of
Name and
Stock or
Units (#)
J. T. Bowman
J. T. Bowman
J. T. Bowman
W. B. Swain
W. B. Swain
I. V. Muress
I. V. Muress
A. W. Nelson
A. W. Nelson
A. W. Nelson
(1) |
Represents the potential payout of awards granted under the
STIP. These awards were subject to the attainment of certain
performance targets. The performance targets and target award
multiples for determining the payout are described under
Compensation Discussion and Analysis Annual
Cash Incentive Compensation. Actual amounts paid under the
plan to the named executive officers are reported in the Summary
Compensation Table under the Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Compensation column. |
(2) |
Represents the potential number of performance share units
payable under the LTIP. These awards were subject to the
attainment of certain performance targets. The performance
targets and target award multiples for determining the payout
are described under Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Long-Term Incentive Compensation.
Actual amounts paid under the plan to the named executive
officers are reported in the Summary Compensation Table under
the Stock Awards column. |
(3) |
Represents an award of restricted stock per the terms of
Mr. Bowmans employment agreement. |
(4) |
Represents an award of restricted stock authorized by the Board
for Mr. Nelson. |
Equity Awards at December 31, 2009
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to the outstanding equity awards at December 31, 2009 for
each of our named executive officers.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Plan Awards:
Market or
Plan Awards:
Number of
Value of
Value of
Plan Awards:
Shares or
Number of
Number of
Number of
of Shares
Units of
Units or
Units or
or Units
of Stock
Have Not
That Have
That Have
Options (#)
Options (#)
Have Not
Not Vested
Not Vested
Vested (#)
J. T. Bowman
W. B. Swain
I. V. Muress
D. A. Isaac
A. W. Nelson
(1) |
50% of such shares will become exercisable on each of
May 6, 2010 and May 6, 2011. |
(2) |
Remaining shares vest on December 31, 2010. |
(3) |
Remaining shares vest in equal installments on December 31,
2010 and December 31, 2011. |
(4) |
Remaining shares vest on January 1, 2011. |
(5) |
Pursuant to the terms of Mr. Bowmans employment
agreement, shares of our Class A Common Stock with a fair
market value of $65,667 will be earned and fully vested on each
of December 31, 2009, December 31, 2010, and
December 31, 2011. Based on the per share closing price of
the Companys Class A Common Stock on the NYSE on
December 30, 2009 of $3.14, 20,913 shares of our
Class A Common Stock was earned and vested on
December 31, 2009. |
(6) |
As previously disclosed, Mr. Muress was awarded a grant of
50,000 performance share units under the Executive Stock Bonus
Plan, with any earned portion of the award payable in shares of
the Companys Class A Common Stock. Performance goals
for this award were based on compound growth during a five-year
period, beginning in 2006 and ending in 2010, with accelerated
payment if growth targets were achieved during the
measurement period. The growth targets were a measure of the
increase in pre-tax income for the Companys United Kingdom
operations described above under Long Term Incentive
Compensation. As of the end of the 2008 period, growth of
15% was achieved, thus 50% of the award, or 25,000 of the
performance share units, was earned on an accelerated basis, and
had vested as of October 31, 2008. The remaining 25,000
performance share units may be earned based on the performance
during the
performance period. |
(7) |
As previously disclosed, pursuant to his employment agreement,
Mr. Isaac was awarded a grant of 312,000 performance share
units under the Executive Stock Bonus Plan, with any earned
portion of the award payable in shares of the Companys
Class A Common Stock. Based upon the achievement of certain
interim performance goals through December 31, 2009, an
estimated 78,000 additional shares will be earned and vested on
December 31, 2010. |
(8) |
Based on the per share closing price of the Companys
Class A Common Stock on the NYSE on December 31, 2009
of $3.34. |
Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table provides information concerning stock awards
vested during the most recent fiscal year with respect to the
named executive officers.
Option Awards(1)
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
on Exercise (#)
on Exercise ($)
on Vesting (#)
on Vesting ($)
J. T. Bowman
W. B. Swain
I. V. Muress
D. A. Isaac
A. W. Nelson
(1) |
None of the named executive officers exercised stock options in
2009. |
Benefits at December 31, 2009
The Company maintains a non-contributory Retirement Plan (the
Retirement Plan) for the benefit of substantially
all of the U.S. employees of the Company who were employed
as of December 31, 2002. The Retirement Plan provides for
annual retirement benefits at a normal retirement age of 65 (the
Normal Retirement Age) equal to 2% of the
participants total compensation (as defined in the
Retirement Plan) for all credited years of service under the
Plan. The benefits are not affected by Social Security benefits
payable to the participant; however, they are actuarially
reduced for retirements before the Normal Retirement Age or if
the retiree selects benefits other than an individual life-time
annuity. Credited years of service under the Retirement Plan for
Mr. Swain is 10 years. Of our named executive
officers, only Mr. Swain participates in
the Retirement Plan. Effective December 31, 2002, accruals
under the Retirement Plan were frozen. In place of the accruals
under the now frozen Retirement Plan, the Company may make a
discretionary contribution to the Companys Defined
Contribution Plan (the Defined Contribution Plan)
for eligible employees based on years of service, compensation
and the Companys financial results. The following table
provides information concerning the pension benefits at
December 31, 2009 with respect to the named executive
Number of
Value of
Years of
During Last
Fiscal Year
Plan Name
Service (#)
J. T. Bowman
W. B. Swain
Crawford & Company Retirement Plan
I. V. Muress
D. A. Isaac
A. W. Nelson
Deferred Compensation
The Company maintains an unfunded Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan (SERP) for certain executive
officers to provide benefits that would otherwise be payable
under the Retirement Plan
Defined Contribution Plan but for limitations placed on covered
compensation and benefits thereunder pursuant to the Internal
Revenue Code. Effective December 31, 2002, accruals under
the SERP were also frozen as to the Retirement Plan. The SERP
was amended to allow the Company, if it elects to make a
discretionary contribution to the Defined Contribution Plan for
eligible employees, to also make an additional SERP service
contribution to the Deferred Compensation Plan for participants
in the SERP. The following table provides information concerning
the nonqualified deferred compensation with respect to the named
executive officers.
in Last FY
in Last FY
in Last FY
at Last FYE
J. T. Bowman
W. B. Swain
I. V. Muress
D. A. Isaac
A. W. Nelson
(1) |
These amounts were also included in Salary in the
Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
These amounts were also reported in All Other
Compensation in the Summary Compensation Table. |
(3) |
Of these balances, the following amounts were reported in
Summary Compensation Tables in prior year proxy statements:
Mr. Bowman $71,742 and
Mr. Swain $109,150. This information is
provided to clarify the extent to which these balances represent
previously reported compensation (rather than additional,
currently earned compensation). |
The Company has entered into various agreements with certain of
the named executive officers that contain provisions regarding
employment and
as described below:
J. T. Bowman: On August 7, 2009, the Company entered
into an employment agreement with Mr. Bowman outlining his
employment terms. This agreement superseded and replaced the
letter agreement entered into with Mr. Bowman on
February 10, 2006, entered into while he was serving as the
Companys chief operating officer. The term of the
employment agreement ends on August 6, 2011, subject to
automatic two-year extensions, unless earlier terminated or not
extended by either party.
Under the employment agreement, and as previously disclosed,
Mr. Bowman is entitled to an annual salary of $730,000
(subject to annual review and increase by the Compensation
Committee) and is eligible to receive an annual cash bonus based
upon the achievement of performance objectives established by
the Compensation Committee. Mr. Bowman is also eligible to
receive long-term incentive awards as determined by the
Compensation Committee. In addition, the Company agreed to grant
Mr. Bowman restricted stock awards under the Executive
Stock Bonus Plan with a fair market value equal to approximately
$65,667 on each of December 31, 2009, 2010 and 2011,
provided that, in order to receive such awards, Mr. Bowman
must remain in the employ of the Company on each such date.
The employment agreement generally permits Mr. Bowman to
participate in all employee benefit arrangements available to
members of management of Crawford. Further, under the employment
agreement, Mr. Bowman is entitled to receive a monthly car
allowance, and will also receive payment of premiums on a term
life insurance policy with a face amount of not less than
$2 million (or such lesser amount that can be purchased for
the standard rate cost of a $2 million policy). Per the
terms of the agreement, the Company made a discretionary
contribution equal to $33,000 to Mr. Bowmans account
under the Deferred Compensation Plan. Beginning on
January 1, 2010, and each year thereafter that
Mr. Bowman remains employed by the Company on January 1 of
such calendar year, the Company will make a contribution to
Mr. Bowmans account under the Companys Deferred
Compensation Plan that is equal to (i) the greater of
(a) $75,000 or (b) 3.5% of Mr. Bowmans cash
compensation plus 2.5% of the Mr. Bowmans excess
compensation (each as defined in the Deferred Compensation Plan)
for such year, reduced by (ii) the lesser of the
Companys matching contributions to the Companys
401(k) plan or the limit on elective deferrals under the
Internal Revenue Code.
Under the employment agreement, if Mr. Bowman resigns for
good reason, or if Crawford terminates his
employment without cause or if
Mr. Bowmans employment terminates for any reason
(other than for cause or due to his death or disability) within
one year following a change in control, subject to
Mr. Bowman signing a restrictive covenants agreement and
release, Mr. Bowman will be entitled to the following:
(i) payment of accrued compensation and benefits;
(ii) an amount equal to two times his base salary at
termination, (ii) a pro-rata portion of his annual bonus
and incentives based on actual performance,
(iii) reimbursement for group health plan costs for
18 months following termination of employment, or until
Mr. Bowman becomes eligible for other group health
benefits; and (iv) immediate vesting of all outstanding
stock options (which will remain exercisable for 90 days
from the termination date).
In the event any payments made to Mr. Bowman would be
subject to the excise tax imposed on parachute
payments by the Internal Revenue Code, Crawford will reduce the
payments to Mr. Bowman so that no portion of the payments
would be subject to the excise tax, but only if such a reduction
would result in Mr. Bowman receiving a greater amount after
taxes. Pursuant to the employment agreement, Mr. Bowman has
agreed to certain covenants which impose restrictions on the
solicitation of employees and customers, protect certain
confidential information of the Company, and require cooperation
in litigation, as well as to certain other covenants, for
specified periods after the termination of employment.
In connection with Mr. Bowman being named CEO, the
Committee also granted to Mr. Bowman a stock option to
purchase 250,000 shares of the Companys Class A
Common Stock, which vests at a rate of
per year, beginning on May 6, 2009.
Payments and
Termination Upon
Benefits upon
Change in
for Good
All Other
Base Salary
Stock Awards(7)
Benefits and Perquisites:
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
(1) |
Unvested, earned performance share unit awards will fully vest. |
(2) |
Unearned performance share unit awards will be deemed earned on
a pro-rata basis. |
(3) |
Unvested restricted stock awards will fully vest. |
(4) |
Unvested stock options will fully vest. |
(5) |
Prior to the compensation amounts being paid and awards vesting,
the Company and Mr. Bowman must agree to mutually
acceptable terms of confidentiality, non-solicitation and
cooperation, as well as other reasonable and customary terms of
a severance agreement. Mr. Bowman would also be entitled to
a prorated portion of any bonuses or incentives, based on actual
performance, for the performance period during which the
termination occurs. If Mr. Bowman timely elects continued
medical coverage under COBRA, he and his covered dependents are
entitled to reimbursement for group health plan costs for
18 months following termination of employment, or until
Mr. Bowman becomes eligible for other group health benefits. |
(6) |
Mr. Bowman would also be entitled to disability payments
totaling $11,500 per month, payable though age 65. |
(7) |
Based on the December 31, 2009 closing price of $3.34 per
share for Class A Common Stock; assumes
options are not exercised. |
W. B. Swain: On October 6, 2006, the Company issued
a letter agreement outlining employment terms with
Mr. Swain. The letter agreement set Mr. Swains
initial annual base salary at $290,000, subject to increases
from time to time, and indicated his eligibility to participate
in all other executive benefit and incentive plans generally
offered to the Companys senior officers.
Mr. Swains base salary is currently $400,000.
Mr. Swains letter agreement also awarded a restricted
stock grant of 6,000 shares of Class A Common Stock
under the provisions of the Executive Stock Bonus Plan, will
vest at a rate of 20% per year. Currently, 3,600 shares of
Class A Common Stock have vested under the terms of that
award. On February 27, 2008, the Compensation Committee
awarded Mr. Swain a restricted stock grant of
30,000 shares of Class A Common Stock under the
provisions of the Executive Stock Bonus Plan, which vested at a
rate of 50% per year. All such shares of Class A Common
Stock have vested under the terms of that award.
Payments and
Upon Change
Benefits upon
All Other
Stock Awards(5)
Benefits and Perquisites:
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
(1) |
Unvested, earned performance share unit awards will fully vest. |
(2) |
Unearned performance share unit awards will be deemed earned on
a pro-rata basis. |
(3) |
Unvested restricted stock awards will fully vest. |
(4) |
Mr. Swain would also be entitled to disability payments
totaling $11,500 per month, payable though age 65. |
(5) |
Based on the December 31, 2009 closing price of $3.34 per
share for Class A Common Stock; assumes
options are not exercised. |
I. V. Muress: On January 16, 2002, the Company
entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Muress
outlining his employment terms. The employment agreement set
Mr. Muress annual base salary at 150,000 British
pounds sterling per year inclusive of any directors fees
payable to him, which was subject to increases from time to
time. Based on the 2009 average rate of exchange between the
British pound and the U.S. dollar, Mr. Muress
base salary is equivalent to $601,896. The employment agreement
also provides for Mr. Muress participation in a U.K.
contributory pension plan, as well as other perquisites and
participation in certain executive benefit and incentive plans
which are generally offered to the Companys other senior
officers. The employment agreement also subjects Mr. Muress
to certain confidentiality, solicitation and non-competition
restrictions and requirements. The Company may at any time and
in its absolute discretion terminate the employment agreement
with immediate effect and make a termination payment in lieu of
notice. This termination payment will consist solely of
Mr. Muress base salary (at the rate payable when the
notice is given) and will not include any bonus, pension
contributions or any other benefits, and will be subject to
deductions for income tax and national insurance contributions.
On February 27, 2008, the Compensation Committee awarded
Mr. Muress a restricted stock grant of 20,000 shares
of Class A Common Stock under the provisions of the
Executive Stock Bonus Plan, which vested at a rate of 50% per
year. All such shares of Class A Common Stock have vested
under the terms of that award.
Payments and
Benefits upon
Change in
All Other
Base Salary
Stock Awards(5)
Benefits and Perquisites:
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
(1) |
Unvested, earned performance share unit awards will fully vest. |
(2) |
Unearned performance share unit awards will be deemed earned on
a pro-rata basis. |
(3) |
Unvested restricted stock awards will fully vest. |
(4) |
Unvested stock options will fully vest. |
(5) |
Based on the December 31, 2009 closing price of $3.34 per
share for Class A Common Stock; assumes
options are not exercised. |
D. A. Isaac: Effective as of January 1, 2006, the
Company entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Isaac. The employment agreement terminates on
December 31, 2010. The term automatically renews for
successive one year periods unless cancelled prior to the end of
the then current period pursuant to the terms of the employment
agreement. The employment agreement set Mr. Isaacs
initial annual base salary at $600,000. Mr. Isaacs
current base salary is $630,000.
Pursuant to certain negotiated terms, the employment agreement
provides for annual incentive compensation based on growth in
GCGs pretax income. Pursuant to the agreement,
Mr. Isaac is entitled to a minimum annual incentive payment
of $250,000 if GCGs pretax income grows by at least 10%
over the average of the
previous 3 years pretax income. Mr. Isaac is
entitled to an annual incentive payment of $400,000 if
GCGs pretax income grows by at least 15% over the average
of the past 3 years pretax income. Mr. Isaac is
entitled to the maximum annual incentive payment of $600,000 if
GCGs pretax income grows by at least 20% over the average
of the previous 3 years pretax income.
The employment agreement also provided for a restricted stock
grant of 25,000 shares of the Companys Class A
Common Stock under the Executive Stock Bonus Plan, which grant
vested as of January 1, 2007. The employment agreement
further provides for a performance share unit grant of
312,000 units under the Executive Stock Bonus Plan, with
any earned portion of the award payable in shares of the
Companys Class A Common Stock. Mr. Isaac was
awarded 250,000 performance share units in 2006 and was awarded
62,000 performance share units in 2007.
Based on applicable performance goals negotiated with
Mr. Isaac at the time of entry into his employment
agreement, Mr. Isaac would be eligible to earn up to
312,000 performance share units based on the compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) in GCG pre-tax income growth for
two different periods, January 1, 2006 through
December 31, 2008 (the
period), and January 1, 2006 through
December 31, 2010 (the
period). Pursuant thereto, for the
period, 117,000 units would be earned if 10% CAGR in GCG
pre-tax income was achieved and 234,000 units would be
earned if 15% CAGR in GCG pre-tax income was achieved. For the
period, 156,000 units minus the number of units earned in
period will be earned if 10% CAGR in GCG pre-tax income is
achieved and 312,000 units minus the number of units earned
in the
period will be earned if 15% CAGR in GCG pre-tax income is
Mr. Isaac earned 234,000 of these performance share units
based on GCG pre-tax income growth for the
period. As allowed by the employment agreement, in 2009
Mr. Isaac elected a distribution of 150,000 shares of
the 234,000 shares earned in the 2006-period. The remaining
84,000 of earned but undistributed shares will be distributed to
Mr. Issac in 2011. Mr. Isaac may earn the balance of
the 78,000 unearned performance share units based on future GCG
pre-tax income growth for the period beginning on
January 1, 2006 and ending on December 31, 2010.
The employment agreement also provides for annual commission
payments of 3% of gross fee revenues. Mr. Isaacs
employment agreement also provides that he is eligible to
participate in all other executive benefit and incentive plans
generally offered to the Companys senior officers.
The employment agreement provides for (i) continued payment
of Mr. Isaacs base salary for a period of
6 months following his death or disability, (ii) a
continued payment of the commission amounts on revenue derived
from business initiated prior to Mr. Isaacs death or
disability for a period of 2 years following
Mr. Isaacs death or disability, and
(iii) payment of a pro rata portion of
Mr. Isaacs annual incentive compensation and
performance share units through the date of his termination of
employment due to death or disability. The employment agreement
provides that in the event that Mr. Isaacs employment
with the Company is terminated either by Mr. Isaac for
good reason or by the Company without cause, and
such termination is not within 3 months prior to or
12 months after a change in control, the
Company will (i) continue payment of Mr. Isaacs
base salary for a period of 12 months following his
termination, continue payment of the commission amounts on
revenue derived from business initiated prior to
Mr. Isaacs termination for a period of 12 months
following Mr. Isaacs termination, and payment of a
pro rata portion of Mr. Isaacs performance share
units through the date of his termination of employment.
Additionally, the Company will provide continuation of eligible
medical benefits, for a period of 12 months, under COBRA.
The employment agreement provides that in the event that
Mr. Isaacs employment with the Company is terminated
either by Mr. Isaac for good reason or by the
Company without cause, and such termination is within
3 months prior to or 12 months after a change in
control, the Company will (i) continue payment of
Mr. Isaacs base salary for a period of 18 months
following his termination, continue payment of the commission
amounts on revenue derived from business initiated prior to
Mr. Isaacs termination for a period of 18 months
following Mr. Isaacs termination, and payment of a
pro rata portion of Mr. Isaacs performance share
units through the date of his termination of employment.
Additionally, the Company will provide continuation of eligible
medical benefits, for a period of 18 months, under COBRA.
Payments and
Benefits upon
Upon Change in
for Good
All Other
Base Salary
Stock Awards(10)
Benefits and Perquisites:
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
Tax Gross-up
(1) |
Unvested, earned performance share unit awards will fully vest. |
(2) |
Unearned performance share unit awards will be deemed earned on
a pro-rata basis. |
(3) |
Unvested restricted stock awards will fully vest. |
(4) |
Mr. Isaacs compensation amounts are subject to a
claw-back provision in the event he violates the terms of the
non-competition, non-disclosure or non-disparagement provisions
of his employment agreement. |
(5) |
Mr. Isaacs commission payments continue for a period
of 18 months following terminations related to a change in
control. |
(6) |
Mr. Isaacs commission payments continue for a period
of 1 year following terminations either without
cause or for good reason. |
(7) |
Mr. Isaacs commission payments continue for a period
of 2 years following terminations related to death or
disability. |
(8) |
Mr. Isaac would also be entitled to short-term disability
payments of $31,500 per month for 6 months, followed by
long-term disability payments of $15,000 per month, payable
though age 65. |
(9) |
Termination payments are limited to the maximum amount payable
without triggering excise tax obligations under
section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code. |
(10) |
Based on the December 31, 2009 closing price of $3.34 per
share for Class A Common Stock; assumes
options are not exercised. |
A. W. Nelson: On September 20, 2005, the Company
issued a letter agreement outlining employment terms with
Mr. Nelson. The letter agreement set Mr. Nelsons
initial annual base salary at $250,000, which was subject to
increase from time to time; Mr. Nelsons annual base
salary is currently $425,000. The letter agreement provided for
a grant of 5,000 shares of restricted stock of the
Companys Class A Common Stock under the
Companys Executive Stock Bonus Plan, vesting at a rate of
20% per year, beginning on the first anniversary of the grant.
Currently, 4,000 shares of the grant have vested.
Mr. Nelsons letter agreement also provides that he
will be eligible to participate in all other executive benefit
and incentive plans generally offered to the Companys
senior officers. On November 22, 2005, the Company entered
into a Change of Control and Severance Agreement with
Mr. Nelson. The agreement provides that in the event
Mr. Nelsons employment with the Company is terminated
due to the Company being bought or sold such that there is a
change in control, or if Mr. Nelsons employment is
terminated other than for cause, the Company agrees to provide
one (1) year of Mr. Nelsons then current base
salary. Additionally, all stock options granted to
Mr. Nelson will immediately vest and become exercisable for
a ninety (90) day period following the date of termination.
The agreement also provides that, prior to the severance amounts
being paid and options vesting, that the Company and
Mr. Nelson agree to mutually acceptable terms of
confidentiality, non-solicitation, cooperation and other
reasonable and customary terms of a severance agreement at the
time of his termination of employment. On February 27,
2008, the Compensation Committee awarded Mr. Nelson a
restricted stock grant of 30,000 shares of Class A
Common Stock under the provisions of the Executive Stock Bonus
Plan, vesting at a rate of 50% per year. All 30,000 shares
of Class A Common Stock have vested under the terms of
that award. On February 12, 2009, the Board awarded
Mr. Nelson a restricted stock grant of 8,500 shares of
Class A Common Stock under the provisions of the Executive
Stock Bonus Plan, vesting immediately. All 8,500 shares of
Class A Common Stock have vested under the terms of that
Payments and
Benefits upon
All Other
Base Salary
Stock Awards(6)
Benefits and Perquisites:
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
(1) |
Unvested, earned performance share unit awards will fully vest. |
(2) |
Unearned performance share unit awards will be deemed earned on
a pro-rata basis. |
(3) |
Unvested restricted stock awards will fully vest. |
(4) |
Unvested stock options will fully vest. |
(5) |
Mr. Nelson would also be entitled to disability payments
totaling $11,500 per month, payable though age 65. |
(6) |
Based on the December 31, 2009 closing price of $3.34 per
share for Class A Common Stock; assumes
options are not exercised. |
(7) |
Prior to the compensation amounts being paid and awards vesting,
the Company and Mr. Nelson must agree to mutually
acceptable terms of confidentiality, non-solicitation and
cooperation, as well as other reasonable and customary terms of
a severance agreement. |
The Companys executive compensation programs are
administered by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation
Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis required by Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
with management and based on this review and discussion, the
Compensation Committee has recommended to the Board of Directors
that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in
this Proxy Statement.
RUSSEL L. HONORÉ (beginning on May 5, 2009)
Ownership of Management
The following table sets forth information, as of March 1,
2010, as to shares of Class A and Class B Common Stock
beneficially owned by each current Director or nominee for
election as a Director, each of the named executive officers,
and all current Directors and executive officers as a group. As
of March 1, 2010, there were 27,654,905 shares of
Class A Common Stock and 24,697,172 shares of
Class B Common Stock outstanding.
Percent of
Amount and Nature of
Total Shares
Beneficial Ownership(1)
Class A
Class B
Class A
Class B
P. George Benson(3)
Jeffrey T. Bowman(4)
Jesse C. Crawford(5)
James D. Edwards(6)
Russel L. Honoré
J. Hicks Lanier(6)(7)
Charles H. Ogburn
Clarence H. Ridley(8)
E. Jenner Wood, III(6)(7)
W. Bruce Swain(9)
Ian V. Muress(10)
David A. Isaac(11)
Allen W. Nelson
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
(22 persons)(12)
(1) |
Except as otherwise indicated in the following footnotes, the
persons possessed sole voting and dispositive power with respect
to all shares set forth opposite their names. |
(2) |
Except where a percentage is specified, the persons
ownership represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares.
Shares not outstanding which are subject to options exercisable
within sixty (60) days by a named individual or persons in
the group are deemed to be outstanding for the purposes of
computing percentage ownership of outstanding shares owned by
such individual or the group. |
(3) |
Includes 36,000 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(4) |
Includes 294,032 shares of Class A Common Stock
subject to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(5) |
Includes 33,000 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. The shares of Class A Common Stock
shown as beneficially owned by Jesse C. Crawford include
53,691 shares held in trust for his son over which he has
sole voting and shared dispositive power, 379,921 shares
held by Crawford Partners L.P. over which he shares voting and
dispositive power, 7,392,091 shares held in the Estate of
Virginia C. Crawford over which he has sole voting power and
shared dispositive power and 3,000,000 shares held in three
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts over which his spouse has sole
voting and dispositive power. See Note (2) to the table set
forth under Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial
Owners below with respect to the Class B Common Stock. |
(6) |
Includes 39,000 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(7) |
Mr. Lanier is a director of SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Mr. Wood is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
of SunTrust Bank, Central Group. Messrs. Lanier and Wood
disclaim beneficial ownership in any shares held by SunTrust
Banks, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, which shares are not
reflected in the table. See Information With Respect to
Certain Business Relationships and Related Transactions
and Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners. |
(8) |
Includes 42,000 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(9) |
Includes 35,500 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(10) |
Includes 25,000 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(11) |
Includes 34,500 shares of Class A Common Stock subject
to options exercisable within sixty (60) days of
March 1, 2010. |
(12) |
Includes 7,825,703 shares of Class A Common Stock and
10,901,081 shares of Class B Common Stock as to which
voting or dispositive power is shared and 738,532 shares of
Class A Common Stock subject to options exercisable within
sixty (60) days of March 1, 2010. |
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
The following table sets forth certain information concerning
each person (including any group as the term is used
in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act) known
to the Company to be the beneficial owner, as such
term is defined by the rules of the SEC, of more than 5% of the
outstanding shares of the Companys Class B Common
Stock as of March 1, 2010:
Percentage of
Amount and Nature of
Class B Shares
Name and Address
Beneficial Ownership
Jesse C. Crawford
Crawford Media Services, Inc.
3845 Pleasantdale Rd.
Atlanta, Georgia 30340
Crawford Partners, L.P.
55 Park Place
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
F&C Asset Management plc
80 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 3BU, United Kingdom
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
c/o SunTrust
55 Park Place
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Linda K. Crawford
57 N. Green Bay Road
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045
BlackRock, Inc.
40 East 52nd Street
New York, New York 10022
(1) |
The shares shown as beneficially owned by Jesse C. Crawford
include 49,238 shares held in trust for his son over which
he has sole voting and shared dispositive power;
10,466,931 shares held by Crawford Partners, L.P. over
which he shares voting and dispositive power; and
384,912 shares in a trust over which he shares voting and
dispositive power. |
(2) |
As of December 31, 2009. Based upon a Schedule 13G/A
filed with the SEC by SunTrust Banks, Inc. (SunTrust
Bank) on February 11, 2010. According thereto, the
shares are held by certain subsidiaries of SunTrust Bank in
various fiduciary and agency capacities. SunTrust Bank has sole
voting power with |
respect to 1,212,538 of such shares. SunTrust Bank has sole
dispositive power with respect to 1,261,776 of such shares.
SunTrust Bank disclaims any beneficial interest in any such
shares. Included in the shares beneficially owned by SunTrust
Bank are 384,912 shares held in a trust over which SunTrust
Banks and Jesse C. Crawford share voting and dispositive power. |
(3) |
As of December 31, 2009. Based upon a Schedule 13G
filed with the SEC by F&C Asset Management plc
(F&C) on February 11, 2010. According
thereto, F&C has sole voting and dispositive power over all
such shares. |
(4) |
As of December 31, 2009. Based upon a Schedule 13G
filed with the SEC by BlackRock, Inc. on January 29, 2010.
According thereto, BlackRock, Inc. has sole voting and
dispositive power over all such shares. |
For information on the Companys Related Party Transactions
Policy, please refer to the Audit Committee discussion on
Page 5.
SunTrust Bank held 1,646,688 shares of Class B Common
Stock of the Company as of February 28, 2010. See
Stock Ownership Information Security Ownership
of Certain Beneficial Owners. SunTrust Bank exercises
voting authority with respect to shares of Class B Common
Stock held in fiduciary and agency capacities. In the ordinary
course of its business and on prevailing marketplace terms,
SunTrust Bank and its affiliates provide certain financial
services to the Company. SunTrust Bank serves as the
administrative agent for the Companys $310 million
credit facility and participates as a lender in the syndication
of that credit facility, for which it receives customary
payments of interest, repayments of principal, and fees. The
Companys credit facility was entered into in the ordinary
course of SunTrust Banks business, such loans were and are
made on substantially the same terms, including interest rates
and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable
loans with other parties, such loans do not involve more than
the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable
features. In addition, the Company also maintains a normal
commercial banking relationship with SunTrust Bank, which also
serves as trustee for the Crawford & Company
Retirement Plan and the Crawford & Company Employee
Disability Income Plan. SunTrust Bank also processes checks
relating to loss fund accounts, which are used for payment of
the Companys clients claims. E. Jenner
Wood, III, a Director of the Company, is Chairman of the
Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of SunTrust Bank,
Central Group. The Board has determined that these relationships
do not affect Mr. Woods independence. See
Corporate Governance Director
The following table sets forth certain information concerning
securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation
plans as of December 31, 2009. Only the Companys
Class A Common Stock is authorized for issuance under these
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
Number of Securities to
Future Issuance Under Equity
be Issued Upon Exercise
Exercise Price of
Compensation Plans
of Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities Reflected
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
in Column (a))
Plan Category
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders(4)
(1) |
Shares issuable pursuant to the outstanding options under the
Companys stock option plans (2,393,755 shares), the
1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended
(259,000 shares), and a portion of the U.K. ShareSave
Scheme (469,734 shares). |
(2) |
Includes exercise prices for outstanding options under the
Companys stock option plans, the 1996 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, as amended and the U.K. ShareSave Scheme. |
(3) |
Represents shares which may be issued under the 1996 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan, as amended (66,149 shares), the U.K.
ShareSave Scheme (30,266 shares), the Executive Stock Bonus
Plan (5,300,006 shares), the Nonemployee Director Stock
Plan (1,434,608), and the International Employee Stock Purchase
Plan (1,000,000). Unearned share grants totaling 394,826 were
still included in the number of securities remaining available
for future issuance under equity compensation plans at
December 31, 2009. |
(4) |
Represents a portion of shares under the U.K. ShareSave Scheme. |
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the
Companys directors and officers, and greater than ten
percent (10%) beneficial owners of the Companys equity
securities, to file with the SEC and the NYSE reports of
ownership and changes in ownership of such equity securities of
the Company. Officers, directors and greater than ten percent
shareholders are required by the SEC regulations to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.
Based solely on a review of the copies of such reports furnished
to the Company or written representations that no other reports
are required, the Company believes that, during the year ended
December 31, 2009, all of its officers, directors and
greater than ten percent beneficial owners complied with all
applicable filing requirements, except for one late filing by
Mr. Forrest Bell pertaining to a transaction involving the
sale of 20 shares Class A Common Stock.
During 2009, Messrs. Lanier, Benson, Honoré (beginning
on May 5, 2009) and Wood, none of whom were officers
or employees of the Company, were members of the Compensation
Committee of the Companys Board of Directors. None of the
members of the Compensation Committee serve as members of the
board of directors or compensation committee of any entity that
has one or more executive officers serving as a member of the
Companys Compensation Committee. For a discussion
concerning certain business relationships involving the Company,
Mr. Wood, and SunTrust Banks, please see Information
with Respect to Certain Business Relationships and Related
Transactions, discussed above.
Background. On February 2, 2009, the
Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee of the
Board of Directors (the Compensation Committee)
adopted a resolution to increase the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock available for awards under the
Crawford & Company 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
as amended (the Plan) by 1,000,000 (as adopted, the
The following summary of the material terms of the Plan is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the
Plan, which is attached hereto as Appendix A (as
attached, the Plan does not give effect to the Amendment).
General. The Plan provides the Companys
eligible employees (described below) with a convenient means of
purchasing shares of the Companys Class A Common
Stock at a discount through payroll deductions.
Purpose. The primary purpose of the Plan is to
encourage stock ownership by eligible employees in the belief
that such ownership will increase his or her interest in the
success of Crawford and will provide an additional incentive for
him or her to remain in the employ of Crawford.
Eligibility. Our full-time employees
(generally those who work for Crawford in excess of
20 hours per week) with over one year of service to the
Company are eligible to participate in the Plan. However, an
employee may not purchase shares under the Plan if the purchase
would cause the employee to own shares of common stock
representing 5% or more of the total combined voting power or
value of all classes of the Companys capital stock.
Participation in the Plan generally ends automatically upon a
participants termination of employment. In the event of a
Plan participants termination due to disability or death,
he (or his beneficiary) has certain additional rights to
terminate participation or acquire shares under the Plan. As of
March 1, 2010, there were approximately 4,132 eligible
employees, of which approximately 422 are participants in the
purchase period ending June 30, 2010.
Shares Available. As of March 1,
2010, 1,174,851 shares have been acquired under the Plan,
and 325,149 shares of Class A Common Stock are
available for future issuance under the Plan. If this proposal
is approved by shareholders, an additional 1,000,000 shares
of Class A Common Stock will be available for future
issuance under the Plan. The future benefits to be received by
any Plan participant, including any named executive officer, are
not determinable since any such benefits are based on
participant elections which can be made from time to time in the
For certain additional information concerning securities
authorized for issuance under the Companys equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2009, see
Equity Compensation Plans elsewhere in this proxy
Purchase of Shares. The Plan permits
participants to authorize at least $240 and no more than $21,000
for the purchase of Class A Common Stock annually through
payroll deductions. The Company uses the dollar amounts that it
deducts and accumulates on behalf of each participant to
purchase shares of Class A Common Stock reserved for
issuance under the Plan at the end of each purchase period.
Under the Plan, the Compensation Committee may determine the
duration and frequency of each purchase period. The Plan
generally operates using
offering periods before the beginning of a
purchase period.
Purchase Price of Shares. The price of shares
purchased under the Plan is generally 85% of the lower of the
closing price of our Class A Common Stock on the New York
Stock Exchange on the first day of the purchase period or on the
purchase date. Unless a participant voluntarily exercises only a
part of their option to acquire shares or withdraws from the
Plan, the Class A Common Stock will be purchased on the
last day of the applicable purchase period and the
participants account will be debited in an amount equal to
the price per purchased share, multiplied by the number of
shares purchased. Participants may end their participation in
the Plan at any time. Upon termination of participation, the
participants payroll contributions will cease and the
participant will be paid his or her accumulated payroll
deductions to date without interest. Any amounts remaining in
the participants account after exercise of the purchase
right will be refunded to the participant.
Transferability. Rights granted under the Plan
are not transferable by a participant other than upon the death
of the participant. In the event of a reorganization, merger or
other similar change in the capital structure of the Company,
the Board may make such adjustment, if any, as it deems
appropriate in the number and purchase price of the shares
available under the Plan and in the number of shares covered by
outstanding options to purchase Class A Common Stock under
the Plan.
Modification and Term. The Board has the
authority to amend or terminate the Plan at any time for any
U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences. The
following is a brief summary of the general U.S. federal
income tax consequences to participants and the Company of
participation in the Plan. This summary is not intended to be
exhaustive and does not describe foreign, state or local tax
consequences, nor does it describe consequences based on
particular circumstances. Each participant should refer to the
actual text of the Plan set forth in Appendix A and
should consult with a tax advisor as to specific questions
relating to tax consequences of participation in the Plan.
Federal Income Tax Consequences to
Participants. No taxable income will be
recognized by a participant as a result of the grant or exercise
of the purchase rights issued under the Plan. Taxable income
will not be recognized until there is a sale or other
disposition of the shares purchased under the Plan or in the
event a participant should die while still owning any shares
purchased under the Plan.
If a participant sells or otherwise disposes of shares purchased
under the Plan within two years after commencement of the
purchase period during which those shares were purchased or
within one year of the date of purchase, the participant will
recognize ordinary income in the year of sale or disposition
equal to the amount by which the fair market value of the shares
on the purchase date exceeded the purchase price paid for those
shares. If a participant sells or disposes of the purchased
shares more than two years after the commencement of the
purchase period in which those shares were purchased and more
than one year from the date of purchase, then the participant
will recognize ordinary income in the year of such sale or
disposition equal to the lesser of (i) the amount by which
the fair market value of the shares sold on the sale or
disposition date exceeded the purchase price paid for those
shares, or (ii) 15% of the fair market value of the shares
sold on the date of commencement of such purchase period. Any
additional gain upon the disposition would be taxed as a capital
If a participant still owns shares purchased under the Plan at
the time of the participants death, the participant will
recognize as ordinary income in the year of such
participants death the lesser of (i) the amount by
which the fair market value of the shares on the date of death
exceeds the purchase price, or (ii) 15% of the fair market
value of the shares on the date of commencement of the purchase
period during which those shares were purchased.
Federal Income Tax Consequences to the
Company. The Company is not allowed a deduction
for federal income tax purposes in connection with the grant or
exercise of the right to purchase common shares under the Plan,
provided there is no disposition of common shares by a
participant within either the one- or two- year period described
above. If a disposition occurs within either of these two
periods, we will be entitled to a deduction in the same amount
and at the same time that the participant realizes ordinary
Plan Benefits. The benefits to be received by
the Companys employees as a result of the proposed
amendment of the Plan are not determinable, since the amounts of
future purchases by participants are based on elective
participant contributions. No purchase rights have been granted,
and no shares of Class A Common Stock have been issued,
with respect to the 1,000,000 share increase for which
shareholder approval is sought under this proposal.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the
approval of the Amendment to add 1,000,000 shares to the
Companys Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
Background. The Crawford & Company
U.K. Sharesave Scheme, as amended (the U.K. Plan)
was originally adopted by the Board of Directors (the
Board) of the Company on July 28, 1999. As
originally adopted, 500,000 shares of the Companys
Class A Common Stock were available for issuance to
Eligible Participants (as defined below). On February 7,
2006, the Nominating/Corporate Governance/Compensation Committee
of the Board (the Compensation Committee) adopted an
amendment to the U.K. Plan to increase the number of shares of
Class A Common Stock available for issuance thereunder by
500,000, which amendment was approved by the shareholders of the
Company at the Companys 2006 annual meeting of
On November 6, 2009, the Compensation Committee approved an
amendment to the U.K. Plan to extend the term of the U.K. Plan
for 10 years and to update the UK Plan for certain
statutory changes and references (the Amendment).
Pursuant to the rules and regulations of the New York Stock
Exchange, the U.K. Plan, as amended, is subject to the approval
of the Companys shareholders.
The following summary of the material terms of the U.K. Plan is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the
U.K. Plan, which is attached hereto as Appendix B (as
attached, the U.K. Plan does not give effect to the Amendment).
General. The U.K. Plan allows for Eligible
Participants (as defined below) to purchase shares of our
Class A Common Stock at a discount using accumulated
savings from payroll deductions pursuant to a three-year,
five-year or seven-year period savings program (a Savings
Purpose. The purpose of the U.K. Plan is to
attract, retain and motivate Eligible Participants to retain
their focus on the long-term growth of the Company by providing
them with an opportunity to purchase shares of the
Companys Class A Common Stock at a discount.
Eligibility. To be eligible to participate in
the U.K. Plan (an Eligible Participant), an
individual must generally be (i) an employee of Crawford or
a participating subsidiary of Crawford on the grant day for an
award (and have been an employee for the previous five year
period or such other time period during such period as
determined by the Board), or (ii) a director of Crawford or
a participating subsidiary of Crawford (and have been a
full-time director (as defined in the U.K. Plan) for the
previous five year period or such other time period during such
period as determined by the Board, so long as such person
generally was subject to tax in the U.K. with respect to his or
her employment or position.
The Board is authorized to determine each Participating Company.
Generally, and as of the date hereof, a Participating Company is
any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company operating in
the United Kingdom.
As of the date hereof, there are approximately 1,377 Eligible
Participants, and 245 individuals actually participating in the
U.K. Plan in the purchase period ending April 1, 2010. I.V.
Muress is the only named executive officer eligible to
participate in the U.K. Plan.
The future benefits to be received by any Eligible Participant,
including any named executive officer, pursuant to the U.K. Plan
are not determinable, since any such benefits are based on
Eligible Participant elections which can be made from time to
time in the future.
Grants under the U.K. Plan. Eligible
Participants who elect to participate in the U.K. Plan make
monthly contributions (via payroll deductions) in an amount
between £5 and £250 per month in connection with a
three-year, five-year or seven-year period (a Savings
Period) Savings Contract. In addition, Eligible
Participants who elect to participate in the U.K. Plan receive
an option to purchase shares of Class A Common Stock made
under the U.K. Plan (an Option). The price at which
shares of Class A Common Stock are acquired by the exercise
of Options under the U.K. Plan is set by the Board but generally
shall be 85% of the fair market value of our Class A Common
Stock (determined by reference to the price thereof on the New
York Stock Exchange, if applicable) as determined prior to any
grant date pursuant to section 3.5 of the U.K. Plan. In the
event of any variation of the capital stock of the Company, the
Board is authorized to adjust the price at which shares may be
acquired before any Option is exercised or after the exercise of
any Option but prior to transfer of shares obtained pursuant to
such exercise. Upon exercise of an Option, the exercise price
will be paid to and retained by the Company.
The payroll deductions are kept in accounts with the bank or
building society with whom the Savings Contract is made until
the Eligible Participant either exercises (or declines to
exercise) the Option at the end of the applicable Savings Period
or earlier withdraws from participation in the U.K. Plan. The
accumulated amounts and any bonus amounts are generally used to
pay the exercise price of an Option at the end of the applicable
Savings Period. An Eligible Participant may withdraw from
participation in the U.K. Plan at any time. Once an Eligible
Participant has withdrawn, there is no opportunity to resume
participation for that Savings Period. The administrator of the
U.K. Plan will make any repayment of savings to such Eligible
Participant if so requested. As a tax-qualified plan in the
United Kingdom, Participants who are U.K. taxpayers receive a
bonus amount on the payroll deductions, which is tax-free
provided the Eligible Participant has continued to save for the
full Savings Period. For withdrawals prior to such time, but
after a Participant has been saving for one year and made at
least 12 monthly contributions, the Participant will
receive interest on
Options may generally be exercised (i) within 6 months
after the completion of the applicable Savings Period,
(ii) within 12 months after the Eligible
Participants death (or within 12 months if such death
occurs 3 years after the maturity date, (iii) within
6 months after the Eligible Participants termination
of employment with the Participating Company as a result of
injury, disability, redundancy (within the meaning of the United
Kingdom Employment Rights Act of 1996) or retirement,
(iv) within 6 months after the Eligible
Participants termination of employment with the Company as
a result of certain changes of control of the Participating
Company, or (v) within 6 months after the Eligible
Participants termination of employment with the
Participating Company for any other reason (except for
misconduct) more than 3 years after the grant of the
Option. Options may not be exercised at all in the event the
Eligible Participant (i) ceases to be employed by the
Participating Company for any reason other than death,
disability, redundancy, retirement, injury or certain changes in
control of the Participating Company, within 3 years of the
grant of the Option or (ii) gives notice of termination
before an Option has become exercisable terminating payments
under the applicable Savings Contract or applies for repayment
of the monthly contributions paid under the applicable Savings
Shares Available. As of March 1,
2010, 335,871 shares had been acquired under the U.K. Plan.
For certain additional information concerning securities
authorized for issuance under the Companys equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2009, see
Equity Compensation Plans elsewhere in this proxy
Term. Pursuant to section 3.7 of the U.K.
Plan, offers to participate can only be made for a period of
10 years from the date of adoption. Accordingly, offers to
participate can no longer be made unless the term of the U.K.
Plan is extended pursuant to the Amendment. If the Amendment is
approved, the term of the U.K. Plan will be extended for an
additional 10 year period.
Administration. The Board, or a committee
appointed by the Board, is authorized to administer the U.K.
Plan. The administrator of the U.K. Plan is authorized to, among
other things:
determine the applicable grant date of any offering;
determine the length of any offering;
set the maximum amount of the monthly contribution under a
Savings Contract (subject to applicable restrictions);
provide all notices in connection with the U.K. Plan;
make price adjustments in the event of any variation of the
capital stock of the Company; and
amend the U.K. Plan at any time, subject to any required
consents of any applicable regulatory authorities.
Amendment of the U.K. Plan. The Board may at
any time amend the U.K. Plan and shall obtain any required
approvals and consents from the United Kingdom HM
Revenue & Customs (HMRC). If HMRC approval
is not required, the Board is authorized to make any non
material changes to the U.K. Plan without resubmitting the U.K.
Plan to the HMRC.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any material amendment to the
U.K. Plan must be approved by our shareholders in order to
comply with continued listing requirements of the New York Stock
Taxation Consequences. The following is a
brief summary of the general taxation consequences to
Participants and the Company of participation in the U.K. Plan.
This summary is not intended to be exhaustive and does not
describe other foreign, or state or local tax consequences, nor
does it describe consequences based on particular circumstances.
Each Participant should refer to the actual text of the U.K.
Plan set forth in Appendix B and should consult with
a tax advisor as to specific questions relating to tax
consequences of participation in the U.K. Plan.
U.S. Federal Tax Consequences. The grant
of an Option under the U.K. Plan does not give rise to any
income tax liability for a Participant subject to tax in the
U.S. Generally, the recipient of an Option grant in the
U.S. would be subject to tax at the time of exercise of the
Option on the difference between the fair
market value of the Class A Common Stock obtained upon
exercise of the Option and the per share exercise price. This
amount would be taxed as ordinary income to the Option recipient
and the Company would be entitled to a corresponding tax
deduction in an amount equal to the amount taxable to the
Participant at exercise. However, due to the potential discount
from fair market value of the exercise price of shares of
Class A Common Stock, and the other terms under the U.K.
Plan, Participants subject to tax in the U.S. may be taxed
earlier than at exercise of the Option (likely at vesting) and
may also be subject to an additional 20% penalty. Any bonus or
interest received under a Savings Contract will be subject to
tax in the year received.
At the time of sale of shares of Class A Common Stock
obtained upon exercise of an Option, the Participant will
recognize a capital gain or loss. If the participant sells or
disposes of the shares obtained upon exercise of an Option more
after purchase, the participant will recognize long-term capital
gain on any additional gain. If the Participant sells or
disposes of the shares obtained upon exercise of an Option
12-months or
less after purchase, then the Participant will recognize
short-term capital gain on any additional gain.
U.K. Tax Consequences. The grant of Options
under the U.K. Plan does not give rise to any income tax
liability for Participants resident and ordinarily resident in
the U.K. Provided that such a Participant has held the relevant
Option for more than three years (or less than three years and
his employment with the Company or a Participating Company has
ceased as a result of death, disability, injury, retirement, the
attainment of age 60 or redundancy), the exercise of those
Options should not give rise to any income tax liability. If the
Participant exercises the Options in other circumstances,
however, a charge to income tax of the Participant may arise on
the exercise of the Options. The income arising on exercise of
such Options will form part of the Participants income for
the tax year in which the exercise occurred, and income tax will
be chargeable on the amount by which the fair market value of
the common shares acquired upon exercise of the Option on the
date of exercise exceeds the price paid for those shares. The
income tax due will be payable by the Participant, after the
Participant submits his annual tax return, through the U.K.
self assessment regime.
At the time of sale of the underlying shares of Class A
Common Stock received upon exercise of an Option, capital gains
tax will arise on any gain realized and will be calculated by
reference to the difference between the sale proceeds and the
base cost of the common shares. The base cost of the common
shares for this purpose is the price paid for such shares (plus
any amount chargeable to income tax on exercise of the Option).
A U.K. Participant is entitled to an annual capital gains tax
exemption and the net chargeable gain is currently chargeable to
tax at a flat rate of 18 percent. Any bonus or interest
received under a Savings Contract will not give rise to any
income tax or National Insurance Contributions liability to the
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of
the Crawford & Company U.K. Sharesave Scheme, as
Ernst & Young LLP has been selected by the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors to serve as independent
auditors for the Company for the fiscal year 2010.
Ernst & Young also served as the independent auditors
of the Company for the Companys 2008 and 2009 fiscal
years. Although the selection and appointment of an independent
auditor is not required to be submitted to a vote of
shareholders, the Board of Directors has decided, as in the
past, to ask the Companys shareholders to ratify this
appointment. Despite the selection of Ernst & Young
LLP as the Companys independent auditors and the
ratification by the shareholders of that selection, the Audit
Committee has the power at any time to select another auditor
for 2010, without further shareholder action. A representative
of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting and will be given an opportunity to make a
statement, if he or she desires, and to respond to appropriate
questions. In addition, a report of the Audit Committee in
connection with the independence of the auditors, as well as
other matters, follows the Boards recommendation on this
matter below.
Fees Paid
to Ernst & Young LLP
In addition to performing the audit of the Companys
consolidated financial statements, Ernst & Young LLP
provides some other permitted services to the Company and its
foreign and domestic subsidiaries. Ernst & Young LLP
has advised the Company that it has billed or will bill the
Company the below indicated amounts for the following categories
of services for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008:
Audit fees(1)
Audit related fees(2)
Tax fees(3)
All other fees
(1) |
Audit fees include annual financial statement audit, the audit
of internal control over financial reporting, and statutory
audits required internationally. |
(2) |
Audit related fees include: SAS 70 reports, accounting
consultations, and attest services related to acquisitions. |
(3) |
Tax fees consist principally of professional services rendered
by Ernst & Young LLP for tax compliance and tax
planning and advice. |
The Audit Committee reviews and pre-approves in addition to all
audit services, all non-audit services to be provided by the
independent auditor. On an ongoing basis, management
communicates specific projects and categories of services to the
Audit Committee on which advance approval is requested. The
Audit Committee reviews these requests and votes by resolution
its approval or rejection of such non-audit services after due
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the
ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as the
Companys independent auditors for 2010.
In fulfilling its responsibilities to review the Companys
financial reporting process, the Audit Committee has reviewed
and discussed with the Companys management and the
independent auditors the audited financial statements to be
contained in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. Management is
responsible for the financial statements and the reporting
process, including the system of internal controls. Independent
auditors are responsible for expressing an opinion on the
conformity of those audited financial statements with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States.
The Audit Committee discussed with the independent auditors the
matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, Communications with Audit Committee, as
amended. In addition, the Audit Committee has discussed with the
independent auditors the auditors independence from the
Company and its management, including the matters in the written
disclosure required by Independence Standards Board Standard
No. 1, Independence Discussions with Audit Committees. In
determining the independence of the auditors, the Audit
Committee has considered, among other matters, whether the
provision of services, other than those related to the audit of
the Companys annual financial statements, is compatible
with maintaining the auditors independence.
The Audit Committee discussed with the Companys internal
and independent auditors the overall scope and plans for their
respective audits. The Audit Committee meets with the internal
and independent auditors, with and without management present,
to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations
of the Companys internal controls, and the overall quality
of the Companys financial reporting. The Audit
Committee further discussed those items contained in NYSE
Listing Rules Section 303(A)(6) and otherwise complied
with the obligations stated therein. The Audit Committee held
five meetings during fiscal year 2009.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors, and
the Board has approved, that the audited financial statements be
included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009 for filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The Audit Committee has
selected Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys
independent auditors for 2010, with this selection to be
ratified by the shareholders.
Any shareholder proposal to be presented at the 2011 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the Company no later
than November 22, 2010 for inclusion in the proxy statement
for that meeting in accordance with
Rule 14a-8
under the Exchange Act. Pursuant to
Rule 14a-4
under the Exchange Act and the By-laws of the Company, the Board
of Directors may exercise discretionary voting authority at the
2011 Annual Meeting under proxies it solicits to vote on a
proposal made by a shareholder that the shareholder does not
seek to have included in the Companys proxy statement
pursuant to
Rule 14a-8,
unless the Company is notified about the proposal prior to
November 22, 2010 and the shareholder satisfies the other
requirements of
Rule 14a-4(c).
The Board of Directors knows of no other matters other than
those as described herein to be brought before the Annual
Meeting. If any other matters come before the Annual Meeting,
however, the persons named in the Proxy will vote such Proxy in
accordance with their judgment on such matters.
March 23, 2010
1. Purpose
The primary purpose of this Plan is to encourage Stock ownership
by each Eligible Employee of Crawford and each Subsidiary in the
belief that such ownership will increase his or her interest in
the success of Crawford and will provide an additional incentive
for him or her to remain in the employ of Crawford or such
Subsidiary. Crawford intends that this Plan constitute an
employee stock purchase plan within the meaning of
Section 423 of the Code and further, intends that any
ambiguity in this Plan or any related offering be resolved to
effect such intent.
Section 2. Definitions
2.1. The term Account shall mean the separate
bookkeeping account which shall be established and maintained by
the Plan Administrator for each Participant for each Purchase
Period to record the payroll deductions made on his or her
behalf to purchase Stock under this Plan.
2.2. The term Authorization shall mean the
Participants election and payroll deduction authorization
form which an Eligible Employee shall be required to properly
complete in writing and timely file with the Plan Administrator
before the end of an Offering Period in order to participate in
this Plan for the related Purchase Period.
2.3. The term Beneficiary shall mean the
person designated as such in accordance with Section 14.
2.4. The term Board shall mean the Board of
Directors of Crawford.
2.5. The term Code shall mean the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
2.6. The term Committee shall mean the Senior
Compensation and Stock Option Committee of the Board.
2.7. The term Crawford shall mean
Crawford & Company, a corporation incorporated under
the laws of the State of Georgia, and any successor to Crawford.
2.8. The term Disability shall mean a
condition which the Plan Administrator in his or her discretion
determines should be treated as a total and permanent disability
under Section 22(e)(3) of the Code.
2.9. The term Eligible Employee shall mean
each employee of Crawford or a Subsidiary except:
(a) an employee who has completed less than one full and
continuous year of employment as an employee of Crawford or such
(b) an employee who customarily is employed 20 hours
or less per week by Crawford or such Subsidiary;
(c) an employee who (after completing at least one full and
continuous year of employment as an employee of Crawford or such
Subsidiary) customarily is employed for not more than five
(5) months in any calendar year by Crawford or such
Subsidiary; and
(d) an employee who would own (immediately after the grant
of an option under this Plan) stock possessing 5% or more of the
total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock of
Crawford based on the rules set forth in Sections 423(b)(3)
and 424 of the Code.
An Employees continuous employment by Crawford or by a
Subsidiary shall not be treated as interrupted by a transfer
directly between Crawford and any Subsidiary or between one
Subsidiary and another Subsidiary.
2.10. The term Exercise Date shall mean for
each Purchase Period the last day of such Purchase Period.
2.11. The term Offering Period shall mean a
period which (i) shall be set by the Committee,
(ii) shall end before the beginning of the related Purchase
Period and (iii) shall continue for no more than thirty
(30) days.
2.12. The term Option Price shall mean, for
each Purchase Period, eighty-five percent (85%) of the lesser of
the closing price for a share of Stock on (A) the first day
of the Purchase Period, or (B) the Exercise Date, as such
closing prices are accurately reported in The Wall Street
Journal or in any successor to The Wall Street Journal
or, if there is no such successor, any similar trade
publication selected by the Committee or, if the Committee makes
no such selection, as such closing price is determined in good
faith by the Committee; provided, if no closing price is so
accurately reported for any such day, the closing price for such
day shall be deemed to be the last closing price for a share of
Stock which was so accurately reported before such day.
2.13. The term Participant shall mean for
each Purchase Period an Eligible Employee who has satisfied the
requirements set forth in § 7 of this Plan for such
Purchase Period.
2.14. The term Participating Employer shall
for each Participant, as of any date, mean Crawford or a
Subsidiary, whichever employ such Participant as of such date.
2.15. The term Plan shall mean this
Crawford & Company 1996 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
as effective as of the date set forth in Section 3 and as
thereafter amended from time to time.
2.16. The term Plan Administrator shall mean
the person or persons appointed by the Committee to administer
this Plan.
2.17. The term Purchase Period shall mean a
twelve (12) consecutive month period which shall begin on a
date (within the fifteen (15) day period which immediately
follows the end of the related Offering Period) set by the
Committee on or before the beginning of the related Offering
2.18. The term Retirement shall mean a
termination of employment after reaching at least age 55
and completing at least ten (10) years of continuous
employment with Crawford or a Subsidiary (where such continuous
employment shall be determined using the same rules used to
determine whether an employee is an Eligible Employee).
2.19. The term Stock shall mean the
$1.00 par value Class A Common Stock of Crawford.
2.20. The term Subsidiary shall mean each
entity which is a subsidiary of Crawford for the purposes of
Section 424(f) of the Code, and which the Committee
designates as eligible to participate in the Plan.
Section 3. Effective
This Plan shall be first effective as of January 30, 1996.
However, if any options are granted under this Plan under
Section 9 before the date the shareholders of Crawford
(acting at a duly called meeting of such shareholders) are
treated under Section 423(b)(2) of the Code as having
approved the adoption of this Plan, such options shall be
granted subject to such approval and if such shareholders fail
to approve such adoption before the first anniversary of such
effective date, all such options automatically shall be null and
Section 4. Offerings
Options to purchase shares of Stock shall be offered to
Participants in accordance with this Plan from time to time at
the discretion of the Committee; provided, however, there shall
be no more than one Offering Period in effect at any time and no
more than one Purchase Period in effect at any time.
Section 5. Stock
Available for Options
There initially shall be one million (1,000,000) shares of Stock
available for purchase from Crawford upon the exercise of
options granted under Section 9 of this Plan. Any shares of
Stock which are subject to options granted under this Plan but
which are not purchased on the related Exercise Date shall again
become available under this Plan.
Section 6. Administration
The Plan Administrator shall be responsible for the
administration of this Plan and shall have the power in
connection with such administration to interpret this Plan and
to take such other action in connection with such administration
as the Plan Administrator deems necessary or equitable under the
circumstances. The Plan Administrator also shall have the power
to delegate the duty to perform such administrative functions as
the Plan Administrator deems appropriate under the
circumstances. Any person to whom the duty to perform an
administrative function is delegated shall act on behalf of and
shall be responsible to the Plan Administrator for such
function. Any action or inaction by or on behalf of the Plan
Administrator under this Plan shall be final and binding on each
Eligible Employee, each Participant and on each other person who
makes a claim under this Plan based on the rights, if any, of
any such Eligible Employee or Participant under this Plan.
Section 7. Participation
Each employee who will be an Eligible Employee on the last day
of an Offering Period shall satisfy the requirements to be a
Participant in this Plan for the related Purchase Period if
(1) he or she properly completes in writing and files an
Authorization with the Plan Administrator on or before the last
day of such Offering Period to purchase shares of Stock pursuant
to an option granted under Section 9, and
(2) he or she remains an Eligible Employee through the
first day of the Purchase Period.
An Authorization shall require an Eligible Employee to provide
such information and to take such action as the Plan
Administrator in his or her discretion deems necessary or
helpful to the orderly administration of this Plan, including
specifying (in accordance with Section 8) his or her
payroll deductions to purchase shares of Stock pursuant to the
option granted under Section 9 and designating a
Beneficiary. A Participants status as such shall terminate
for a Purchase Period (for which he or she has an effective
Authorization) at such time as his or her Account had been
withdrawn under § 12 or § 13 or the
purchases and distributions contemplated under Section 10
or Section 13 with respect to his or her Account have been
completed, whichever comes first.
Section 8. Payroll
(a) Initial Authorization. Each
Participants Authorization made under Section 7 shall
specify the specific dollar amount which he or she authorizes
his or her Participating Employer to deduct from his or her
compensation with respect to each of the twenty-six pay days
during the Purchase Period (which twenty-six pay days shall be
specified by the Committee and which pay days may include the
pay day immediately preceding or immediately following the
Purchase Period to ensure each Purchase Period includes
twenty-six pay days) for which such Authorization is in effect
to purchase shares of Stock pursuant to the option granted under
Section 9, provided
(1) the total of such dollar amount for the Purchase Period
shall not be less than $240.00, and
(2) the total of such dollar amount for the Purchase Period
shall not be more than $21,000.00.
(b) Subsequent Authorization. A
Participant shall have the right to make one amendment to an
Authorization after the end of an Offering Period to reduce or
to stop the payroll deductions which he or she previously had
authorized for the related Purchase Period, and such reduction
shall be effective as soon as practicable after the Plan
Administrator actually receives such amended Authorization.
(c) Account Credits, General Assets and
Taxes. All payroll deductions made for a
Participant shall be credited to his or her Account as of the
pay day as of which the deduction is made. All payroll
deductions shall be held by Crawford, by Crawfords agent
or by one, or more than one, Subsidiary (as determined by the
Plan Administrator) as part of the general assets of Crawford or
any such Subsidiary, and each Participants right to the
payroll deductions credited to his or her Account shall be those
of a general and unsecured creditor. Crawford, Crawfords
agent or such Subsidiary shall have the right to withhold on
payroll deductions to the extent such person deems necessary or
appropriate to satisfy applicable tax laws.
(d) No Cash Payments. A Participant may
not make any contributions to his or her Account except through
payroll deductions made in accordance with this Section 8.
(e) Priority and Insufficiency. Payroll
deductions under this Plan will be subordinate to all liens,
garnishments, required taxes and deductions under other Crawford
employee benefit plans. If there are not sufficient funds in any
payroll period to satisfy the Authorization, the payroll
deduction for that period only will be reduced accordingly. In
no event will the payroll deduction in subsequent payroll
periods be increased above that specified in the relevant
Section 9. Granting
of Option
(a) General Rule. Subject to
Section 9(b) and Section 9(c), each Participant for a
Purchase Period automatically shall be granted by operation of
this Plan an option, exercisable on the Exercise Date, to
purchase the number of shares of Stock (rounded down to the
nearest whole number) determined by dividing (A) the total
of the twenty-six payroll deductions credited to the
Participants Account for the Purchase Period by
(B) eighty-five percent (85%) of the closing price for a
share of Stock on the first day of the Purchase Period, as such
price is determined in accordance with Section 2.12. Each
such option shall be exercisable only in accordance with the
terms of this Plan.
(b) Available Shares of Stock. If the
number of shares of Stock available for purchase for any
Purchase Period is insufficient to cover the shares which
Participants have elected to purchase through effective
Authorizations, then each Participants option to purchase
shares of Stock for such Purchase Period shall be reduced to
equal the number of shares of Stock (rounded down to the nearest
whole number) which the Plan Administrator shall determine by
multiplying (A) the number of shares of Stock for which
such Participant would have been granted an option under
Section 9(a) if sufficient shares were available by
(B) a fraction, (i) the numerator of which shall be
the number of shares of Stock available for options for such
Purchase Period and (ii) the denominator of which shall be
the total number of shares of Stock for which options would have
been granted to all Participants under Section 9(a) if
sufficient shares were available.
(c) Limit on Number of Shares of
Stock. The number of shares of Stock determined
in accordance with Section 9(a) or Section 9(b) to be
issued to any Participant upon the exercise of an option granted
under this Plan shall be reduced to the extent necessary such
that after issuance of such shares of Stock the Participant
shall own less than 5% of the total combined voting power or
value of all classes of stock of Crawford, based on the rules
set forth in Section 423(b)(3) and Section 424 of the
Section 10. Exercise
of Option
(a) General Rule. Unless a Participant
files an amended Authorization under Section 10(b) or
Section 12 on or before the Exercise Date for a Purchase
Period, his or her option shall be exercised automatically in
full on such Exercise Date.
(b) Partial Exercise. A Participant may
file an amended Authorization under this Section 10(b) with
the Plan Administrator on or before an Exercise Date to elect,
effective as of such Exercise Date, to exercise his or her
option for a specific number of whole shares of Stock, which may
not exceed the number of shares of Stock determined in
accordance with Section 9.
(c) Payment. Upon exercise of an option,
each Participants Account shall be debited in an amount
equal to (A) the Option Price multiplied by (B) the
number of shares of Stock for which his or her option is being
exercised. Each Subsidiary shall cause such payment to be
remitted to Crawford as soon as practicable following the
Exercise Date.
(d) Automatic Refund. If a
Participants Account has a remaining balance after his or
her option has been exercised, such balance shall be refunded to
the Participant in cash (without interest) as soon as
practicable following such Exercise Date.
Section 11. Delivery
A stock certificate representing any shares of Stock purchased
upon the exercise of an option under this Plan shall be
delivered to a Participant in (i) his or her name or, if
the Participant so directs on his or her
Authorization filed with the Plan Administrator on or before the
Exercise Date for such option and if permissible under
applicable law, (ii) the names of the Participant and one
such other person as may be designated by the Participant, as
joint tenants with rights of survivorship. No Participant (or
any person who makes a claim through a Participant) shall have
any interest in any shares of Stock subject to an option until
such option has been exercised and the related shares of Stock
actually have been delivered to such person.
Section 12. Voluntary
Account Withdrawal
A Participant may elect to withdraw the entire balance credited
to his or her Account for a Purchase Period by completing in
writing and filing an amended Authorization with the Plan
Administrator on or before the Exercise Date for such period. If
a Participant makes such a withdrawal election, such balance
shall be paid to him or her in cash (without interest) as soon
as practicable after such amended authorization is filed, and no
further payroll deductions shall be made on his or her behalf
for the remainder of such Purchase Period.
Section 13. Termination
of Employment
(a) Death, Disability or Retirement. If a
Participants employment by Crawford or a Subsidiary
terminates as a result of his or her death, Disability or
Retirement on or before the Exercise Date, and if such
Participant or, in the event he or she dies, his or her
Beneficiary timely makes an irrevocable election in writing
under this Section 13(a), such person shall have the right
(1) to withdraw the Participants entire Account in
cash (without interest), or
(2) to apply the Participants entire Account to
purchase whole shares of Stock at the Option Price for such
Purchase Period as of the related Exercise Date.
Any election made under this Section 13(a) shall be
irrevocable and shall be timely only if actually delivered to
the Plan Administrator on or before the earlier of (i) the
Exercise Date for such Purchase Period or (ii) the last day
of the three (3) consecutive months period which begins on
the last day the Participant was an Eligible Employee. If no
timely election is made under this Section 13(a), a
Participant shall be deemed to have elected the cash alternative
set forth in Section 13(a)(1). If the purchase alternative
set forth in Section 13(a)(2) is elected, the certificate
representing the shares of Stock purchased shall be delivered as
soon as administratively practicable to the Participant or, in
the event he or she dies, to his or her Beneficiary. If a
Participants Account has a remaining balance after his or
her option has been exercised under this Section 13(a),
such balance automatically shall be refunded to the Participant,
or in the event he or she dies, to his or her Beneficiary in
cash (without interest) as soon as practicable after such
(b) Other Terminations. Except as
provided in Section 13(c), if a Participants status
as an Eligible Employee terminates on or before the Exercise
Date for a Purchase Period for any reason whatsoever other than
his or her death, Disability or Retirement, his or her Account
automatically shall be distributed as if he or she had elected
to withdraw his or her Account in cash under Section 12
immediately before the date his or her employment had so
(c) Transfers. If a Participant is
transferred directly between his or her Participating Employer
and another Participating Employer while he or she has an
Authorization in effect, such Authorization shall (subject to
all the terms and conditions of this Plan) remain in effect. If
a Participant is transferred between his or her Participating
Employer and another entity (other than a Participating
Employer) in which Crawford has, directly or indirectly, a
twenty percent (20%) or greater equity interest, his or her
payroll deductions shall automatically terminate upon the
effective date of such transfer as if he or she had so amended
his or her Authorization pursuant to Section 8(c), but he
or she may continue as a Participant for the relevant Purchase
Period only.
Section 14. Designation
of Beneficiary
A Participant shall designate on his or her Authorization a
beneficiary (1) who shall act on his or her behalf if the
Participant dies before the end of a Purchase Period and
(2) who shall receive the Stock, if any, and cash, if any,
to the Participants credit under this Plan if the
Participant dies after the end of a Purchase
Period but before the delivery of the certificate representing
such shares of Stock, if any, and the cash, if any, to his or
her credit in such Account. Such designation may be revised in
writing at any time by the Participant by filing an amended
Authorization, and his or her revised designation shall be
effective at such time as the Plan Administrator receives such
amended Authorization. If a deceased Participant fails to
designate a Beneficiary or, if no person so designated survives
a Participant or, if after checking his or her last know mailing
address, the whereabouts of the person so designated are
unknown, then the Participants Beneficiary shall be
determined by the Plan Administrator in accordance with the
Participants will or the applicable laws of descent and
Section 15. Transferability
Neither the balance credited to a Participants Account nor
any rights to the exercise of an option or to receive shares of
Stock under this Plan may be assigned, encumbered, alienated,
transferred, pledged, or otherwise disposed of in any way by a
Participant during his or her lifetime or by his or her
Beneficiary or by any other person during his or her lifetime,
and any attempt to do so shall be without effect; provided,
however, that the Plan Administrator in its absolute discretion
may treat any such action as an election by a Participant to
withdraw the balance credited to his or her Account in
accordance with Section 12. A Participants right, if
any, to transfer any interest in this Plan at his or her death
shall be determined exclusively under Section 13 and
Section 14.
Section 16. Adjustment
The number of shares of Stock covered by outstanding options
granted pursuant to this Plan and the related Option Price and
the number of shares of Stock available under this Plan shall be
adjusted by the Board in an equitable manner to reflect any
change in the capitalization of Crawford, including, but not
limited to such changes as dividends paid in the form of Stock
or Stock splits. Furthermore, the Board shall adjust (in a
manner which satisfies the requirements of Section 424(a)
of the Code) the number of shares of Stock available under this
Plan and the number of shares of Stock covered by options
granted under this Plan and the related Option Prices in the
event of any corporate transaction described in
Section 424(a) of the Code. If any adjustment under this
Section 16 would create a fractional share of Stock or a
right to acquire a fractional share, such fractional share shall
be disregarded and the number of shares of Stock subject to each
option granted pursuant to this Plan shall be the next lower
number of whole shares of Stock, rounding all fractions
downward. An adjustment made under this Section 16 by the
Board shall be conclusive and binding on all affected persons.
Section 17. Securities
If Crawford shall deem it necessary to register under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any other applicable
statutes, any shares of Stock with respect to which an option
shall have been exercised under this Plan or to qualify any such
shares of Stock for an exemption from any such statutes,
Crawford shall take such action at its own expense before
delivery of the certificate representing such shares of Stock.
If shares of Stock are listed on any national stock exchange at
the time an option to purchase shares of Stock is exercised
under this Plan, Crawford whenever required shall register
shares of Stock for which such option is exercised under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and shall make
prompt application for the listing on such national exchange of
such shares, all at the expense of Crawford.
Section 18. Amendment
or Termination
This Plan may be amended by the Board from time to time to the
extent that the Board deems necessary or appropriate in light
of, and consistent with Section 423 of the Code and the
laws of the State of Georgia, and any such amendment shall be
subject to the approval of Crawfords shareholders to the
extent such approval is required under Section 423 of the
Code or the laws of the State of Georgia or to the extent such
approval is required to meet the security holder approval
requirements under
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. However,
no provision of this Plan shall be amended more than once every
six (6) months if amending such provisions more frequently
would result in the loss of an exemption under
Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended. The Board also may terminate this Plan or any offering
made under this Plan at any time; provided, however, the Board
shall not have the right
to modify, cancel, or amend any option outstanding after the
beginning of a Purchase Period unless (i) each Participant
consents in writing to such modification, amendment or
cancellation, (ii) such modification only accelerates the
Exercise Date for the related Purchase Period or (iii) the
Board acting in good faith deems that such action is required
under applicable law.
Section 19. Notices
All Authorizations and other communications from a Participant
to the Plan Administrator under, or in connection with, this
Plan shall be deemed to have been filed with the Plan
Administrator when actually received in the form specified to
the Plan Administrator at the location, or by the person,
designated by the Plan Administrator for the receipt of such
Authorizations and communications.
Section 20. Employment
No offer under this Plan shall constitute an offer of
employment, and no acceptance of an offer under this Plan shall
constitute an employment agreement. Any such offer or acceptance
shall have no bearing whatsoever on the employment relationship
between any Eligible Employee and Crawford or any subsidiary of
Crawford, including a Subsidiary. No Eligible Employee shall be
induced to participate in this Plan by the expectation of
employment or continued employment.
Section 21. Headings,
References and Construction
The headings to sections in this Plan have been included for
convenience of reference only. Except as otherwise expressly
indicated, all references to sections in this Plan shall be to
sections of this Plan. This Plan shall be interpreted and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia.
Chairman, President & CEO
Reference: SRS2374/IGB
1.1 In this Scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:
Option and
Option have the meanings given in
sub-rule 3.2
Associated Company means an associated
company within the meaning given to that expression by
paragraph 47 of Schedule 3;
Board means the board of directors of the
Company or a committee appointed by them;
Bonus Date, in relation to an option, means:
(A) in the case of a
Option, the earliest date on which the bonus is payable,
(B) in the case of a
Option, the earliest date on which a bonus is payable, and
(C) in the case of a
Option, the earliest date on which the maximum bonus is payable;
and for this purpose payable means payable
under the Savings Contract made in connection with the option;
Company means Crawford & Company, a
corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of Georgia
in the USA;
Control means control within the meaning of
section 995 of the Income Tax Act 2007;
Exercise Date shall be the date on which a
validly completed notice of exercise is received by the Company;
Grant Day shall be construed in accordance
sub-rule 2.1
Invitation Date shall be the date on which an
invitation is given pursuant to
sub-rule 3.6
ITEPA 2003 means the Income Tax (Earnings and
Pensions) Act 2003;
ITTOIA 2005 means the IT (Trading and Other
Income) Act 2005;
Key Feature means a provision of the Scheme
which is necessary in order to meet the requirements of
Schedule 3;
Participant means a person who holds an
option granted under this Scheme;
Participating Company means the Company or
any Subsidiary to which the Board has resolved that this Scheme
shall for the time being extend;
Revenue means Her Majestys Revenue and
Savings Body means any bank, building
society, or European authorised institution (within the meaning
of section 704 ITTOIA 2005 and authorised in accordance
with section 707 ITTOIA 2005) with which a Savings
Contract can be made;
Savings Contract means an agreement to pay
monthly contributions under the terms of a certified contractual
savings scheme, within the meaning of section 703(1) ITTOIA
2005, which has been approved by the Revenue for the purposes of
Schedule 3;
Schedule 3 means Schedule 3 to
ITEPA 2003;
Specified Age means age 60;
Subsidiary means a body corporate which is a
subsidiary of the Company (within the meaning of
section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006) and of which
the Company has Control;
Taxes Act 1988 means the Income and
Corporation Taxes Act 1988;
and expressions not otherwise defined in this Scheme have the
same meanings as they have in Schedule 3.
1.2 Any reference in this Scheme to any enactment includes
a reference to that enactment as from time to time modified,
extended or re-enacted.
1.3 Expressions in italics are for guidance only and do not
form part of this Scheme.
2.1 Subject to
sub-rule 2.5
below, an individual is eligible to be granted an option on any
day (the Grant Day) if (and only if):
(A) he is on the Grant Day an employee or director of a
company which is a Participating Company; and
(B) he either satisfies the conditions specified in
sub-rule 2.2
below or is nominated by the Board for this purpose.
2.2 The conditions referred to in
sub-rule 2.1(B)
above are that:
(A) the individual shall at all times during the qualifying
period have been an employee (but not a director) or a full-time
director of the Company or a company which was for the time
being a Subsidiary; and
(B) at the relevant time, the individuals earnings
from his employment or office meet (or would meet if there were
any) the requirements set out in paragraphs 6(2)(c) and
6(2)(ca) of Schedule 3.
2.3 For the purposes of
sub-rule 2.2
(A) the relevant time is the date on which any invitation
is given under Rule 3.6 below or such other time during the
period of 5 years ending with the Grant Day as the Board
may determine (provided that no such determination may be made
if it would have the effect that the qualifying period would not
fall within that 5- year period);
(B) the qualifying period is such period ending at the
relevant time but falling within the
period mentioned in paragraph 2.3(A) above as the Board may
(C) an individual shall be treated as a full-time director
of a company if he is obliged to devote to the performance of
the duties of his office or employment with the company not less
than 25 hours a week;
(D) Chapter I of Part XIV of the Employment
Rights Act 1996 shall have effect, with any necessary changes,
for ascertaining the length of the period during which an
individual shall have been an employee or a full-time director
and whether he shall have been an employee or a full-time
director at all times during that period.
2.4 Any determination of the Board under
paragraph 2.3(A) or 2.3(B) above shall have effect in
relation to every individual for the purpose of ascertaining
whether he is eligible to be granted an option on the Grant Day.
2.5 An individual is not eligible to be granted an option
at any time if he is at that time ineligible to participate in
this Scheme by virtue of paragraph 11 of Schedule 3
(material interest in close company).
3.1 Subject to Rule 4 below, the Board may grant an
option to acquire shares in the Company which satisfy the
requirements of paragraphs 18 to 22 of Schedule 3
(fully paid up, unrestricted, ordinary share capital), upon the
terms set out in this Scheme, to any individual who:
(A) is eligible to be granted an option in accordance with
Rule 2 above, and
(B) has applied for an option and proposed to make a
Savings Contract in connection with it (with a Savings Body
approved by the Board) in the form and manner prescribed by the
and for this purpose an option to acquire includes an option to
purchase and an option to subscribe.
3.2 The type of option to be granted to an individual, that
is to say a
Option, a
Option or a
Option, shall be determined by the Board or, if the Board so
permits, by the individual; and for this purpose:
(A) a
Option is an option in connection with which a three year
Savings Contract is to be made and in respect of which, subject
sub-rule 4.3
below, the repayment is to be taken as including the bonus;
(B) a
Option is an option in connection with which a five year Savings
Contract is to be made and in respect of which, subject to
sub-rule 4.3
below, the repayment is to be taken as including a bonus other
than the maximum bonus; and
(C) a
Option is an option in connection with which a five year Savings
Contract is to be made and in respect of which the repayment is
to be taken as including the maximum bonus.
3.3 The amount of the monthly contribution under the
Savings Contract to be made in connection with an option granted
to an individual shall, subject to
sub-rule 4.5
below, be the amount which the individual shall have specified
in his application for the option that he is willing to pay or,
if lower, the maximum permitted amount, that is to say, the
maximum amount which:
(A) when aggregated with the amount of his monthly
contributions (being not less than £5) under any other
Savings Contract linked to this Scheme or to any other
savings-related share option scheme approved under
Schedule 3, does not exceed £250 or such other maximum
amount as may for the time being be permitted by
paragraph 25(3)(a) of Schedule 3;
(B) does not exceed the maximum amount for the time being
permitted under the terms of the Savings Contract; and
(C) when aggregated with the amount of his monthly
contributions under any other Savings Contract linked to this
Scheme, does not exceed any maximum amount determined by the
3.4 The number of shares in respect of which an option may
be granted to any individual shall be the maximum number which
can be paid for, at the price determined under
sub-rule 3.5
below, with monies equal to the amount of the repayment due on
the Bonus Date under the Savings Contract to be made in
connection with the option and for these purposes, the exchange
rate to be used shall be the closing mid-point sterling/US
dollar exchange rate published in the Financial Times (or such
other newspaper as the Board may select from time to time) on
the Exercise Date (or if not published on that day, the last
preceding day of publication).
3.5 The price at which shares may be acquired by the
exercise of options of a particular type granted on any day
shall be a price denominated in US dollars which is determined
by the Board and stated on that day, provided that:
(A) if shares of the same class as those shares are quoted
on the New York Stock Exchange, the price shall not be less than
80% of:
(1) the average of the closing prices of shares of that
class on the five dealing days last preceding the Invitation
Date, or
(2) if the first of those dealing days does not fall within
the period of 30 days ending with the day on which the
options are granted or falls prior to the date on which the
Company last announced its results for any period, the closing
price of shares of that class on the dealing day last preceding
the day on which the options are granted or such other dealing
day as may be agreed with the Revenue;
(B) if paragraph (A) above does not apply, the price
shall not be less than the Specified Percentage of the market
value (within the meaning of Part VIII of the Taxation of
Chargeable Gains Act 1992) of shares of that class, as
agreed in advance for the purposes of this Scheme with the
Revenue Shares and Assets Valuation, on:
(1) the Invitation Date, or
(2) if that date does not fall within the period of
30 days ending with the day on which the options are
granted, on the day on which the options are granted or such
other day as may be agreed with the Revenue; and
(C) in the case of an option to acquire shares only by
subscription, the price shall not be less than the nominal value
of those shares;
3.6 The Board shall ensure that, in relation to the grant
of options on any day:
(A) every individual who is eligible to be granted an
option on that day has been given an invitation;
(B) the invitation specifies a period of not less than
14 days in which an application for an option may be
made; and
(C) every eligible individual who has applied for an option
as mentioned in
sub-rule 3.1
above is in fact granted an option on that day.
3.7 An invitation to apply for an option may only be given
within the period of 10 years ending on 5 November
3.8 An option granted to any person:
(A) shall not, except as provided in
sub-rule 5.2
below, be capable of being transferred by him; and
(B) shall lapse forthwith if he is adjudged bankrupt.
4.1 The exercise of any option shall be effected in the
form and manner prescribed by the Board, provided that the
monies paid for shares on such exercise shall not exceed the
amount of the repayment made and any interest paid under the
Savings Contract made in connection with the option.
4.2 Subject to
sub-rules 4.3,
4.4 and 4.6 below and to Rule 6 below, an option shall not
be capable of being exercised before the Bonus Date.
4.3 Subject to
sub-rule 4.8
(A) if any Participant dies before the Bonus Date, any
option granted to him may (and must, if at all) be exercised by
his personal representatives within 12 months after the
date of his death, and
(B) if he dies on or within 6 months after the Bonus
Date, any option granted to him may (and must, if at all) be
exercised by his personal representatives within 12 months
after the Bonus Date,
provided in either case that his death occurs at a time when he
either holds the office or employment by virtue of which he is
eligible to participate in this Scheme or is entitled to
exercise the option by virtue of
sub-rule 4.4
4.4 Subject to
sub-rule 4.8
below, if any Participant ceases to hold the office or
employment by virtue of which he is eligible to participate in
this Scheme (otherwise than by reason of his death), the
following provisions apply in relation to any option granted to
(A) if he so ceases by reason of injury, disability,
redundancy within the meaning of the Employment Rights Act 1996,
or retirement on reaching the Specified Age or any other age at
which he is bound to retire in accordance with the terms of his
contract of employment, the option may (and subject to
sub-rule 4.3
above must, if at all) be exercised within 6 months of his
so ceasing;
(B) if he so ceases by reason only that the office or
employment is in a company of which the Company ceases to have
Control, or relates to a business or part of a business which is
transferred to a person who is not an Associated Company of the
Company, the option may (and subject to
sub-rule 4.3
above must, if at all) be exercised within 6 months of his
so ceasing;
(C) if he so ceases for any other reason within
3 years of the grant of the option, the option may not be
exercised at all;
(D) if he so ceases for any other reason (except for
dismissal for misconduct) more than 3 years after the grant
of the option, the option may (and subject to
sub-rule 4.3
above must, if at all) be exercised within 6 months of his
so ceasing.
4.5 Subject to
sub-rule 4.8
below, if, at the Bonus Date, a Participant holds an office or
employment with a company which is not a Participating Company
but which is an Associated Company of the Company, any option
granted to him may (and subject to
sub-rule 4.3
above must, if at all) be exercised within 6 months of the
Bonus Date.
4.6 Subject to
sub-rule 4.8
below, where any Participant continues to hold the office or
employment by virtue of which he is eligible to participate in
this Scheme after the date on which he reaches the Specified
Age, he may exercise any option within 6 months of that
4.7 Subject to
sub-rule 4.3
above, an option shall not be capable of being exercised later
than 6 months after the Bonus Date.
4.8 Where, before an option has become capable of being
exercised, the Participant gives notice that he intends to stop
paying monthly contributions under the Savings Contract made in
connection with the option, or is deemed under its terms to have
given such notice, or makes an application for repayment of the
monthly contributions paid under it, the option may not be
exercised at all.
4.9 A Participant shall not be treated for the purposes of
sub-rules 4.3
and 4.4 above as ceasing to hold the office or employment by
virtue of which he is eligible to participate in this Scheme
until he ceases to hold an office or employment in the Company
or any Associated Company of the Company, and a female
Participant who ceases to hold the office or employment by
virtue of which she is eligible to participate in this Scheme by
reason of pregnancy or confinement and who exercises her right
to return to work under the Employment Rights Act 1996 before
exercising her option shall be treated for the purposes of
sub-rule 4.4
above as not having ceased to hold that office or employment.
4.10 A Participant shall not be eligible to exercise an
option at any time:
(A) unless, subject to
sub-rules 4.4
and 4.5 above, he is at that time a director or employee of a
Participating Company;
(B) if he is not at that time eligible to participate in
this Scheme by virtue of paragraph 8 of Schedule 3
(material interest in close company).
4.11 An option shall not be capable of being exercised more
than once.
4.12 Within 30 days after an option has been exercised
by any person, the Board shall allot to him (or a nominee for
him) or, as appropriate, procure the transfer to him (or a
nominee for him) of the number of shares in respect of which the
option has been exercised, provided that:
(A) the Board considers that the issue or transfer thereof
would be lawful in all relevant jurisdictions; and
(B) in a case where a Participating Company is obliged to
(or would suffer a disadvantage if it were not to) account for
any tax (in any jurisdiction) for which the person in question
is liable by virtue of the exercise of the option
and/or for
any social security contributions recoverable from the person in
question (together, the Tax Liability), that
person has either:
(1) made a payment to the Participating Company of an
amount equal to the Tax Liability; or
(2) entered into arrangements acceptable to that or another
Participating Company to secure that such a payment is made
(whether by authorising the sale of some or all of the shares on
his behalf and the payment to the Participating Company of the
relevant amount out of the proceeds of sale or otherwise).
4.13 All shares allotted under this Scheme shall rank
equally in all respects with shares of the same class then in
issue except for any rights attaching to such shares by
reference to a record date before the date of the allotment.
4.14 If shares of the same class as those allotted under
this Scheme are listed on any stock exchange, the Company shall
apply to that stock exchange for any shares so allotted to be
admitted thereto.
5.1 If any person obtains Control of the Company as a
result of making a general offer to acquire:
(A) the whole of the issued ordinary share capital of the
Company, which is made on a condition such that, if it is met,
the person making the offer will have Control of the
Company; or
(B) all the shares in the Company which are of the same
class as the shares in question obtained under the
Scheme; and
the Board shall within 7 days of becoming aware thereof
notify every Participant thereof and, subject to
sub-rules 4.3,
4.4, 4.7 and 4.8 above, any option may be exercised within one
month (or such longer period as the Board may permit) of the
notification, but not later than 6 months after that person
has obtained Control and any condition subject to which the
offer is made has been satisfied.
5.2 If a compromise or arrangement is sanctioned by the
court under section 899 of the Companies Act 2006 for the
purposes of or in connection with a scheme for the
reconstruction of the Company or its amalgamation with any other
company or companies, or if the Company passes a resolution for
voluntary winding up, the Board shall forthwith notify every
Participant thereof and, subject to
sub-rules 4.3,
4.4, 4.7 and 4.8 above, any option may be exercised within one
month of the notification, but to the extent that it is not
exercised within that period shall (notwithstanding any other
provision of this Scheme) lapse on the expiration of that period.
5.3 If as a result of the events specified in
sub-rules 5.1
and 5.2 a company (the acquiring company)
obtains Control of the Company, any Participant may at any time
within 6 months beginning with the time, in the case of the
events specified in
sub-rule 5.1,
the acquiring company obtains Control and any condition subject
to which the offer is made is met and, in the case of the events
sub-rule 5.2
the acquiring company obtains Control (or such other period as
specified in paragraph 38(3) of Schedule 3) by
agreement with the acquiring company, release any option which
has not lapsed (the old option) in
consideration of the grant to
him of an option (the new option) which (for
the purposes of that paragraph) is equivalent to the old option
but relates to shares in a different company (whether the
acquiring company itself or some other company falling within
paragraph 18(b) or (c) of Schedule 3).
5.4 The new option shall not be regarded for the purposes
sub-rule 5.3
above as equivalent to the old option unless the conditions set
out in paragraph 39(4) of Schedule 3 are satisfied,
but so that the provisions of this Scheme shall for this purpose
be construed as if:
(A) the new option were an option granted under this Scheme
at the same time as the old option;
(B) except for the purposes of the definitions of
Participating Company and Subsidiary in
sub-rule 1.1,
sub-rules 4.4(B),
4.5 and 4.9 above, the expression the Company were
defined as a company whose shares may be acquired by the
exercise of options granted under this Scheme;
(C) the Savings Contract made in connection with the old
option had been made in connection with the new option; and
(D) the Bonus Date in relation to the new option were the
same as that in relation to the old option.
6.1 Subject to
sub-rule 6.3
below, in the event of any variation of the share capital of the
Company, the Board may make such adjustments as it considers
appropriate under
sub-rule 6.2
6.2 An adjustment made under this
shall be to one or more of the following:
(A) the price at which shares may be acquired by the
exercise of any option;
(B) where any option has been exercised but no shares have
been allotted or transferred pursuant to the exercise, the price
at which they may be acquired.
6.3 At a time when this Scheme is approved by the Revenue
under Schedule 3, no adjustment under
sub-rule 6.2
above shall be made without the prior approval of the Revenue.
6.4 An adjustment under
sub-rule 6.2
above may have the effect of reducing the price at which shares
may be acquired by the exercise of an option to less than their
nominal value, but only if and to the extent that the Board
shall be authorised to capitalise from the reserves of the
Company a sum equal to the amount by which the nominal value of
the shares in respect of which the option is exercised exceeds
the price at which the shares may be subscribed for and to apply
that sum in paying up that amount on the shares; and so that on
the exercise of any option in respect of which such a reduction
shall have been made the Board shall capitalise that sum (if
any) and apply it in paying up that amount.
The Board may at any time alter this Scheme, provided that:
(A) no amendment may materially affect a Participant as
regards an option granted prior to the amendment being
made; and
(B) no amendment to a Key Feature shall have effect until
approved by the Revenue.
8.1 The rights and obligations of any individual under the
terms of his office or employment with the Company or a
Subsidiary shall not be affected by his participation in this
Scheme or any right which he may have to participate in it, and
an individual who participates in it shall waive all and any
rights to compensation or damages in consequence of the
termination of his office or employment for any reason
whatsoever insofar as those rights arise or may arise from his
ceasing to have rights under or be entitled to exercise any
option as a result of such termination.
8.2 In the event of any dispute or disagreement as to the
interpretation of this Scheme, or as to any question or right
arising from or related to this Scheme, the decision of the
Board shall be final and binding upon all persons.
8.3 The Company and any Subsidiary may provide money to the
trustees of any trust or any other person to enable them or him
to acquire shares to be held for the purposes of the Scheme, or
enter into any guarantee or indemnity for those purposes, to the
extent permitted by any applicable laws.
8.4 Any notice or other communication under or in
connection with this Scheme may be given by personal delivery or
by sending it by post, in the case of a company to its
registered office, and in the case of an individual to his last
known address, or, where he is a director or employee of the
Company or a Subsidiary, either to his last known address or to
the address of the place of business at which he performs the
whole or substantially the whole of the duties of his office or
Shareowner ServicesSM CRAWFORD & COMPANY P.O. Box 64945 St. Paul, MN 55164-0945
COMPANY # Vote by Internet, Telephone or Mail 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week Your phone or Internet
vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed
and returned your proxy card. 3 INTERNET Use the Internet to vote your proxy
until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on May 3, 2010. 3 PHONE 1-800-560-1965 Use a touch-tone telephone to vote
your proxy until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on May 3, 2010. 3 MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy card and
return it in the postage-paid envelope provided. If you vote your proxy by Internet or by
Telephone, you do NOT need to mail back your Proxy Card. TO VOTE BY MAIL AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Directors Recommends a Vote FOR Items 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1. Proposal to elect the eight (8) 01 P. G.
Benson 05 R. L. Honoré ??Vote FOR ??Vote WITHHELD nominees listed as Directors 02 J. T. Bowman 06
C. H. Ogburn all nominees from all nominees (except as indicated 03 J. C. Crawford 07 C. H. Ridley
(except as marked) to the contrary). 04 J. D. Edwards 08 E. J. Wood, III (Instructions: To withhold
authority to vote for any indicated nominee, write the number(s) of the nominee(s) in the box
provided to the right.) 2. Proposal to approve an amendment to the Crawford & Company 1996
Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares of Class A ??For ??Against ??Abstain
Common Stock available under the Plan by 1,000,000. 3. Proposal to approve the Crawford & Company
U.K. ShareSave Scheme, as amended. ??For ??Against ??Abstain 4. Proposal to ratify the appointment
of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors for the Company for the 2010 fiscal year. ??For
box, sign, and indicate changes below: ? Signature(s) in Box Please sign exactly as your name(s)
appears on Proxy. If held in joint tenancy, all persons should sign. Trustees, administrators,
etc., should include title and authority. Corporations should provide full name of corporation and
title of authorized officer signing the Proxy. |
CRAWFORD & COMPANY ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS May 4, 2010 2:00 p.m. Crawford & Company |
Worldwide Headquarters 1001 Summit Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Crawford & Company 1001 Summit
Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia 30319 proxy This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors for use at
the Annual Meeting on May 4, 2010. The shares of Class B common stock you hold in your account will
be voted as you specify on the reverse side. If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted
FOR Items 1, 2, 3 and 4. By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint J. T.
Bowman, W. B. Swain, and A. W. Nelson, and each of them with full power of substitution, to vote
your shares on the matters shown on the reverse side and any other matters which may come before
the Annual Meeting and all adjournments. See reverse for voting instructions. |