WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                           SCHEDULE 14A

                 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

[X]  Filed by the Registrant

[ ]  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
     PERMITTED BY RULE 14A-6(E)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12

      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its Charter)

        (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other
                         than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
          computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth
          the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
          state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
     Exchange Act Rul 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for
     which the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the
     previous filing by registration statement number, or the
     Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

                                       FIRST KEYSTONE CORPORATION
                                            111 West Front Street
                                     Berwick, Pennsylvania  18603

                          March 25, 2009

Dear Fellow Shareholders of First Keystone Corporation:

     It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the 2009 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of First Keystone Corporation to be held
on Tuesday, May 5, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time.
The Annual Meeting this year will be held at the McBride Memorial
Library, Community Room, 500 Market Street, Berwick, Pennsylvania

     The Notice of the Annual Meeting and the Proxy Statement on
the following pages address the formal business of the meeting.
The formal business schedule includes:

     *         The election of 3 Class A Directors; and
     *         The ratification of the selection of J. H. Williams & Co.,
               LLP, as the independent auditors for the corporation for
               the fiscal year ending December 31, 2009.

     At the meeting, members of the corporation's management will
review the corporation's operations during the past year and will
be available to respond to questions.

     We strongly encourage you to vote your shares, whether or
not you plan to attend the meeting.  It is very important that
you sign, date and return your proxy form as soon as possible.
The execution and delivery of your proxy does not affect your
right to vote in person if you attend the meeting.  You may
revoke your proxy any time prior to its exercise, and you may
attend the meeting and vote in person, even if you have
previously returned your proxy.

     Thank you for your continued support.  I look forward to
seeing you at the Annual Meeting if you are able to attend.


                              /s/ J. Gerald Bazewicz
                              J. Gerald Bazewicz




                    TO BE HELD ON MAY 5, 2009


     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of First Keystone Corporation will be held at 10:00
a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, on Tuesday, May 5, 2009, at the
McBride Memorial Library, Community Room, 500 Market Street,
Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603, for the following purposes:

     1. To elect 3 Class A Directors to serve for a three-year
term and until their successors are properly elected and

     2. To ratify the selection of J. H. Williams & Co., LLP as
the independent auditors for the corporation for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2009; and

     3. To transact any other business as may properly come
before the Annual Meeting and any adjournment or postponement of
the meeting.

     In accordance with the bylaws of the corporation and action
of the Board of Directors, the corporation is giving notice of
the Annual Meeting only to those shareholders on the
corporation's records as of the close of business on March 10,
2009, and only those shareholders may vote at the Annual Meeting
and any adjournment or postponement of the Annual Meeting.

     A copy of the corporation's Annual Report for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2008 may be obtained, at no cost, by
contacting Cheryl Wynings, Investor Relations, First Keystone
Corporation, 111 West Front Street, Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603,
telephone:  (570) 752-3671.

                    TO BE HELD ON MAY 5, 2009:
                 THE 2009 PROXY STATEMENT AND THE
                  2008 ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10K
                      ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT:

     Whether or not you expect to attend the Annual Meeting in
person, we ask you to complete, sign, date and promptly return
your proxy form.  By so doing, you will ensure your proper
representation at the meeting.  The prompt return of your signed
proxy will also save the corporation the expense of additional
proxy solicitation.  The execution and delivery of your proxy
does not affect your right to vote in person if you attend the

                      By Order of the Board of Directors,

                      /s/ J. Gerald Bazewicz
                      J. Gerald Bazewicz, President

Berwick, Pennsylvania
March 25, 2009


                        Table of Contents


General Information                                                    3
   Introduction, Date, Time and Place of
      Annual Meeting                                                   3
   Solicitation and Voting of Proxies                                  3
   Revocability of Proxy                                               4
   Voting Securities, Record Date and Quorum                           4
   Vote Required for Approval of Proposals                             4

Governance of the Company                                              5
   Code of Ethics                                                      5
   Committees of the Board of Directors                                5
   Committees of the Bank                                              6
   Board Meetings and Attendance                                       7
   Shareholder Communications                                          7
   Shareholder Proposals and Nominations                               7

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors                                  8
   Information as to Directors and Nominees                            8

Share Ownership                                                       10
   Principal Owners                                                   10
   Beneficial Ownership by Officers,
      Directors and Nominees                                          11

Directors' Compensation Table                                         13
   Compensation of Directors                                          13

Report of the Audit Committee                                         13

Compensation Discussion and Analysis                                  15

Summary Compensation Table                                            22

Principal Officers of the Bank and the Corporation                    31

Legal Proceedings                                                     32

Proposal No. 2: Ratification of
   Independent Auditors                                               32

Section 16(A) Beneficial Ownership
   Reporting Compliance                                               32

Availability of Form 10-K                                             33

Other Matters                                                         33


                       GENERAL INFORMATION


     First Keystone Corporation, a Pennsylvania business
corporation and registered bank holding company, furnishes this
Proxy Statement in connection with the solicitation, by its Board
of Directors, of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and at any adjournment or postponement of the Annual
Meeting.  The corporation will hold the meeting on Tuesday, May
5, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the McBride
Memorial Library, Community Room, 500 Market Street, Berwick,
Pennsylvania 18603.

     The principal executive office of the corporation is located
at First Keystone National Bank, 111 West Front Street, Berwick,
Pennsylvania 18603.  The bank is the sole, wholly owned
subsidiary of the corporation.  The telephone number for the
corporation is (570) 752-3671.  All inquiries should be directed
to J. Gerald Bazewicz, President of the corporation and the bank.


     By properly completing and returning your proxy form, a
shareholder is appointing the proxy holders to vote his or her
shares as the shareholder specifies on the proxy.  If a
shareholder signs the proxy but does not make any selection, the
proxy holders will vote the proxy:

     * FOR the election of the nominees for Class A Director
       named below; and
     * FOR the ratification of the selection of J. H.
       Williams & Co. as the independent auditors for the
       corporation for the year ending December 31, 2009.

     The execution and return of your proxy will not affect your
right to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.

     The corporation will pay the cost of preparing, assembling,
printing, mailing and soliciting proxies and any additional
material that the corporation may furnish shareholders in
connection with the Annual Meeting.  In addition to the use of
the mail, directors, officers and employees of the corporation
and the bank may solicit proxies personally, by telephone,
telecopier or other electronic means.  The corporation will not
pay any additional compensation for the solicitation.  The
corporation will make arrangements with brokerage houses and
other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward proxy
solicitation material to the beneficial owners and will reimburse
them for their reasonable forwarding expenses.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 3


     A shareholder who returns a proxy may revoke the proxy at
any time before it is voted only:

     * By executing a later-dated proxy; or
     * By attending the Annual Meeting and voting in


     At the close of business on March 10, 2009, the corporation
had 5,440,126 shares of common stock outstanding, par value $2.00
per share.  Our common stock is the corporation's only issued and
outstanding class of stock.  The corporation also had 247,641
shares held in treasury, as issued but not outstanding shares on
that date.  The corporation's Articles of Incorporation authorize
the issuance of up to 10,000,000 shares of common stock and up to
500,000 shares of preferred stock.  As of March 10, 2009, no
shares of preferred stock were issued or outstanding.

     Only shareholders of record as of the close of business on
March 10, 2009 may vote at the Annual Meeting.  Cumulative voting
rights do not exist with respect to the election of directors.
On all matters to come before the Annual Meeting, each
shareholder is entitled to one vote for each share of common
stock held on the record date.

     Pennsylvania law and the bylaws of the corporation require
the presence of a quorum for each matter that shareholders will
vote on at the Annual Meeting.  The presence, in person or by
proxy, of shareholders entitled to cast at least a majority of
the votes that all shareholders are entitled to cast constitutes
a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting.
The corporation will count votes withheld and abstentions in
determining the presence of a quorum for a particular matter.
The corporation will not count broker non votes in determining
the presence of a quorum for a particular matter.  A broker non
vote occurs when a broker nominee, holding shares for a
beneficial owner, does not vote on a particular proposal because
the nominee does not have discretionary voting power with respect
to that item, and has not received instructions from the
beneficial owner.  Those shareholders present, in person or by
proxy, may adjourn the meeting to another time and place if a
quorum is lacking.


     Assuming the presence of a quorum, the 3 nominees for
director receiving the highest number of votes cast by
shareholders will be elected.  Votes withheld from a nominee and
broker non votes will not be cast for the nominee.

    Assuming the presence of a quorum, ratification of the
selection of independent auditors requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of all votes cast by shareholders, in person or by
proxy, on the matter.  Abstentions and broker non votes are not
votes cast and, therefore, do not count either for or against
ratification.  Abstentions and broker non votes, however, have
the practical effect of reducing the number of affirmative votes
required to achieve a majority for each matter by reducing the
total number of shares voted from which the majority is

Page 4                 First Keystone Corporation

                    GOVERNANCE OF THE COMPANY

     Our Board of Directors believes that the purpose of
corporate governance is to ensure that we maximize shareholder
value in a manner consistent with legal requirements and the
highest standards of integrity. The Board has adopted and adheres
to corporate governance practices which the Board and senior
management believe promote this purpose and are sound and
represent best practices.

     The corporation's Board of Directors oversees all business,
property and affairs of the corporation.  The Chairman and the
corporation's officers keep the members of the Board informed of
the corporation's business through discussions at Board meetings
and by providing them with reports and other materials. The
directors of the corporation also serve as the directors of the
corporation's wholly owned bank subsidiary, First Keystone
National Bank, upon election by the corporation.

     Currently, our Board of Directors has 9 members.  Until June
9, 2008, the Board of Directors consisted of 11 members.  At this
time, Dudley P. Cooley reached the mandatory retirement age of
70.  Mr. Cooley's unexpired term was not filled and the Board of
Directors consisted of 10 members. In February 2009, the Board of
Directors became 9 members with the death of Robert J. Wise.

     Based on the qualifications for independence established
under the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and NASDAQ
standards for independence, John Arndt, Don E. Bower, Joseph B.
Conahan, Jr., Jerome F. Fabian, and David R. Saracino meet the
standards for independence.  Only independent directors serve on
our Audit Committee.

     In determining the directors' independence, the Board of
Directors considered loan transactions between the bank and the
directors, their family members and businesses with whom they are
associated, as well as any contributions made to non profit
organizations with whom they are associated.

                          CODE OF ETHICS

     As required by law and regulation, in 2003 we adopted our
Code of Ethics to be applicable to our directors and senior
officers.  The Code of Ethics is posted on our website at
www.firstkeystonecorporation.com, which we filed with the SEC as
exhibit 14 on Form 8K on January 11, 2007.


     The corporation's board of directors has, at present, an
audit committee.

     AUDIT COMMITTEE.  Members of the Audit Committee, during
2008, were Dudley P. Cooley, Chairman, Don E. Bower, and Jerome
F. Fabian, each of whom the Board of Directors has determined
satisfies the independence and audit committee qualification
standards.  The Audit Committee met 4 times during 2008.  The
principal duties of the Audit Committee are set forth in its
charter which is available on our website at
www.firstkeystonecorporation.com under the governance documents
menu.  The duties include reviewing significant audit and
accounting principles, policies and practices, reviewing
performance of internal auditing procedures, reviewing reports of
examination received from regulatory authorities and recommending
annually, to the Board of Directors, the engagement of an
independent certified public accountant.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 5

     The Board of Directors has determined that Dudley P. Cooley
is an "audit committee financial expert" and "independent" as
defined under applicable SEC and NASDAQ rules in 2008.  The Board
deemed Mr. Cooley a "financial expert" in 2008 and David R.
Saracino a "financial expert" as of March 2009 as each possess
the following attributes:

     * An understanding of financial statements;
     * Proficiency in assessing the general utilization of such
       principles in connection with accounting for estimates,
       accruals and reserves;
     * Lengthy experience preparing, auditing, analyzing and
       evaluating financial statements;
     * Understanding of internal controls and procedures for
       financial reporting; and
     * Understanding of audit committee functions.

     During 2008, the corporation did not have formal nominating
or compensation committees.  The Board determined that it is
appropriate for the corporation not to have a nominating or
compensation committee in view of the corporation's relative
size, stability of the corporation's Board of Directors, and the
historic involvement of the entire Board in the director
selection process and in the compensation process.  Because there
is no formal nominating or compensation committee, the
corporation does not have a formal charter for such committees.

                      COMMITTEES OF THE BANK

     The Bank's board of directors maintains standing committees:
trust, asset liability management, marketing, loan
administration, human resources, building and executive. The
composition of these committees is described below:

Name                                  Trust          ALCO       Marketing
____                                  _____         _____         ________
John E. Arndt                        X                           X
J. Gerald Bazewicz                   X             X*            X
Don E. Bower                                                     X
Robert A. Bull                       X             X             X
Robert E. Bull                                     X             X
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.               X*            X
Jerome F. Fabian                                                 X*
John G. Gerlach                      X             X
David R. Saracino                                  X

Number of Meetings
Held in 2008                         12            4             4

                                       Loan                        Human
Name                               Administration                Resources
____                              _____________                  ________
John E. Arndt                                                     X*
J. Gerald Bazewicz                    X                           X
Don E. Bower                          X*                          X
Robert A. Bull
Robert E. Bull                                                    X
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                X                           X
Jerome F. Fabian                      X                           X
John G. Gerlach                                                   X
David R. Saracino                     X

Number of Meetings
Held in 2008                          4                           1

Name                                Executive                    Building
____                                _________                    ________
John E. Arndt                         X
J. Gerald Bazewicz                    X                           X
Don E. Bower                                                      X
Robert A. Bull
Robert E. Bull                        X*                          X
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.
Jerome F. Fabian                                                  X
John G. Gerlach                                                   X*
David R. Saracino                     X                           X

Number of Meetings
Held in 2008                          1                           2

*Denotes Chairman of Respective Committee

     TRUST COMMITTEE  -  This committee ensures that all trust
activities of the bank are performed in a manner that is
consistent with the legal instrument governing the account,
prudent trust administration practices and approved trust policy.

Page 6                 First Keystone Corporation

     ASSET/LIABILITY COMMITTEE  -  This committee reviews
asset/liability committee reports and provides support and
discretion in managing the bank's net interest income, liquidity
and interest rate sensitivity positions.

     MARKETING COMMITTEE  -  This committee provides guidance to
management in formulating marketing/sales plans and programs to
assist in evaluating the performance of the bank relative to
these plans.

     LOAN ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE  -  This committee monitors
loan review and compliance activities.  Also, the committee
ensures that loans are made and administered in accordance with
the loan policy.

     HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE  -  This committee helps ensure
that a sound human resources management system is developed and
maintained.  This committee determines compensation for non
executive officers and employees.  The entire Board of Directors
acts as the Compensation Committee for the corporation and
determines compensation for the executive officers.

     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  -  This committee exercises the
authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the
business of the bank between the dates of regular Board of
Directors meetings.

     BUILDING COMMITTEE  -  This committee makes recommendations
to the Board relating to the bank's physical assets, including
both current and proposed physical assets.


     The members of the Board of Directors of the corporation
also serve as members of the Board of Directors of First Keystone
National Bank.  During 2008, the corporation's Board of Directors
held 7 meetings.  Each of the directors attended at least 75% of
the combined total number of meetings of the corporation's Board
of Directors and the committees of which he is a member.
Although there is no formal policy, all directors are expected to
attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  All directors
attended the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


     The Board of Directors does not have a formal process for
shareholders to send communications to the Board.  Due to the
infrequency of shareholder communications to the Board of
Directors, the Board does not believe that a formal process is


     If a shareholder wants us to include a proposal in our proxy
statement for presentation at our 2010 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, the proposal must be received by us at our
principal executive offices at 111 West Front Street, Berwick,
Pennsylvania 18603, no later than November 30, 2009.  Any
proposal must comply with Securities and Exchange Commission
regulations regarding the inclusion of shareholder proposals in
company sponsored proxy materials.  If a shareholder proposal is
submitted to the company after November 30, 2009, it is
considered untimely; and, although the proposal may be considered
at the annual meeting, the company is not obligated to include it
in the 2010 Proxy Statement.

     The corporation's Board of Directors nominates individuals
for the position of director.  Neither the corporation nor the
bank has a nominating committee.  In addition, a shareholder who
desires to propose an individual for consideration by the Board
of Directors as a nominee for director should submit a proposal
in writing to the Secretary of the corporation in accordance with
Section 10.1

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 7

of the corporation's bylaws.  Any shareholder who intends to
recommend nomination of any candidate for election to the Board
of Directors must notify the Secretary of the corporation in
writing not less than 45 days prior to the date of any meeting of
shareholders called for the election of directors and must
provide the specific information listed in Section 10.1 of the
bylaws.  You may obtain a copy of the corporation's bylaws by
writing to John E. Arndt, Secretary, First Keystone Corporation,
111 West Front Street, Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603.


     The corporation's bylaws provide that its Board of Directors
will manage the corporation's business.  Sections 10.2 and 10.3
of the Bylaws provide that the number of directors on the Board
will not be less than 7 nor more than 25 and that the Board of
Directors will be classified into 3 classes, each class to be
elected for a term of 3 years.  Within the foregoing limits, the
Board of Directors may, from time to time, fix the number of
directors and their classifications.  No person over 70 years old
may serve as director with the exception of Mr. Robert E. Bull.
Section 11.1 of the bylaws require that a majority of the
remaining members of the Board of Directors, even if less than a
quorum, will select and appoint directors to fill vacancies on
the Board, and each person so appointed will serve as director
until the expiration of the term of office of the class of
directors to which he or she was appointed.

     Section 10.3 of the bylaws provide for a classified Board of
Directors with staggered three year terms of office.
Accordingly, at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, 3 Class
A Directors will be elected to serve for a three-year term and
until their successors are properly elected and qualified.  The
Board of Directors of the corporation has nominated the current
Class A Directors to serve as Class A Directors for the next
three-year term of office.  The nominees for reelection this year
are as follows:

        *  Jerome F. Fabian, director since 1998;
        *  John G. Gerlach, director since 2007; and
        *  David R. Saracino, director since 2006.

     Each nominee has consented to serve a three year term of
office and until his successor is elected and qualified.

     Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy holders will vote the
proxies for the election of these 3 nominees.  If any nominee
should become unavailable for any reason, proxies will be voted
in favor of a substitute nominee named by the Board of Directors
of the corporation.  A majority of the directors of the
corporation, in office, may appoint a new director to fill any
vacancy occurring on the Board for any reason, and the new
director will serve until the expiration of the term of the class
of directors to which he or she was appointed.

     The corporation's Articles of Incorporation provide that
cumulative voting rights will not exist with respect to the
election of directors.  Accordingly, each share of common stock
entitles its owner to cast one vote for each nominee.  For
example, if a shareholder owns 10 shares of common stock, he or
she may cast up to 10 votes for each director to be elected.

     The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote
FOR the election of the above named nominees.


     The following selected biographical information about the
directors and nominees for director  is accurate as of March 10,
2009, and includes each person's business experience for at least
the past 5 years.

Page 8                 First Keystone Corporation


Jerome F. Fabian           Mr. Fabian (age 66), is the President
                           and owner of Tile Distributors of
                           America, Inc., located in Wilkes-Barre,
                                   Pennsylvania.  He has served
                           as a director of the corporation and
                           the bank since 1998.

John G. Gerlach            Mr. Gerlach (age 67), is the
                           President of Pocono Community Bank, a
                           division of First Keystone National
                           Bank.  He has been a director of the
                           corporation and the bank since 2007.

David R. Saracino          Mr. Saracino (age 64), is the former
                           Vice President, Cashier, and Chief
                           Financial Officer of First Keystone
                           National Bank.  Mr. Saracino has
                           served as a director of the
                           corporation and the bank since 2006.


John E. Arndt              Mr. Arndt (age 47), is an insurance
                           broker and the owner of Arndt
                           Insurance Agency in Berwick,
                           Pennsylvania.  He has served as a
                           director of the corporation and the
                           bank since 1995.

J. Gerald Bazewicz         Mr. Bazewicz (age 60), serves as the
                           President and Chief Executive Officer
                           of the corporation and the bank, a
                           position he has held since 1987.  He
                           has served as a director of the
                           corporation and the bank since 1986.

Robert E. Bull         Mr. Bull (age 86), now retired,
                           practiced as an attorney at the law
                           firm Bull, Bull & Knecht, LLP, of
                           which he remains a partner.  He has
                           been the Chairman of the Board of the
                           corporation since 1983 and of the
                           bank since 1981.  He has served as a
                           director of the corporation since
                           1983 and of the bank since 1956.

Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.     Dr. Conahan (age 65), is an
                           Ophthalmologist and President of
                           Pocono Eye Associates, Inc.  Dr.
                           Conahan has been a director of the
                           corporation and the bank since 2007.


Don E. Bower               Mr. Bower (age 60), is the President
                           and owner of Don E. Bower, Inc., an
                           excavation contracting corporation
                           located in Berwick, Pennsylvania.  He
                           has been a director of the
                           corporation and the bank since 2001.

Robert A. Bull         Mr. Bull (age 56), is an attorney at
                           the law firm Bull, Bull, & Knecht,
                           LLP.  Mr. Bull has been a director of
                           the corporation and the bank since

 Robert E. Bull is the father of Robert A. Bull.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 9

                         SHARE OWNERSHIP


     The following table sets forth, as of March 10, 2009, the
name and address of each person who owns of record or who is
known by the Board of Directors to be the beneficial owner of
more than 5% of the corporation's outstanding common stock, the
number of shares beneficially owned by the person and the
percentage of the corporation's outstanding common stock so

                                       Amount and             Percent of
                                      Nature of              Outstanding
                                       Beneficial            Common Stock
    Name and Address                Ownership        Beneficially Owned
Berbank                          459,134                 8.49%
First Keystone National
Bank Trust Department
111 West Front Street
Berwick, PA 18603

The securities "beneficially owned" by an individual are determined in
accordance with the definitions of "beneficial ownership" set forth in the
General Rules and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
may include securities owned by or for the individual's spouse and minor
children and any other relative who has the same home, as well as
securities to which the individual has or shares voting or investment power
or has the right to acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days after March
10, 2009.  Beneficial ownership may be disclaimed as to certain of the

Nominee registration for the common stock held by the Trust Department of
the bank on behalf of various trusts, estates and other accounts for which
the bank acts as fiduciary with sole voting and dispositive power over
375,733 shares and as fiduciary with shared voting and dispositive power
over 83,401 shares.  Total does not include 139,714 shares held by the
Trust Department of the bank for which the bank does not have sole or
shared voting or dispositive power.  The Trust Department intends to cast
all shares under its voting power for the election of the nominees for
director named below and for the ratification of J. H. Williams & Co., LLP,
independent auditors of the corporation.

Page 10                First Keystone Corporation


     The following table sets forth, as of March 10, 2009, the
amount and percentage of the outstanding common stock
beneficially owned by each director, nominee for director, and
other named executive officer of the corporation.  The table also
indicates the total number of shares owned by all directors,
nominees for director, and executive officers of the corporation
and the bank as a group.  A person owns his shares directly as an
individual unless otherwise indicated.

                                             Number of
          Name                             Shares Owned           Percentage
          ____                             _____________           _______
Nominee for Class A Directors
(to serve until 2012)
And Class A Director
Jerome F. Fabian                          39,042 
John G. Gerlach                            8,139 
David R. Saracino                         12,053 

Class B Director
(to serve until 2010)
John E. Arndt                              8,187 
J. Gerald Bazewicz                        40,320 
Robert E. Bull                           204,231             3.76%
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                    50,920 

Class C Director
(to serve until 2011)
Don E. Bower                              47,358 
Robert A. Bull                            65,703            1.21%

Other Named Executive Officer
Matthew P. Prosseda                        5,269 
Diane C. Rosler                            2,668 

All Directors and Executive
Officers as a Group
(13 Persons in Total)                    493,138                 9.07%

The securities "beneficially owned" by an individual are determined in
accordance with the definitions of "beneficial ownership" set forth in the
General Rules and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
may include securities owned by or for the individual's spouse and minor
children and any other relative who has the same home, as well as
securities to which the individual has or shares voting or investment power
or has the right to acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days after
March 10, 2009.  Beneficial ownership may be disclaimed as to certain of
the securities.

Information furnished by the directors and the corporation.

Less than 1% unless otherwise indicated.

Includes 7,500 shares held individually by Mr. Fabian, 14,417 shares by the
Jerome F. Fabian Trust Under Agreement for which Mr. Fabian exercises
dispositive power, and 17,125 shares held jointly with his spouse.

                            Proxy Statement                 Page 11


Includes 500 shares held individually by Mr. Gerlach, 6,889 shares held
jointly with his spouse, and 750 shares which may be purchased upon the
exercise of stock options.

Includes 3,228 shares pledged securities.

Includes 7,082 shares held individually by Mr. Arndt, and 1,105 shares held
individually by his spouse.

Includes 18,757 shares held individually by Mr. Bazewicz, 7,431 shares held
in his bank 401(k) plan, 5,894 shares held jointly with his spouse, 833
shares held individually by his spouse, and 7,405 shares which may be
purchased upon the exercise of stock options.

Includes 116,095 shares held individually by Mr. R.E. Bull, 4,466 shares
held by Bull, Bull & Knecht, LLP, a law firm of which Mr. Bull is a
partner, and 83,670 shares held by the Sara E. Bull Decedent Estate Trust
of which Mr. Bull is the trustee.

Includes 41,449 shares held individually by Dr. Conahan and 9,471 shares
held jointly with his spouse.

Includes 45,944 shares held individually by Mr. Bower, 700 shares held
jointly with his spouse, and 714 shares held as custodian for his

Includes 25,057 shares held individually by Mr. R.A. Bull, 4,466 shares
held by Bull, Bull & Knecht, LLP, a law firm of which Mr. Bull is a
partner, 28,946 shares held jointly with his spouse, and 7,234 shares held
individually by his spouse.

Includes 3,281 shares held individually by Mr. Prosseda, 713 shares held in
his bank 401(k) plan, and 1,275 shares which may be purchased upon the
exercise of stock options.

Includes 682 shares held in her bank 401(k) plan and 1,986 shares which may
be purchased upon the exercise of stock options.

Page 12                First Keystone Corporation

                       DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION TABLE

                                         FEES EARNED
                                           OR PAID
                                           IN CASH             STOCK
NAME                                         ($)              AWARDS
____                                       _______            ______
John Arndt                                 26,150.00        ---
Don E. Bower                               24,200.00        ---
Robert A. Bull                             26,600.00        ---
Robert E. Bull                             28,200.00        ---
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                     22,700.00        ---
Dudley P. Cooley                           12,583.34        ---
Jerome F. Fabian                           23,000.00        ---
David R. Saracino                          25,900.00        ---
Robert J. Wise                         27,950.00        ---

                                           OPTION          INCENTIVE PLAN
NAME                                       AWARDS           COMPENSATION
____                                       ______           ____________
John Arndt                               ---                ---
Don E. Bower                             ---                ---
Robert A. Bull                           ---                ---
Robert E. Bull                           ---                ---
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                   ---                ---
Dudley P. Cooley                         ---                ---
Jerome F. Fabian                         ---                ---
David R. Saracino                        ---                ---
Robert J. Wise                       ---                ---

                                      CHANGE IN PENSION
                                          VALUE AND
                                          DEFERRED           ALL OTHER
                                        COMPENSATION       COMPENSATION
NAME                                      EARNINGS              ($)
____                                      ________         ____________
John Arndt                               ---                ---
Don E. Bower                             ---                ---
Robert A. Bull                           ---                ---
Robert E. Bull                           ---                ---
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                   ---                ---
Dudley P. Cooley                         ---                ---
Jerome F. Fabian                         ---                ---
David R. Saracino                        ---                ---
Robert J. Wise                       ---                ---


John Arndt                                  26,150.00
Don E. Bower                                24,200.00
Robert A. Bull                              26,600.00
Robert E. Bull                              28,200.00
Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.                      22,700.00
Dudley P. Cooley                            12,583.34
Jerome F. Fabian                            23,000.00
David R. Saracino                           25,900.00
Robert J. Wise                          27,950.00

Deceased February 20, 2009.


     During 2008, each member of the corporation's Board of
Directors received $600 for his attendance at the Annual Meeting.
Other corporate Board meetings met concurrently with the bank's
Board, and directors received no additional compensation.  The
bank's directors received $600 for each directors' meeting
attended.  Non-employee directors received a $5,000 retainer and
$300 for each committee meeting attended.  In addition, Chairman
Bull received an annual stipend of $1,000, and Vice Chairman Wise
and Secretary Arndt each received an annual stipend of $750.  In
the aggregate, the Board of Directors received $248,483 for all
Board of Directors' meetings and committee meetings attended in
2008, including all fees and stipends paid to all directors in


     The Audit Committee oversees the corporation's financial
reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors.  In that
connection, the committee, along with the Board of Directors, has
formally adopted an audit committee charter setting forth its

     Management has the primary responsibility for the financial
statements and the reporting process including the systems of
internal control.  In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities,
the committee reviewed the audited financial statements in the
Annual Report with management including a discussion of the
quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting
principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments and the
clarity of disclosures in the financial statements.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 13

     The committee reviewed with the independent auditors, who
are responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity of
those audited financial statements with generally accepted
accounting principles, their judgments as to the quality, not
just the acceptability, of the corporation's accounting
principles and such other matters as are required to be discussed
with the committee under generally accepted auditing standards.
In addition, the committee has discussed with the independent
auditors the auditors' independence from management and the
corporation including the matters in written disclosures required
by the Independence Standards Board and considered the
compatibility of non audit services with the auditors'

     The committee discussed the overall scope and plans for
their audits with the corporation's internal and independent
auditors.  The committee meets with the internal and independent
auditors, with and without management present, to discuss the
results of their examinations, their evaluations of the
corporation's internal controls and the overall quality of the
corporation's financial reporting.  The corporation believes that
it has established appropriate policies and procedures to comply
with requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.  The
committee held 4 meetings during fiscal year 2008 in addition to
reviewing the quarterly results with the financial auditors prior
to press release.

     In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to
above, the committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and
the Board has approved) that the audited financial statements be
included in the Annual Report on Form 10K for the year ended
December 31, 2008 for filing with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The committee and the Board of Directors have also
approved the selection of the corporation's independent auditors
for 2009.

     With respect to the corporation's outside auditors, the
committee, among other things, discussed with J.H. Williams &
Co., LLP matters relating to its independence, including the
written disclosures made to the committee by the outside auditors
and the letter from the outside auditors as required by the
Independence Standards Board No. 1 (Independence Discussions with
Audit Committees).

     Aggregate fees billed to the corporation and the bank by J.
H. Williams & Co., LLP for services rendered during the years
ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 were as follows:

                                        Year Ended December 31,
                                       2008                2007
                                       ____                ____
Audit fees                            $116,000         $  84,100
Audit related fees                           0            23,145
Tax fees                                 7,500             6,400
All other fees                                   0                 0
                                          ________          ________
     Total                                $123,500          $113,645
                                          ========          ========

Audit Fees include fees billed for professional services rendered
for the audit of annual financial statement and fees billed for
the review of financial statements included in First Keystone
Corporation's Forms 10Q or services that are normally provided by
J. H. Williams & Co., LLP in connection with statutory and
regulatory filings or engagements.

Audit Related Fees include fees reasonably related to the audit
services provided by J. H. Williams & Co, LLP but not reported
under Audit Fees.  These services include review of certain
financial information related to an acquisition of a financial
institution in 2007.

Tax Fees include fees billed for professional services rendered
by J. H. Williams & Co., LLP for tax compliance. These services
include preparation of Federal and State Annual Tax Returns for
the Corporation.

Page 14                First Keystone Corporation

Audit Committee Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit
Services of Independent Auditor

     The Audit Committee pre approves all audit and permissible
non audit services provided by the independent auditors.  These
services may include audit services, audit related services, tax
services, and other services.  The Audit Committee has adopted a
policy for the pre approval of services provided by the
independent auditors.  Under the policy, pre approval is
generally provided for up to one year and any pre approval is
detailed as to the particular service or category of services and
is subject to a specific budget.  In addition, the Audit
Committee may also pre approve particular services on a case by
case basis.  For each proposed service, the independent auditor
is required to provide a detailed engagement letter.

     The committee is comprised of 3 directors, all of whom are
considered "independent" as defined by the NASDAQ listing
standards.  The Board of Directors has determined that no member
of the committee has a relationship with the corporation that
should interfere with his independence from the corporation or
its management.

     The foregoing report has been furnished by the current
members of the committee.


                   David R. Saracino, Chairman
                   Don E. Bower
                   Jerome F. Fabian



     The Board of Directors serves as the Compensation Committee
for the Bank and develops the bank's and the corporation's
executive compensation policy, with the guidance of the Human
Resources Committee.  The Human Resources Committee consists of
independent directors and the Chief Executive Officer and helps
ensure that a sound human resources management system is
developed and maintained.

     Executive compensation includes base salary, cash bonuses,
long term incentives, and health and welfare and pension plans.
The basic mission of the corporation's executive compensation
policy is to provide executives with a competitive compensation
package that attracts and retains qualified executives while
placing a portion of total pay at risk.  At risk elements of
compensation may have no value or may be worth less than the
target value if goals are not met.  At risk compensation includes
all components of core compensation other than base salary,
pension plans, and health and welfare benefits.  Equity based
compensation provides an incentive for the executives which are
aligned with the interests of the shareholders.

     The compensation program is designed to reward the named
executive officers based on their level of assigned management
responsibilities, individual performance levels, and individual
value in the job marketplace.  The Chief Executive Officer's
individual performance objectives are the same as the strategic
and financial performance objectives of the bank as a whole.  For
other executives, individual performances objectives are set by
the Chief Executive Officer and a year end performance appraisal
on each executive is prepared and reviewed by the Board of

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 15

     The executive compensation established by the Board of
Directors is based upon its overall subjective assessment of the
value of the services provided by each executive officer with
consideration performance factors and peer group compensation
information.  The Board considers information provided by the
Chief Executive Officer in determining the appropriate level of
compensation for other executives, including the Chief Executive
Officer's views on the appropriate levels of compensation for
other named executive officers for the ensuing year.  No
executive officer other than the Chief Executive Officer attends
those portions of the Board meetings during which the performance
of the other named executive officers is evaluated or their
compensation is being determined.  For compensation provided to
the Chief Executive Officer, the Board considers his performance,
the results of management decisions made by him, and the earnings
of the organization.   The Chief Executive Officer is not present
during these discussions.


     The firm of L.R. Webber & Associates acts as a compensation
consultant for the bank.  L.R. Webber was hired by the Board of
Directors.  The bank requested that the consultant provide
compensation survey information and be available to address the
bank's questions.  The consultant did not play a role in setting


     The Board of Directors uses data from the L. R. Webber &
Associates compensation survey of the Pennsylvania banking and
thrift industry to assist in determining executive pay.  The peer
group of financial institutions chosen by the Board of Directors
for purposes of making a comparative analysis of executive
compensation does include some of the same financial institutions
incorporated in the peer group established to compare shareholder
returns as indicated in the performance graph included in the
Form 10K.

     From the L. R. Webber survey, the financial institutions
chosen to benchmark included (14) banks and (2) thrifts with
assets between $500 million and $1 billion, or financial
institutions with headquarters located in Northeastern
Pennsylvania.  The financial institutions included:

-  Citizens Savings Bank (Clarks Summit)
-  First Columbia Bank (Bloomsburg)
-  Community Bank & Trust Company (Clarks Summit)
-  Dime Bank (Honesdale)
-  Ephrata National Bank (Ephrata)
-  ESSA Bank & Trust (Stroudsburg)
-  Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank (Dunmore)
-  First Citizens National Bank (Mansfield)
-  First Liberty Bank & Trust (Jermyn)
-  First National Community Bank (Dunmore)
-  Jersey Shore State Bank (Williamsport)
-  Luzerne Bank (Luzerne)
-  Mauch Chunk Trust Company (Jim Thorpe)
-  Merchants National Bank of Bangor (Bangor)
-  Orrstown Bank (Shippensburg)
-  Peoples National Bank (Hallstead)

Page 16                First Keystone Corporation

     As a result of the benchmarking, after reviewing base
salaries and benefits, no adjustments to compensation were
necessary in 2008, other than the normal annual salary increases.
The goal of First Keystone Corporation is to compensate at
approximately the average range mid point for each job
classification with at risk portion of compensation for the
executives to reward favorable overall bank earnings performance.
The executive positions reviewed were all in the mid point range
except for the Chief Financial Officer, which was below the mid
point range because of the limited amount of time the present CFO
served in this position.


     The Board of Directors determines base salary for the
executive officers with guidance from the Human Resources
Committee and from compensation surveys.  For the base salary
paid to executive officers other than the Chief Executive
Officer, the Board of Directors considers information provided by
the Chief Executive Officer as to each executive officer's level
of individual performance, contribution to the organization,
scope of responsibilities, salary history and market levels.  For
the base salary paid to the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of
Directors, with the Chief Executive Officer not being present,
considers his performance level, the results of management
decisions made by him and the earnings of the organization.  The
Board of Directors considers the return on assets and return on
equity when determining whether or not the Chief Executive
Officer's base pay should be at the median, below the median, or
above the median provided in the compensation surveys.  No
particular weight is assigned to any of the foregoing individual
performance factors.

     Decisions regarding base salary are made without
consideration of other forms of compensation provided.  Bonuses
and long term incentive awards are intended to provide additional
incentive to the executives to achieve a higher level of success.
Adjusting the base salary to correspond with the amount of the
bonuses and long term incentive awards would defeat the purpose
of having at risk compensation.  The at risk compensation
incorporates a performance target for the corporation as
described in cash bonuses below.


     The purpose of the Management Incentive Compensation Plan
(the "Plan") is to provide incentives and awards to top
management employees who, through high levels of performance,
contribute to the success and profitability of the bank.  The
bonus plan serves as short term incentives that align executive
pay with the annual performance of the corporation and is earned
through the achievement of overall annual earnings objectives.
It aligns management's interests with those of the shareholders
because, generally, the higher the net income for the year, the
larger the bonuses paid to management.  The Plan is also designed
to support organizational objectives and financial goals, as
defined by the bank's Strategic and Financial Plans, by making
available additional, variable and contingent incentive
compensation.  The required budget net income figure has
generally been 5% to 10% over the previous year's net income for
the corporation.

     The Plan is based upon the achievement of a required budget
net income figure of $7.4 million in 2008 before any incentive
award "pool" is formed.  The calculation of share of profits to
be distributed to the Plan participants, and the incentive
formulas, are constructed to provide awards that are consistent
with achieved profitability levels.  The incentive formulas
insure a level of incentive award that will enable the bank to
attract, retain, and motivate high quality management personnel
and support continued growth and profitability.

     The Plan is also established to augment regular salary and
benefits programs already in existence. It is not meant to be a
substitute for salary increases, but as a supplement to salary,
and, as stated earlier, as an incentive for performance that
contributes to outstanding levels of achievement.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 17

     A committee appointed by the Board recommends performance
levels to the Board for final action. Plan participants who are
members of that committee shall not be entitled to vote on
matters relating to the eligibility for and/or determination of
their own incentive compensation awards.  The committee, in the
exercise of its discretion with respect to the determination of
the amount of the incentive plan pool for any given plan year,
may take into account the presence or absence of nonrecurring or
extraordinary items of income, gain, expense, or loss, and any
and all factors that, in its sole discretion, may deem relevant.
Extraordinary occurrences may be excluded when calculating
performance results to insure that the best interests of the Bank
are protected and are not brought into conflict with the best
interest of plan participants.  Management incentive cash bonuses
were approved in 2008 of $55,500, after no management incentive
bonuses were paid in 2007 or 2006.

     Participation in the Plan is limited to the executive
management team.  This management team includes the following
functional job titles: Chief Executive Officer/President,
Executive Vice President/Director of Lending, Senior Vice
President/Deposit/Operations Division Manager, Senior Vice
President/Technology Division Manager, and Vice President/Chief
Financial Officer.


      Long term company performance is best achieved through an
ownership culture that encourages long term performance through
the use of stock based awards.  The Board of Directors believes
that stock option awards under the corporation's 1998 Stock
Incentive Plan ("1998 Plan") provide a vehicle for long term
incentive compensation through financial rewards dependent on
future increases in the market value of the corporation's stock.
The purpose of the 1998 Plan is to advance the development,
growth and financial condition of the corporation and its
subsidiaries by providing incentives through participation in the
appreciation of capital stock of the corporation in order to
secure, retain and motivate personnel responsible for the
operation and management of the corporation and its subsidiaries.
The 1998 Plan is designed to attract and retain individuals of
outstanding ability as employees of the corporation and its
subsidiaries, to encourage employees to acquire a proprietary
interest in the corporation, to continue their employment with
the corporation and its subsidiaries and to render superior
performance during such employment.  The 1998 Plan is
administered by the board of directors. Persons eligible to
receive awards under the 1998 Plan are those key officers and
other management employees of the corporation and its
subsidiaries as determined by the committee. Thus, executive
officers are encouraged to manage the corporation with a view
toward maximizing long term shareholder value.

     Under the 1998 Plan, the corporation makes grants of options
to purchase shares of the corporation's common stock to
employees, including executives, and the corporation has absolute
power to determine what, to whom, when and under what facts and
circumstances awards are made.  The Board of Directors bases
decisions relating to the awards on its overall subjective
assessment of the value of the services provided by each
executive officer with consideration to performance of the
corporation and peer group compensation information.  The options
generally vest 6 months after issuance and expire ten years from
the date of the grant.  The options are awarded at the fair
market value on the date of grant.

     The value realized by named executive officers from award
grants in prior years is not taken into account in the process of
setting compensation for the current year.  We also do not
maintain any equity or other security ownership guidelines or

401(K) PLAN

     The Board believes that it is essential for employees to
save for retirement and as such has provided all employees a
vehicle through which to do so.  The Bank maintains a 401(k)
plan, which has a combined tax qualified savings feature and
profit sharing feature.  The Plan provides benefits to

Page 18                First Keystone Corporation

employees who have completed at least one year of service and are
at least 21 years of age.  The Plan provides that the bank will
match employee deferrals to the plan up to 3% of their respective
eligible compensation.  The bank may make a discretionary
contribution annually to the plan. Contributions made by the bank
to the plan are allocated to participants in the same portions
that each participant's compensation bears to the aggregate
compensation of all participants.  Each participant in the plan
is 100% vested at all times.  As employees of the bank, the named
executive officers are also eligible to participate in the 401(k)
under the same terms and conditions as other employees.


     The Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan ("SERP") rewards
the executive officers for their long-term contributions to the
bank.  To encourage the executives to continue their employment
with the corporation, the Board believed it to be in the best
interests of the corporation to enter into certain salary
continuation agreements with certain executives.  The agreements
were also established to reward the executives for past and
future services to the corporation.  The Board believes the
income benefit amounts are reasonable and consistent with the
compensation standards of Section 39 of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Company Improvement Act of 1991 and the related
implementing regulations.

     The corporation maintains a SERP for which Mr. Bazewicz
participates.  The SERP provides that if the executive officer
continues to serve as an officer of the bank until a stated
retirement age of 60 years, the bank will pay 240 guaranteed
consecutive monthly payments commencing on the first day of the
month following the officer's 60 th birthday and the termination
of employment in the amounts indicated in this proxy. Generally,
no benefit will be paid if the executive officer voluntarily
terminates employment prior to attaining the stated retirement

     The Board has also determined that it is in the best
interests of the corporation to finance the SERP benefits by
purchasing life insurance on the life of certain executives.  The
Board selected Bank Compensation Strategies Group, a benefits
consulting firm endorsed by the American Banking Association and
many other state bank associations to calculate cost projections
and choose life insurance appropriate to finance the obligations.


     Health and welfare plans are not tied to corporation or
individual performance.  The costs of providing such benefits to
all employees are not taken into account when determining
specific salaries of the named executives and is seen as a cost
of doing business.

     Group life insurance, group disability, vision benefits and
health insurance are available to all employees, as well is an
IRS 125 plan.  Such plans are standard in the industry and in the
geographic area for all industries and necessary to compete for
talented employees at all levels of the corporation.  Named
executives participate in these plans under the same terms and
conditions as other employees.

     Health insurance premiums are partially paid by employees
through payroll deductions for the employee share of the health
care cost.


     Mr. Gerlach is the only named executive officer who is a
party to an employment agreement with the corporation.  His
agreement was negotiated as part of the merger agreement with
Pocono Community Bank as Mr. Gerlach was also a party to an
employment agreement with Pocono

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 19

Community Bank.  The triggering events contained in his
employment agreement are typical in the financial services
industry including termination without cause, termination by the
executive for good reason, termination upon a disability or death
and termination subsequent to a change of control.

     Under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan to which
both Mr. Bazewicz and Mr. Prosseda are parties, the triggering
events are change of control, disability, involuntary termination
and death.

     The Compensation Committee believes that the triggering
events in these agreements are appropriate in that they encourage
executives to act in the best interests of the shareholders in
evaluating any change of control opportunities and it keeps the
executives focused on running the corporation in the face of real
or rumored corporate transactions.  The Compensation Committee
also believes that it is appropriate to provide the executives a
benefit under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan in the
event the executive becomes disabled and a benefit to his
beneficiaries in the event of this death as consideration for the
executive's past employment with the bank.  Additionally, as the
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan is a benefit upon which
the executive will rely upon for retirement income, the bank also
believes that it is important to provide the executive with a
benefit under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan if the
executive is terminated without cause before retirement age.


     Sections 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally
limits the tax deductibility of compensation paid in one year to
highly compensated employees to $1 million.  Performance based
compensation is not subject to the limits on deductibility of
Section 162(m) provided such compensation meets certain
requirements.  The Compensation Committee strives to provide the
named executive officers with compensation which will preserve
the tax deductibility of compensation paid.  Given the current
level of compensation, the Compensation Committee does not feel
that it is necessary to have a formal policy with regard to
Section 162(m).


     With the exception of Mr. Gerlach, the Named Executive
Officers are compensated based upon their respective position and
longevity with the bank.  Mr. Gerlach's compensation was
determined after negotiations between Mr. Gerlach and the
corporation during merger negotiations.  Mr. Gerlach's
compensation also takes into consideration his previous role as
president of Pocono Community Bank, the one year term of the
employment agreement, followed by a one year consulting agreement
and the three year noncompetition provision contained in the
employment agreement.  Mr. Gerlach is subject to the three year
noncompetion and nonsolicitation provision regardless of the
reason of his termination of employment.


     The Compensation Committee believes the amount and types of
compensation provided to the Executives are competitive and
appropriate for First Keystone Corporation to attain its short
and long term objectives and goals.  The compensation programs
are designed to provide an incentive to the Executive on both a
short term and long term basis.  The programs have been tailored
by First Keystone Corporation so that the various elements of
compensation align the interests of our shareholders and those of
the Executives to maximize shareholder value.

Page 20                First Keystone Corporation


     The Board of Directors has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management, and based
on the review and discussions, the Board of Directors concluded
that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the
corporation's proxy statement.

                        BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                   Robert E. Bull, Chairman
                   J. Gerald Bazewicz, President
                   John E. Arndt, Secretary
                   Don E. Bower
                   Robert A. Bull
                   Dr. Joseph B. Conahan, Jr.
                   Jerome F. Fabian
                   John G. Gerlach
                   David R. Saracino


     The Board of Directors, which includes J. Gerald Bazewicz,
Chief Executive Officer, functions as the Compensation Committee.
For compensation paid to executive officers other than the Chief
Executive Officer, the Board of Directors considers information
provided by the Chief Executive Officer.  For compensation paid
to the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors, with Mr.
Bazewicz not being present, determines his compensation, as
outlined above under "Base Salary".


     The table below shows information concerning the annual and
long term compensation for services rendered in all capacities to
the corporation and the bank for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008 of those persons who were:

     * all individuals who served as the Principal
       Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer
       during 2008, and
     * the other 3 most highly compensated executive
       officers of the corporation and the bank at
       December 31, 2008 whose total compensation
       exceeded $100,000.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 21

                        SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

PRINCIPAL                                                       SALARY
POSITION                                       YEAR              ($)
________                                       ____              ______
J. Gerald Bazewicz                           2008           203,000
Principal Executive Officer                  2007           193,000
                                             2006           186,000

Diane C. Rosler                              2008            69,558
Chief Financial Officer                      2007            57,681
                                             2006            47,115

John G. Gerlach                              2008           275,913
President, Pocono Division                   2007            42,052
                                             2006            ---

Matthew P. Prosseda                          2008           151,000
Executive Vice President                     2007           145,000
                                             2006           140,000

NAME AND                                                         STOCK
PRINCIPAL                                      BONUS             AWARDS
POSITION                                      ($)              ($)
________                                        _____             ______
J. Gerald Bazewicz                            24,975            ---
Principal Executive Officer                   ---               ---
                                              ---               ---

Diane C. Rosler                                5,550            ---
Chief Financial Officer                       ---               ---
                                              ---               ---

John G. Gerlach                               ---               ---
President, Pocono Division                    ---               ---
                                              ---               ---

Matthew P. Prosseda                           13,875            ---
Executive Vice President                      ---               ---
                                              ---               ---

                                                               CHANGE IN
                                                               VALUE AND
NAME AND                                       OPTION          COMPENSATION
PRINCIPAL                                       AWARDS          EARNINGS
POSITION                                      ($)              ($)
________                                       ______            ________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                           2,884            68,079
Principal Executive Officer                     96            77,689
                                             ---              73,541

Diane C. Rosler                              ---              ---
Chief Financial Officer                      ---              ---
                                             ---              ---

John G. Gerlach                              2,163            ---
President, Pocono Division                      72            ---
                                             ---              ---

Matthew P. Prosseda                          2,163            21,921
Executive Vice President                        72            13,902
                                             ---              ---

NAME AND                                      ALL OTHER
PRINCIPAL                                    COMPENSATION        TOTAL
POSITION                                         ($)               ($)
________                                       ____               ______
J. Gerald Bazewicz                         35,900         334,838
Principal Executive Officer                36,582         307,367
                                           34,065         293,606

Diane C. Rosler                             6,956          82,064
Chief Financial Officer                     5,910          63,591
                                            4,829          51,944

John G. Gerlach                            38,600         316,676
President, Pocono Division                540,280         582,404
                                          ---                 ---

Matthew P. Prosseda                        15,100         204,059
Executive Vice President                   14,862         173,836
                                           14,350         154,350

Bonus earned in 2008 and paid in 2009.

Option awards represent the compensation expense and financial reporting
value of 2007 grants issued December 27, 2007 and recognized in 2008 for
the named executive officers. There can be no assurance that these values
will ever be realized by the executive in the future, or that the options
will ever be exercised.  No option awards were granted in 2008.

Amounts shown for Mr. Bazewicz in 2008 include $15,600 in director fees,
$6,090 401(k) matching contribution and $14,210 401(k) profit sharing
award, in 2007 $16,800 in director fees, $5,790 401(k) matching
contribution and $13,992 401(k) profit sharing award, and in 2006 $15,000
in director fees, $5,580 401(k) matching contribution and $13,485 401(k)
profit sharing award.

Amounts shown for Ms. Rosler in 2008 include $2,087 401(k) matching
contribution and $4,869 401(k) profit sharing award, in 2007 $1,730 401(k)
matching contribution and $4,180 401(k) profit sharing award, and in 2006
1,413 401(k) matching contribution and $3,416 profit sharing award.

Amounts shown for Mr. Gerlach in 2008 include $15,600 in director fees,
$6,900 in 401(k) matching contribution and $16,100 401(k) profit sharing
award, in 2007 $2,400 in director fees, $3,049 in 401(k) matching
contribution, $1,221 401(k) profit sharing award, and $533,610 for the
buyout of his Pocono warrants as provided in the merger agreement.

Amounts shown for Mr. Prosseda in 2008 include $4,530 401(k) matching
contribution and $10,570 401(k) profit sharing award, in 2007 $4,350 401(k)
matching contribution and $10,512 401(k) profit sharing award, and in 2006
$4,200 401(k) matching contribution and $10,150 401(k) profit sharing

401(K) PLAN

     The bank maintains a 401(k) Plan which has a combined tax
qualified savings feature and profit sharing feature.  The plan
provides benefits to employees who have completed at least one

Page 22                First Keystone Corporation

of service and are at least 21 years of age.  The plan agreement
provides that the bank will match employee deferrals to the plan
up to 3% of their respective eligible compensations.
Additionally, the bank may make a discretionary profit sharing
contribution annually to the plan.  Contributions made by the
bank to the plan are allocated to participants in the same
portions that each participant's compensation bears to the
aggregate compensation of all participants.  Each participant in
the plan is 100% vested at all times.  Benefits are payable under
the plan upon termination of employment, disability, death, or

     Of the $494,026 total expenses during 2008, $58,400 was
credited among the individual accounts of the 3 most highly
compensated executive officers of the bank.  Of the $58,400, Mr.
Bazewicz was credited with $20,300, Mr. Prosseda with $15,100,
and Mr. Gerlach with $23,000.  Mr. Bazewicz has been a member of
the plan for 23 years, Mr. Prosseda for 3 years, and Mr. Gerlach
for 1 year.


     The corporation did not grant stock options to executive
officers and other employees during fiscal year ended December
31, 2008.


     There were no exercises of stock options by the named
executive officer under the 1998 Stock Incentive Plan.


                                                       OPTION AWARDS

                                                  NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                  UNDERLYING UNRESTRICTED
                                                        OPTIONS (#)
NAME                                                    EXERCISABLE
____                                                    ___________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                                     2,205
Principal Executive Officer                            3,150

Diane C. Rosler                                          412
Chief Financial Officer                                  787

John G. Gerlach                                          750
President, Pocono Division

Matthew P. Prosseda                                      525
Executive Vice President                                 750

                                                       OPTION AWARDS

                                                  NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                  UNDERLYING UNRESTRICTED
                                                        OPTIONS (#)
NAME                                                   UNEXERCISABLE
____                                                   _____________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                                       ---
Principal Executive Officer                              ---

Diane C. Rosler                                          ---
Chief Financial Officer                                  ---

John G. Gerlach                                          ---
President, Pocono Division

Matthew P. Prosseda                                      ---
Executive Vice President                                 ---

                                                       OPTION AWARDS

                                                    EQUITY INCENTIVE
                                                      PLAN AWARDS:
                                                  NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                  UNDERLYING UNRESTRICTED
NAME                                              UNEARNED OPTIONS (#)
____                                                   _____________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                                     ---
Principal Executive Officer

Diane C. Rosler                                        ---
Chief Financial Officer

John G. Gerlach                                        ---
President, Pocono Division

Matthew P. Prosseda                                    ---
Executive Vice President

                                                       OPTION AWARDS

                                                      OPTION EXERCISE
NAME                                                     PRICE ($)
____                                                     _________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                                     15.88
Principal Executive Officer                            21.11

Diane C. Rosler
Chief Financial Officer                                10.28

John G. Gerlach                                        16.75
President, Pocono Division

Matthew P. Prosseda                                    20.95
Executive Vice President                               16.75

                                                       OPTION AWARDS

NAME                                             OPTION EXPIRATION DATE
____                                             ______________________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                                     09/28/09
Principal Executive Officer                            09/23/13

Diane C. Rosler                                        09/26/10
Chief Financial Officer                                09/24/12

John G. Gerlach                                        12/27/17
President, Pocono Division

Matthew P. Prosseda                                    09/27/15
Executive Vice President                               12/27/17

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 23

                       OPTIONS EXERCISED DURING 2008

                                                    OPTION AWARDS

                                             OF SHARES            VALUE
                                             ACQUIRED            REALIZED
      NAME                                  ON EXERCISE       ON EXERCISE
                                                (#)               ($)
      ____                                  ___________        ____________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                         ---                 ---
Principal Executive Officer

Diane C. Rosler                            ---                 ---
Chief Financial Officer

John G. Gerlach                            ---                 ---

Matthew P. Prosseda                        ---                 ---
Executive Vice President


     The following table provides information about our shares of
common stock that may be issued under our existing equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2008.

                                                            Number of
                                                          Securities to
                                                            Be Issued
                                                          Upon Exercise
                                                        of Outstanding
                                                             (A) (#)
Equity Compensation Plans
Approved by Stockholders                               41,695 

                                                               Number of
                                                             For Future
                                          Weighted          Under Equity
                                          Average           Compensation
                                          Exercise          Plans Excluding
                                          Price Of           Securities
                                        Outstanding          Reflected In
                                          Options             Column (A)
                                          (B) ($)              (C) (#)
                                           ______            ___________
Equity Compensation Plans
Approved by Stockholders                16.86               0

Includes shares issued under the corporation's 1998 Stock Incentive Plan.

     The shares authorized and awarded under this plan have been
adjusted to reflect a 5% stock dividend paid by the corporation
on December 5, 2006.  The corporation has no plans, contracts or
arrangements under which the corporation's common stock may be
issued to employees or non employees that have not been approved
by shareholders.


     The corporation maintains a Supplemental Employee Retirement
Plan ("SERP") covering 2 of the bank's executive officers, J.
Gerald Bazewicz and Matthew P. Prosseda.  The SERP, which is a
salary continuation agreement, provides that if the executive
officer continues to serve as an officer of

Page 24                First Keystone Corporation

the bank until a stated retirement age of 60 years for Bazewicz
and age 62 for Prosseda, the bank will pay 240 guaranteed
consecutive monthly payments commencing on the first day of the
month following the officer's 60th or 62nd birthday and the
termination of employment in the amounts indicated below.

     The established retirement benefit under the SERP for Mr.
Bazewicz and Mr. Prosseda will be $3,750 per month and $4,167 per
month, respectively, and is not subject to change.  If the
executive officer attains their stated retirement age, but dies
before receiving all of the guaranteed monthly payments, then the
bank will make the remaining payments to the officer's
beneficiary.  In the event the officer dies while serving as an
officer, prior to their stated retirement age, the bank will
remit the guaranteed monthly payment to the officer's beneficiary
commencing the month following the executive's death.  In the
event of a change of control and the termination of the officer's
employment, the guaranteed monthly payments will commence the
month following the executive's termination of service.
Generally, no benefit will be paid if the executive officer
voluntarily terminates employment prior to attaining the stated
retirement age or is terminated for cause.

     The SERP allows the executive officers to achieve a
retirement income percentage that is more consistent with their
experience and years of service to the bank.  The plan objective
is to provide the executive officers with a final wage
replacement ratio of approximately 75% of projected final salary
including projected benefits from the bank 401(k), social
security, and salary continuation provided through the agreement.

                         PENSION BENEFITS

                                                              OF YEARS
                                         PLAN                 CREDITED
NAME                                     NAME              SERVICE (#)
____                                     ____              ___________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                      SERP                 12
Chief Executive Officer

Matthew P. Prosseda                     SERP                 2
Executive Vice President

                                         PERCENT             PAYMENTS
                                        VALUE OF              DURING
                                       ACCUMULATED          LAST FISCAL
NAME                                   BENEFIT ($)           YEAR ($)
____                                   ___________           ________
J. Gerald Bazewicz                    547,646              ---
Chief Executive Officer

Matthew P. Prosseda                    35,823              ---
Executive Vice President


     In conjunction with the merger of Pocono Community Bank with
First Keystone Corporation, Mr. Gerlach was provided an
employment agreement for a one-year period followed by a
consulting agreement for a one-year period commencing November 1,
2008.  The annual base salary under the consulting agreement is



     The following tables and narratives set forth the potential
post termination benefits payable to Mr. Gerlach under his
Employment Agreement and Consulting Agreement in a lump sum or
over a period of time, upon certain termination events assuming
that the Executive's employment was terminated as of December 31,
2008.  No benefits are shown for the 1998 Stock Incentive Plan
since the options granted to Mr. Gerlach were not in the money
and the exercise price was higher than the year end market value.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 25

Gerlach's employment is terminated for "Cause" as defined in the
Employment Agreement or voluntarily terminates his employment,
First Keystone Corporation shall not thereafter be obligated to
make any further payments.

CHANGE IN CONTROL.  If Mr. Gerlach terminates his employment for
"Good Reason" as defined in the Employment Agreement, or his
employment is terminated by First Keystone Corporation "Without
Cause," he would be entitled to receive the payment listed below.
The Employment Agreement does not provide for other post
termination benefits such as medical, dental and vision benefits.
Assuming that Mr. Gerlach's employment was terminated Without
Cause or for Good Reason as of December 31, 2008, and assuming
that First Keystone Corporation did not award a bonus, he would
receive the following post termination benefits:

                                                        Cause ($)
Consulting Agreement                                125,000

     DEATH OR DISABILITY.  In the event of a termination of
employment as a result of Mr. Gerlach's death or disability, the
Executive's dependents, beneficiaries or estate, as the case may
be, will receive benefits as they may be entitled under the terms
of First Keystone Corporation's benefit programs, which includes
Life Insurance proceeds of twice base salary under the Death
Benefit Agreement.  Mr. Gerlach's estate will receive the
following payments under the employment agreement.

                                              Death             Disability
                                               ($)                 ($)
                                              _____             __________

Consulting Agreement                     125,000             125,000

Life Insurance Proceeds                  300,000             ---

in Control" as defined in the Employment Agreement and ending 180
days after such Change in Control, the Executive is terminated by
First Keystone Corporation he would be entitled to the benefits
listed below.  Assuming that, as of December 31, 2008 the
Executive was terminated upon or after a Change in Control, Mr.
Gerlach would have received the following post termination

                                                        Change of
                                                        Control ($)
Consulting Agreement                                125,000

Page 26                First Keystone Corporation


     The following tables and narratives set forth the potential
post termination benefits payable to Mr. Bazewicz under the
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan in a lump sum or over a
period time, upon certain termination events assuming that the
Executive's employment was terminated as of December 31, 2008.
No benefits are shown for the 1998 Stock Incentive Plan since the
options granted to Mr. Bazewicz were not in the money and the
exercise price was higher than the year end market value.

     TERMINATED FOR CAUSE.  If Mr. Bazewicz's employment is
terminated for "Cause" as defined in the Supplemental Employee
Retirement Plan, First Keystone Corporation shall not thereafter
be obligated to make any further payments.

                                                       for Cause ($)
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan               0

REASON- BEFORE A CHANGE OF CONTROL.  If Mr. Bazewicz's employment
is terminated "Without Cause" or "Good Reason," he would be
entitled to receive the following payments.

                                                     Without Cause/
                                                     Good Reason($)
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan               547,646

     Executive shall be entitled to payment since he has reached
the normal retirement age of "60" as outlined in the SERP.
Benefit would be paid in guaranteed monthly payments of $3,750
per month for 240 months commencing the month following the
executive's termination of service.

     DEATH OR DISABILITY.  In the event of a termination of
employment as a result of Mr. Bazewicz's death or disability, his
dependents, beneficiaries or estate, as the case may be, will
receive benefits as they may be entitled under the terms of First
Keystone Corporation's benefit programs, which includes Life
Insurance proceeds of twice base salary under the Death Benefit
Agreement and as follows.

                                              Death             Disability
                                               ($)                 ($)
                                              _____             __________

Supplemental Employee
     Retirement Plan                     547,646             547,646

Life Insurance Proceeds                  406,000             ---

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 27

     The SERP benefit under death would be paid to the
beneficiary in monthly payments of $3,750 for 240 months
commencing following the executive's death.  The SERP benefit
under disability shall be paid in a lump sum within 60 days after
the executive's termination of employment.

of Control" as defined in the Supplemental Executive Retirement
Agreement occurs, Mr. Bazewicz shall be entitled to the following

                                                        Change of
                                                        Control ($)
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan               547,646

     The SERP benefit under a change of control would be paid in
monthly payments of $3,750 for 240 months commencing with the
month following the executive's termination of service.


     The following tables and narratives set forth the potential
post termination benefits payable to Mr. Prosseda under the
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan in a lump sum or over a
period of time upon certain termination events assuming that the
executive's employment was terminated as of December 31, 2008.
No benefits are shown for the 1998 Stock Incentive Plan since the
options granted to Mr. Prosseda were not in the money and the
exercise price was higher than the year end market value.

Prosseda's employment is terminated for "Cause" as defined in the
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan or he voluntarily
terminates his employment, First Keystone Corporation shall not
thereafter be obligated to make any further payments.

CHANGE OF CONTROL.  If Mr. Prosseda's employment is terminated
"Without Cause" or "Good Reason," he would be entitled to receive
the following payments.

                                                        Cause ($)
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan               35,823

     SERP benefit would be paid in 12 equal payments of $627 for
240 months commencing the month following the executive's
termination of service.

     DEATH OR DISABILITY.  In the event of a termination of
employment as a result of Mr. Prosseda's death or disability, his
dependents, beneficiaries or estate, as the case may be, will
receive benefits as they may be entitled under the terms of First
Keystone Corporation's benefit programs, which includes Life
Insurance proceeds of twice base salary under the Death Benefit
Agreement and as follows.

Page 28                First Keystone Corporation

                                              Death             Disability
                                               ($)                 ($)
                                              _____             __________

Supplemental Employee                    584,494             35,823
     Retirement Plan

Life Insurance Proceeds                  302,000             ---

     SERP benefit under death would be paid to the beneficiary in
monthly payments of $4,167 for 240 months commencing the month
following the executive's death.  The SERP benefit under
disability shall be paid in a lump sum 60 days after the
executive's termination of employment.

of Control" as defined in the Supplemental Executive Retirement
Agreement occurs, Mr. Prosseda shall be entitled to the following

                                                        Change of
                                                        Control ($)
Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan               584,494

     The SERP benefit under a change of control would be paid in
monthly payments of $4,167 for 240 months commencing the month
following the executive's termination of service.


     The following tables and narratives set forth the potential
post termination benefits payable to Ms. Rosler under the 1998
Stock Incentive Plan.

Rosler's employment is terminated for "Cause" or she voluntarily
terminates her employment, First Keystone Corporation shall be
obligated to make the following payments.

                                           Termination          Voluntary
                                            for Cause         Termination
                                               ($)                 ($)
                                              _____             __________

1998 Stock Incentive Plan                1,739               1,739

CHANGE OF CONTROL.  If Ms. Rosler's employment is terminated
"Without Cause" or "Good Reason," she would be entitled to
receive the following payments.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 29

                                                        Cause ($)
1998 Stock Incentive Plan                           1,739

     DEATH OR DISABILITY.  In the event of a termination of
employment as a result of Ms. Rosler's death or disability, her
dependents, beneficiaries or estate, as the case may be, will
receive benefits as they may be entitled under the terms of First
Keystone Corporation's benefit programs, which includes Life
Insurance proceeds of twice base salary under the Death Benefit
Agreement and as follows.

                                              Death             Disability
                                               ($)                 ($)
                                              _____             __________

1998 Stock Incentive Plan                  1,739             1,739

Life Insurance Proceeds                  139,116             ---

of Control" occurs, Ms. Rosler shall be entitled to the following

                                                        Change of
                                                        Control ($)
1998 Stock Incentive Plan                           1,739


     In deciding whether to approve a related person transaction
the following factors may be considered:

     *         information about the goods or services proposed to be or
               being provided by or to the related party or the nature
               of the transactions;

     *         the nature of the transactions and the costs to be
               incurred by the Corporation or payments to the

     *         an analysis of the costs and benefits associated with the
               transaction and a comparison of comparable or alternative
               goods or services that are available to the Corporation
               from unrelated partes; and

     *         the business advantage the Corporation would gain by
               engaging in the transaction.

     To receive approval, the related person transaction must be
on terms that are fair and reasonable to the Corporation, and
that are as favorable to the Corporation as would be available
from non related entities in comparable transactions.

Page 30                First Keystone Corporation

     Other than described below, there have been no material
transactions between the corporation or the bank, nor any
material transactions proposed, with any director or executive
officer of the corporation or the bank, or any associate of these
persons.  The law firm Bull, Bull & Knecht, LLP, of which
Directors Robert E. Bull and Robert A. Bull, are partners,
provided routine legal services to the bank according to the
firm's normal fee schedule and billing rates, and the bank
intends to continue to engage the firm's services in the future.
The bank paid total fees of $71,229.51 to the law firm during
2008.  In addition, the corporation and the bank have engaged in
and intend to continue to engage in banking and financial
transactions in the ordinary course of business with directors
and officers of the corporation and the bank and their associates
on comparable terms and with similar interest rates as those
prevailing from time to time for other customers of the
corporation and the bank.

     Total loans outstanding and commitments from the corporation
and the bank at December 31, 2008, to the corporation's and the
bank's executive officers and directors as a group and members of
their immediate families and companies in which they had an
ownership interest of 10% or more was $5,530,783, or
approximately 8.0% the total equity capital.  Loans to such
persons were made in the ordinary course of business, were made
on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and
collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with other persons, and did not involve more than
the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable
features.  All loans are current and being paid as agreed.  The
largest aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding at any time
during fiscal year 2008 to officers and directors of the
corporation and the bank, and their affiliates as a group was
$5,721,237.  The aggregate amount of outstanding indebtedness as
of the latest practicable date, March 1, 2009, to the above
described group was $5,366,191.

                                  Age as of
                                    March 6,           Office and Position
     Name                            2009                with the Bank
     ____                          _______             ___________________
Robert E. Bull                     86               Chairman of the Board

J. Gerald Bazewicz                 60               President and CEO

John E. Arndt                      47               Secretary

Matthew P. Prosseda            47               Executive Vice
                                                    President and
                                                    Assistant Secretary

Diane C. Rosler                    44               Chief Financial

                                  Age as of
                                    March 6,           Office and Position
     Name                            2009              with the Corporation
     ____                            ____             ___________________
Robert E. Bull                     86               Chairman of the Board

J. Gerald Bazewicz                 60               President and CEO

John E. Arndt                      47               Secretary

Matthew P. Prosseda            47               Treasurer and
                                                    Assistant Secretary

Diane C. Rosler                    44               Chief Financial

Mr. Prosseda is the Director of Lending.  Prior to his employment with the
Bank in March 2005, Mr. Prosseda served as Executive Vice President and
Director of Lending at Citizens & Northern Bank.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 31

                        LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

     In the opinion of the management of First Keystone
Corporation and its banking subsidiary, there are no proceedings
pending to which the corporation or its banking subsidiary is a
party to, or which their property is subject, which, if
determined adversely to the corporation or the bank, would have a
material effect on their undivided profits or financial
condition.  There are no proceedings pending other than routine
litigation incident to the business of the corporation and its
banking subsidiary.  In addition, to the Board's knowledge, no
government authorities have initiated, threatened to initiate, or
contemplated any material proceedings against First Keystone
Corporation or its banking subsidiary.


     The Board of Directors has appointed J. H. Williams & Co.,
LLP, Certified Public Accountants, located at 270 Pierce Street,
Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704, as the corporation's independent
auditors for its 2009 fiscal year.  The Board proposes that
shareholders ratify this selection.  J. H. Williams & Co., LLP,
has advised the corporation that none of its members has any
financial interest in the corporation.  Ratification of J. H.
Williams & Co., LLP, will require the affirmative vote of a
majority of the votes cast in person or by proxy at the Annual
Meeting by shareholders entitled to vote.  J. H. Williams & Co.,
LLP served as the corporation's independent auditors for the 2008
fiscal year, assisted the corporation and the bank with
preparation of their federal and state tax returns, and provided
assistance in connection with regulatory matters, charging the
bank for services at its customary hourly billing rates.  The
corporation's and the bank's Board of Directors approved these
non-audit services after due consideration of the accountants'
objectivity and after finding them to be wholly independent.

     Representatives of J. H. Williams & Co., LLP, will attend
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, will have the opportunity to
make a statement and are expected to be available to respond to
any questions.  In the event that the shareholders do not ratify
the selection of J. H. Williams & Co, LLP, as the corporation's
independent auditors for the 2009 fiscal year, another accounting
firm may be chosen to provide independent audit services for the
2009 fiscal year.

     The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote
FOR the ratification of the selection of J. H. Williams & Co.,
LLP,  as the independent auditors for the corporation for the
year ending December 31, 2009.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires the Corporation's directors, executive officers and
shareholders who own more than 10% of the Corporation's
outstanding equity stock to file initial reports of ownership and
reports of changes in ownership of common stock and other equity
securities of the Corporation with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Based solely on its review of copies of Section
16(a) forms received by it, or written representations from
reporting persons that no Forms 5 were required for those
persons, the corporation believes that during the period January
1, 2008 through December 31, 2008, its officers, directors and
reporting shareholders were in compliance with all filing
requirements applicable to them.

Page 32                First Keystone Corporation

                    AVAILABILITY OF FORM 10-K

     The Company will file with the SEC an Annual Report on Form
10K for 2008.  The Company will provide a copy of that report on
written request without charge to any person.  Please address
your request to Cheryl Wynings, Investor Relations, First
Keystone Corporation, 111 West Front Street, Berwick,
Pennsylvania 18603, telephone: (570) 752-3671.

                          OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors does not know of any matters to be
presented for consideration other than the matters described in
the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders, but if
any matters are properly presented, the persons named in the
accompanying proxy intend to vote on the matters as they
determine to be in the best interest of the corporation.

                       Proxy Statement                 Page 33


                         REVOCABLE PROXY

                    TO BE HELD ON MAY 5, 2009

                      THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The undersigned hereby appoints William Selden, Jr. and
Francis J. Radice, and each or any of them, as proxies, with full
power of substitution to represent and vote, all of the shares of
Common Stock of First Keystone Corporation held of record by the
undersigned on March 10, 2009, at the Annual Meeting of the
Shareholders to be held at McBride Memorial Library, Community
Room, 500 Market Street, Berwick, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, May
5, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight time, and at any
adjournment or postponement thereof.

Please be sure to sign and
date this Proxy in the box below



Date: __________________________

PROPOSAL 1:  Election of Class A Directors to serve until the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2012 (except as marked to the
contrary below):

[ ] For             [ ] Withhold              [ ] For All Except

   Jerome F. Fabian      John G. Gerlach      David R. Saracino

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual
nominee, mark "For All Except" and write that nominee's name in
the space provided below.


PROPOSAL 2:  To Ratify the selection of J. H. Williams & Co., LLP
as the Independent Auditors for the Corporation for the year
ending December 31, 2009.

[ ] For                [ ] Against                [ ] Abstain



     This proxy also confers authority as to other business as
may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment or
postponement thereof. The Board of Directors at present knows of
no other business to be brought before this meeting. However, if
any other business is properly brought before the meeting, the
shares represented by this proxy in absence of instructions to
the contrary will be voted in accordance with the recommendations
of the management of the Corporation.

     It is important that your shares be represented at the
meeting. Please sign, date and return this proxy as promptly as
possible, whether or not you plan to attend this meeting.

              Detach above card, sign, date and mail
                in postage paid envelope provided.

                      111 WEST FRONT STREET
                   BERWICK, PENNSYLVANIA 18603

     The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement dated March 25, 2009,
and hereby revoke(s) all other proxies heretofore given by the
undersigned in connection with this meeting.

     This proxy must be dated, signed by the shareholder(s) and
returned promptly in the enclosed envelope. When shares are held
by joint tenants, all should sign. When singing as attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full
title as such. If more than one trustee, all should sign. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president or
authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership
name by authorized person.


__________________________                   PROXY MATERIALS ARE
                                           AVAILABLE ON LINE AT
__________________________                 HTTP://WWW.FKYSCORP.COM
