(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
          Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

 Filed by the Registrant |X|
 Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

 Check the appropriate box:
 |_| Preliminary Proxy Statement               |_|Confidential, for Use of the,
                                                  Commission Only (as permitted
                                                  by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
 |X| Definitive Proxy Statement
 |_| Definitive Additional Materials
 |_| Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                      Universal Security Instruments, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
        |X| No fee required.
        |_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

          (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          (3) Per unit price or other underlying  value of transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):

          (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          (5) Total fee paid:

          |_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

          |_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was
paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          (1) Amount Previously Paid:

          (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          (3) Filing Party:

          (4) Date Filed:


                             7-A GWYNNS MILL COURT
                          OWINGS MILLS, MARYLAND 21117


                                   TO BE HELD
                               SEPTEMBER 8, 2003

To the Stockholders of Universal Security Instruments, Inc.:

          The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Universal Security  Instruments,
Inc., a Maryland  corporation (the  "Company"),  will be held at Marriott's Hunt
Valley Inn, 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland, on Monday, September 8, 2003
at 9:00 a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

          1. To elect one  director to serve for a term ending in 2006 and until
his successor is duly elected and qualifies;

          2. To transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

          The Board of Directors  has fixed July 21, 2003 as the record date for
the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            Harvey B. Grossblatt

Owings Mills, Maryland
July 24, 2003

                       IMPORTANT - YOUR PROXY IS ENCLOSED



(410) 363-3000


          The  accompanying  proxy is  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  of
Universal Security Instruments, Inc., a Maryland corporation (the "Company"), in
connection  with  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  to be held on  Monday,
September  8,  2003,  or any  adjournments  or  postponements  thereof,  for the
purposes  set  forth in the  accompanying  notice of the  meeting.  The Board of
Directors  has fixed the close of  business  on July 21, 2003 as the record date
(the "Record Date") for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the  meeting.  On that date,  there were  outstanding  1,124,795
shares of the Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Shares").

          Each  record  holder of Shares on the Record  Date is  entitled to one
vote for each Share held on all  matters to come before the  meeting,  including
the  election  of  directors.  Shares  may be voted in person  or by proxy.  The
accompanying  proxy may be revoked by the person  giving it at any time prior to
its being voted by filing a written notice of such revocation or a duly executed
proxy bearing a later date with the Secretary of the Company or by attending the
meeting and voting in person.

                              BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP

          The  following  table  reflects  the names and  addresses  of the only
persons  known to the Company to be the  beneficial  owners of 5% or more of the
Shares outstanding as of the Record Date. For purposes of calculating beneficial
ownership,  Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires inclusion
of Shares  that may be acquired  within  sixty days of the Record  Date.  Unless
otherwise  indicated  in the  footnotes to this table,  beneficial  ownership of
shares represents sole voting and investment power with respect to those Shares.

Name and Address                  Shares Beneficially              Percent
of Beneficial Owner                     Owned                      of Class
-------------------                     -----                      --------

Stephen Knepper                       151,801(1)                     12.9%
7-A Gwynns Mill Court
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Ronald S. Lazarus                     128,850(2)                     10.7%
7-A Gwynns Mill Court
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Harvey B. Grossblatt                   73,396(3)                      6.6%
7-A Gwynns Mill Court
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Bruce Paul                            104,500                         9.3%
One Hampton Road
Purchase, NY 10577

Michael Kovens                        285,264                        25.4%
6 Regency Court
Baltimore, MD 21208


(1)  Includes 52,500 Shares which Mr. Knepper presently has the right to acquire
     through the  exercise of stock  options and 2,170 Shares held by a trust in
     which Mr. Knepper has voting control.
(2)  Includes 8,750 Shares owned jointly by Mr. Lazarus and his wife, and 82,000
     Shares which Mr.  Lazarus  presently  has the right to acquire  through the
     exercise of stock options.
(3)  Includes  64,974  Shares which Mr.  Grossblatt  presently  has the right to
     acquire through the exercise of stock options.


                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

          At the Annual  Meeting,  the Board of  Directors  will consist of five
directors.  Pursuant to Articles  Supplementary  filed by the Company on October
14,  2002,  directors  are divided  into three  classes and elected for terms of
three years each and until their  successors are elected and qualify.  The Board
has nominated  Ronald A. Seff,  M.D. for election as director at the 2003 Annual
Meeting  to serve for a term of three  years  each and until  his  successor  is
elected and qualifies.  The terms of office of Cary Luskin and Howard Silverman,
Ph.D. will expire at the 2004 Annual Meeting, and the terms of office of Stephen
C.  Knepper and Harvey B.  Grossblatt  will  expire at the 2005 Annual  Meeting.
Under the  Bylaws of the  Company,  the  affirmative  vote of the  holders  of a
majority  of the stock  issued  and  entitled  to vote is  necessary  to elect a
director.  A quorum for the Annual Meeting  consists of a majority of the issued
and  outstanding  Shares  present  in person or by proxy and  entitled  to vote.
Withholding of a vote will have the same effect as a vote against the director.

          Unless contrary instruction is given, the persons named in the proxies
solicited by the Board of  Directors  will vote each such proxy for the election
of the named nominee.  If the nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented
by all properly  executed  proxies which have not been revoked will be voted for
the  election  of such  substitute  as the  Board of  Directors  may  recommend.
Alternatively,  the  Board of  Directors  may  reduce  the size of the  Board to
eliminate any vacancy caused by the nominee's  inability to serve. At this time,
the Board does not anticipate that the nominee will be unavailable to serve.

          The following  table sets forth,  for the nominee and each  continuing
director,  his  name,  age as of the  Record  Date,  the year he first  became a
director of the Company,  and the  expiration of his current term.  There are no
known  arrangements  or  understandings  between  any  director  or nominee  for
director of the Company and any other person  pursuant to which such director or
nominee has been selected as a director or nominee.

                                                  Director       Current Term
                Name                  Age          Since          to Expire
                ----                  ---         --------       ------------
   Board Nominees for Term to Expire in 2006

   Ronald A. Seff, M.D.               55           2002              2003

   Directors Continuing in Office

   Cary Luskin                        46           2002              2004
   Howard Silverman, Ph.D.            61           2002              2004
   Stephen C. Knepper                 59           1970              2005
   Harvey B. Grossblatt               56           1996              2005

Presented  below is certain  information  concerning  the nominees and directors
continuing in office.  Unless otherwise stated,  all directors and nominees have
held the positions indicated for at least the past five years.

          Ronald A. Seff, M.D. has been in the private practice of ophthalmology
since 1977.  From 1977 until 1998,  Dr. Seff  practiced  with,  and was a senior
executive of, a large medical practice with four offices in Maryland.

          Cary  Luskin has been in the retail  electronic  business  since 1978.
Since 1998, Mr. Luskin has been President of The Big Screen Store, Inc., a chain
of large-screen television retail stores.

          Howard  Silverman,  Ph.D. has been in the mental health field for over
30 years. From 1990 to 2001, Dr. Silverman was Vice President of Magellan Health
Service, and since 2001 he has served as a consultant in the field.

          Stephen C. Knepper served as Chairman of the Board of the Company from
1970 to 1996, and as Vice Chairman of the Board from 1996 to October 2001. Since
October 2001,  Mr. Knepper has served,  once again,  as Chairman of the Board of
the Company.


          Harvey B. Grossblatt has been Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company
since 1983,  Secretary and Treasurer of the Company since 1988, President of the
Company since 1996, and Chief Operating Officer of the Company since April 2003.

Committees and Meetings of the Board of Directors

          In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003,  the Company did not have any
standing  nominating or  compensation  committees of the Board of Directors,  or
committees  performing similar functions.  Effective June 28, 2002, the Board of
Directors created an Audit Committee consisting of Mr. Luskin and Dr. Silverman,
each of whom is independent as independence is defined in the listing  standards
of the American Stock Exchange. The Board of Directors has adopted a charter for
the Audit Committee which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

          During the fiscal year ended March 31,  2003,  the Board of  Directors
held nine  meetings  and the Audit  Committee  held one  meeting.  No  incumbent
director attended fewer than 75% of the total number of meetings of the Board of
Directors and the total number of meetings  held by all  committees on which the
director served during such year.

Compliance With Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

          Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,
requires that the Company's directors and executive officers and each person who
owns  more  than 10% of the  Company's  Shares,  file  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission an initial  report of beneficial  ownership and  subsequent
reports of changes in  beneficial  ownership  of the  Shares.  To the  Company's
knowledge,  based solely upon the review of the copies of such reports furnished
to us, all of these  reporting  persons  complied  with the Section 16(a) filing
requirements  applicable to them with respect to transactions  during the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2003, other than Michael Kovens,  who filed one Form 4 late
with respect to a disposition of shares of Common Stock.

Director Compensation

          During the Company's fiscal year ended March 31, 2003, those directors
who were employed by the Company received no additional compensation for serving
as  a  director.   Directors  are  eligible  to  participate  in  the  Company's
Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan, and Mr. Luskin,  Dr.  Silverman,  and Dr. Seff
each  received  an  option  to  purchase  5,000  Shares at the last bid price as
reported by the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board on the last trading day prior to
commencement of service as a director, 2,500 Shares of which are exercisable for
a period of four years from and after the first  anniversary of his commencement
of service as a director, and 2,500 Shares of which are exercisable for a period
of three  years from and after the second  anniversary  of his  commencement  of
service  as a  director.  Each of  these  directors  also  received  an  option,
exercisable for three business days, to purchase up to 25,000 Shares at the last
bid price as reported by the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board on the last trading
day prior to  commencement  of service as a  director.  Furthermore,  during the
Company's  fiscal year ended  March 31,  2003,  the Company  paid to each of Mr.
Luskin,  Dr.  Silverman,  and Dr.  Seff a $10,000  fee for  annual  service as a
director,  payable in cash or Shares (computed at the last bid price as reported
by the  Over-the-Counter  Bulletin  Board  on the  last  trading  day  prior  to
commencement of service as a director).


          The  following  table  sets  forth  information  with  respect  to the
beneficial  ownership of the Shares as of the Record Date by (i) each  executive
officer  of  the  Company  named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  included
elsewhere in this Proxy  Statement,  (ii) each current director and each nominee
for election as a director and (iii) all directors and executive officers of the
Company as a group. For purposes of calculating beneficial ownership, Rule 13d-3
of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires inclusion of Shares that may be
acquired within sixty days of the Record Date. Unless otherwise indicated in the
footnotes to this table,  beneficial  ownership of Shares represents sole voting
and investment power with respect to those Shares.


   Name of Beneficial Owner        Shares Beneficially Owned  Percent of  Class
   ------------------------        -------------------------  -----------------
   Stephen C. Knepper (1)                   151,801                 12.9%
   Harvey B. Grossblatt (2)                  73,396                  6.6%
   Cary Luskin                               30,167                  2.7%
   Ronald A. Seff, M.D.                      39,515                  3.5%
   Howard Silverman, Ph.D. (3)                6,167                  0.3%
   Michael L. Kovens                        285,795                 25.4%
   All directors and executive
    officers as a group (6 persons) (4)     586,671                 47.0%


(1)  See footnote 1 under "Beneficial Ownership".
(2)  See footnote 3 under "Beneficial Ownership".
(3)  Includes  2,500  Shares  which  Dr.  Silverman  presently  has the right to
     acquire  through the exercise of stock options.  (4) See footnote 1-3 under
     "Beneficial Ownership".

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

     The following table reflects,  with respect to the Chief Executive  Officer
and each  executive  officer of the Company whose annual  compensation  exceeded
$100,000 in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003, the aggregate  amounts paid to
or  accrued  for  such  officers  as  compensation  for  their  services  in all
capacities during the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001:

                                                   Annual Compensation                     Long-Term
    Name and                                          Other Annual       Compensation      All Other
Principal Position    Year      Salary      Bonus     Compensation          Options       Compensation
------------------    ----      ------      -----     ------------          -------       ------------
Stephen C. Knepper(1) 2003    $ 97,832    $110,219     $22,271(2)            35,000        $15,024(3)
 Chairman and Chief   2002      87,676      13,081      17,503(2)            42,500         12,762(3)
 Executive Officer    2001      55,132         ---      15,116(2)               ---            846(3)

Harvey B. Grossblatt  2003    $123,928    $120,219         ---               20,000        $15,655(4)
 President and Chief  2002    $128,849      13,081         ---               47,750         15,261(4)
 Financial Officer    2001    $124,780         ---         ---                5,000          2,890(4)


(1)  On October 23, 2001, Mr. Knepper was elected  Chairman and Chief  Executive
(2)  Includes an automobile allowance of $12,000 for the fiscal year ended March
     31, 2003,  reimbursement  of medical  expenses in the amount of $11,292 for
     the fiscal  year  ended  March 31,  2002,  and  payment  of life  insurance
     premiums in the amount of $4,861 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.
(3)  Represents:  payment  of term  life  insurance  premiums  in the  amount of
     $1,624,  $1,012,  and $846 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003,  2002
     and 2001,  respectively;  and Company  contributions on behalf of the named
     officer to the  Company's  401(k) Plan in the amount of $12,650 and $12,500
     for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
(4)  Represents:  payment  of term  life  insurance  premiums  in the  amount of
     $2,255,  $2,761, and $2,890 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003, 2002
     and 2001,  respectively;  and Company  contributions on behalf of the named
     officer to the  Company's  401(k) Plan in the amount of $12,650 and $12,500
     for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

          The following table sets forth  information  with respect to the grant
of stock options  during the  Company's  fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 to the
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table:


                                                                                            Potential Realizable Value at
                                                                                            Assumed Annual Rates of Stock
                    Individual Grants                                                   Price Appreciation for Option Term (1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                                             % of Total
                              No. of      Options Granted     Exercise or
                             Options      to Employees in     Base Price     Expiration
Name                         Granted       Fiscal Year         ($/Share)        Date      0%(2)        5%       10%
----                         -------      ---------------     -----------    ----------   -----       ----     ------

Stephen Knepper              20,000 (3)        22.47%            $4.50        06/27/07      -        $4,500    $9,000
Stephen Knepper              15,000 (3)        16.85%            $3.75        06/27/07      -        $1,875    $3,750

Harvey Grossblatt            20,000 (3)        22.47%            $4.50        03/31/07      -        $4,500    $9,000

(1)  The 5% and 10% assumed rates of  compensation  are mandated by the rules of
     the Securities  and Exchange  Commission and do not represent the Company's
     estimate or projection of the future Common Stock price.
(2)  Denotes  realizable  value at the date of grant  which  reflected  a market
     value or higher valuation per share.
(3)  Five year option fully exercisable and vested.

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last  Fiscal  Year and Fiscal  Year End Option

          The following  table sets forth,  for each of the  executive  officers
named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table,  information  with  respect  to the
exercise of stock options during the Company's  fiscal year ended March 31, 2003
and holdings of unexercised options at the end of the fiscal year:

                                    Acquired                   Number of Unexercised       Value of Unexercised
                                       in          Value            Options/SARs         in-the-Money Options/SARs
              Name                  Exercise      Realized       at Fiscal Year End        at Fiscal Year End($)(1)
              ----                  --------      --------       ------------------        ------------------------

                                                              Exercisable Unexercisable    Exercisable Unexercisable
                                                              ----------- -------------    ----------- -------------

Stephen C. Knepper...............       --            --          52,500         --          $233,150          --
Harvey B. Grossblatt.............    6,250        18,188          60,312     12,438          $290,868     $58,564

(1)  Based on the excess of (i) the aggregate market value (closing price on the
     over-the-counter  market) of the  underlying  Shares on March 31, 2003 over
     (ii) the aggregate exercise price of the options.

Executive Employment Agreements

          Harvey  Grossblatt  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with  the
Company  effective  April 1, 2002.  The employment  agreement  provides that Mr.
Grossblatt is employed for a term ending June 30, 2005 at an initial base annual
salary of $122,500,  subject to automatic  annual cost of living  increases  and
further  subject to  increases  in the  Board's  discretion.  Additionally,  Mr.
Grossblatt is entitled to bonus compensation for each fiscal year of the Company
in which the  Company  earned  pre-tax  net income of at least  $100,000,  in an
amount  equal to 5% of pre-tax  net income up to  $1,000,000,  4% of pre-tax net
income  over  $1,000,000  up  to  $2,000,000,  3% of  pre-tax  net  income  over
$2,000,000 up to $3,000,000, and 1% of pre-tax net income over $3,000,000.

          Effective  April 1, 2003, Mr.  Grossblatt's  Employment  Agreement was
amended to: (i) extend the term until July 31,  2008;  (ii)  increase the annual
base salary to $180,000  subject to automatic annual cost of living increases up
to 4%; and (iii) revise the annual bonus  compensation to provide that the bonus
is  paid  on  pre-tax  net  income  in  excess  of  an  amount  equal  to  8% of
stockholders'  equity as of the start of the fiscal year, as follows:  3% of all
(after the 8% threshold) pre-tax net income up to $1,000,000,  4% of pre-tax net
income from  $1,000,000 to $2,000,000,  5% of pre-tax net income from $2,000,000
to $3,000,000,  6% of pre-tax net income from  $3,000,000 to  $4,000,000,  7% of
pre-tax net income over $4,000,000.

          Under the  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Grossblatt has been granted an
option  to  purchase  20,000  Shares  at an  exercise  price of $4.50  per Share
pursuant to the Company's  Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan, and is also entitled
to life,  health  and  disability  insurance  benefits,  medical  reimbursement,
automobile allowance, and Company-paid retirement plan contributions.

          If the  employment  agreement is  terminated by the Company other than
for cause or Mr. Grossblatt's death or disability, Mr. Grossblatt is entitled to
receive a lump sum payment equal to Mr. Grossblatt's base salary for the balance


of the  employment  agreement's  term plus the amount of Mr.  Grossblatt's  last
bonus and an  additional  lump sum  payment  payable on the date the term of the
employment agreement would have expired equal to two times Mr. Grossblatt's base
salary for the last 12 months plus the amount of Mr. Grossblatt's last bonus. In
addition,  Mr.  Grossblatt would be entitled to receive the health insurance and
medical reimbursement benefits for the balance of the term and a period of three
years thereafter.

          If  Mr.  Grossblatt's   employment  is  terminated   following  or  in
anticipation  of a "change of control" of the Company,  Mr.  Grossblatt  will be
entitled to receive a lump sum payment equal to Mr. Grossblatt's base salary for
the  balance  of  the  employment   agreement's  term  and  the  amount  of  Mr.
Grossblatt's  last bonus,  plus an amount equal to three times Mr.  Grossblatt's
base  salary  for the last 12 months  and the  amount of Mr.  Grossblatt's  last
bonus,   limited  to  2.99  times  Mr.   Grossblatt's   average  annual  taxable
compensation from the Company which is included in his gross income for the five
taxable  years of the  Company  ending  before  the date on which the  change of
control occurs.

          If the  employment  agreement is  terminated by the Company due to Mr.
Grossblatt's death or disability,  Mr. Grossblatt (or his estate) is entitled to
the  continuation of the payment of his base salary for the balance of the term,
reduced,  in the event of death, by any individual  life insurance  benefits the
premiums for which are paid for by the Company,  and in the event of disability,
by any group or individual disability income insurance benefits the premiums for
which are paid for by the Company.  In addition,  Mr. Grossblatt (or his estate)
is entitled to the health insurance and medical  reimbursement  benefits for the
longer of  balance  of the term or three  years  following  the date of death or

          The  employment  agreement  generally  prohibits Mr.  Grossblatt  from
competing  with the  Company  during the term and during any  subsequent  period
during which he receives compensation from the Company.

                         REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

          The Audit  Committee has reviewed and discussed  with  management  the
annual audited financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries.

          The Audit  Committee  has  discussed  with  Grant  Thornton  LLP,  the
independent  auditors  for the Company for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003,
the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing  Standards 61. The
Board of Directors has received the written  disclosures and the letter from the
independent auditors required by Independent  Standards Board Standard No. 1 and
has  discussed  with  the  independent   auditors  the   independent   auditors'

          Based on the foregoing review and discussions,  the Board of Directors
approved the  inclusion of the audited  financial  statements  in the  Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year ended March 31, 2003 for filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          All  of the  members  of  the  Audit  Committee  with  respect  to the
Company's fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 are  independent,  as independence is
defined in the listing standards of the American Stock Exchange.

                                            THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                            Cary Luskin
                                            Howard Silverman, Ph.D.


          The Board of Directors has selected the firm of Grant  Thornton LLP as
the Company's  independent public accountants for the current fiscal year. Grant
Thornton LLP has served as the Company's  independent  public  accountants since
1999.  Representatives  of Grant  Thornton LLP are expected to be present at the
meeting,  and will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do
so and to respond to appropriate questions.

          The  following is a  description  of the fees billed to the Company by
Grant Thornton LLP (the "Auditor")  during the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003
and 2002:


Audit Fees

          Audit  fees  include  fees  paid  by the  Company  to the  Auditor  in
connection  with  the  annual  audit  of the  Company's  consolidated  financial
statements, and review of the Company's interim financial statements. Audit fees
also include fees for services performed by the Auditor that are closely related
to the audit and in many  cases  could only be  provided  by the  Auditor.  Such
services  include  consents  related to Securities  and Exchange  Commission and
other  regulatory  filings.  The  aggregate  fees  billed to the  Company by the
Auditor for audit services rendered to the Company for the years ended March 31,
2003 and 2002 totaled $69,500 and $42,250, respectively.

Audit Related Fees

          Audit  related  services  include due  diligence  services  related to
accounting  consultations,  internal control reviews,  and employee benefit plan
audits.  The  aggregate  fees  billed to the  Company by the  Auditor  for audit
related services  rendered to the Company for the years ended March 31, 2003 and
2002 totaled $0 and $0, respectively.

Tax Fees

          Tax fees  include  corporate  tax  compliance,  counsel  and  advisory
services.  The  aggregate  fees billed to the Company by the Auditor for the tax
related services  rendered to the Company for the years ended March 31, 2003 and
2002 totaled $5,000 and $5,000, respectively.

All Other Fees

          There were no other audit services provided in either year.

Approval of Independent Auditor Services and Fees

          The  Company's  Audit  Committee  reviews  all  fees  charged  by  the
Company's independent  auditors,  and actively monitors the relationship between
audit and  non-audit  services  provided.  Effective  April 1,  2003,  the Audit
Committee must  pre-approve all services  provided by the Company's  independent
auditors and fees charged.  The Audit  Committee  has further  mandated that all
independent auditor services strictly adhere to the limitations contained within
the  SEC's  release,  "Strengthening  the  Commission's  Requirements  Regarding
Auditor  Independence",  which was  issued in final form in  January  2003.  The
release  restricts  engagement of the independent  auditors to perform non-audit
services;  requires  Audit  Committee  pre-approval  of all audit and  non-audit
services;  addresses the duration of time certain  independent  auditor partners
can serve on the audit engagement and the manner of the partners'  compensation;
restricts  employment  by the  Company  of  senior  engagement  team  personnel;
requires  the  independent  auditor  to  report  certain  matters  to the  Audit
Committee;  and requires certain disclosures to investors of information related
to the nature of audit and non-audit  services provided and associated fees. The
Company's senior corporate financial management  administers these requirements,
and will report throughout the year to the Audit Committee.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

          The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any other matter which may be
presented for action at the 2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  but should any
other  matter  requiring  a vote of the  stockholders  arise at the 2003  Annual
Meeting,  it is intended that the proxies will be voted with respect  thereto in
accordance  with the  discretion  of the person or persons  voting the  proxies,
discretionary authority to do so being included in the proxy.

          The  cost  of  soliciting  proxies  will  be  borne  by  the  Company.
Arrangements  will be made with brokerage firms and other  custodians,  nominees
and fiduciaries to forward  solicitation  materials to the beneficial  owners of
the Shares held of record by such persons,  and the Company will  reimburse them
for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses.  Officers and directors may also
solicit proxies.

          The nominee for election as director who receives the affirmative vote
of the  holders of a majority  of the stock  issued and  entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting for the election of directors will be elected.  In respect of any
other  matter,  the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the stock
issued and  entitled to vote in respect of that matter is  necessary  to approve
the matter.


          As a matter of policy, the Company will accord  confidentiality to the
votes of individual  stockholders,  whether submitted by proxy or ballot, except
in  limited  circumstances,  including  any  contested  election,  or as  may be
necessary  to meet legal  requirements.  Votes cast by proxy or in person at the
Annual  Meeting will be tabulated by the Company and will  determine  whether or
not a quorum is present.  Abstentions will be treated as Shares that are present
and entitled to vote for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but as
unvoted for purposes of determining the approval of any matter  submitted to the
stockholders  for a vote.  If a broker  indicates  on the proxy that it does not
have  discretionary  authority  as to  certain  Shares  to vote on a  particular
matter,  those  Shares  will be  treated  as present  and  entitled  to vote for
purposes of determining  the presence of a quorum but as unvoted for purposes of
determining approval of that matter.

          Any  stockholder  desiring  to present a proposal  at the 2004  Annual
Meeting of Stockholders and wishing to have that proposal  included in the proxy
statement  for that meeting must submit the same in writing to the  Secretary of
the Company at 7-A Gwynns Mill Court,  Owings Mills,  Maryland 21117, in time to
be received by March 26, 2004.  In addition,  the Bylaws of the Company  provide
that in order for a  stockholder  to  nominate a  candidate  for  election  as a
director  at  an  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  or  propose   business  for
consideration  at such  meeting,  notice must be given to the  Secretary  of the
Company  no more  than  150 days nor  less  than  120  days  prior to the  first
anniversary  of the  mailing  of the  notice  for the  preceding  year's  Annual
Meeting. As a result, any notice given by or on behalf of a stockholder pursuant
to the  provisions  of our Bylaws  must be  delivered  to the  Secretary  of the
Company between February 25, 2004 and March 26, 2004. The persons  designated by
the  Company  to vote  proxies  given by  stockholders  in  connection  with the
Company's   2004  Annual   Meeting  of   Stockholders   will  not  exercise  any
discretionary  voting  authority  granted  in such  proxies  on any  matter  not
disclosed  in the  Company's  2004  proxy  statement  with  respect to which the
Company has not received  written notice between February 25, 2004 and March 26,
2004 that a  stockholder  (i) intends to present  such matter at the 2004 Annual
Meeting,  and (ii) intends to and does  distribute a proxy  statement  and proxy
card to holders of such percentage of the Shares required to approve the matter.
If a stockholder  fails to provide  evidence that the necessary  steps have been
taken to complete a proxy  solicitation on such matter, the Company may exercise
its  discretionary  voting authority if it discloses in its 2004 proxy statement
the nature of the  proposal  and how it intends to  exercise  its  discretionary
voting authority.

          Stockholders who do not plan to attend the Annual Meeting are urged to
complete,  date, sign and return the enclosed proxy in the enclosed envelope, to
which no postage need be affixed if mailed in the United States. Prompt response
is helpful and your cooperation will be appreciated.

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                            HARVEY B. GROSSBLATT

Owings Mills, Maryland
July 24, 2003



                                   APPENDIX A
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


          The role of the Audit Committee (the "Committee") is to oversee:

          o    Management  in the  performance  of its  responsibility  for  the
               integrity of the Company's  accounting  and financial  reporting,
               and its systems of internal controls;

          o    The performance  and  qualifications  of the independent  auditor
               (including the independent auditor's independence);

          o    The performance of the Company's internal audit function; and

          o    The Company's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

          Consistent with this oversight function, the Committee shall authorize
investigations into any matters within the Committee's  responsibilities and, in
doing so,  the  Committee  shall  have full  access  to the  Company's  records,
employees, and independent auditor (with or without the presence of management).

          The  Committee  shall  have  the  authority,  to the  extent  it deems
necessary or  appropriate,  to retain legal,  accounting  or other  advisors for
advice and assistance. The Company shall pay the costs of retaining any advisors
selected by the Committee.

          The  Committee  shall  meet at  least  four  times  each  year or more
frequently as circumstances dictate. The Committee shall meet with the Company's
independent auditor at least quarterly,  and shall meet with the Company's Chief
Financial  Officer ("CFO") at least annually or more frequently as circumstances

          The  Committee  shall review and reassess the adequacy of this Charter
at least  annually.  Any proposed  changes  shall be submitted to the  Company's
Board of Directors (the "Board") for its approval.  The Committee shall annually
evaluate the processes, activities and effectiveness of the Committee, including
the composition, expertise, and availability of the Committee members.


          The members of the Committee shall be annually appointed by the Board,
and may be replaced by the Board according to the Company's Bylaws.

          The  Committee  shall have at least three  members  and shall  consist
solely of "independent" Directors,  consistent with the listing standards of the
American Stock Exchange and applicable legal requirements.

          The   membership   of  the   Committee   shall   have  the   following

          o    Each member of the Committee shall be able to read and understand
               fundamental financial  statements,  including a company's balance
               sheet,  income statement,  and cash flow statement or will become
               able to do so within a reasonable period of time after his or her
               appointment to the Committee.

          o    At least one member of the  Committee  must have past  employment
               experience  in  finance  or  accounting,  requisite  professional
               certification in accounting,  or any other comparable  experience
               or  background  which  results  in  the  individual's   financial
               sophistication,  including being or having been a chief executive
               officer,  chief  financial  officer or other senior  officer with
               financial oversight responsibilities.

          o    If the Board determines,  at least one member shall qualify as an
               "audit committee  financial  expert" as defined by the Securities
               and Exchange Commission ("SEC").


          The  Board  will  assess  and  determine  the  qualifications  of  the
Committee members set forth in this Charter.

          The Board shall select the Audit  Committee  Chair.  If a Chair is not
designated  or  present,  a Chair may be  designated  by a majority  vote of the
Committee members present.

                          RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES

          The Committee  recognizes that the Company's management is responsible
for the  completeness  and accuracy of the Company's  financial  statements  and
disclosures and for maintaining effective internal controls.  The Committee also
recognizes  that  the  independent  auditor  is  responsible  for  auditing  the
Company's  financial  statements.  Accordingly,  management and the  independent
auditor have more knowledge and more detailed information about the Company than
do Committee members and the Committee's primary responsibility is oversight. In
carrying out its oversight  responsibilities,  the Committee will be relying, in
part, on the expertise of management and the independent auditor.

          The Committee shall be responsible for the appointment,  compensation,
removal,  and oversight of the work of the independent  auditor. The independent
auditors shall report  directly to the Committee and the Committee shall oversee
the resolution of disagreements  between management and the independent auditors
in the event that they arise.

          To fulfill this oversight responsibility, the Committee should receive
reports from management and the independent auditor, as appropriate,  to fulfill
the following  duties and  responsibilities  (which,  to the extent permitted by
applicable  regulation,  may  be  delegated  to  one  or  more  members  of  the

Risk Assessment

          o    Assess the Company's risk management  process and the adequacy of
               the overall control  environment,  including controls in selected
               areas   representing   financial   reporting,    disclosure   and

          o    Assess  any  fraud,  whether  or  not  material,   that  involves
               management or other employees who have a significant  role in the
               Company's internal controls.

          o    Assess the annual scope and plans of the independent auditors.

Financial Reporting and Disclosure

          o    Review and discuss with  management and the  independent  auditor
               the annual audited and quarterly  financial  statements,  related
               footnotes,  disclosures made in the  Management's  Discussion and
               Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations section
               of the Company's quarterly and annual SEC filings, the opinion of
               the  independent  auditor with  respect to the audited  financial
               statements,   and  the  results  of  the  independent   auditor's
               quarterly review of the financial statements.

          o    Review and discuss with  management and the  independent  auditor
               any  significant  events,  transactions,  changes  in  accounting
               estimates,  changes in important accounting  principles and their
               application,  and any major issues as to the adequacy of internal
               controls  affecting  the  quality  of  the  Company's   financial

          o    Review,  in  conjunction  with its  review of the  quarterly  and
               annual  reports,  the  process  for the Chief  Executive  Officer
               ("CEO")  and CFO  certifications  with  respect to the  financial
               statements and the Company's disclosure and internal controls.

          o    Evaluate all significant  deficiencies in the design or operation
               of internal  controls which could adversely  affect the Company's
               ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data.


          o    Review and discuss with management any proposed public release of
               earnings  information,  as well as financial information provided
               to analysts and rating agencies.

Independent Auditor Oversight Responsibilities

          o    Based  upon a  report  from  the  independent  auditor  at  least
               annually,  review  (a)  the  auditor's  internal  quality-control
               procedures,  (b) any  material  issues  raised by the most recent
               quality-control  review,  or peer review,  of the firm, or by any
               recent inquiry or  investigation  by governmental or professional
               authorities respecting one or more independent audits carried out
               by the firm and (c) any steps taken to address any such issues.

          o    Ensure that the independent auditor submits, on a periodic basis,
               a formal written statement  delineating all relationships between
               the  independent  auditor  and the  Company,  as  required by the
               Independence   Standards  Board,  Standard  No.  1;  discuss  the
               statement   with  the   independent   auditor  and  evaluate  the
               relationships   and  services   that  may  affect  the  auditor's
               objectivity and independence;  take appropriate action to satisfy
               itself of the auditor's independence.

          o    Review matters related to the conduct of the annual audit,  which
               are required to be  communicated  by AICPA  Statement of Auditing
               Standards 61 and other generally accepted auditing standards.

          o    Conduct the annual discussion with the independent auditor on the
               quality and acceptability of the Company's accounting  principles
               and all alternative  treatments of financial  information  within
               generally accepted accounting principles that have been discussed
               with  management,  the  potential  impact  of  the  use  of  such
               alternative   disclosures  and  treatments,   and  the  treatment
               preferred by the independent auditor.

          o    Review the independent auditor's management letter.

          o    Review  with  the  independent  auditor  any  audit  problems  or
               difficulties and management's response.

          o    Approve  in  advance  all  audit  and  non-audit  services  to be
               provided by, and all fees to be paid to, the independent  auditor
               or devise policies  delegating  pre-approval  authority to one or
               more members of the Committee.

Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Compliance Matters

          o    Assess  the  Company's   processes   regarding   compliance  with
               applicable  laws,  regulations  and any code of  business  ethics
               adopted by the Board,  including  those matters that could have a
               significant impact on the financial  statements,  compliance with
               policies,  reports from regulators and the provisions of any such
               code of business  ethics  applicable to the CEO and the Company's
               senior financial officers as defined by the SEC rules.

          o    Assess the Committee's procedures for (a) the receipt, retention,
               and  treatment of  complaints  received by the Company  regarding
               accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, and
               (b)  the  confidential,  anonymous  submission  by  employees  of
               concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.

          o    Review  reports  and  disclosures  of  significant  conflicts  of
               interest and related-party transactions.


          The Committee shall report to the Board with respect to its activities
as  promptly  as  practicable  following  each  meeting  of the  Committee.  The
Committee  shall report to Stockholders in the Company's proxy statement for its
annual meeting,  whether the Committee has satisfied its responsibilities  under
this Charter.



                              7-A Gwynns Mill Court
                          Owings Mills, Maryland 21117

          This  Proxy is  Solicited  on  Behalf  of the  Board of  Directors  of
Universal Security Instruments,  Inc. The undersigned hereby appoints Stephen C.
Knepper and Harvey B.  Grossblatt,  and each of them, as proxies,  each with the
power of substitution, to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Universal
Security Instruments,  Inc., a Maryland corporation (the "Company"),  to be held
at  Marriott's  Hunt Valley Inn, 245 Shawan  Road,  Hunt  Valley,  Maryland,  on
September 8, 2003, at 9:00 AM, local time, and any adjournments or postponements
thereof,  to cast on behalf of the undersigned all votes that the undersigned is
entitled to cast at such meeting and otherwise to represent the  undersigned  at
the meeting with all powers  possessed by the undersigned if personally  present
at the meeting. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of the
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and of the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement and
revokes any proxy heretofore given with respect to such meeting.

1.   FOR the following nominee for director:

     Ronald A. Seff, M.D.                                                ______

     WITHHOLD AUTHORITY as to the following nominee for director:

     Ronald A. Seff, M.D.                                                ______

The elected  Director will serve for a term expiring at the 2006 annual  meeting
and until his successor is duly elected and qualifies.

2.   In their  discretion,  the proxies  are  authorized  to vote and  otherwise
     represent the  undersigned  on any other matter which properly comes before
     the meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.


                          [REVERSE SIDE OF PROXY CARD]

The votes entitled to be cast by the  undersigned  will be cast as instructed in
this Proxy.  If this Proxy is executed but no  instruction  is given,  the votes
entitled  to be cast by the  undersigned  will be cast  "for"  the  nominee  for
director  and in the  discretion  of the  proxies on any other  matter  that may
properly come before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Please sign  exactly as your name  appears on your proxy  card.  When shares are
held by joint  tenants,  both should sign.  When signing as attorney,  executor,
administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,  please  give  full  title as such.  If a
corporation,  please  sign in full  corporate  name by the  President  or  other
authorized  officer.  If a partnership,  please sign in  partnership  name by an
authorized person.

                                            PLEASE MARK, SIGN, DATE AND MAIL THE
                                            CARD IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.

DATED: __________________________, 2003

DATED: __________________________, 2003
